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community.zabbix.zabbix_proxy role

Zabbix Proxy

Table of Contents


Operating systems

This role will work on the following operating systems:

  • Red Hat
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu

So, you'll need one of those operating systems.. :-) Please send Pull Requests or suggestions when you want to use this role for other Operating systems.


Ansible 2.10 and higher

With the release of Ansible 2.10, modules have been moved into collections. With the exception of ansible.builtin modules, this means additonal collections must be installed in order to use modules such as seboolean (now ansible.posix.seboolean). The following collection is now required: ansible.posix. Installing the collection:

ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix

If you are willing to create proxy in Zabbix via API as a part of this role execution then you need to install ansible.netcommon collection too:

ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.netcommon


When you are a MySQL user and using Ansible 2.10 or newer, then there is a dependency on the collection named community.mysql. This collections are needed as the mysql_ modules are now part of collections and not standard in Ansible anymmore. Installing the collection:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.mysql


When you are a PostgreSQL user and using Ansible 2.10 or newer, then there is a dependency on the collection named community.postgresql. This collections are needed as the postgresql_ modules are now part of collections and not standard in Ansible anymmore. Installing the collection:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.postgresql

Zabbix Versions

See the following list of supported Operating systems with the Zabbix releases.

Zabbix 6.4 6.2 6.0
Red Hat Fam 9 V V V
Red Hat Fam 8 V V V
Red Hat Fam 7 V V V
Ubuntu 22.04 jammy V V V
Ubuntu 20.04 focal V V V
Ubuntu 18.04 bionic V V V
Debian 12 bookworm V V
Debian 11 bullseye V V V
Debian 10 buster V V V

Role Variables

Main variables

The following is an overview of all available configuration default for this role.

Zabbix Proxy

  • zabbix_proxy_version: Optional. The latest available major.minor version of Zabbix will be installed on the host(s). If you want to use an older version, please specify this in the major.minor format. Example: zabbix_proxy_version: 6.0.
  • zabbix_proxy_version_minor: When you want to specify a minor version to be installed. RedHat only. Default set to: * (latest available)
  • zabbix_proxy_ip: The IP address of the host. When not provided, it will be determined via the ansible_default_ipv4 fact.
  • zabbix_proxy_server: The ip or dns name for the zabbix-server machine.
  • zabbix_proxy_install_database_client: Default: True. False does not install database client.
  • zabbix_proxy_manage_service: Default: True. When you run multiple Zabbix proxies in a High Available cluster setup (e.g. pacemaker), you don't want Ansible to manage the zabbix-proxy service, because Pacemaker is in control of zabbix-proxy service.
  • zabbix_proxy_include_mode: Default: 0755. The "mode" for the directory configured with zabbix_proxy_include.
  • zabbix_proxy_conf_mode: Default: 0644. The "mode" for the Zabbix configuration file.

Database specific

  • zabbix_proxy_dbhost_run_install: Default: True. When set to True, sql files will be executed on the host running the database.
  • zabbix_proxy_database: Default: mysql. The type of database used. Can be: mysql, pgsql or sqlite3
  • zabbix_proxy_dbhost: Default: localhost. The hostname on which the database is running. Will be ignored when sqlite3 is used as database.
  • zabbix_proxy_real_dbhost: The hostname of the dbhost that is running behind a loadbalancer/VIP (loadbalancers doesn't accept ssh connections) Will be ignored when sqlite3 is used as database.
  • zabbix_proxy_dbname: Default: zabbix_proxy. The database name which is used by the Zabbix Proxy.
  • zabbix_proxy_dbuser: Default: zabbix_proxy. The database username which is used by the Zabbix Proxy. Will be ignored when sqlite3 is used as database.
  • zabbix_proxy_dbpassword: Default: zabbix_proxy. The database user password which is used by the Zabbix Proxy. Will be ignored when sqlite3 is used as database.
  • zabbix_proxy_dbport: The database port which is used by the Zabbix Proxy. Will be ignored when sqlite3 is used as database.
  • zabbix_proxy_database_creation: Default: True. When you don't want to create the database including user, you can set it to False.
  • zabbix_proxy_install_database_client: Default: True. False does not install database client. Default true
  • zabbix_proxy_database_sqlload:True / False. When you don't want to load the sql files into the database, you can set it to False.
  • zabbix_proxy_dbencoding: Default: utf8. The encoding for the MySQL database.
  • zabbix_proxy_dbcollation: Default: utf8_bin. The collation for the MySQL database.zabbix_proxy_


