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Can. Pale gold with a large white head. Grainy aroma with apples, some pepper. Thin, fizzy. Normally that much apple in the aroma of a golen lager means get ready for the cardboard, but not here. Still pretty bland with pre-ground pepper at the end and mushy apples throughout.Draft. Aroma: ginger, spicy and malty. Taste: ginger and malt, a little yeasty, not very clean, average.Bottle. Clear yellow color, white head. Aroma of subtle pepper, subtle lemon. Taste is light pepper, light body.(Keg at One Pint Pub, 20160627) The beer poured golden and clear. Its head was medium sized and white. Aroma had fruitiness and grass. Palate was medium bodied with medium carbonation. Flavours were pine, grass, malts and bitterness. Aftertaste was sweet, hoppy and bitter. A bit harsh brew.Draft. Hazy creen color. Aroma: tarragon, yeast, malt and herbs. Taste: grassy, malty, slightly sour taste of aging. Bored.Cask at the source. Clear golden amber color, light tan head. Aroma of toasted caramel. Taste has sweet burnt caramel. OK.Handpump at Watering Hole. Pillowy white head that lingers throughout. Nose is all juicy muscat pulp and lingers throughout. Like a freshly squeezed perfumey white muscat juice. Slightly creamy and soft mouthfeel. Muscat throughout. Lovely take on a fruit beer, but citrus versions are a notch better in my opinion.Cask at the source. Clear golden color, white head with good retention and lacing. Aroma of peppery straw. Taste has subtle black pepper and straw.Pours in very black colour with medium size light brown head, medium lacing. Strong aroma of chocolate, some coffee notes. Medium sweet, ligtly bitter, no sourness, definitive chocolate taste. Full body, thick feel, soft carbonation, long chocolate aftertasteA decent easy drinkable hop ale.Amber. Holds a small white ring head. Malty aroma and flavor. English pale maybe. American amber 4 sure.Tap @ Fairbar. Black with a light brown head. Aroma is sweet, roasted malt and heavy licorice. Flavor is quite sweet and rather bitter. Dry and rather bitter finish. Oily. 270616Bottle.Heavy malt aromas of roasted and caramel, moderate cooked orange for the hops, moderate dough for the yeast, with date, brown sugar, bourbon and toffee in the background. There is no head and the color is slightly hazy medium brown. Flavor starts moderately to heavily sweet and lightly acidic, then finishes moderately sweet and faintly bitter. Palate is medium to full, syrupy with a very soft carbonation and a moderately alcoholic finish. An excellent example of a high gravity Doppelbock from Camba.Cask at The Green Dragon, Leek (JDW) A slightly hazy golden colour with a frothy white head. Aroma of lemon spongecake, some lime, slight straw and subtle floral hops. Taste of lemon, some lime, slight melon, a little straw, subtle tartness and floral hops. Light bodied and an oily texture. A lingering, dry, fruity, floral hop bitterness in the finish. A pleasant golden ale with citrusy, fruity flavours. Simple but decent.Bottle from Systembolaget.
Hazy light yellow with a large, fluffy white head. Aroma of raspberries, some grain and yoghurt. Similar taste. Light and with a kind of sweetish finish. Drinkable but nothing special.
Bottle - clear golden orange, low carbonation and no head. Sweet aroma and very sweet tasting - too malty flowery for me. Ok mouthfeel.Draft. An amber beer with a lazing beige head The aroma has notes of wood, alcohol, and over ripe fruits. The flavor is sweet with notes of over ripe fruits, caramel, alcohol and wine, leading to a dry finishBottle - bit cloudy dirty orange. Medium carbonation, thin white head. Decent citrus hoppy aroma and ok mouthfeel. Decent citrus tasting. Ok beer - just lacking looks.On tap @ 4. Cameralov festival mikropivovarjev. Pours clear brown amber color with thin creamy off-white head and average sparkling appearance. Aroma of yeast, vinegar, ripe fruits, wood and caramel. Taste is smooth creamy biscuity and caramelly, only hint of fruitiness, sourness hardly to notice, Medium body, creamy texture and lively carbonation in palate. Not really typical sour red / brown beer...Kouhaku Amber 5%
A nice copper Amber with an off white head. Fruity Amber spicy malts. This is light bodied and very dry, seems under attenuated. The taste is fruity, a bit crackery and nice. Decent enough.
Pitch black with a light beige head. The nose is cocoa and coffee. Medium to light bodied, roasty coffee and possibly under attenuated with chocolate in the finish.On tap at the brewpub on opening day. A nice cloudy gold with a orange zest and coriander aroma. Light bodied and dry. The taste is very much a belgian wit. Orange peel, coriander and wheat with light tartness. Best of the bunch.Keg at Cloisters. Pours clear golden with a thin white head. Aromas of cheesy hops, mango, papaya. Taste is bitter, resinous hops, more fruit. Bitter finish. Bit fizzy.Draft. A hazy golden beer with a white head. The aroma has notes of wheat, funk, and bananas? The flavor is sweet with notes over ripe fruits, bitter, and funk, leading to s dry finish. After a lot of decent beers Apollo is back with a bad beer.Aroma of lavender, clove, peach, and sweet dough. Taste is clove, pepper, lavender, bay leaves, coriander, and sweet bread.[8351-20160523] Tap. Roasted chocolate bread aroma. Clear, dark mahogany brown body with a quick foamy off-white head. Roasted light chocolate malt flavour has a toasted bread aftertaste. Full body. Interesting. (7/3/7/3/14) 3.4
[8346-20160522] Tap. Orange citrus grains aroma. Clear, golden orange body with a medium-lasting foamy off-white body. Bitter citrus peel resin hops flavour. Medium body. Good. (7/3/7/4/14) 3.5
Sampled at the brewery. Pours light golden with a white head. Aroma of sourness/tartness, some pale malts, light citrus. Flavor the same with a nice, refreshing sourness. Average to lighter texture. A pretty good beer for a hot, sunny day.[8345-20160522] Tap. Mild toasted grains aroma. Clear, red amber body with a quick foamy white head. Grainy toasted light wood flavour. Medium body. Average. (6/3/7/3/14) 3.3
Tap. Clear golden colour with stable head off. Aroma and taste of malts,grain, light notes of hops,carbonation, light bitterness.I buy this beer by the six pack every now and then and seeing that I had one left in the fridge it will be my first beer rating here.
