- Removed obsolete code that hasn't been used in a long time.
- Object bobbing can now be multiplied dependening on grounded state.
- Fixed Cinemachine 3.0 compatibility.
- Fixed creating a new controller not respecting "Create at World Origin" preference.
- Fixed tooltips not being removed in builds.
- Added support for Cinemachine 3.0.0.
- Fixed WASD not being associated with keyboard when creating new input actions, thus not allowing the player to move when using PlayerInput.
- Fixed not being able to undo creation of controller when using Cinemachine.
- Fixed a normal camera being created when using Cinemachine.
- Fixed CinemachineBrain not being created when creating a new controller with Cinemachine enabled.
- Fixed logs being printed when zooming.
- Fixed step cycle not increasing when using a custom step cycle.
- Fixed obsolete warnings in 2023.1+.
- Fixed constant garbage allocation in GoldPlayerUI.
- Fixed IMGUI editor for AudioItem.
- Fixed several UI toolkit editor issues for AudioItem.
- Fixed a lot of garbage allocation in editors.
- Fixed spelling mistake in GoldPlayerGraphics.
- Added raycast ground check as an alternative to sphere ground check.
- Added gizmos in the scene view for ground checks.
- Added interaction limits on Gold Player Interactable, along with a On Reached Max Interactions event.
- Added new editor GUI for several components. They are now more uniform and adapts to what values are enabled.
- Added option to only rotate the camera without rotating the root transform.
- Added support for using Vector2 with legacy input manager.
- Added support for using legacy Gold Player Input component with Gold Player Input System if 'Both' is set in input backend.
- Added zoom feature.
- Added separate predictable values for crouching and standing up, along with curves to control the lerp.
- Added curves to field of view kick.
- Added support for player input in input system component.
- Revamped how Gold Player project settings are saved. Old settings will be upgraded.
- Changed Drain Stamina When and Kick When to flags instead for better control. Will most likely not upgrade very well if you've used these values.
- Mouse Sensitivity and Mouse Damping have been renamed to Look Sensitivity and Look Damping.
- All virtual methods and protected fields have been turned private.
- Bob target is now a child of camera head by default due to the change regarding only rotating the camera.
- When Cinemachine is enabled, the newly created player object will have a virtual camera instead of a normal camera.
- Stamina now has control over unscaled time by itself.
- [BREAKING] Target Camera has been moved from field of view kick to player camera instead.
is now get only and returns if the player should jump with stamina, air jumps, etc, considered. PressedJump has been added as a replacement for the old behavior.- Field of view kick times are now predictable. If you're upgrading from an older version, you might need to change your old values!
- Input now uses hashes for lookups instead. BREAKING Enable/DisableInput(int) on GoldPlayerInputSystem is now called Enable/DisableInputIndex instead because of Enable/DisableAction now uses int for hashes.
- Fixed head bob not working on time scale 0.
- Fixed some head bob issues with NaN values.
- Fixed graphics component not updating shadows properly.
- Fixed issue with only having a cinemachine camera assigned.
- Fixed jump height not changing with jump height multiplier.
- Fixed player not setting
to true when time scale is 0. - Fixed player not being able to jump on low time scales.
- Fixed head bob throwing errors when time scale is 0.
- Added Gold Player Animator for easy and simple animation support.
- Added Gold Player Graphics that can be used to easily control the graphics visibility on the player.
- Added Gold Player Audio Animator (and Trigger) audio behaviour to allow animations to trigger audio events.
- Added Gold Player Object Bob that allows you to assign multiple objects to bob as the player moves.
- Added a custom editor for Gold Player Input System and Gold Player Input.
- Added support for disabling certain components using scripting define symbols and also through project settings (2018.3+).
- Added support for Cinemachine.
- Added support for both Text and TextMeshProUGUI on Gold Player UI, no matter the version. (But TMP is still 2018.1+!). WILL BREAK YOUR UI WHEN UPGRADING!
- Added new examples, both in Unity package and package manager version.
- Added support for jumping to require stamina.
- Added support for different stamina regen rates depending on if the player is moving or not.
- When creating a player through 'GameObject - 3D - Gold Player Controller', it now fills in audio clips if the standard ones are present.
- Player Audio Behaviour can now handle audio by itself instead of it always being handled by Gold Player.
- Unity 2019.3+ is no longer a requirement for the new input system to function. As long as it's enabled and present, Gold Player will adapt to it.
- Now adapts classes better to uGUI and TextMeshPro.
- Improved code stripping. It now strips out all obsolete methods and properties to minimize code size.
- Added more safety checks and also make sure they get stripped out on release builds to improve performance.
- Several quality of life improvements.
- (BREAKING CHANGE) Minimum supported version raised to 2018.4. Gold Player will still probably work on version below but issues with versions below 2018.4 may not be fixed or take longer to fix.