  • zabbix_repo_yum: A list with Yum repository configuration.
  • zabbix_repo_yum_schema: Default: https. Option to change the web schema for the yum repository(http/https)
  • zabbix_repo_yum_gpgcheck: Default: 0. Should yum perform a GPG check on the repository
  • zabbix_proxy_disable_repo: A list of repos to disable during install. Default epel.
  • zabbix_proxy_apt_priority: APT priority for the zabbix repository
  • *zabbix_proxy_package_state: Default: present. Can be overridden to latest to update packages


  • zabbix_proxy_selinux: Default: False. Enables an SELinux policy so that the Proxy will run.


When the target host does not have access to the internet, but you do have a proxy available then the following properties needs to be set to download the packages via the proxy:

  • zabbix_http_proxy
  • zabbix_https_proxy


With Zabbix Proxy you can make use of 2 different databases:

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite3

In the following paragraphs we dive into both setups.


To make the Zabbix Proxy work with a MySQL database, there are 2 types on setup:

  1. Local setup, MySQL running on same host as the Zabbix Proxy;
  2. Separate setup, MySQL running on a different host than the Zabbix Proxy.

Local Setup

We need to have the following dependencies met:

  1. Find an (Ansible) role that will install a MySQL instance on the host. Example: geerlingguy.mysql can be used, but also others can be used. Please make sure that before installing the Zabbix Proxy, you have a fully functional MySQL instance running.
  2. We need to set some variables, either as input for the playbook or set them into the group_vars or host_vars (Your preference choice). We need to set the following properties:
zabbix_proxy_database: mysql
zabbix_proxy_dbport: 3306
zabbix_proxy_dbpassword: <SOME_SECRET_STRING>

Please generate a value for the zabbix_proxy_dbpassword property (Maybe use ansible-vault for this). The zabbix-proxy role will create an database and username (With the provided value for the password) in MySQL.

  1. Execute the role by running the Ansible playbook that calls this role. At the end of this run, the Zabbix Proxy with MySQL will be running.

Separate Setup

We need to have the following dependencies met:

  1. We need to either have a MySQL instance running somewhere in the environment. If this is the case, we need to have a username/password combination that is allowed to create a database and an user account. If there isn't one, please make sure there is one.
  2. We need to set some variables, either as input for the playbook or set them into the group_vars or host_vars (Your preference choice). We need to set the following properties:
zabbix_proxy_database: mysql
zabbix_proxy_dbport: 3306
zabbix_proxy_dbhost: mysql-host
zabbix_proxy_dbhost_run_install: false
zabbix_proxy_dbpassword: <SOME_SECRET_STRING>
zabbix_proxy_privileged_host: '%'
zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_host: mysql-host
zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_user: root
zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_password: changeme
zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_port: 3306

Please generate a value for the zabbix_proxy_dbpassword property (Maybe use ansible-vault for this). The zabbix-proxy role will create an database and username (With the provided value for the password) in MySQL.

The zabbix_proxy_privileged_host can be set to the hostname/ip of the host running Zabbix Proxy for security related purposes. Also make sure that zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_password is set to the correct password for the user provided with zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_host to create a database and user in the MySQL instance.

  1. Execute the role by running the Ansible playbook that calls this role. At the end of this run, the Zabbix Proxy with MySQL on a different host will be running.


To make the Zabbix Proxy work with a PgSQL database, there are 2 types on setup:

  1. Local setup, PgSQL running on same host as the Zabbix Proxy;
  2. Separate setup, PgSQL running on a different host than the Zabbix Proxy.

