rot13 — return the ROTXX version of the given text
import rot13
String rot13.rot(String text, Integer rotation, String character_set)
The rot function returns the ROT13 version of the given text.
All the other parameters also have default values and thus are optional.
The rotation parameter sets the character set rotation to be used instead of the default 13.
The character_set parameter defines the characters affected by the rotation. Possible values are:
- "alphabetical" for [A-Za-z] characters. The default value
- "ASCII" for printable ASCII characters
caesar(6), fortune(6), rot13(6)
The rot13 library tries to follow the PEP 8 style guide for Python code.
There is a rot13 codec usable with the str.encode() function in Python, but it is less flexible.
This library was made for the PNU project.
This utility is available under the 3-clause BSD license.
Unicode characters are left unchanged.
This command's only purpose is to obfuscate a text, rather than seriously intending to protect it. This last purpose has been deprecated about 2000 years ago!