if you want to use the ZED camera you need to:
- download the sdk from: https://www.stereolabs.com/developers/release/
- run the downloaded file and follow the instruction:
chmod +x NAME_OF_FILE.run ./NAME_OF_FILE.run
Once that the installation is finished you should have the /usr/local/zed directory
if the python packages is not automatically unstalled you should:
- activate your virtual environment (ore install it on your system) and run:
- open the directory where the zed sdk is installed and then run the python script get_python_api.py from the virtual environment:
cd /usr/local/zed && sudo python3 get_python_api.py
- after this a new .whl will appear in the /usr/local/zed directory (e.g., pyzed-3.6-SOMETHING-ELSE.whl). run the following command
pip install --ignore-installed /usr/local/zed/WHL_FILE_NAME.whl
ZED command
sudo python3 get_python_api.py
gives the following error:-> Downloading to '/usr/local/zed' Error: you must install Cuda.
SOLUTION: you need to install Cuda toolkit
- install Nvidia drivers by typing in the terminal:
ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
- download the .run cuda installer from https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads (for last version) or https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit-archive (for old versions) selecting your current platform (linux - ubuntu, ecc):
- make the .run file executable and run it:
chmod +x CUDA_FILE.run sudo ./CUDA_FILE.run --toolkit --silent --override
- Once that you have installed cuda repeat the Python packages installation step
ZED command
sudo python3 get_python_api.py
gives the following error:ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/USER/PROJECT_PATH/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyzed' Check the permissions.
you should give the permission access to your user by typing:
sudo chown -R user:user YOUR_VENV_ABSOLUTE_PATH
where user = YOUR_USER_NAME e.g., user:user = federico:federico
after this you can repeat the Python packages installation step
in latest version, you may encounter the following error when installing the ZED SDK (i.e. while running
):Verifying archive integrity... 100% MD5 checksums are OK. All good. Uncompressing 'ZED camera SDK by Stereolabs (Use 'sudo apt install zstd' if zstd is not found)'./ZED_SDK_Ubuntu20_cuda11.7_v3.8.0.zstd.run: 1: eval: zstd: not found ... Decompression failed .... Extraction failed. 100% Signal caught, cleaning up
following the instructions, you should install zstd:
sudo apt install zstd
and then run again ./NAME_OF_FILE.run