Local Setup

We need to have the following dependencies met:

  1. Find an (Ansible) role that will install a PgSQL instance on the host. Example: geerlingguy.postgresql can be used, but also others can be used. Please make sure that before installing the Zabbix Proxy, you have a fully functional PgSQL instance running.
  2. We need to set some variables, either as input for the playbook or set them into the group_vars or host_vars (Your preference choice). We need to set the following properties:
zabbix_proxy_database: pgsql
zabbix_proxy_dbport: 5432
zabbix_proxy_dbpassword: <SOME_SECRET_STRING>

Please generate a value for the zabbix_proxy_dbpassword property (Maybe use ansible-vault for this). The zabbix-proxy role will create an database and username (With the provided value for the password) in PgSQL. 3. Execute the role by running the Ansible playbook that calls this role. At the end of this run, the Zabbix Proxy with PgSQL will be running.

Separate Setup

We need to have the following dependencies met:

  1. We need to either have a PgSQL instance running somewhere in the environment. If this is the case, we need to have a username/password combination that is allowed to create a database and an user account. If there isn't one, please make sure there is one.
  2. We need to set some variables, either as input for the playbook or set them into the group_vars or host_vars (Your preference choice). We need to set the following properties:
zabbix_proxy_database: pgsql
zabbix_proxy_dbport: 5432
zabbix_proxy_dbhost: pgsql-host
zabbix_proxy_dbhost_run_install: false
zabbix_proxy_dbpassword: <SOME_SECRET_STRING>
zabbix_proxy_privileged_host: '%'
zabbix_proxy_pgsql_login_host: pgsql-host
zabbix_proxy_pgsql_login_user: postgres
zabbix_proxy_pgsql_login_password: changeme
zabbix_proxy_pgsql_login_port: 5432

Please generate a value for the zabbix_proxy_dbpassword property (Maybe use ansible-vault for this). The zabbix-proxy role will create an database and username (With the provided value for the password) in PgSQL.

The zabbix_proxy_privileged_host can be set to the hostname/ip of the host running Zabbix Proxy for security related purposes. Also make sure that zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_password is set to the correct password for the user provided with zabbix_proxy_mysql_login_host to create a database and user in the PgSQL instance.

  1. Execute the role by running the Ansible playbook that calls this role. At the end of this run, the Zabbix Proxy with PgSQL on a different host will be running.zabbix_proxy_


The SQLite3 can only be used on the same host as on which the Zabbix Proxy is running. If you want to use a seperate host for running the database for the proxy, please consider going for MySQL or PostGreSQL.

The following properties needs to be set when using SQLite3 as the database:

zabbix_proxy_database: sqlite3
zabbix_proxy_dbname: /path/to/sqlite3.db

NOTE: When using zabbix_proxy_dbname: zabbix_proxy (Which is default with this role), it will automatically be stored on /var/lib/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.db

Zabbix API variables

These variables need to be overridden when you want to make use of the Zabbix API for automatically creating and or updating proxies, i.e. when zabbix_api_create_proxy is set to True.

  • zabbix_api_server_host: The IP or hostname/FQDN of Zabbix server. Example:
  • zabbix_api_use_ssl: Is SSL required to connect to the Zabbix API server? Default: false
  • zabbix_api_server_port: TCP port to use to connect to Zabbix server. Example: 8080
  • zabbix_api_login_user: Username of user which has API access.
  • zabbix_api_login_pass: Password for the user which has API access.
  • zabbix_api_http_user: The http user to access zabbix url with Basic Auth (if your Zabbix is behind a proxy with HTTP Basic Auth).
  • zabbix_api_http_password: The http password to access zabbix url with Basic Auth (if your Zabbix is behind a proxy with HTTP Basic Auth).
  • zabbix_api_validate_certs: yes (Default) if we need to validate tls certificates of the API. Use no in case self-signed certificates are used.
  • zabbix_api_timeout: timeout for API calls (default to 30 seconds)
  • ansible_zabbix_url_path: URL path if Zabbix WebUI running on non-default (zabbix) path, e.g. if http:///zabbixeu then set to zabbixeu
  • zabbix_api_create_proxy: When you want to enable the Zabbix API to create/delete the proxy. This has to be set to True if you want to make use of zabbix_proxy_state. Default: False
  • zabbix_proxy_name: name of the Zabbix proxy as it is seen by Zabbix server
  • zabbix_proxy_state: present (Default) if the proxy needs to be created or absent if you want to delete it. This only works when zabbix_api_create_proxy is set to True.
  • zabbix_proxy_status: active (Default) if the proxy needs to be active or passive.

