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Koyofea Backend

Contains the backend, written entirely in NodeJS.


All the routes are classified into the following categories.

  • Base (Endpoint: /)
  • Autofill (Endpoint: /autofill)
  • Autofill Collections (Endpoint: /autofill-collections)
  • College (Endpoint: /college)
  • Recruiter (Endpoint: /recruiter)
  • Student (Endpoint: /student)

Base Routes

These routes are directly available at base URL /

URL Request Type Action URL Parameters Data Parameters Status Response
/ GET Check to test if the API is up and running. - - - message
/login POST Sign in to your existing user account. - email, password - message, token
/signup POST Sign up for a new user account. - first_name, last_name, email, password, user_type - message, token/error
/verify/:verificationtoken GET Verifies your email. verificationtoken - - message/error
/email-verify GET Verifies your email. email_token - DEPRECATED
/dashboard GET Gets the dashboard data of the logged in user. - - -
/user GET Gets the user data of the logged in user. - - -
/drives GET Gets all the drives of a recruiter. - - -
/drives/:driveid GET Gets a specific drive's info. driveid - -
/drives/:driveid/rounds GET Gets rounds' info of a specific drive. driveid - -
/drives/:driveid/eligibility GET Gets a specific drive's eligibility info. driveid - -
/drives/:driveid/apply POST Allows a college to apply for a specific drive. driveid college_id -

Autofill Routes

All the autofill routes are available at base URL /autofill

URL Request Type Action URL Parameters Data Parameters Status
/duration GET Gets recruitment drive duration autofill data. - - -
/eligibility GET Gets eligibility type autofill data. - - -
/employment GET Gets employment type autofill data. - - -
/gender GET Gets gender autofill data. - - -
/gradescale GET Gets gradescale autofill data. - - -
/industry GET Gets industry type autofill data. - - -
/job GET Gets job type autofill data. - - -
/major GET Gets college major autofill data. - - -
/positions GET Gets positions' autofill data. - - -
/schools GET Gets schools' autofill data. - - -
/colleges GET Gets colleges' autofill data. - - -
/programs GET Gets programs' autofill data. - - -
/designations GET Gets designations' autofill data. - - -
/organizations GET Gets organizations' autofill data. - - -

Autofill Collections Routes

All the autofill routes are available at base URL /autofill-collections

URL Request Type Action URL Parameters Data Parameters Status
/education GET Gets a JSON of student education based autofills. - - -
/experience GET Gets a JSON of student experience based autofills. - - -

College Routes

All the college routes are available at base URL /college

URL Request Type Action URL Parameters Data Parameters Status
/ GET Gets the list of all colleges. - - -
/new POST Adds a new college information into the database. - name, website_url, placement_url, verified, created_date, live, address_1, address_2, landmark, city, state, country, pin, college_type_id, phone, description -
/json GET Gets the auto-fill data. - - DEPRECATED
/role GET Gets all the available college roles. - - -
/:collegeid GET Gets the college details given by ID. collegeid - -
/:collegeid PUT Updates the college details given by ID. collegeid name, website_url, placement_url, verified, created_date, live, address_1, address_2, landmark, city, state, country, pin, college_type_id, phone, description -
/:collegeid/drives GET Gets college's applied drives. collegeid - -
/:collegeid/students GET Gets a college's students' list. collegeid - -
/:collegeid/students/:studentid/status PUT Updates the student status (to verify a student profile). collegeid verified_status -
/:collegeid/staff GET Gets a college's staffs' list. collegeid - -
/:collegeid/staff/:staffid/role PUT Updates a staff's role. collegeid updatedrole -
/:collegeid/staff/:staffid/status PUT Updates a staff's status (to verify a staff's profile). collegeid verified_status -
/coordinator GET Gets all the coordinators list (of all colleges). - - -
/coordinator POST Adds a new coordinator to the database. - first_name, last_name, email, phone, created_date, college_role_id, gender_id, bio, designation, verified_status -
/coordinator/:coordinatorid GET Gets a specific coordinator's information. coordinatorid - -
/coordinator/:coordinatorid PUT Updates a specific coordinator's information. coordinatorid first_name, last_name, email, phone, created_date, college_role_id, gender_id, bio, designation, verified_status -

