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Homework Dano Tuesday
Each week you must complete two items for your homework.
- Post documentation of your assignment. This can be a short blog post with screenshots / video documentation and/or a Processing.js implementation of your sketch. It should include something visual and your source code.
- Place a copy of your sketch folder in our class' shared google drive folder You have to part of this group to see that folder in your google drive.
A word about JavaScript mode and Processing.js
- JavaScript mode in Processing is a nice magic trick that allows you to run a Processing sketch in a web browser. However, there are lots of reasons why it may not work from obvious ones like no third party libraries to less obvious ones like no functions with the same name as a variable. To make matters worse, some of Processing's 2.0 API is not implemented for JS. Use JavaScript mode cautiously and don't let it get in the way of the important stuff like just making what you want to make.
- Instructions for JavaScript Mode
- Alon Chitayat User:Billy Dang
- Dana Reginiano User:Claire Kearney-Volpe
- Vicci Ho User:Corey Boling
- Clio Davis User:Justin Restauri
- Kyle Greenberg User:Leslie Lin
- Alejandro Puentes User:Monique Saunders
- Kate Sukpisan User:Yiyang Liang
- Jeff Ong User:Joy Li
- Alon Chitayat User:Claire Kearney-Volpe
- Dana Reginiano User:Corey Boling
- Vicci Ho User:Justin Restauri
- Clio Davis User:Leslie Lin
- Kyle Greenberg User:Monique Saunders
- Alejandro Puentes User:Yiyang Liang
- Kate Sukpisan User:Joy Li
- Jeff Ong User:Billy Dang
- Alon Chitayat User:Corey Boling
- Dana Reginiano User:Justin Restauri
- Vicci Ho User:Leslie Lin
- Clio Davis User:Monique Saunders
- Kyle Greenberg User:Yiyang Liang
- Alejandro Puentes User:Joy Li
- Kate Sukpisan User:Billy Dang
- Jeff Ong User:Claire Kearney-Volpe
- Alon Chitayat User:Justin Restauri
- Dana Reginiano User:Leslie Lin
- Vicci Ho User:Monique Saunders
- Clio Davis User:Yiyang Liang
- Kyle Greenberg User:Joy Li
- Alejandro Puentes User:Billy Dang
- Kate Sukpisan User:Claire Kearney-Volpe
- Jeff Ong User:Corey Boling
- Alon Chitayat User:Leslie Lin
- Dana Reginiano User:Monique Saunders
- Vicci Ho User:Yiyang Liang
- Clio Davis User:Joy Li
- Kyle Greenberg User:Billy Dang
- Alejandro Puentes User:Claire Kearney-Volpe
- Kate Sukpisan User:Corey Boling
- Jeff Ong User:Justin Restauri
- Alon Chitayat User:Monique Saunders
- Dana Reginiano User:Yiyang Liang
- Vicci Ho User:Joy Li
- Clio Davis User:Billy Dang
- Kyle Greenberg User:Claire Kearney-Volpe
- Alejandro Puentes User:Corey Boling
- Kate Sukpisan User:Justin Restauri
- Jeff Ong User:Leslie Lin
- Alon Chitayat User:Yiyang Liang
- Dana Reginiano User:Joy Li
- Vicci Ho User:Billy Dang
- Clio Davis User:Claire Kearney-Volpe
- Kyle Greenberg User:Corey Boling
- Alejandro Puentes User:Justin Restauri
- Kate Sukpisan User:Leslie Lin
- Jeff Ong User:Monique Saunders
- Alon Chitayat User:Joy Li
- Dana Reginiano User:Billy Dang
- Vicci Ho User:Claire Kearney-Volpe
- Clio Davis User:Corey Boling
- Kyle Greenberg User:Justin Restauri
- Alejandro Puentes User:Leslie Lin
- Kate Sukpisan User:Monique Saunders
- Jeff Ong User:Yiyang Liang
- Billy Dang User:Alon Chitayat
- Claire Kearney-Volpe User:Dana Reginiano
- Corey Boling User:Vicci Ho
- Justin Restauri User:Clio Davis
- Leslie Lin User:Kyle Greenberg
- Monique Saunders User:Alejandro Puentes
- Yiyang Liang User:Kate Sukpisan
- Joy Li User:Jeff Ong
- Billy Dang User:Dana Reginiano
- Claire Kearney-Volpe User:Vicci Ho
- Corey Boling User:Clio Davis
- Justin Restauri User:Kyle Greenberg
- Leslie Lin User:Alejandro Puentes
- Monique Saunders User:Kate Sukpisan
- Yiyang Liang User:Jeff Ong