Configuration Variables

The following table lists all variables that are exposed to modify the configuration of the zabbix_proxy.conf file. Specific details of each variable can be found in the Zabbix documentation.

NOTE: Only variables with a default value appear in the defaults file, all others must be added.

Zabbix Name Variable Name Default Value Notes
AllowRoot zabbix_proxy_allowroot 0
AllowUnsupportedDBVersions zabbix_proxy_allowunsupporteddbversions 0
CacheSize zabbix_proxy_cachesize 8M
ConfigFrequency zabbix_proxy_configfrequency 3600
DataSenderFrequency zabbix_proxy_datasenderfrequency 1
DBHost zabbix_proxy_dbhost localhost
DBName zabbix_proxy_dbname zabbix_proxy
DBPassword zabbix_proxy_dbpassword zabbix_proxy
DBSchema zabbix_proxy_dbschema
DBSocket zabbix_proxy_dbsocket
DBTLSCAFile zabbix_proxy_dbtlscafile
DBTLSCertFile zabbix_proxy_dbtlscertfile
DBTLSCipher zabbix_proxy_dbtlscipher
DBTLSCipher13 zabbix_proxy_dbtlscipher13
DBTLSConnect zabbix_proxy_dbtlsconnect
DBTLSKeyFile zabbix_proxy_dbtlskeyfile
DBUser zabbix_proxy_dbuser zabbix_proxy
DebugLevel zabbix_proxy_debuglevel 3
EnableRemoteCommands zabbix_proxy_enableremotecommands 0
ExternalScripts zabbix_proxy_externalscripts /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts
Fping6Location zabbix_proxy_fping6location /usr/sbin/fping6
FpingLocation zabbix_proxy_fpinglocation /usr/sbin/fping
HeartbeatFrequency zabbix_proxy_heartbeatfrequency 60 Version 6.2 or Lower
HistoryCacheSize zabbix_proxy_historycachesize 8M
HistoryIndexCacheSize zabbix_proxy_historyindexcachesize 4M
Hostname zabbix_proxy_hostname "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
HostnameItem zabbix_proxy_hostnameitem
HousekeepingFrequency zabbix_proxy_housekeepingfrequency 1
Include zabbix_proxy_include /etc/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.conf.d
JavaGateway zabbix_proxy_javagateway
JavaGatewayPort zabbix_proxy_javagatewayport 10052
ListenBacklog zabbix_proxy_listenbacklog
ListenIP zabbix_proxy_listenip
ListenPort zabbix_proxy_listenport 10051
LoadModule zabbix_proxy_loadmodule
LoadModulePath zabbix_proxy_loadmodulepath /usr/lib/zabbix/modules
LogFile zabbix_proxy_logfile /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.log
LogFileSize zabbix_proxy_logfilesize 10
LogRemoteCommands zabbix_proxy_logremotecommands
LogSlowQueries zabbix_proxy_logslowqueries
LogType zabbix_proxy_logtype file
PidFile zabbix_proxy_pidfile /var/run/zabbix/
ProxyLocalBuffer zabbix_proxy_proxylocalbuffer 0
ProxyMode zabbix_proxy_proxymode
ProxyOfflineBuffer zabbix_proxy_proxyofflinebuffer 1
Server zabbix_proxy_server
SNMPTrapperFile zabbix_proxy_snmptrapperfile /tmp/zabbix_traps.tmp
SocketDir zabbix_proxy_socketdir /var/run/zabbix
SourceIP zabbix_proxy_sourceip
SSHKeyLocation zabbix_proxy_sshkeylocation
SSLCALocation zabbix_proxy_sslcalocation
SSLCertLocation zabbix_proxy_sslcertlocation
SSLKeyLocation zabbix_proxy_sslkeylocation
StartDBSyncers zabbix_proxy_startdbsyncers 4
StartDiscoverers zabbix_proxy_startdiscoverers 1
StartHTTPPollers zabbix_proxy_starthttppollers 1
StartIPMIPollers zabbix_proxy_startipmipollers 0
