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08 Lesson8

File metadata and controls

244 lines (209 loc) · 10.2 KB

Lesson 8 - Pointers and References Explained

Understanding how pointers and references work is one step toward being able to write programs that are effective in their consumption of system resources.

What Is a Pointer?

A pointer is a variable, and like all variables, a pointer occupies space in memory and has its own memory address(in the case of Figure 8.1, at address 0x101). What’s special about pointers is that the value contained in a pointer (in this case, 0x558) is interpreted as a memory address. So, a pointer is a special variable that points to a location in memory. For example:

int num = 3;
int* numPointer = #  // use pointer 'numPointer' to store num's address.
// numPointer is also a variable, and has its own memory address, you can assume its datatype is int*.

/* you can do the following thing to 'num' to get its memory address: */
cout << "variable num's memory address: " << &num << endl;
/* you can do the same thing to 'numPointer': */
cout << "variable numPointer's memory address: " << &numPointer << endl;

/* get the content of variable 'num': */
cout << "value contained in num: " << num << endl;
/* get the content of variable 'numPointer'(the content in that variable is num's address) */
cout << "value contained in numPinter: " << numPointer << endl;

// the specific operator of a pointer, mapping the address it contains to the value contained in that address.
cout << "value contained in address that contained in numPinter: " << *numPointer << endl;  // equals to 'num'

// Output:
variable num's memory address: 0x7fff7532ed5c
variable numPointer's memory address: 0x7fff7532ed60
value contained in num: 3
value contained in numPinter: 0x7fff7532ed5c
value contained in address that contained in numPinter: 3

Declaring a Pointer
PointedType * PointerVariableName;
PointedType * PointerVariableName = NULL; // initializing value (a better choice)

int* pointsToInt = NULL;  // initilized with NULL to avoid junk value.

Determining the Address of a Variable Using the Reference Operator (&)

int num = 3;
cout << &num << endl;

Using Pointers to Store Addresses
Type* Pointer = &Variable;

int* numPointer = &num;

Access Pointed Data Using the Dereference Operator (*)

cout << << *numPointer << endl;

What Is the sizeof() of a Pointer?

The length of an address, that is the number of bytes required to store it, is a constant for a given system. The sizeof() a pointer is hence dependent on the compiler and the operating system the program has been compiled for and is NOT dependent on the nature of the data being pointed to.

float pi = 3.14;
float* piPointer = &pi;
cout << "size of float: " << sizeof(pi) << endl;
cout << "size of float pointer: " << sizeof(piPointer) << endl;
cout << "----------------" << endl;
double dpi = 3.1415926;
double* dpiPointer = &dpi;
cout << "size of double: " << sizeof(dpi) << endl;
cout << "size of double pointer: " << sizeof(dpiPointer) << endl;

// Output:
size of float: 4
size of float pointer: 8
size of double: 8
size of double pointer: 8

Dynamic Memory Allocation and Release with new and delete

Pointers being variables that are used to contain memory addresses play a critical role in efficient dynamic memory allocation.
Note that new returns a pointer, and that is the reason it is assigned to one.
Type* Pointer = new Type; // request memory for one element
Type* Pointer = new Type[numElements]; // request memory for numElements

Remeber to release the memory that requested by new with delete, otherwise it will cause Memory Leak, and only the memory that returned by new can be released by delete.
delete Pointer; // release memory for one element
delete[] Pointer; // release block for numElements

Note the usage of delete[] when you allocate a block using new[...] and delete when you allocate just an element using new.

for example:

int* newPointer = new int;  // return a pointer, and assign it to newPointer
cin >> *newPointer;
cout << *newPointer << " is stored at 0x" << newPointer << endl;
delete newPointer;  // release memory

int nunNumbers = 10;
int* myNumbers = new int[numNumbers];
cout << "Memory allocated at: 0x" << myNumbers << endl;
delete[] myNumbers;

free store
Operators new and delete allocate memory from the free store.
The free store is a memory abstraction in the form of a pool of memory where your application can allocate (that is, reserve) memory from and de-allocate (that is, release) memory to.

Effect of Incrementing and Decrementing Operators (++ and --) on Pointers

The address contained in the pointer is incremented or decremented by the sizeof the type being pointed to (and not necessarily a byte).