- Joy Li User:Alon Chitayat
- Billy Dang User:Vicci Ho
- Claire Kearney-Volpe User:Clio Davis
- Corey Boling User:Kyle Greenberg
- Justin Restauri User:Alejandro Puentes
- Leslie Lin User:Kate Sukpisan
- Monique Saunders User:Jeff Ong
- Yiyang Liang User:Alon Chitayat
- Joy Li User:Dana Reginiano
- Billy Dang User:Clio Davis
- Claire Kearney-Volpe User:Kyle Greenberg
- Corey Boling User:Alejandro Puentes
- Justin Restauri User:Kate Sukpisan
- Leslie Lin User:Jeff Ong
- Monique Saunders User:Alon Chitayat
- Yiyang Liang User:Dana Reginiano
- Joy Li User:Vicci Ho
- Billy Dang User:Kyle Greenberg
- Claire Kearney-Volpe User:Alejandro Puentes
- Corey Boling User:Kate Sukpisan
- Justin Restauri User:Jeff Ong
- Leslie Lin User:Alon Chitayat
- Monique Saunders User:Dana Reginiano
- Yiyang Liang User:Vicci Ho
- Joy Li User:Clio Davis
- Billy Dang User:Alejandro Puentes
- Claire Kearney-Volpe User:Kate Sukpisan
- Corey Boling User:Jeff Ong
- Justin Restauri User:Alon Chitayat
- Leslie Lin User:Dana Reginiano
- Monique Saunders User:Vicci Ho
- Yiyang Liang User:Clio Davis
- Joy Li User:Kyle Greenberg
- Billy Dang User:Kate Sukpisan
- Claire Kearney-Volpe User:Jeff Ong
- Corey Boling User:Alon Chitayat
- Justin Restauri User:Dana Reginiano
- Leslie Lin User:Vicci Ho
- Monique Saunders User:Clio Davis
- Yiyang Liang User:Kyle Greenberg
- Joy Li User:Alejandro Puentes
- Billy Dang User:Jeff Ong
- Claire Kearney-Volpe User:Alon Chitayat
- Corey Boling User:Dana Reginiano
- Justin Restauri User:Vicci Ho
- Leslie Lin User:Clio Davis
- Monique Saunders User:Kyle Greenberg
- Yiyang Liang User:Alejandro Puentes
- Joy Li User:Kate Sukpisan
Please link your name below to your final project proposal. Please post a link to your final project documentation. Don't forget title, one sentence "What is it"?, longer description, who is the audience?, something visual for us to look at in class: drawings, images, video, etc, References: links to related projects, code samples, if you are collaborating, your process.
Alon Chitayat -
Dana Reginiano- [Physical maze] (http://danareginiano.com/2013/11/icm-final-project-proposals/)
Vicci Ho -- [NYT Movie review API visualization] (http://www.vicciho.com/my-week-with-the-nyt-api-or-why-the-hell-did-i-think-it-was-a-good-idea/)
Clio Davis -- [Wind Waker Baton Game] (http://www.cysdavis.com/?p=84)
Kyle Greenberg --
Alejandro Puentes --
Kate Sukpisan --
Jeff Ong --
Billy Dang -- [LipsOnSkin] (http://ifiwerericher.com/2013/11/12/icm_final-project-proposal/)
Claire Kearney-Volpe --
Corey Boling --
Justin Restauri -- [Pointboard] (http://justinr.me/?p=209)
Leslie Lin --
Monique Saunders --
Yiyang Liang -- [RUBIK] (http://www.yiyang-liang.com/?p=241)
Joy Li-- [Dance without a mat] (http://www.joyliatitp.com/?p=185)
Go further with your ideas. Use Arrays.
Regular Homework
- Alon Chitayat -
- Dana Reginiano-
- Vicci Ho --
- Clio Davis --
- Kyle Greenberg --
- Alejandro Puentes -- [Mandala] (http://itping.wordpress.com/icm/)
- Kate Sukpisan --
- Jeff Ong --
- Billy Dang --
- Claire Kearney-Volpe --
- Corey Boling --
- Justin Restauri --
- Leslie Lin --
- Monique Saunders --
- Yiyang Liang --
- Joy Li-- [Is It Raining] (http://www.joyliatitp.com/?p=145)
Homework: Further modularize your code into objects. If you have already worked with objects find something that intrigues you about something you have already done and go further. Arrays are the next technical challenge. If you have already mastered objects, a prose blog post would be welcome. Perhaps about what we talked about in class, the differences between computational media and traditional media. Is computational media better depicting our subjective experience or are we conforming to the new capabilities of computational media?