- Made
, andShouldCrouch
public to be able to control movement through code. - Input actions are now directly referenced instead of just using the whole input actions asset.
- Changed folder structure to match the same structure of packages.
- Removed all sub-menus (except for example scripts) for Gold Player scripts in the 'Add Component' menu.
- (BREAKING CHANGE) Removed all sub-namespaces from scripts. All Gold Player scripts are now in
. Your code may break if you've referenced Gold Player in code but you mostly only need to remove old namespaces. - Changed mouse sensitivity to a Vector2 instead to allow control over each axis' sensitivity.
- Changed wording on Run/Crouch Toggle modes. Off -> Hold, Permanent -> Toggle
- Changed wording on running modes. Faster Than Run Speed -> Is Running.
- Removed
script define. It's now recommended you ONLY remove components using project settings/script defines.
- Fixed head bob strafe tilt still being applied even when the player can't move.
- Fixed mouse sensitivity being used twice when multiplying. NOTE: May be a breaking change in user experience!
- Fixed character center warning not updating properly.
- Fixed camera controls not working consistently depending on V-sync and timescale.
- Fixed bob targets flying off if their Z position wasn't 0.
- Fixed player not following along with really slow moving platforms.
- Fixed typo in GoldPlayerAudioBehaviour. PlayFoostepSound -> PlayFootstepSound
- Fixed the player continuing to run if running when CanRun is set to false.
- Fixed 'Can Move Around' not working with the normal input manager.
- Movement multipliers in code. Can be used to easily make the player faster/slower and jump higher.
- Camera force look.
, andSetPositionAndRotation
methods added to easily set the position.
- Eliminated garbage caused by string concatenation.
- Removed all references to HertzLib update manager.
- Fixed not being able to use the old input manager.
- Input now looks for an interface instead of a class. It makes it much easier to make your own input class.
- You can now manually control when input gets enabled and disabled in Gold Player Input System.
- Interaction now looks for an interface instead of just one class. It makes it much easier to make your own interactable objects through code.
- Fixed using normal input manager not working.
- Fixed Null error with interaction component.
- Added support for Unity's new input system (requires 2019.3+ to work with Gold Player!)
- Added input strings in the editor, in the new "Input" tab.
- Added warnings in the editor when something isn't quite right.
- When using Unity 2019.1+ the editor GUI will be using the new UIElements.
- Added recoil support in player camera. (
Camera.ApplyRecoil(amount, time)
) - Added support for UGUI now being a package in 2019.2+.
- Overhauled moving platforms. Now supports all moving objects and no longer reparents.
- Changed all formatting in variables from
. - Cached Time.deltaTime to give a very, very slight performance improvement.
- Removed GroundCheckType property as the option was removed in 1.2.
- You're now required to have a GoldInput component on your player.
- Creating a player controller now adds a GoldInput component.
- Fixed a problem with the max values in movement speeds.
- Fixed movement asking for input when the feature is disabled.
- Fixed the camera being FPS dependent. (Was very sluggish on high FPS and fast on lower FPS)
- Fixed errors that would occur when HertzLib Update Manager was present.
- Fixed errors appearing when playing and recompiling.
- Fixed the player stopping on a dime when Can Move Around was changed when moving.
- Added support for reference and auto find specific player components in UI
- Added full support for Unity 2018.3
- Added warning when character controller center doesn't match its height
- Added warning when the crouch height is too small
- Added warning when the player layer is included as a ground layer
- Added force support (knockback)
- Added support for creating a Gold Player Controller using Create GameObject content menu
- Added multiple jumps support (basically double jumping)
- Added run/crouch toggle options (thanks @nickgravelyn!)
- Added Unity package manager support (EXPERIMENTAL!)
- PlayerBehaviour no longer requires Gold Player Controller
- Fixed UI throwing an error if there was no player referenced
- Fixed the crouch camera height being inverted
- Fixed problems with
- Fixed problems with nested interactables (thanks @nickgravelyn!)
- Fixed .NET 4.6 code in UI not working
- Fixed UI not auto finding player even if it was checked
- Added support for sprinting feature in Gold Player UI
- Fixed Gold Player defines removing other defines.
- UI component no longer has to be attached to the player
- Fixed Interaction not updating correctly
- Added audio behaviour that hooks into the audio part, for more control over the audio
- Added player interactions; Easily add interactable elements in your world
- Added player UI; Hooks into interactions to show interaction messages
- Added assembly definitions
- All
methods have been renamed toInitialized
- Removed ground check type. Now only sphere is available
- Added camera shake
- Added player events
- Added box ground check
- Added air-jumping
- Added air control
- Added moving platform support
- Fixed player Y rotation can't be edited in the editor of from a script
- Fixed the player stopping mid-air if
changed while in the air - Fixed typo in PlayerCamera
- Fixed camera still smoothing after
has been disabled and then re-enabled