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std;

int main() {
  int numEntries = 10;
  int* pointsToInts = new int [numEntries];
  for(int counter = 0; counter < numEntries; ++counter) {
    cin >> *(pointsToInts + counter);

  cout << "Displaying all numbers entered: " << endl;
  for(int counter = 0; counter < numEntries; ++counter) {
    cout << *(pointsToInts++) << " ";
  cout << endl;

  // return pointer to initial position, because the present pointsToInts is not the one allocated by new.
  // and delete can only release the memory requested by new.
  pointsToInts -= numEntries;  

  // done with using memory? release
  delete[] pointsToInts;
  return 0; 

The original pointer address returned by new during allocation needs to be used in the call to delete[] during de-allocation.

Using the const Keyword on Pointers

The value of a const-variable cannot be changed, and therefore it cannot be used as an l-value.

  • The address contained in the pointer is constant and cannot be changed, yet the data at that address can be changed:
int* const pDaysInMonth = &daysInMonth;
*pDaysInMonth = 31; // OK! Data pointed to can be changed
pDaysInMonth = &daysInLunarMonth; // Not OK! Cannot change address!
  • Data pointed to is constant and cannot be changed, yet the address contained in the pointer can be changed—that is, the pointer can also point elsewhere:
const int* pointsToInt = &hoursInDay;  
pointsToInt = &monthsInYear; // OK!  
*pointsToInt = 13; // Not OK! Cannot change data being pointed to
  • Both the address contained in the pointer and the value being pointed to are constant and cannot be changed (most restrictive variant):
const int* const pHoursInDay = &hoursInDay;  
*pHoursInDay = 25; // Not OK! Cannot change data being pointed to 
pHoursInDay = &daysInMonth; // Not OK! Cannot change address

Passing Pointers to Functions Pointers

Pointers are an effective way to pass memory space that contains relevant data for functions to work on.

void CalcArea(const double* const ptrPi, // const pointer to const data
              const double* const ptrRadius, // i.e. no changes allowed
              double* const ptrArea) { // can change data pointed to
    if (ptrPi && ptrRadius && ptrArea) { // use to check whether there is NULL address
        *ptrArea = (*ptrPi) * (*ptrRadius) * (*ptrRadius);

int main() {
    const double Pi = 3.1416;
    cout << "Enter radius of circle: "; double radius = 0;
    cin >> radius;
    double area = 0;
    // Note that there much pass in the variables' addresses.
    CalcArea (&Pi, &radius, &area);
    cout << "Area is = " << area << endl;

    return 0; 

Similarities between Arrays and Pointers

myNumbers is a pointer to the first element myNumbers[0].
myNumbers[1] equals to *(pointToNums + 1).

Note that one can assign an array to a pointer as int* pointToNums = myNumbers;, but one cannot assign a pointer to an array. This is because by its very nature, an array like myNumbers is static and cannot be used as an l-value. myNumbers cannot be modified.

Common Programming Mistakes When Using Pointers

  • Memory Leaks
int* pointToNums = new int[5]; // initial allocation 
// use pointToNums 
// forget to release using delete[] pointToNums; 
// make another allocation and overwrite 
pointToNums = new int[10];  // leaks the previously allocated memory
  • When Pointers Don’t Point to Valid Memory Locations
    Logical as this may seem, invalid pointers are quite a common reason for application crashes.
  • Dangling Pointers (Also Called Stray or Wild Pointers)
    Note that any valid pointer is invalid after it has been released using delete.

DON’T invoke delete on a memory address more than once.
Q I have two pointers:
int* pointToAnInt = new int;
int* pCopy = pointToAnInt;
Am I not better off calling delete using both to ensure that the memory is gone?
A That would be wrong. You are allowed to invoke delete only once on the address returned by new. Also, you would ideally avoid having two pointers pointing to the same address because performing delete on any one would invalidate the other. Your program should also not be written in a way that you have any uncertainty about the validity of pointers used.

  • Checking Whether Allocation Request Using new Succeeded
    • Use try ... catch(bad_alloc) ...
    • Use new(nothrow) which will return NULL when failed.

What Is a Reference?

The reference variable is just a different way to access the data stored in the variable being referenced.
VarType original = Value;
VarType& ReferenceVariable = original;

Using Keyword const on References

int original = 30;
const int& constRef = original;
constRef = 40; // Not allowed: constRef can’t change value in original 
int& ref2 = constRef; // Not allowed: ref2 is not const 
const int& constRef2 = constRef; // OK

Passing Arguments by Reference to Functions(Important)

The copying step can be quite an overhead if the argument in question consumes a lot of memory.
It is often important to ensure that the called function cannot change the value of the variable at the caller’s end. A const reference parameter cannot be used as an l-value.

void GetSquare(const int& number, int& result) {
    result = number * number;