Python / Windows script to ping a range of ip adresses, collate responses, and return active adresses.
- Python 3.5 (tested) or previous versions (theoreticaly working, but untested)
- Windows / Dos shell (Ping, Findstr)
- (optional) Windows Shell scripts (.cmd)
- When run, the program will ask for an ip adress range. This should be supplied in the format: (but substitute your own ip adress range)
- This progam currently only scans ranges on the last digit set ( works, but 192.168.1-10.1 does not work)
- This program is network intensive. Do not try this at peak network times, as the ping command hogs network resources, and for that reason is not typically automated.
Note: Some Python installations may not recognize .py files as python by default, if this ocurrs, simply set python as the default program for .py files (start > Default Programs > Associate a file type or protocol with a program)
This project is licensed under the MIT open source license, refer to the file for details.