this is the Hurence notes
./gradlew clean build
cp */build/libs/*-0.6.0.jar ../solr-8.0.0/server/solr/chronix/lib/
Contains about one month of time series with monitoring data.
- # of time series: 5,836
- # of points: 76,439,668
That's about one month of time series with monitoring data. They were collected from a linux server running a jenkins ci.
Time range:
- Start: 2016-02-26
- End: 2016-03-28
13/3/2016 à 23:00:04 14/3/2016 à 22:59:59
import some data :
java -Xms2G -Xmx10G -Dlog4j.configurationFile=log4j2.xml -jar lib/chronix-importer-0.5-beta.jar config.yml data2/