- What is programming?
- How can I apply programming to **_**?
- As a **____**, why would I want or need to write software?
- Example projects for Inspiration
- Can programming be an expressive medium?
- Why are we introducing programming through drawing?
- General discussion of programming languages
- History of creative coding frameworks
- Processing and p5.js (and what's processing.js?)
- 1.1 Introduction to Code with p5.js Video
- p5.js Web Editor Promo Video
- History of p5.js video
- openFrameworks, Cinder
- Max/MSP dataflow programming
- How does Arduino fit in?
- Landscape of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Other JS frameworks
- Server-side vs. client-side
- What is the difference between p5 and JavaScript?
- What is git and GitHub?
- When should you post to a forum vs. file a GitHub issue?
- Who makes these things?
- 1.2 p5.js Web Editor
- 1.3 Shapes & Drawing | Sketch
- 1.4 Color | Sketch
- 1.5 Errors and Console
- 1.6 Code Comments
- p5.js Reference | p5.js Cheat Sheet
- Chapter 1-3 of Getting Started with p5.js book NYU Library Ebook | [Amazon]((http://amzn.to/2ckixCW) | Code
- [Code as a Creative Medium] | NYU Library Ebook | Amazon
- Pick an Eyeo Talk that looks interesting
- All introductory p5.js videos
- Comparing Processing and p5.js Part 1 video, Comparing Processing and p5.js Part 2 video, Comparing Processing and p5.js Part 3 video
- Overview of p5.js Web Editor with Cassie
- FORM+CODE: Introduction and What is Code?
- Computational Color | Long version: 4 chapters
- More about shapes (specifically "custom shapes" with vertices and bezier curves)
- p5 playground
- As We May Think, Vannevar Bush
- Long Live the Web, Tim Berners-Lee