Poured dark orange with a thick white frothy head with the aroma of oranges and citrus. This is a easy drinking IPA with constant availability which makes it one of my favorite repeat buys.Can. The look is super clear, real light yellowish, fuzzy white soda like head. The smell is light, florals, touch of noble hops, and malt. The taste is the same. Clean and easy but light and boringDraft. A black beer with a brown head. The aroma has notes of wood, roasted malt, and over ripe fruits. The flavor is sweet with notes of roasted malt, alcohol, cherries, and wood.[8337-20160521] Bottle. Fruity grapes hops aroma. Clear, pale orange body with a medium-lasting foamy off-white head. Bitter orange hops flavour. Medium body. Good, simple. (7/4/7/4/14) 3.6Cask. Clear golden yellow color. Aroma of light citrus. Taate is lightly bitter citrus, light body. OK.[8336-20160521] Bottle. Grainy orange citrus peel and light evergreen aroma. Clear, bright orange red body with a huge foamy off-white head and some lacing. Bitter evergreen and rough malty orange flavour. Medium body. Average. (6/4/7/3/14) 3.4
2016-05-21. Crisp orange body with a large foamy beige head. Aroma has a very lightly musty overtone, moderate fruity hops, lightly biscuity malt character. Flavour is pleasantly fruity, muted citrus, good amount of tropical fruit and melon throughout, moderate bitterness. Very light caramel and biscuity hop notes. Average bodied palate, moderate carbonation. Just a touch too malty, and bit of green hops in the finish distract but the fruity hop core is very nice. 7/4/7/3/14-15 Keg the rake. Quite pleasant. A hint of coconut otherwise quite sharp and citrusy.Hazy dark amber pour with a thin white head and no lace. Aroma is sweet fruity and floral tartness, sweet berry lemonade and caramel malt. Flavor is berry and floral tartness, a bit of tart fruit and a hint of dark sugar. Light body, dry, slightly acidic feel, medium to heavy with hardly no carbonation.[8335-20160521] Tap. Dry-roasted grains aroma. Clear, dark red brown body with a quick foamy off-white head. Bitter light toasted grains flavour. Medium-full body. Good. (7/3/8/4/14) 3.6
[8331-20160521] Tap. Mild toasted grains aroma. Clear, dark red body with a medium-lasting foamy off-white head. More light toasted grains in the flavour. Medium body. Good. (7/3/7/3/14) 3.4
[8330-20160521] Tap. Mild grassy straw aroma. Clear, pale orange yellow body with a medium-lasting foamy white head. Lightly bitter grassy hops flavour. Medium body. Good. (7/3/7/3/15) 3.5
Cask as Twice Brewed Bitter. Clear golden yellow color. Aroma of light pepper. Taste is lightly toasted caramel.Cask rake. Perfectly doable golden ale. A bit part for me but perfectly OK.[8329-20160521] Tap. Smoked ash and floral perfume aroma. Black-red cola body with a long-lasting creamy tan head. Bitter burnt charcoal woody flavour. Full body is fairly bitter. Interesting. (7/3/7/3/15) 3.5
[8328-20160521] Cask. Stoney roasted wood and muted raspberry chocolate aroma. Clear, dark red body with a quick foamy off-white head. Fruity raspberry grains and sweet leafy berry flavour. Medium body. Good. (7/3/8/4/14) 3.6
[8327-20160521] Tap. Wet burlap sack and peas and green leafy hops aroma. Clear, pale orange body with a quick foamy white head and some lacy lacing. Bitter wet green leafy hops flavour. Medium body. Interesting. (6/3/7/3/14) 3.3
[8326-20160521] Cask. Light syrupy resinous fruit aroma. Hazy, dark orange red body with a long-lasting creamy off-white head. Bitter fruity citrus wood hops flavour. Medium body. Good. (7/3/8/4/15) 3.7
Farmhouse saison, rye aged on Oregon wine cask avec nectarine et brett C. [8325-20160521] Tap. Sweet roasted dark fruit aroma has a nutty toffee note. Clear, dark cola black-red body with a medium-lasting foamy off-white head. Tangy roasted grains has a cigarette ash feeling. Full body. Strange, not exactly a fan. (8/3/6/3/12) 3.2
The beer is unclear and very dark brown almost black. The foam is dirty white and will properly. The foam has medium to large bubbles that hang around for a while. The foam leave direct track in the glass. Here you are met by quite malty aromas and a little toasted. With hints of dried fruits such as dates, raisins, a little chocolate. Some herbs and brown sugar, nuts and a little molasses. Something small wet wood tar echo. The flavors reminiscent of the scents of roasted malt in the beginning. Here are some more sweetness and more chocolate and a little caramel. Some dried fruits of dates and raisins. Certain orange towards the end. Medium to full body. Moderate Carbonic. A little sweetness and soft bitterness. A little alcohol on the end.[8324-20160521] Tap. Fresh fruity hops and mild grass aroma. Clear, pale yellow orange body with a medium-lasting creamy white head and some lacing. Bitter grassy straw grains flavour. Medium body. Good. (8-/4/7/3/15) 3.7
500ml can. It is a better Szalon. Dark yellow colour, nice foam with small bubbles, medium body. Taste is hay, malty sweetness with the three malts fruitness. A little bit sweet for me. Surprisingly good in Hungary![8323-20160521] Cask. Roasted coffee grains aroma. Black body with a quick foamy tan head. More roasted coffee and charred wood flavour has a dry aftertaste. Full body. Interesting. (7/3/7/4/14) 3.5
Cask at the Standing order. Pours dark brown with a thick off-white head. Aromas of light fruit, light coffee. Taste is more of the same. Surprisingly easy drinking. Light roasted finish.Cask at the Standing order. Pours clear pale yellow with a thin white head. Aromas of light lemon, lime. Taste is light bitter, more citrus. Light sweet finish.Tap. Poured clear dark brown color with an average frothy off-white head that lasted and produced excellent lacing. Moderate toasted malt and hop aroma. Medium body with a smooth texture and soft carbonation. Medium bittersweet flavor with a medium bittersweet finish of moderate duration. This is a good beer.Bottle. Pours a hazy golden color with a small white head. Has a fruity malty spicy yeasty estery aroma. Fruity malty spicy yeasty flavor. Has a fruity malty spicy yeasty finish with weak hints of caramel.750ml . No cork . In an orval goblet. Cascade nose , treacly malts , woody and spicy . A caramel backbone. Better than I expected but this style bores me in its simplicity. Nice enough though.Cask at the source. Clear golden color, dense white head, see