diff --git a/SingularityUI/app/styles/colors.styl b/SingularityUI/app/styles/colors.styl
index a43c25effc..fe05dfd7b4 100644
--- a/SingularityUI/app/styles/colors.styl
+++ b/SingularityUI/app/styles/colors.styl
@@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ $yellow = #ffff99
$green = #48a770
$blue = #336ca6
$purple = #b93c96
+$dark-yellow = #e6e65c
-$removeRed = #df6f6f
\ No newline at end of file
+$removeRed = #df6f6f
diff --git a/SingularityUI/app/styles/status.styl b/SingularityUI/app/styles/status.styl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..753262cae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SingularityUI/app/styles/status.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+@import colors
+ display table
+ width 100%
+ display table
+ width 100%
+ height 100%
+ float none
+ display table-cell
+ vertical-align top
+ line-height 0
+ width 100%
+ display inline-block
+ margin 0px
+ outline none
+ vertical-align top
+#legend .list-group-item, #legend-left .list-group-item
+ padding 4px 15px
+#legend .list-group-item
+ text-align right
+ background $green
+ background $grey
+ background $purple
+ background $dark-yellow
+ color $grey
+ background $blue
+ background $blue
+ background $red
+ background $orange
diff --git a/SingularityUI/app/templates/status.hbs b/SingularityUI/app/templates/status.hbs
index 5a9b1bef8b..02c7b5d2b4 100644
--- a/SingularityUI/app/templates/status.hbs
+++ b/SingularityUI/app/templates/status.hbs
@@ -1,4 +1,131 @@
{{#if synced}}
diff --git a/SingularityUI/app/views/status.coffee b/SingularityUI/app/views/status.coffee
index 55265a4151..cbb5b78d73 100644
--- a/SingularityUI/app/views/status.coffee
+++ b/SingularityUI/app/views/status.coffee
@@ -11,45 +11,94 @@ class StatusView extends View
@lastState = _.clone @model.attributes
render: =>
- # When refreshing we want to display a nice pretty animation
- # showing which number boxes have changed.
- if not @lastState?
- # Render template from fresh data
- @$el.html @template
- state: @model.attributes
- synced: @model.synced
- else
- # Render template with old data and animate the new stuff in
- @$el.html @template
- state: @lastState
- synced: @model.synced
- changedNumbers = {}
- numberAttributes = []
- # Go through each key. If the value is a number, we'll (try to)
- # perform a change animation on that key's box
- _.each _.keys(@model.attributes), (attribute) =>
- if typeof @model.attributes[attribute] is 'number'
- numberAttributes.push attribute
- for numberAttribute in numberAttributes
- oldNumber = @lastState[numberAttribute]
- newNumber = @model.attributes[numberAttribute]
- if oldNumber isnt newNumber
- changedNumbers[numberAttribute] =
- direction: "#{ if newNumber > oldNumber then 'inc' else 'dec' }rease"
- difference: "#{ if newNumber > oldNumber then '+' else '-' }#{ Math.abs(newNumber - oldNumber) }"
- for attributeName, changes of changedNumbers
- $number = @$el.find(""".number[data-state-attribute="#{ attributeName }"]""")
- $bigNumber = $number.parents('.big-number-link')
- changeClassName = "changed-direction-#{ changes.direction }"
- $bigNumber.addClass changeClassName
- $bigNumber.find('.well').attr('data-changed-difference', changes.difference)
- $number.html @model.attributes[attributeName]
- do ($bigNumber, changeClassName) -> setTimeout (-> $bigNumber.removeClass changeClassName), 2000
+ @$el.html @template
+ state: @model.attributes
+ synced: @model.synced
+ tasks: @tasks(@model)
+ requests: @requests(@model)
+ @$('.chart-data div[title]').tooltip(placement: 'right')
+ requests: (model) =>
+ total_requests = @model.attributes.allRequests
+ requests = [
+ {
+ type: 'active_item',
+ label: 'active',
+ count: @model.attributes.activeRequests,
+ height: @model.attributes.activeRequests / total_requests * 100,
+ link: '/requests/active'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'paused_item',
+ label: 'paused',
+ count: @model.attributes.pausedRequests,
+ height: @model.attributes.pausedRequests / total_requests * 100,
+ link: '/requests/paused'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'cooldown_item',
+ label: 'cooling down'
+ count: @model.attributes.cooldownRequests,
+ height: @model.attributes.cooldownRequests / total_requests * 100,
+ link: '/requests/cooldown'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'pending_item',
+ label: 'pending',
+ count: @model.attributes.pendingRequests,
+ height: @model.attributes.pendingRequests / total_requests * 100,
+ link: '/requests/pending'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'cleaning_item',
+ label: 'cleaning',
+ count: @model.attributes.cleaningRequests,
+ height: @model.attributes.cleaningRequests / total_requests * 100,
+ link: '/requests/cleaning'
+ },
+ ]
+ return requests
+ tasks: (model) =>
+ total_tasks = @model.attributes.activeTasks + @model.attributes.lateTasks + @model.attributes.scheduledTasks + @model.attributes.lbCleanupTasks
+ tasks = [
+ {
+ type: 'active_item',
+ label: 'active',
+ count: @model.attributes.activeTasks,
+ height: @model.attributes.activeTasks / total_tasks * 100,
+ link: '/tasks'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'scheduled_item',
+ label: 'scheduled'
+ count: @model.attributes.scheduledTasks,
+ height: @model.attributes.scheduledTasks / total_tasks * 100,
+ link: '/tasks/scheduled'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'overdue_item',
+ label: 'overdue',
+ count: @model.attributes.lateTasks,
+ height: @model.attributes.lateTasks / total_tasks * 100
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'cleaning_item',
+ label: 'cleaning',
+ count: @model.attributes.cleaningTasks,
+ height: @model.attributes.cleaningTasks / total_tasks * 100,
+ link: 'tasks/cleaning'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'lbCleanup_item',
+ label: 'load balancer cleanup',
+ count: @model.attributes.lbCleanupTasks,
+ height: @model.attributes.lbCleanupTasks / total_tasks * 100
+ }
+ ]
+ return tasks
module.exports = StatusView