I am also asking you to try an object exchange. I will email you pairs. You should email your partner a class. Try to see if you can get your partner's object to work in a sketch.
Pairs for Object Exchange
- Alon Chitayat --Dana Reginiano
- Vicci Ho -- Justin Restauri
- Monique Saunders -- Alejandro Puentes
- Yiyang Liang -- Kate Sukpisan
- Kyle Greenberg -- Billy Dang
- Leslie Lin -- Claire Kearney-Volpe
- Clio Davis -- Corey Boling
- Jeff Ong -- Joy Li
Regular Homework
- Alon Chitayat -[Skyline automaker] (http://itp.animishmish.com/itp/2013/10/08/icm-week-5-skyline-automaker/)
- Dana Reginiano-
- Vicci Ho -- [blog: Who is in control?] (http://www.vicciho.com/who-is-in-control/)
- Clio Davis --
- Kyle Greenberg --
- Alejandro Puentes -- [Jellyfish] (http://itping.wordpress.com/icm/)
- Kate Sukpisan --
- Jeff Ong -- [Computational v. Not] (http://www.jffng.com/ITP/computational-media-tradional-media/)
- Billy Dang --
- Claire Kearney-Volpe --Dinos
- Corey Boling --
- Justin Restauri -- Monet/Frogger Mashup
- Leslie Lin --
- Monique Saunders --
- Yiyang Liang --
- Joy Li-- [Surviving Man & Catching Game] (http://www.joyliatitp.com/?p=135)
Homework: Modularize: organize your draw loop into functions. Reuse: see if you can get one function to do slightly different things depending on what parameters you send it. Reflect on your existence as your cognitive load lessens while the pizzazz of your work stays the same or increases.
Or Post Separately
- Alon Chitayat
- Dana Reginiano-
- Vicci Ho --
- Clio Davis --
- Kyle Greenberg -- [CapitalFail (WorkinProgress)] (https://drive.google.com/a/nyu.edu/?tab=mo#folders/0B6-bRV-ejRJAODItTDJRNFNnLXc)
- Alejandro Puentes -- [Sketch_004f] (http://itping.wordpress.com/icm/)
- Kate Sukpisan -- [Interactive Pattern] (http://www.katevisuth.net/week-4-interactive-pattern/)
- Jeff Ong --
- Billy Dang -- [Bouncin Ballz_Updated] (http://ifiwerericher.com/2013/10/01/icm_wk4_boucin-ballz_function_code-update/)
- Claire Kearney-Volpe --
- Corey Boling --
- Justin Restauri -- [Now With More Objects!] (http://justinr.me/?p=134)
- Leslie Lin -- rainbows
- Monique Saunders --[ocean_and_rain] (http://azaar.com/processing/)
- Yiyang Liang -- [Rubik in Progress] (http://www.yiyang-liang.com/?p=136)
- Joy Li-- [Catching Game in progress] (http://www.joyliatitp.com/?p=106)
Homework: In general this week, you should work with rule-based animation, motion, and interaction. You can use the ideas below or invent your own assignment. Start by working in pairs according to the wiki. Can you divide an idea into two parts and combine those parts? Can you swap sketches and riff of of your partner's work? You can post together or break off and complete the assignment individually. As an exercise, try making a rollover, button, or slider from scratch. Compare your code to the examples on github. Moving beyond the exercise, can you invent new GUI elements beyond buttons, sliders, rollovers, etc.?