pic please. Aroma of hay, floral lemon. Taste is light lemon, medium body.Cask at the source. Clear golden amber color, thick white head. Aroma of light toast. Taste is burnt caramel. OK. Cask Keg Bottled. Ambery brown colour with a small beige creamy head, that leaves some lace. Aroma is smoked wet wood, some rye bread and mild citrusy and floral notes. Flavour is quite similar, but has a nice crisp maltiness to it.Kick 170316. Black colour with a brown head. Aroma is sugar, chocolate , vanilla. Flavour is sugar, peanuts, chocolate, coffee, roasted malt, vanilla, caramel. full body. Very nice beer.Bottled. Hazy golden colour with a small white head, that vanishes quite quickly. Aroma is green apple skin, some cooked vegetables and mild maltiness to it. Flavour is wooden, some green apple skin, mild blood like metallic notes as well as some mild herbal notes. Very dry palate. Not really sure what the attempt was here, dry - yes, but otherwise nothing all too fancy...Draft at Arendsnest. Clear deep amber color. Aroma has toffee, plums. Taste has dark fruit and caramel. OK.Pale Golden in Colour,slightly notes of caramalts, dryhopped with Citra makes this Bockbeer probably on of the best Special Bockbeer i ever had.Chinotto and hints of lemon, dark brown with a quite persistant head, light body, medium carbonation, very artificial taste of chinotto and too carbonated for me...drinkable but i prefer the real chinotto.Widely available on tap in Vienna, this is a clean and crisp German-style pilsner with sweet grainy malts up front and a decent noble dry hop bitterness to the finish. Appears clear bright golden with a firm white head.Alcohol, dark fruits and spices, dark ebony with a very persistant and creamy beige head, medium body, law carbonation, oily, chocolate, dark fruits and alcohol, like a liqueur wine...there is no egg in this beer but many fishermans today can enjoy this perfect beer.(Bottle, 0.35 l, at a Cuban themed bar in Prague, 20160616) The beer poured pale golden and clear. Its head was medium sized and white. Aroma had sweetness. Palate was light bodied with medium carbonation. Flavours were sweetness, paper and low bitterness. Aftertaste was watery and lightly bitter. A poor pale lager.Keg at the Hope. It pours cloudy bright orange with a medium white head. The aroma is fresh, bready, floral, pithy citrus, grapefruit, hay and light spice. The taste is crisp, bitter, pithy, zesty citrus, peppery spice, straw, grass, floral and light soap with a dry, pithy finish. Medium body and average carbonation. Not quite as bright as hoped.Smells of sweet malts and hints of blueberry. Crazy reddish copper color with no head. Taste of sour ale with hints of blueberry near the end. Medium body with crisp sweet carbonation. Tastey but could Be a bit more complex. Not bad but know you could do better brews.Bottle @ some Japanese restaurant in London. Deep brown with a tan head. Attractive pour. Nose is a bit subdued. General toasted cereal. Slightly nutty. Flavor is fairly neutral, mildly sweet. Caramel slathered toast. A bit of charred grain. Light body, strong carb.Keg at the potting shed. Pours deep brown, nose is burnt toffee, caramel, salty, light pine, taste is dry, salty, light roasted malts, chewy caramel.Keg at the potting shed. Pours black, nose is smoky, toffee, charcoal, taste is sweet, liquorice, chocolate.Tap@Taphouse, Copenhagen - golden amber pour with off-white head. Fruity and malty with notes of citrus, some hay, straw, hoppy backing, light caramel sweetness, bitter finish.on tap @ brewpub. happy 20th! mild hop nose, beautiful hazy gold color, hops sweet then bitter. rating #1!(Keg at the market, 20160614) The beer poured reddish brown and clear. Its head was medium sized and white. Aroma had malts, caramel and mildly molasses. Palate was medium bodied with medium carbonation. Flavours were malts, caramel, sweetness, molasses, grass and bitterness. Aftertaste was malty and bitter. A tasty malty brew.Tap@Taphouse, Copenhagen - amber pour with beige head. Sweet malty aroma and taste with notes of caramel, fudge, yeasty, dried fruity notes, light spices into the close.On tap at The Loyal Legion, pours black with a small brown head. Aroma brings out light cranberries, light Belgian yeast, and livid cocoa. Flavour is robust, with roasted malt and Belgian yeast, and barely any cranberry notes. Robust but fairly light-bodied. Solid.On tap at The Loyal Legion, pours a clear golden with a small white head. Aroma brings out lots of piney hops and light biscuity malts. Flavour is along the same lines, with loads of piney hops dominating. Just enough biscuity malt to back. Excellent stuff.On tap at The Loyal Legion, pours a hazy golden with a small white head. Aroma brings out piney hops, along with biscuity malt. Flavour brings out pungent piney hops upfront, with a little resin, very dank and biscuity malt backing. Very nicely balanced.On tap at The Loyal Legion, pours a clear golden with a small white head. Aroma brings out loads of pot-like hops, along with biscuity malt. Flavour is like a pot IPA, with loads of herbal dry hopping upfront. Fairly harsh with a pot-like finish. Decent.At at tasting, many thanks, no head, opaque black color, mellow vanila aroma with toasted dark bread and some chocolate snd domething roasty in the back, dominant flavor of dark chocolate with vanila, some cocoa and just a nutty hint, quite sweet but mellow sweetness. Very good and really enjoyable.Sample at Omaha Beer Fest, Stinson Park. 6-11-16. Tap. Poured golden, white head. Aroma was citrus, pine. Taste was bitter, hoppy pine.12oz bottle. A pretty decent example of the style. On the lighter side of medium bodied, still has some malt character, resinous piny hops. Not really my thing. OK.Another great Bear Republic offering. A bit heavier than Racer 5, but same distinctive hoppy flavor. Two of these had me feeling pretty good.My absolute go to IPA. Bottled 6/13/16. Clear gold pour, delightfully retaining head. Nose is delicately tropical, ripe citrus, pine resin, and floral, and bready malt all in a beautifully balanced amount. Flavor is ripe papaya, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, pastel lemon, whiteflowers, solid dose of back-end pine resin. This beer covers all the bases. It has never failed me in all these years. Cheers to this masterpiece, and to all who are enjoying it!Cloudy gold, white