groxy is a simple transparent TCP proxy encrypted by TLS. It can create a tunnel between client and server side, data in which would be protected by TLS.
The server side and client side groxy will each expose one port for applications wishing to use to connect with.
- Implement TCP tunnel
- Support SOCKS5 proxy
- Support HTTP proxy
- Capture and forward all TCP traffic on client side
- possibly implemented by using TUN device and route table hooking
- Use a connection pool to optimize performance
- Benchmark
./groxy_client --help
Usage of groxy_client:
Is insecure cert (self-signed cert) allowed on serverside (default true)
-localAddr string
Address that groxy will listen at (default "")
-localPort int
Port that groxy client listen on (default 48620)
-logLevel int
Log verbosity, 1~3 from low to high (default 3)
-remoteAddr string
Address that groxy server at (default "")
-remotePort int
Port that groxy server listen on (default 38620)
./groxy_server --help
Usage of groxy_server:
-cert string
Certificate file that TLS requires, in PEM format (default "server.pem")
-d Enable debug level output (default true)
-key string
Key file for TLS encryption (default "server.key")
-localAddr string
Address that this groxy server will listen at (default "")
-localPort int
Port that this groxy server will listen on (default 38620)
-remoteAddr string
Address that remote application exists (default "")
-remotePort int
Port that remote application exists (default 55590)
To be noticed that the certificate should be in pem
For reference:
Using openssl
to create private key
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
Generating certificate
openssl req -new -x509 -key server.key -out server.pem -days 3650
git clone
cd groxy
go env -w GOOS=windows
go env -w GOARCH=amd64
#Server side
go build ./groxy_server.go ./common_def.go
#Client side
go build ./groxy_client.go ./common_def.go
Pre-built executable binaries for Linux and Windows available in ./build/