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File metadata and controls

334 lines (265 loc) · 10.6 KB


3.10 (unreleased)

  • Python 3 compatibility (coveralls). [gbastien]

3.9 (2023-12-11)

  • Adapted code as Products.PloneMeeting.utils.add_wf_history_action was moved to imio.history.utils.add_event_to_wf_history and ToolPloneMeeting.getUserName is removed, we use imio.helpers.content.get_user_fullname instead. [gbastien]

3.8 (2023-10-19)

  • Make sure createItemRequest returns a response status of 200 or it raises a SOAPException (even if item is created anyway?!). [gbastien]
  • Fixed SOAPView._getItemInfos when computing preferred_meeting_date, it was always None because using the uid_catalog and Meeting is a DX content type. [gbastien]

3.7 (2023-03-06)

  • Fixed test_ws_getItemInfosWithShowAssembly regarding changes in default contacts gender in PloneMeeting testing profile import_data. [gbastien]
  • Completed test_ws_meetingAcceptingItems to check that it works when using inTheNameOf (was actually not working before Products.PloneMeeting==4.2rc30). [gbastien]
  • Adapted code regarding removal of MeetingConfig.useGroupsAsCategories. [gbastien]

3.6 (2022-03-10)

  • Whenever a ZSI.Fault error is raised, display also the message in the log manually because z3c.soap will not display the error string, only the traceback... [gbastien]

3.5 (2022-01-14)

  • Fixed bug in _createItem where it could happen that user used inTheNameOf had cached _listAllowedRolesAndUsers resulting in seeing too much or not enough in the dashboard. Accessing an item that should not be displayed ended in an Unauthorized though. Every method using inTheName of now use setup_user_in_the_name_of/teardown_user_in_the_name_of to handle it correctly. [gbastien]

3.4 (2022-01-07)

  • Fixed call to tool.isManager and handle utils.get_current_user_id. [gbastien]

3.3 (2022-01-04)

  • Fixed SOAPView._mayAccessAdvancedFunctionnalities, call ToolPloneMeeting.isManager with ToolPloneMeeting instance as first arg, required now for caching reasons. [gbastien]

3.2 (2021-11-26)

  • Call ToolPloneMeeting.get_orgs_for_user with the_objects=True/False when relevant as default value changed in Products.PloneMeeting. [gbastien]

3.1 (2021-11-10)

  • In _meetingsAcceptingItems, log only one time in the Zope log at the end or we have the impression that the method was called many times. [gbastien]

3.0 (2021-07-16)

  • Fixed test_ws_getItemInfosRequest now that observers may access item since WF initial state, make sure we use a member that does not have access to item at all and fixed test_ws_getConfigInfosItemPositiveDecidedStates, field MeetingConfig.itemPositiveDecidedStates was removed and is now managed by MeetingConfig.getItemPositiveDecidedStates method. [gbastien]
  • Fixed getItemInfosRequest/getSingleItemInfosRequest that was breaking when no result and showEmptyValues=0. [gbastien]
  • Adapted tests and code regarding fact that Meeting was moved from AT to DX (linkedMeetingUID index is renamed to meeting_uid, attribute holds a datetime instead a DateTime, attendees related methods use snake_case instead camelCase on both Meeting and MeetingItem, every methods on Meeting use snake_case). [gbastien]
  • Adapted code now that MeetingItem.getCategory does only return the real category and not the proposingGroup when category not used. [gbastien]

2.16 (2020-06-11)

  • When adding wf_transition_triggered_by_application comment to workflow_history, do not use a zope.i18nmessageid.message.Message or it is stored this way in workflow_history, use a simple string and it will be translated by imio.history. [gbastien]

2.15 (2020-05-28)

  • Fixed test_ws_getItemInfosWithShowAssembly as default value in PloneMeeting testing profile changed to test held position having a & character (non XHTML character). [gbastien]
  • When library chardet is available, it wrongly detect utf-8 passed string to BeautifulSoup as being iso-8859-1 leading to incorrect special characters. chardet is now availabe because a dependency of collective.zamqp. So pass unicode string to BeautifulSoup to avoid this. [gbastien]

2.14 (2020-03-17)

  • Added method getSingleItemInfos that return a single item informations, not a list of ItemInfo instances. Result and paramaters are exactly same as getItemInfos. [gbastien]
  • Make most most of data returned by getItemInfos nillable. [gbastien]
  • Added parameter showEmptyValues=1 by default to getItemInfos, making it possible to remove empty values from returned result. [gbastien]

2.13 (2020-02-18)

  • Manage field toDiscuss while creating new item. [gbastien]
  • Changed the way wfTransitions are managed in createItem: if a transition is not available, it is ignored and next transition is tried, this way it is easier to manage cases where item validation WF is different for proposing groups. [gbastien]

2.12 (2019-10-14)

  • Do not fail in 'getItemInfos' when returning POD templates if a POD template is using the odt_file of another POD template. [gbastien]

2.11 (2019-10-01)