head. Considerable basil in nose and palate. Slightly dry, long hop finish650ml bottle. Pours an opaque black with a large, frothy, long lasting, tan head that laces nicely. Sweet aroma of roasted malt, caramel and coffee. Sweet flavour of roasted malt, caramel, chocolate, vanilla and just a hint of salt in a mildly bitter coffee finish. Medium body with a creamy, smooth, oily texture and soft to flat carbonation. Very tasty.Amber pour with small off white head. Hint of hops with more toasted malt on the nose. Flavor is bitter with hops,toasted orange zest and malt flavor with a harsh finish.Drank on a summa day. Tatsted the caco, thanks Illionios. Keep making these kick ass collaborations.Pours into the glass a burnt mahogany, deep and dark, with a light tan head that reduces to trace lacing. The nose is of alcohol, vanilla, light coffee and woody bourbon notes. Flavors are sweet, of vanilla, toffee, caramel, bourbon, alcohol, marshmallow, woody oak tones, and the finish is a long woody-vanilla alcohol burn. Full-bodied and sticky to the palate, the mouthfeel is perfect for this late-night sipper. A superb sweet Impy Stout here! Kudos to Avery!!I really think this one worked, but I love cucumber. Very very refreshing nose and flavor. Cucumber essence and fruity zesty saison yeast. A little dry in the finish. Shoulda brought some home. On at Fieldwork.It pours amber with a white head and some lacing. It is clear. There are aromas of fruit, banana, mint, and earthly elements. It has flavors that are highlighted by spices. There are also flavors of pear, earthly elements, mine and banana. It has a light-moderate feel, a small bit of sourness, and a low level of bitterness. Overall, it is an earthly ale highlighted by spices and some fruitiness.On tap @ Isle de garde. Pour is hazy blind with fluffy white head and good lacing. Aroma of hay, grassy and citrusy hops, grainy, spicy yeast. Dry with good carb and medium mouthfeel. A good classic saison I could drink moreyum yum yum Tons of citra flavors, the base is very dry and light with just citra overwhelming. It works.On tap at the brewpub. Clear green-ish golden with a medium white head, good retention, leaving good lacing. Aroma is of lemon, Saison yeast, mild peppery spiciness, herbal notes, mild leathery brettanomomyces presence and dust. Taste feels so fresh with lean maltiness, lemon, herbal notes, mild peppery yeast, leathery brettanomyces and super soft bitterness. Light to medium body but never watery. Medium carbonation. Rather fluffy mouthfeel. Herbal and lemony finish with a short lasting reminder of the peppery yeast in the aftertaste. This is a soft, delicate and super quenching beer that still have a really nice peppery Saison character and a great mouthfeel. Loved it.I hate to give gimmick beers their due but this one wins. Tons of great flavors, all balanced at the stronger versionAnother incredible stout. Lots of rich flavors. TONS of coffee and chocolate in this one, its unbalanced. more of an assault. Works for meBottle (375 ml). Thanks to Simon for sharing. Dark brown-black with a small beige head leaving little lacing. Aroma is of Islay peat, berries, roasted notes, mild oak spiciness and hints of anise. Taste is slightly sweet with Islay peat, berries, roasted malts, mild spiciness and mild bitterness. Medium to full body. Soft carbonation. Oily mouthfeel. Peaty and fruity (berries) finish. Very good RIS. Not overly peated so rather well balanced for what it is. Tasty.Great stout, I cant believe im saying this about a three floyds beer. Lots of cognac type flavors, good coffee and chocolate. All balanced correctly. nice!A very non impressive IPA. Aroma is stale metal. Taste is honey and light tropical notes. No hop bite or bitterness. Fading head. Picked up in kennemer after some fossil hunting
---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhonePoured from a 500 ml bottle.
Aroma is sweet, green apples with a medium light tannin note. Light red apple notes, but this is mostly green.
Pours a very clear, very pale yellow color with a faint, thin, white head that immediately disappears. No lacing or legs.
Flavor is moderately sweet, but with a fairly dry finish. Medium light green apple notes with some light red apple and tannins. Hints of alcohol in the finish.
Mouthfeel is medium light to light bodied with moderate carbonation. Low astringency and low alcohol warmth.
Overall, a pretty bland and somewhat boring cider, but it should work fine for a pork chop brine. Flavor is fairly muted with balanced sweetness and apple notes. A bit too candy-like for my preferences.Awesome job. Great tartness, goos balance of barrel flavors, to hops, to wine and wheat type flavors. Tart is moderate and lactic. Killin it.On tap at Dunham. Almost clear and rather bright golden with a small white head leaving little lacing. Aroma is of mangoes, pine, herbal notes, a bit of resin and mild peppery presence. Taste is also of mangoes, sweet fruitiness impression but still a rather lean maltiness, herbal presence, peppery notes and mild resinous bitterness. Medium body. Moderate carbonation. A bit oily mouthfeel. Fruity and a tiny bit resinous finish with a soft fun alcohol warmth. Good DIPA, never too heavy. Easy drinking.great saison, deep rich barrel flavors. Tons of saison richness, high carb. Fruity flavors.On tap at Dunham. Slightly hazy pale green-ish yellow-golden with a medium white head, good retention, leaving good lacing. Aroma is herbal with a nice lemony touch, mild spiciness, hints of resin but nowhere near to what we are used to with Dunham hoppy beers and tropical fruits. Taste is herbal forward with a nice lemon and tropical fruits touch, lean maltiness, hitns of resin and mild bitterness. Medium body. Medium carbonation. Rather herbal and dry finish. Maybe the best of the Cyclope series so far. Very well balanced and easy drinking. Glad they god rid of the cloying resinous bitterness.The beer to end all beers. Miss OG West so bad but the crystal is a second. My bestie brings it to me from the brewery cause he is the man.The beer pours clear golden orange with a small white head. The aroma had various citrus notes, smooth wheat, spice and a bit of sweetness. It has a medium full body with soft carbonation. The taste starts with tangerine, orange, spice and rich wheat. The finish has a bit of alcohol showing through. Decent.Served in crazy authentic