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Usage Of Task Manager

巴拉拉小龙王 edited this page Aug 29, 2019 · 5 revisions

Start Task Manager:

  1. Run the script

  2. Enter the task number you'd like to run, [k] to kill a thread, [q] to quit the task manager and [r] to reload newly added task options(just like refreshing). Follow the instructions and type in the correct numbers (put in enter to use the default settings of parameters)

  • Run a task normally

    The selected task is now running and you can see that the number behind that task has increased by 1 which means there is a task of this kind running

  • Kill a running task

    If the task is already killed or you just type in something irrelevant, the killing part will be skipped

    (e.g. enter is typed in)

  • Quit the task manager