  • Make it easier to detect if an item was created using the createItem SOAP WS by adding a specific line to the item workflow_history like it is the case when creating an item from an item template or from a recurring item. [gbastien]

2.10 (2019-09-30)

  • 'getItemInfos' returns 'meeting' containing the meeting UID if any. [gbastien]
  • 'searchItems' now accepts an additional search parameter 'linkedMeetingUID'. [gbastien]

2.9 (2019-09-24)

  • In 'getItemInfos' when 'showAssembly=True', changed separator between list of assembly members from '|' to 'n' so it is easier to parse as '|' is already the separator between types of attendees (attendees, absents, excused, ...). [gbastien]

2.8 (2019-09-23)

  • In createItem, added possibility to define associatedGroups and groupsInCharge as lists of organization UIDs. [gbastien]
  • Added parameter 'wfTransitions' to createItem making it possible to trigger given WF transitions on the newly created item. [gbastien]
  • In createItem, added possibility to define optionalAdvisers. [gbastien]
  • Force catalog query in getItemInfos to use 'sort_on=created'. [gbastien]
  • In getItemInfos, added 'showAssembly=False' parameter making it possible to receive the item assembly in the _item_assembly attribute when item is in a meeting. [gbastien]
  • Removed manual handling of currentWSDL.txt. Now dumpedWSDL.txt is generated by calling 'http://portal_url/@@ws4pm.wsdl?dump_wsdl:boolean=True'. [gbastien]
  • Added parameter 'allowed_annexes_types' and 'include_annex_binary' to getItemInfos() method. [sdelcourt]
  • Add attribute 'id' to the AnnexInfo data type. [sdelcourt]

2.7 (2019-05-16)

  • Override plone.transformchain transformer to not apply on SOAP request. [gbastien]
  • Jenkinsfile for CI [odelaere]
  • Removed dependency on unittest2. [gbastien]

2.6 (2018-12-04)

  • Adapted to changes in Products.PloneMeeting following integration of [gbastien]
  • Manage 'category_title' using MeetingItem.getCategory(theObject=True). [gbastien]

2.5 (2018-01-15)

  • Use a simpleType 'List' for the 'ConfigInfo.itemPositiveDecidedStates' data to avoid using a 'xsd:Array' type that is not recognized correctly by 'soapUI'. [gbastien]

2.4 (2017-10-24)

  • testConnection.version now returns the distribution version (2.4) and not the GenericSetup version (2000) that only changes when an upgrade step is required. [gbastien]

2.3 (2017-10-13)

  • Add preferred_meeting_date attribute on ItemInfos. [sdelcourt]

2.2 (2017-08-04)

  • Fixed tests regarding new format used for annex.content_category. [gbastien]

2.1 (2017-03-27)

  • Adapted code now that ToolPloneMeeting.userIsAmong receives a list of suffixes instead one single suffix before. [gbastien]
  • Added parameter 'cleanHtml' to createItem method that is True by default and that will enable or disable Html cleaning when item is created. [gbastien]
  • getConfigInfos now returns also MeetingConfig.itemPositiveDecidedStates as an array. [gbastien]
  • Refactored getConfigInfos to manage groups using GroupInfo complexType instead ConfigInfo complexType. [gbastien]

2.0 (2017-01-25)

  • Adapted code regarding integration of imio.annex into Products.PloneMeeting

1.8 (2016-08-17)

  • Make sure history is saved when we patch it to change the creation comment
  • Do no more create the item before checking for category validity, this could lead to problem where item was not deletable (validated while created for example)

1.7 (2016-08-03)

  • Added possibility to pass aribitraty extra attributes when creating an item, for now it must correspond to an existing RichText field

1.6 (2016-05-13)

  • Adapted code regarding changes in Products.PloneMeeting 4

1.5 (2015-04-01)

  • If no 'preferredMeeting' is provided when creating an item, use 'whatever' or created item is not consistent

1.4 (2015-03-06)

  • Calling getItemInfos will now also return the 'detailedDescription' as it can be used when creating an item
  • Added parameter 'attribute' to CreationData and ItemInfo so we can specify a preferredMeeting when creating an item and we get the preferredMeeting when using getItemInfos

1.3 (2015-03-05)

  • Added item creation date and modification date in ItemInfo (getItemInfo and searchItems)
  • Added package version in the testConnection call
  • Added SOAP call to getMeetingsAcceptingItems

1.2 (2015-02-27)

  • Use with Products.PloneMeeting 3.3+
  • Adapted tests to use IAnnexable.getAnnexesInOrder as IAnnexable.getAnnexes was removed

1.1 (2014-02-12)

  • Use with Products.PloneMeeting 3.2+
  • Handle case where libmagic could not determinate annex mimetype correctly (and added test)

1.0 (2014-01-07)

  • Renamed package from communesplone.ws4plonemeeting to
  • Moved to Plone 4.3
  • Use ZSI 2.1a1
  • Avoid error if item created without a description or a decision (empty HTML field)

0.1 (2012-10-15)

  • Initial release
  • Added methods to 'getItemInfos', 'createItem', 'getConfigInfos', 'searchItems'