glass so can drink when driving horse carriage bartender knew his stuff. Spicy and fruity and syrupy. Good. Light Amber.Very drinkable for 9%. Some citrus upfront and malt follow by a dry crisp bitterness finish. Nothing overly special but a nice drink.This was actually fantastic. No brett, great roasty stout, some bourbon flavors, some brownie batter. Great great stuff.Ruby red pour, opaque. Very fruity berry smell, slightly sweet. Taste is tart with balanced sweetness, lots of raspberry flavour, some acidity. Very light and easy to drink.Bottle. Soft brett in the nose, grapefruit, apricot, subtle and refined. A touch of vinegar, passion fruit. Soft, lovely malts, great fruit, apricot and grapefruit. Zesty. Classy stuff.B. Pours a clear golden color with white head. Large hop flavor up front, and smooth finishOn tap at Jack & Lois, in Hamilton. Pours a clear golden colour with a small white head. Aroma is malt, bread, straw, some apples. Taste is similar. Refreshing summer beer.Wow - met my expectations & then some! Lovely cloudy gold pour w/ a thin white head & a ton of lacing. The aroma has some typical wheat qualities but the passion fruit & slight tartness really enhance it. The taste is a bit fruity upfront w/ a hint of a traditional wheat & then finishes kind of tart. Complex & smooth - this comes highly recommended!Bottle. Nose of chocolate, some licorice, fudge, vanilla, a bit of citrus. Airy, soft body but very carbonated. Very dry finish on this one, lots of umami and rich chocolate. Full, silky body. Super interesting and tasty.On tap at the brewery. I love the description. Highly hopped for the true ipa connoisseur. Any how pours out amber topped with a sand head. Nose is light fruit notes lemongrass pine bitterness. Taste is more pine citrus hops along with a bread malt and a pithy grapefruit bitterness on the end.On draft at Wooden Legs Brewery in Brooking, SD. Pours a clear mahogany with a thick off white head. Toffee aroma. Flavors of caramel. Light bodied. Crisp finish.On tap at the brewery pours out dark brown almost black topped with a small head. Nose is chocolate coffee and little leafy hops. Taste is more of the chocolate coffee roast.Pour is caramel color all most like apple cider with a small tan head. Aroma is sweet and hoppy. A nice balance between hops and malts2016-05-29. Nice brown body with a modest beige head and nice lace. Aroma of tangy malt, lightly toasty. Flavour is mild, lightly tangy malt, hint of dishwater and sourness but better than that sounds. Mild overall. Light malt. 6+ Average to light bodied palate, soft carbonation. 3+ I could have sworn the tap handle said Methusalem (perhaps they were reusing a tap handle?), but bartender described it as a sour alt, which fits with the experience, so I am entering my rating here. 6/4/6/3/12 2016-05-29. Crisp yellow body, small white head. 3+ Aroma is grassy and floral, lightly fruity and yeasty. Sort of lemony notes as it warms up 6+ Flavour is lightly fruity, moderate bitterness throughout. Average to light bodied palate, good carbonation. Decent. 7/3/7/3/14 On tap @ Taps Barrel House. Hazed orange-ish colored beer with some white foam. Primarily just a tartness to it upon the first sniff and sip. The fruit and rhubarb characteristics are a little bit on the mild side, but definitely there. Actually not a bad strawberry flavor. Light sweetness and a pretty acidic, lightly tannic berry quality.Bomber split with wife. Pours cola like no head. Lots of sweetness, vanilla. Light body with plenty of carbonation. Lots of boost. What fun.650 bottle. Pours a hazy yellow gold with light head. Aromas of sweet grapefruit, tropical fruit, rubber and light yeast. Flavors of same with additional fruity pineapple. Hops over yeast. Nice.12.7 ounce bottle. Pours black with a thine dark tan head. Taste is of roasted malt, smoke, coffee, chocolate, bourbon, vanilla and wood. Similar aroma. Has a velvet body with a smooth and warming finish. Well balanced and very easy to drink. Quite excellent. One of the best beers I have had.12oz can picked up at the beer Junction Seattle. Pours out a crisp ruby red color topped with a pink ring. Nose is candy sweet cherries some lemon tart notes. Taste is more of the sour and sweet cherries. Also a lemon zest note.Can into snifter glass, clear darker golden color with off-white head. Aroma notes of bright citrus/floral hops, some tropical/melon, white pepper and some pine. Taste adds more lemon/citrus, pepper, bread and tropical fruits. Light-medium body, moderate carbonation, oily, dry with tropical citrus/pine bitter finish. Easy drinking with nice extra soft body, good stuff.Taps hazy, barely translucent golden with a thick pale buff head. Aroma features bold citrus and wheat notes. Flavor adds orange and banana to the fruit character, as well as fresh malt. Mouthfeel presents firm body, lively fizz, and a nice citrus finish. Be a Hefe-weizenbeimer!On draft at the brewery. It is a clear gold with a slight head. The. Aroma is citrus and the taste is strong and bitter flavor
And has a bitter finish22. Pours a clear burnished medium golden amber with a loose white head. Rich grapefruity nose, sweet and juicy, caramel there as well. Creamy medium body with lively carb. Darkly toasted caramel with juicy grapefruit mid palate. Long dry finish.Aroma: intense vanilla bean and rice with undertones of cinnamon and sugar with secondary tropical notes
Appearance: dull straw, murky and effervescent topped by moderate sudsy white head
Palate: sharp sweetness, pineapple cake and spice turns more horchata like as it warms with a creamy vanilla finish and a lingering spicinessAt Brewpub with iNBe. Hmm, both was good and a little strangely balanced, the hops and fruity yeast sweetness, occasionally would get out of step. Serving: TapPours a golden color with a small off-white head. The aroma is caramel, pepper, and some smoke. The taste is chipotle, smoke, sweet pepper. The spiciness lingers towards the end.
---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhoneA refreshing beer that starts out with lime and finished with a smooth heat. Aroma is mostly lager with a touch of citrus.At Brewpub with iNBe. Caramel, rich, thick. Very malty and sweet. Serving: TapBottle pour... Clear golden with a large soapy white head. Aroma is pineapple, grass, and bright fruits. Smooth medium body. Light bitter with a decent sweet taste.
