In the following tutorial we'll walk through spinning up Dataverse in containers for demo or evaluation purposes.
First, let's confirm that we can get Dataverse running on your system.
- Download :download:`compose.yml <../../../../../docker/compose/demo/compose.yml>`
- Run
docker compose up
in the directory where you putcompose.yml
- Visit http://localhost:8080 and try logging in:
- username: dataverseAdmin
- password: admin1
If you can log in, great! Please continue through the tutorial. If you have any trouble, please consult the sections below on troubleshooting and getting help.
Let's practice stopping the containers and starting them up again. Your data, stored in a directory called data
, will remain intact
To stop the containers hit Ctrl-c
(hold down the Ctrl
key and then hit the c
To start the containers, run docker compose up
Again, data related to your Dataverse installation such as the database is stored in a directory called data
that gets created in the directory where you ran docker compose
You may reach a point during your demo or evaluation that you'd like to start over with a fresh database. Simply make sure the containers are not running and then remove the data
directory. Now, as before, you can run docker compose up
to spin up the containers.
Now that you are familiar with the basics of running Dataverse in containers, let's move on to a better setup for a demo or evaluation.
For this exercise, please start fresh by stopping all containers and removing the data
Previously we used the "dev" persona to bootstrap Dataverse, but for security reasons, we should create a persona more suited to demos and evaluations.
Edit the compose.yml
file and look for the following section.
container_name: "bootstrap"
image: gdcc/configbaker:alpha
restart: "no"
- dev
#- demo
# - ./demo:/scripts/bootstrap/demo
- dataverse
Comment out "dev" and uncomment "demo".
Uncomment the "volumes" section.
Create a directory called "demo" and copy :download:` <../../../../../modules/container-configbaker/scripts/bootstrap/demo/>` into it. You are welcome to edit this demo init script, customizing the final message, for example.
Note that the init script contains a key for using the admin API once it is blocked. You should change it in the script from "unblockme" to something only you know.
Now run docker compose up
. The "bootstrap" container should exit with the message from the init script and Dataverse should be running on http://localhost:8080 as before during the quickstart exercise.
One of the main differences between the "dev" persona and our new "demo" persona is that we are now running the setup-all script without the --insecure
flag. This makes our installation more secure, though it does block "admin" APIs that are useful for configuration.
At this point, please try the following basic operations within your installation:
- logging in as dataverseAdmin (password "admin1")
- publishing the "root" collection (dataverse)
- creating a collection
- creating a dataset
- uploading a data file
- publishing the dataset
If anything isn't working, please see the sections below on troubleshooting, giving feedback, and getting help.
Now that we've verified through a smoke test that basic operations are working, let's configure our installation of Dataverse.
Please refer to the :doc:`/installation/config` section of the Installation Guide for various configuration options.
Below we'll explain some specifics for configuration in containers.
:ref:`jvm-options` can be configured under JVM_ARGS
in the compose.yml
file. Here's an example:
Some JVM options can be configured as environment variables. For example, you can configure the database host like this:
We are in the process of making more JVM options configurable as environment variables. Look for the term "MicroProfile Config" in under :doc:`/installation/config` in the Installation Guide to know if you can use them this way.
There is a final way to configure JVM options that we plan to deprecate once all JVM options have been converted to MicroProfile Config. Look for "magic trick" under "tunables" at :doc:`../app-image` for more information.
Generally, you should be able to look at the list of :ref:`database-settings` and configure them but the "demo" persona above secured your installation to the point that you'll need an "unblock key" to access the "admin" API and change database settings.
In the example below of configuring :ref:`:FooterCopyright` we use the default unblock key of "unblockme" but you should use the key you set above.
curl -X PUT -d ", My Org" "http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:FooterCopyright?unblock-key=unblockme"
One you make this change it should be visible in the copyright in the bottom left of every page.
Generally speaking, you'll want to follow :ref:`i18n` in the Installation Guide to set up multiple languages such as English and French.
To set up the toggle between English and French, we'll use a slight variation on the command in the instructions above, adding the unblock key we created above:
curl "http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:Languages?unblock-key=unblockme" -X PUT -d '[{"locale":"en","title":"English"},{"locale":"fr","title":"Français"}]'
Similarly, when loading the "" file, we'll add the unblock key:
curl "http://localhost:8080/api/admin/datasetfield/loadpropertyfiles?unblock-key=unblockme" -X POST --upload-file /tmp/languages/ -H "Content-Type: application/zip"
Stop and start the Dataverse container in order for the language toggle to work.
Note that
has already been configured for you in the compose.yml
file. The step where you loaded "" should have populated the /dv/lang
directory with files ending in ".properties".
From here, you are encouraged to continue poking around, configuring, and testing. You probably spend a lot of time reading the :doc:`/installation/config` section of the Installation Guide.
Please consider giving feedback using the methods described below. Good luck with your demo!
Now that you've gone through the tutorial, you might be interested in the various containers you've spun up and what they do.
If you run docker ps
, you'll see that multiple containers are spun up in a demo or evaluation. Here are the most important ones:
- dataverse
- postgres
- solr
- smtp
- bootstrap
Most are self-explanatory, and correspond to components listed under :doc:`/installation/prerequisites` in the (traditional) Installation Guide, but "bootstrap" refers to :doc:`../configbaker-image`.
Additional containers are used in development (see :doc:`../dev-usage`), but for the purposes of a demo or evaluation, fewer moving (sometimes pointy) parts are included.
The compose file references a tag called "alpha", which corresponds to the latest released version of Dataverse. This means that if a release of Dataverse comes out while you are demo'ing or evaluating, the version of Dataverse you are using could change if you do a docker pull
. We are aware that there is a desire for tags that correspond to versions to ensure consistency. You are welcome to join the discussion and otherwise get in touch (see :ref:`helping-containers`). For more on tags, see :ref:`supported-image-tags-app`.
Once Dataverse is running, you can check which version you have through the normal methods:
- Check the bottom right in a web browser.
- Check http://localhost:8080/api/info/version via API.
- 8 GB RAM (if not much else is running)
- Mac, Linux, or Windows (experimental)
- Docker
Windows support is experimental but we are very interested in supporting Windows better. Please report bugs (see :ref:`helping-containers`).
In the compose file, try increasing the timeout for the bootstrap container:
As described above, you'll want to stop containers, delete data, and start over with docker compose up
. To make sure the increased timeout is in effect, you can run docker logs bootstrap
and look for the new value in the output:
Waiting for http://dataverse:8080 to become ready in max 10m.
If you no longer need the containers because your demo or evaluation is finished and you want to reclaim disk space, run docker compose down
in the directory where you put compose.yml
You might also want to delete the data
directory, as described above.
Your feedback is extremely valuable to us! To let us know what you think, please see :ref:`helping-containers`.
Please do not be shy about reaching out for help. We very much want you to have a pleasant demo or evaluation experience. For ways to contact us, please see :ref:`getting-help-containers`.