StartJavaPollers zabbix_proxy_startjavapollers
StartODBCPollers zabbix_proxy_startodbcpollers 1
StartPingers zabbix_proxy_startpingers 1
StartPollers zabbix_proxy_startpollers 5
StartPollersUnreachable zabbix_proxy_startpollersunreachable 1
StartPreprocessors zabbix_proxy_startpreprocessors 3
StartSNMPTrapper zabbix_proxy_startsnmptrapper
StartTrappers zabbix_proxy_starttrappers 5
StartVMwareCollectors zabbix_proxy_startvmwarecollectors
StatsAllowedIP zabbix_proxy_statsallowedip ""
Timeout zabbix_proxy_timeout 3
TLSAccept zabbix_proxy_tlsaccept
TLSCAFile zabbix_proxy_tlscafile
TLSCertFile zabbix_proxy_tlscertfile
TLSCipherAll zabbix_proxy_tlscipherall
TLSCipherAll13 zabbix_proxy_tlscipherall13
TLSCipherCert zabbix_proxy_tlsciphercert
TLSCipherCert13 zabbix_proxy_tlsciphercert13
TLSCipherPSK zabbix_proxy_tlscipherpsk
TLSCipherPSK13 zabbix_proxy_tlscipherpsk13
TLSConnect zabbix_proxy_tlsconnect
TLSCRLFile zabbix_proxy_tlscrlfile
TLSKeyFile zabbix_proxy_tlskeyfile
TLSPSKFile zabbix_proxy_tlspskfile
TLSPSKIdentity zabbix_proxy_tlspskidentity
TLSServerCertIssuer zabbix_proxy_tlsservercertissuer
TLSServerCertSubject zabbix_proxy_tlsservercertsubject
TmpDir zabbix_proxy_tmpdir /tmp
TrapperTimeout zabbix_proxy_trappertimeout 300
UnavailableDelay zabbix_proxy_unavailabledelay
UnreachableDelay zabbix_proxy_unreachabledelay
UnreachablePeriod zabbix_proxy_unreachableperiod 45
User zabbix_proxy_user
Vault zabbix_proxy_vault Version 6.2 or Greater
VaultDBPath zabbix_proxy_vaultdbpath
VaultTLSCertFile zabbix_proxy_vaulttlscertfile Version 6.2 or Greater
VaultTLSKeyFile zabbix_proxy_vaulttlskeyfile Version 6.2 or Greater
VaultToken zabbix_proxy_vaulttoken
VaultURL zabbix_proxy_vaulturl
VMwareCacheSize zabbix_proxy_vmwarecachesize 8M
VMwareFrequency zabbix_proxy_vmwarefrequency 60
VMwarePerfFrequency zabbix_proxy_vmwareperffrequency
VMwareTimeout zabbix_proxy_vmwaretimeout


The majority of tasks within this role are tagged as follows:

  • install: Tasks associated with the installation of software.
  • dependencies: Installation tasks related to dependencies that aren't part of the core zabbix installation.
  • database: Tasks associated with the installation or configuration of the database.
  • api: Tasks associated with using the Zabbix API to connect and modify the Zabbix server.
  • config: Tasks associated with the configuration of Zabbix or a supporting service.
  • service: Tasks associated with managing a service.

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

  - hosts: zabbix-proxy
      - role: community.zabbix.zabbix_proxy
        zabbix_proxy_database: mysql


This role is configured to be tested with Molecule. You can find on this page some more information regarding Molecule:

With each Pull Request, Molecule will be executed via Pull Requests will only be merged once these tests run successfully.


GNU General Public License v3.0 or later

See LICENCE to see the full text.

Author Information

Please send suggestion or pull requests to make this role better. Also let us know if you encounter any issues installing or using this role.