---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhonePours a deep orange-red, rather cloudy due to the carbonation, a half-inch of tan foam. Aroma is bready and malty. Taste is bourbon and wood, also piney and hoppy, just a very slight bit tart/citrusy too.Growler fill from the brewery. Dark opaque brown, small airy beige head. Big roast malt aroma with minor notes of chocolate. Taste is roast grain bitterness, hint of coffee and semi-sweet chocolate. Medium weight, slightly oily. Minor metallic tinge at the finish.12 ounce bottle into tulip glass, bottled on 4/21/2016. Pours fairly hazy/cloudy golden straw color with a 2 finger fairly dense and fluffy white head with good retention, that reduces to a thin cap that lingers. Light spotty lacing clings on the glass. Aromas of tart lemon, lime, pear, green apple, salt, agave, wheat, cracker, herbal, and yeast earthiness. Nice and pleasant aromas with good balance of fruity/acidic yeast, fruit/salt, and light pale malt/agave notes; with solid strength. Taste of tart lemon, lime, pear, green apple, salt, agave, wheat, cracker, herbal, and yeast earthiness. Moderate fruity/acidic tartness and peppery yeast spiciness on the finish; with lingering notes of tart lemon, lime, pear, green apple, salt, agave, wheat, cracker, herbal, and yeast earthiness on the finish for a short bit. Nice complexity, balance, and solid robustness of fruity/acidic yeast, fruit/salt, and light pale malt/agave flavors; with a great malt/tart/spiciness balance and zero astringent flavors after the finish. Good dryness from tart/spiciness as well. Medium carbonation and light body; with a very smooth, crisp, moderately acidic, and lightly grainy/sticky/saline mouthfeel that is nice. Could have used a bit more salinity and wheat creaminess in the mouthfeel though. Zero warming alcohol as expected of 4%. Overall this is a nice gose. All around good complexity, balance, and solid robustness of fruity/acidic yeast, fruit/salt, and light pale malt/agave flavors; very smooth, crisp, and refreshing to drink. A nicely enjoyable offering.With iNBe at brewpub, aroma of pure barely. Not too cloying. Butterscotch. Serving: TapAroma is guava/fruit and spices/slight vegetables, while the appearance is a lot more pink lemonade than traditional beer. The flavor is guava, tropical fruit, grapefruit, mild fruit sweetness, wheat and a slightly spicy/heat/tart in the finish.500ml bottle. Floral hop aroma. Cloudy bronze in colour with a frothy off-white head. Grapefruit bitterness, bread and hints of spice. Smooth body. Very drinkable ESB.Large bottle in Fl. Lemon aroma, kinda like a cleaner. Very frothy. Bit of tart but also sweet. Simply not noticing coriander or so called spices. OverpricedBottle split with wife pour dark borwn, active tan head that reduces to a cap. Dust earthy notes, slght citrus, and roasted malt. Light to medium body.Taps hazy apricot with a thick eggshell head that leaves generous lacing. Aroma features a strong note of evergreen hops supported by citrus and wheat notes. Hops continue to be the dominant player in the flavor, but malt and wheat and fruit have larger roles. Mouthfeel delivers firm body, lively fizz, and a hoppy and wheaty finish. Call it a wheat IPA!Thanks to iNBe, Too sweet and very malt ball like. Cooked tropical fruit, big hops. I think it is just not a hop I"m really into. Serving: BottleLight aroma, slight hints of citrus. Lighter yellow in color with medium thickness. Fruity and citrusy start with mild finish
---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhoneClear bright copper like a fresh penny, under a generous off white foamy head. Nose is full of copper malt and a herbal bretty funkiness, maybe also a touch of gin. Crisp and flavorful body with a decent backbone of Belgian Amber malts, copper malt, a bretty farmy funk, a touch of piney but barn-like wild yeast, a slight touch of white pepper and a dry funky amber finish.Delicious session IPA. Aroma was good. Wet hay, cut grass and notes of lemon zest. Pour was a nice almost clear light gold with a one finger white head. Taste was all hops. Good old school IPA flavors with all grassy and earthy hops with very little malt to balance it out. Thankfully I picked up no mango or tropical fruit garbage. Just good bitter hops with good carbonation and a nice bitter finish. Nice beer16oz can. Medium white head atop lightly hazed straw body. Aroma is lemon/grapefruit, some pine, light spicy, alcohol. Taste is moderately sweet, grapefruit, some tangerine, grapefruit rind, light pine, caramel. Medium body, some effervescence, acidity, light resin.Geproefd tijdens de IPA/Sour proeverij in de Vinotake Waalwijk, uitgeschonken in Struise BD proefglas. Donker roodbruin helder bier, met een compacte licht beige schuimkraag die zich snel terugtrekt. Mooi typisch zurig aroma van een lambic, met tonen van; brett en paardendeken, gecombineerd met tonen van eikenhout, appel en geroosterde tonen van chocolade en koffie. Het smaakpallet is bijzonder en in balans tussen zuur en fruitig geroosterde smaken. Zuur maar wel gecombineerd met warmere geroosterde smaken van een stout, zoals koffie en chocolade. Het mondgevoel is redelijk waterig met een hoge carbonatie en een droge afdronk. Een bijzondere maar geslaagde combinatie van een stout en een lambic.
---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhonePours, dark purple red, tan head. Aroma is straight blueberries. Kinda malty almost like blueberry pie. Flavor is caramel, blueberry pie, malty, some of the browned crust. Very thick. Overall very good... quite tasty and refreshing even on a hot day.Bottle from brewery. Just like all their other options this is quite a gem. Pours with a rather large head but disappeared rather quickly. Notes of lemon rind, grape must and some coriander. Really well made.Hard core coffee yes!! Morning beer yes. It is a wonderful coffee beer !!! It is earthy and true to the label. Q
---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhoneBottle dated 6/1/16 poured into a tulip glass..golden
orange with a fluffy white head..aroma of grapefruit,
pine,resin,florals..tastes like it smells..good stuff.Pours clear golden orange with big frothy white head. Aroma of pine, citrus, light caramel, grass. Taste is medium bitter, light sweet, hoppy, harsh bitter grassy finish. Medium body, lively carbonation. Not bad.Bottle shared with Paul, Brendan and Erica. Pours a bright, glowing golden orange with thick white active lacing. Nose is musky stone fruits, fuzzy fruit skins, soft spice and bretty funk. Mouthfeel is tart with cutting acid and sour fruit. Dry and a touch salinity in the finish, but good stuff overall.On tap,poured into a snifter..dark brown with a medium
off-white head..aroma of caramel,vanilla,malted milk &
roasted nuts..tastes like it smells with minimal salt and
bourbon..well done.Pours a hazy orange with minimal head. Aroma is very dank. Lots of tropical and citrus fruits. Flavor is dry and bitter. Very fruity. Slightly sweet. Nice balance. Very appealing beer.Nice wheaty body with a reserved lactic twang. This is a solid gose. Slightly harsh in the finish.Can poured into a tulip glass..hazy gold with a fluffy white head..aroma of tangerine,melon,grapefruit,stone
fruit,mango..tastes just like it smells..juicy..fantastic.Anything chocolate is right on in my book, there are times when you have that dyer need for the mix of this brew, nuff saidShared with Strykzone on Facebook Chat.. Poured yellow with a quick fading white head. Little or no lacing. Nose of grassy hops. Light in body. Flavor is like a Bud Light with Belgium yeast. Finish shows a hint of Belgium yeast. Almost skunky. Simply a dismal failure fro,m frist sip to last and some of this went down the drain. Sony I inflicted this one on Dave.Tasted from can. Taste is mostly sugar with artificial lemon like flavoring. Average carbonation. Lots of sugar. High alcohol for type of drink. Not into thos stuff but can see sweet tooths loving it and easily getting hammered.12oz bottle pours a black color with a bit of head. Sweet chocolate and malt. More sweetness from the brandy.
