Thank you for contributing to our research group! Best wishes for your next steps and stay in touch.
Acknowledgement: This document was adapted from openscapes and the Pinsky lab.
Project components are all hosted in a repository on Github with a thorough README file.
Data used in support of the project must be:
Saved in an appropriate, non-proprietary format with accompanying metadata
In a public archive (e.g., the github repo or another public archive), or, if data is proprietary, a 'snapshot' version of the data used in the project must be saved in a private repository accessible to lab members
Linked and briefly described in the project README
Code used or developed in support of the project must be:
Well commented and complete
On Github, in the public project repository
Described in the README- what does each file do, what language was used, etc
Set up a time to talk with your mentor about:
What was the best part of your experience?
What did you learn while you were here?
Did you get the support you needed, or could we have been better at it?
What can we improve for mentoring someone in your position in the future?