Recruiter Routes

All the recruiter routes are available at base URL /recruiter

URL Request Type Action URL Parameters Data Parameters Status
/ GET Gets the list of all recruiters. - - -
/new POST Adds a new recruiter information into the database. - name, website_url, description, verified, phone, address_1, address_2, landmark, city, state, country, pin, size, recruiter_hr_id, industry_id DEPRECATED
/old PUT Updates a pre-existing recruiter record. - name, website_url, description, verified, phone, address_1, address_2, landmark, city, state, country, pin, size, recruiter_hr_id, industry_id DEPRECATED
/json GET Gets the auto-fill data. - - DEPRECATED
/hr GET Gets all the HRs' details. - - -
/hr POST Adds a new HR's info into the database. - first_name, last_name, email, linkedin, linkedin_id, recruitment_hr_role_id, verified_status -
/hr/:hrid GET Gets a specific HR's profile. - - -
/hr/:hrid PUT Updates a pre-existing HR record. hrid first_name, last_name, email, linkedin, linkedin_id, recruitment_hr_role_id, verified_status -
/hr/:hrid GET Gets a specific HR's profile. - - -
/hr/:hrid/extra POST Adds extra details of a pre-existing HR. hrid recruitment_hr_id, public_profile, phone, bio, designation -
/hr/:hrid/extra PUT Updates extra details of a pre-existing HR. hrid recruitment_hr_id, public_profile, phone, bio, designation -
/:rid/drives/requested GET Gets colleges' list that requested drives from the specific recruiter. rid - -
/:rid/drives/:driveid GET Gets a recruiter's specific drive info. rid, driveid - -
/:rid/drives/:driveid PUT Updates a recruiter's specific drive info. rid, driveid name, duration_id, work_study_job, paid, salary_low, salary_high, joining_date, description, no_openings, no_positions, url, recruiter_employment_type_id, recruiter_hr_id, job_type_id, job_location_id, drive_date -
/:rid/staff GET Gets a recruiter's staff details. rid - -
/:rid/staff/:staffid/role PUT Gets a recruiter's staff details. rid, staffid updatedrole -
/:rid/staff/:staffid/status PUT Gets a recruiter's staff details. rid, staffid status -
/drives/:driveid/rounds GET Gets rounds' info of a specific drive. driveid - -
/drives/:driveid/rounds POST Adds a new round info of a specific drive. driveid name, round_no, url, description, no_eligible, no_applied, round_intake, no_passed, date, duration, recruiter_drive_id, recruiter_round_type_id, is_virtual_drive -
/drives/:driveid/rounds/:roundid GET Gets specific round's info of a specific drive. driveid, roundid - -
/drives/:driveid/rounds/:roundid PUT Updates specific round's info of a specific drive. driveid, roundid name, round_no, url, description, no_eligible, no_applied, round_intake, no_passed, date, duration, recruiter_drive_id, recruiter_round_type_id, is_virtual_drive -
/drives/:driveid/eligibility/:eid GET Gets a specific drive's eligibility info. driveid, eid - -
/drives/:driveid/eligibility/:eid PUT Updates a specific drive's eligibility info. driveid, eid grade_scale_id, cutoff, eligibility_type_id, recruiter_drive_id -
/:recruiterid/colleges GET Gets a recruiter's applied colleges list. recruiterid - -
/:rid/drives GET Gets a recruiter's all drives. rid - -
/:rid/drives POST Adds a new drive of a specific recruiter. rid name, duration_id, work_study_job, paid, salary_low, salary_high, joining_date, description, no_openings, no_positions, url, recruiter_employment_type_id, recruiter_hr_id, job_type_id, job_location_id, drive_date -

Student Routes

All the student routes are available at base URL /student

URL Request Type Action URL Parameters Data Parameters Status
/ POST Adds a new student info to the database. - first_name, last_name, email, dob, verified, mobile, linkedin, linkedin_id, college_id, gender_id, college_major_id, college_program_id -
/:studentid GET Gets a student info from the database. studentid - -
/:studentid PUT Adds a new student info to the database. studentid first_name, last_name, email, dob, verified, mobile, linkedin, linkedin_id, college_id, gender_id, college_major_id, college_program_id -
/:studentid/education GET Gets a student's education info from the database. studentid - -
/:studentid/education POST Adds a student's education info to the database. studentid start_date, end_date, institute_name, marks, marks_type, scale_type, college_major_id, college_program_id, name -
/:studentid/education PUT Updates a student's education info pre-existing in the database. studentid start_date, end_date, institute_name, marks, marks_type, scale_type, college_major_id, college_program_id, name -
/:studentid/experience GET Gets a student's experience info from the database. studentid - -
/:studentid/experience POST Adds a student's experience info to the database. studentid start_date, end_date, position, description, student_id, company_name -
/:studentid/experience PUT Updates a student's experience info pre-existing in the database. studentid start_date, end_date, position, description, student_id, company_name -
/:studentid/projects GET Gets a student's projects' info from the database. studentid - -
/:studentid/projects POST Adds a student's project info to the database. studentid name, description, url, student_id -
/:studentid/projects PUT Updates a student's project info pre-existing in the database. studentid name, description, url, student_id -