Not sure if this is the same beer, because it was called Alpha Dog Peanut Butta Stout and was described as 8.6%. Had it on draft at the brewery. Friends, this is a great stout. Pours a pretty black with a cream head. Taste is very smooth. The finish does have a slight peanut butter stout.Pours a slightly cloudy yellow, huge amount of carbonation, with a solid inch of very dense white meringue-like foam. Aroma is floral and grapefruit. Taste is sweet, tart, and bitter all at once -- like eating a grapefruit with sugar sprinkled on top.Very bitter on the finish. Great stuff.Dark black pour. Thin brown head. Aroma is a little bit roasted, some coffee but not much. Chocolate. Flavor is more chocolate with lots of cooked malts. Not too much alcohol comes through. Smooth.Cloudy light amber color with thick sprinkler head. Smooth mouthfeel, with moderate residual sweetness, some malt flavor, but also too much yeast and a metallic finish.It is on tap at the brewery it is darkbrown with a slight head the aroma is cocoa and the taste is chocolate egg cream with roasted flavored that has a nice finish.Bottle into snifter glass, hazy orange-amber color with light tan head. Aroma notes of orange tropical citrus, pine, grapefruit and caramel malt sweetness. Taste adds almost woody resin, toast, more tropical fruitiness (mango, melon), tea and herbal spice bitterness. Medium-heavy body, low-moderate carbonation, creamy, dry with fruity/pine bitter finish. Flavor heavy, yet simple and well executed, imperial IPA.Cloudy blond color. Ordinary wheat ale, some character, mild spicy touch, fruit and esters are almost absent, no trace of mango. Light residual sweetness.16.9 ounce bottle. Pours a reddish brown with a two inch tan head that lasts. Taste is of roasted malt, caramel, fruit, barley and some nuts. Similar aroma. Has a decent body that is on the lighter side. Overall, pretty good.Great tropical hop aroma with malty backbone. Taste is tropical hop with a bitty slight piney finish, but overall tropical. Caramelized malts are balanced great by the hops. The hops and caramelized malt almost give a mango fruitiness to the beer. Definitely much more bitter, dry hoppy finish than normal fat tire. Very different beer than fat tire, but also very nice.
---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhoneBottle at Brewdog in Edinburgh. Very dry and bitter, but somewhat balanced by the roast. Very boozy! Nice but more taste from the hops than the coffee. Nice but nothing special.Draft at As Is NYC with Linh. Pours a bright, hazy orange body with thin white lace. Nose is yeast and wheat. Mouthfeel is a bit dull overall with notes of spice, yeast, malt and corn cereal.Pours a light clear orange with white head. A strong mango aroma with citrus hops and floral. A strong citrus hop, mango, floral, and heavy wheat/yeast and spices taste with light pine. A bitter hop and dry yeast aftertaste.Enjoyed: On tap.
Appearance: Blurry/hazy yellow, with long-lived foam.
Aroma: Hops, grass.
Palate: Thick/densely. Low carbonation.
Taste: Bitter, tasteful - like beers in the past. Taste of bread. Bitterness is replaced with freshness in the aftertaste, and later bitterness appears again.
Overall impression: Very tasty and enjoyable. Big note: it is unfiltered, unpasteurized and re-fermented in the bottle so bottled is quite different than on tap.
Malty biscuity aroma. Taste is caramelized malt with a dry bitter hop finish. Some additional hops to fat tire balance the malt nicely. Fairly similar to fat tire with some additional bitter. Seems maybe a bit fuller flavor too.
---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhoneLight and watery. Standard commercial lager. No pronounced or overwhelming flavors.Draft. Moderate lactic sourness with acetic vinegar notes. Hazy medium yellow pour. Moderately tart flavor. Seemingly jacking in salt. Moderate floral coriander. Ok.Draft at Over the Bars bar in North Park, Pittsburgh. More like a lemonade than a beer. A real stinko of a beer.6/26/16. 12oz bottle my dad brought down. Black pour with a small tan head. Dark roasted malt aroma, some vanilla. Good flavor, well balanced, vanilla and strawberry does come through. Tasty.A hazy but bright orange pour. No head. Aroma is yeast, classically Belgian. Body is sweet, medium, slick. The flavor disappears quickly. Wet finish. Orange, cloves, with some alcohol.Aroma is toasted malts, earthiness , grapefruit and citrus. Taste is deep roasted malts, licorice, tanins, and a light earthiness. Well balanced overall. Appearance is black with a medium beige head that retains quite well with a frothy lattice.Draft at Over the Bars bar in North Park, Pittsburgh. Mild tastes of citrus but no flavor to back up the rest of the beer. Not recommended.Classic clean pale ale. Balanced malt with hop forward bitterness and a lingering bitter finish.Coriander, bread crust nose. Hazy amber, thin head. Bread and coriander. Medium body, easy carbonation. Light on the citrus notes I often expect in a wit.Bottle at home. Pours opaque black with a medium, bubbly and fizzy tan head, medium retention with good lacing. Aroma is moderate acetic dark fruit (cherry, plum, fig) with medium toast and nutty malt, light earthy and herbal hops with vinous notes. Flavor is acetic dark fruit, toast and light chocolate malt, light earthy and herbal hops and bitterness, vinous with citric acid and pith, faint oak notes and a dry finish. Full body and medium carbonation.On tap in pint glass at Breckridge Brewery on Blake St Denver
Pours a slightly hazy golden color. Aroma of floral, malt and corn. Flavors include lemon, hay, a bit of honey, and sweet malts. Really enjoyed this one, paired well with dinner at the pub.Nevelig geel bier met witte kraag. Aroma van hop, citrus, koriander, tarwe. Bitter met een licht zuurtje. Fris en licht prikkelend co2.12oz can, purchased at De Bierkoning, Amsterdam and opened on 26-June-2016. Hazy straw yellow colour with a fluffy white head which dissipates at a normal pace. Aroma of grass, melon, citrus and pine. Light to medium body and carbonation. Flavour of citrus, barley, malt and hops. Lightly hopped but refreshing Helles Lager with big citrus notes.Goudoranje met een lichtbeige kraag. Bitter, wel wat waterig. Aroma van hop, citrusschil en aarde. Dat laatste maakt het wat vervelend. Niet zo goed.On tap in pint glass at Breckridge Brewery on Blake St
Pours a light golden color, somewhat hazy with moderate streaming carbonation. Aroma of floral hops and lightly toasted grain. Flavors of biscuit, malt sweetness and a bit of tart of hops. Very light crisp and easy drinking.Draft sampled at As Is NYC with Linh. Pours a bright amber orange body with thin white lace. Nose is total malt domination with some soft spices and sugar. Mouthfeel is medium bodied with not much going on outside of the malt character. [[[Assuming this one is old so it will surely deserve a revisit under fresher circumstances.]]]Bottled 330ml. -Black coloured, small beige head, chocolate and touch of cheddar cheese in the nose. Light roasted malt, chocolate, cocoa, notes of vanilla and again cheddar cheese. Vanilla and ash in the finish. Has potential but so far just drinkable stout.Pours two fingers of head on a clear straw body.
