heyteiler (forked from teiler) uses rofi to draw a menu which lets you choose between screenshots, screencasts, saveclipboard or recognize text.
- Screenshots fullscreen all/fullscreen/area
- Screencasts of fullscreen/area
- Save clipboard text in file
- Recognize text and put it in clipboard
- Delay screenshots
- Save screenshots in clipboard
- Save filepath of result in clipboard
- Upload your files via:
- imgur (only images, require: imgurbash2)
- ix (only text)
- scp (all formats, require: openssh)
- amazon s3 (all formats, require: s3cmd cli tool)
- History of Images,Videos and Text with support for
- Viewing
- Uploading
- Commandline interface for direct access to all features: useful for hotkeys of if your don't want to use rofi
Default system configuration storied in the /etc/heytiler
directory. But for
user defined changes i recommend to copy /etc/heytiler
folder in user
cp -R /etc/heytiler ~/.config/heyteiler
Here you find: - heyteiler.conf - main configuration file - targets - folder with targets configuration files
Some menus has choises in header. For change values in them use rofi keybinds: Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3
Targets is main feature of heyteiler. In config directory, you may find targets
folder. Every file in this folder describe one target.
You may change exist target or create your own just copy one of existing.
See targets
files for more options
Supported target_type
: 'local', 'scp', 'imgur', 'clipboard'
- Images: local, clipboard, scp, s3, imgur
- Video: local, scp, s3
- Text: s3, scp, ix.io
imgur and ix.io target types worked without any additional settings. So, they
haven't special file. But if you want to change local directory for backups you
may copy local
target and set target_type=imgur
cd ~/.config/heyteiler/targets
cp local my_custom_imgur
sed -i 's/target_type=.*/target_type=imgur/' my_custom_imgur
# Change imgur backup directory
sed -i 's/Screenshots/Imgur/' my_custom_imgur
target is a special target which heyteiler use for saving files before
upload on the resource. So even if you use network resource as a target (ex:
imgur or scp) your file will be available in future in local
target folders or in
history tab.
Also local
target used for openning files from history.
Choose dependencies based on necessary features:
- xclip
- slop (https://github.com/naelstrof/slop)
- xdg-open
- libnotify
- UI dependency:
- Screenshot dependency
- Screencasts dependencies:
- xininfo (https://github.com/DaveDavenport/xininfo)
- ffmpeg (http://www.ffmpeg.org)
- Recognize dependencies:
- maim
- tesseract (https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract)
- ImageMagic (https://imagemagick.org/index.php)
- Uploading dependencies:
- curl
- imgurbash2 (https://github.com/ram-on/imgurbash2)
- openssh (http://www.openssh.com)
- s3 cli tools