Post Together
- Kyle/ Monique - [Beatles Clock] (http://www.kgitp.com/?p=176)
- Dana / Leslie - [Bizarre triangle] (http://www.leslieslin.com/?p=197)
- Billy / Alejandro
- Vicci /Kate - [Week 3 pattern] (http://www.vicciho.com/icm-week-3/)
- Jeff / Yiyang
- Joy / Alon - [Drawing Pad] (http://www.joyliatitp.com/?p=82)
- Justin / Clio - [Foxy Sunset] (http://justinr.me/?p=123)
- Corey /ClaireHauling Ass
Or Post Separately
- Alon Chitayat
- Dana Reginiano-
- Vicci Ho --
- Clio Davis --
- Kyle Greenberg --
- Alejandro Puentes -- [Fibonacci] (http://itping.wordpress.com/icm/)
- Kate Sukpisan --
- Jeff Ong -- [Slider GUI] (http://www.jffng.com/ITP/assignment-3-gui-making-it-rain/)
- Billy Dang -- [Boucin Ballz} (http://ifiwerericher.com/2013/09/24/icm_wk3_animated-button-sketch/)
- Claire Kearney-Volpe --
- Corey Boling --
- Justin Restauri --
- Leslie Lin -- Rainbow and the cloud
- Monique Saunders -- [WEEK3-Spiral] (http://www.moniquenaoumitp.com/fine-art/icm/)
- Yiyang Liang -- [cube-unfinished] (http://www.yiyang-liang.com/?p=110)
- Joy Li--
Assignment: Create a animated application. Start over from scratch and build something with a very simple design. Focus on the logic of variables and avoid using hard-coded values. Play with mouseX and mouseY. Start by working in pairs (according to list below). We will allocate some time in class for this. You can post together or break off and complete the assignment individually.
Post Together
- Dana Reginiano / Alejandro Puentes - [Samba Boy] (http://www.itping.wordpress.com/icm/)
- Vicci Ho / Clio Davis - animated fishies.
- Kyle Greenberg / Corey Boling
- Yiyang Liang/ Kate Sukpisan
- Billy Dang / Justin Restauri
- Claire Kearney / Volpe -Monique Saunders
- Jeff Ong / Zhuoying Li
- Alon Chitayat / Leslie Lin - Carnival
Or Post Separately
- Alon Chitayat
- Dana Reginiano-
- Vicci Ho --
- Clio Davis --
- Kyle Greenberg -- [The Dude Abides] (http://www.kgitp.com/?p=136)
- Alejandro Puentes -- [Interactive NG] (http://itping.wordpress.com/icm/)
- Kate Sukpisan -- [Can you feel the love tonight?] (http://www.katevisuth.net/can-you-feel-the-love-tonight/)
- Jeff Ong -- It's raining.
- Billy Dang -- Dancing Cube
- Claire Kearney-Volpe --Black Skies Are Going To Clear Up!
- Corey Boling -- [Jaws] (http://cjb418.wix.com/nyuitp#!week-2-code/c1mya)
- Justin Restauri -- [Trafalgar Square(s)] (http://justinr.me/?p=86)
- Leslie Lin
- Monique Saunders Week2
- Yiyang Liang -- passing v2 [passing v1] (http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/110068) & noise
- Zhuoying Li-- Ball Game
Assignment: Create your own screen drawing: self-portrait, alien, monster, etc. Use only 2D primitive shapes – arc(), curve(), ellipse(), line(), point(), quad(), rect(), triangle() – and basic color functions – background(), colorMode(), fill(), noFill(), noStroke(), stroke(). Remember to use size() to specify the dimensions of your window.
- Dana Reginiano- Conos
- Vicci Ho -- Figure with a soccer ball!.
- Clio Davis -- Fox head and here too.
- Kyle Greenberg -- [Chester, The Monster] (http://www.kgitp.com/?p=93)
- Alejandro Puentes -- [Homework 1] (http://itping.wordpress.com/icm/)
- Kate Sukpisan -- [Flowers] (http://www.katevisuth.net/week-1-create-your-own-screen-drawing-with-processing/)
- Jeff Ong -- ["Logical" art] (http://www.jffng.com/ITP/why-draw-things-in-paint-when-you-can-use-code-instead/)
- Billy Dang -- [Whaley] (http://ifiwerericher.com/2013/09/09/processing_primitive-shapes-excercise/)
- Alon Chitayat -- Week 1- NYC Skyline.
- Claire Kearney-Volpe --[Toon Self] (http://ckvitp.blogspot.com/p/icm.html)
- Corey Boling --[Geometric Dog] (http://cjb418.wix.com/nyuitp#!icm/c1rvo)
- Justin Restauri -- [S.O.S., Diver Down & Dark Side of the Moon] (http://justinr.me/?p=31)
- Leslie Lin -Moonrise (kingdom?)
- Monique Saunders Monster
- Yiyang Liang -- [me] (http://www.yiyang-liang.com/?cat=1) and on [github] (https://github.com/lyyvalhalla/ICM/blob/master/week%201%20--%20me)
- Zhuoying Li-- Face