Aroma is clean, dry grains.
Taste is mild sweet and a touch of bitter. Easy but nice flavor.
Texture is crisp.2016 - 06 - 26 330ml bottle. yellow golden colour. bif, frothy, fading, white head. skunky, spiced aroma. bit btter taste.Bottle from Coppers, Newcastle. Cloudy straw coloured with a quickly disappearing thin white had. It has a tart lemon and malty flavour followed by lots of smooth, creamy vanilla on the finish. Very unusual and very good.12fl oz bottle at home from De Bierkoning, Amsterdam. Nose is slightly smoky belgian yeasty. Body is clear golden orange, lots of medium size floating particles, head is medium, white, quiet creamy, average lasting, good lacing. Aroma is belgian yeasty, spices, leaves, wood. Light sweet, medium bitter. Finish is medium lasting hoppy medium bitter, light salty. Light body, dry texture, average carbonation. Easy, not too tasty, it has nothing to do with tropical fruits, boring belgian blond with some extra hops, big disappointment.Bottle shared with koleminer20 and Gus. Aroma is unpleasant. Banana, clove, blackberries, barnyard. Appearance is reddish purple, off white head, hazy. Taste is bad. Medicinal blackberry, clove, malt, banana, really awful. Mouthfeel is medium body, light carbonation, medicinal blackberry and clove aftertaste. Overall, bad.Bottled 330ml. -Dark amber coloured, small beige head, grassy nose. Light toasted malt, bitter grassy herbal hops, touch of caramel and nuts with light sweetish finish.PleasantBoozy, roasty aroma as expected. Poured a nice rich black color with a tan head. Quite smooth with great roast character, some bourbon notes and booziness.
Notes: GABFOn tap on nitro. Pours a copper with off-white head and great lacing. Smells like a standard esb with a scent of old wet pennies and malt. Tastes fine, exactly what I expected, flavors of malt and a lengthy lingering light bitter aftertaste. Very average.Dark amber color with a lasting off white head. Big hop nose of pine and red grapefruit. Lots of citrus, pine and peach hop flavors over a firm malt backbone. Long bitter/sweet grapefruit rind finish. Tasty hop forward beer.Bottle from Coppers, Newcastle. Hazy straw-amber coloured with a thick white head of foam. It has a citrus, malty, toffee and slight herbal flavour followed by gentle pine on the smooth fruity finish. Superb for the low ABV.Tsja. Saisonnetje. Gek kruidig smaakje zoals je verwacht van een Belg. Prima, niet super.500ml can (K Kamppi, Helsinki)On tap @ 4. Cameralov festival mikropivovarjev. Appearance is decent, others certainly not. Pours hazy pale golden color with thick creamy white head and average visible carbonation. Aroma of sauerkraut, cooked cabbage and butter. Taste starts with moderate sweet bready malt, but gets immediately overpowered by sauerkraut only. Light body, slick texture and average carbonation in palate. Obvious infection, disgrace for a festival beer. Will give another chance and then re-rate, if necessary...Bottled 1/8/16, this 26 oz. Farmhouse Saison has a sweet grass nose with bright / crisp mouthfeel and earthy/grassy with very slight dry wine tones on front pallet. Finishes dry & crisp with a nice bitterness from the hops. Sip & enjoy this one slowly to appreciate its complexity.
Goudgeel bier met witte schuimkraag. Aroma van hop, citrus, aarde. Bitter en licht zoet.Bottle at home, 26th June 16. Pours dark, some head, some carbonation, aroma is cocoa, berry, slight sour, taste is cocoa, bitter chocolate, raspberries, smooth drinking, unusual impy, drinks below the abvNice sour aroma. Poured amber with an off-white head. Flavor is funky with some dull barre wood and cherry notes.
Notes: GABFBeautiful brown colour. Taste like fruits: oranges, lemons. Very good balance with hops and caramel malt sweetness.Can from B&M, Team Valley, Gateshead. Hazy straw coloured with no head. It has a very strong lemon and lime flavour with a sugary sweet fruity finish. No real taste of beer.A totally black beer with a three finger high, thick, brown head.
Beautiful lacing on the glass.
Nose: Vanilla, oak, coffee, brown sugar, roasted malt and molasses.
Taste: Roasted malt, vanilla, marshmallows, fudge, coffee, oak, cocoa powder, dark chocolate and hazelnut.
Mouth: Medium body, light carbonation, smooth mouthfeel, dry and light bitter ending.
Delicious!Clear golden yellow pour with aroma of pine, hops, and some citrus.Citrus flavor with some caramel, and pine. Decent beer.0.5l can from an mpreis in innsbruck. pours a clear pale golden with a steady white head. mild aroma of grains, grass, and apples. flavour of apples and grains. nice and refreshing.Can:
Hazed, amber-brown with a small tan head.
Caramel, candi-sugar aroma.
Very sweet caramel candy taste.....they could have called it "Tooth Ache"......reminds of one of those candy bars with the plasticky, taffy-like caramel that sticks your teeth clamped together.....
A nice bit of saltiness helps the whole thing out....gives it at least ONE different note.
Tasty.....but just gets to be too much after only a few sips.Zwart bier met flinke bruine kraag. Bitter en wat droog. Aroma van hop, mout en citrus. Zacht in de mond. Lekker.Rating #1168, flaske fra Sydhavsdruen.