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68 lines (51 loc) · 3.26 KB

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68 lines (51 loc) · 3.26 KB


CMSSW tools for analyzing TTH events with boosted objects

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Follow These Steps:

# setup environment
export SCRAM_ARCH="slc6_amd64_gcc630"
export CMSSW_VERSION="CMSSW_9_4_9"

# create new CMSSW environment
scram project $CMSSW_VERSION
export CMSSWSRCDIR="$( pwd )"
eval `scramv1 runtime -sh` 

git cms-merge-topic yrath:deterministicSeeds
git cms-merge-topic michaelwassmer:CMSSW_9_4_6_patch1_changed_SmearedJetProducer

git cms-merge-topic cms-egamma:EgammaPostRecoTools_940 #just adds in an extra file to have a setup function to make things easier
#git cms-merge-topic cms-egamma:Egamma80XMiniAODV2_946 #adds the c++ changes necessary to enable 2016 scale & smearing corrections (is loaded per default)

# install common classifier
mkdir TTH
cd TTH
git clone
source CommonClassifier/setup/
# use recent version of LHAPDF header
sed -i '6i#include "LHAPDF/LHAPDF.h"' MEIntegratorStandalone/interface/Integrand.h
sed -i '32i /*' MEIntegratorStandalone/interface/Integrand.h
sed -i '44i */' MEIntegratorStandalone/interface/Integrand.h
# install reco likelihood variables
source CommonClassifier/setup/

# install miniaod and boostedtth
git clone -b CMSSW_9_4_5
git clone -b CMSSW_9_4_3

# Download the JER correction files
cd $CMSSWSRCDIR/BoostedTTH/BoostedAnalyzer/data
mkdir jerfiles
cd jerfiles
wget ""
wget ""
wget ""
wget ""

scram b -j 12

### only for crab use ###
cp /cvmfs/* $CMSSWSRCDIR/../lib/slc6_amd64_gcc630
scram b -j 12


BoostedObjects contains the classes needed for subjet-analysis. They associate fat jets with the corresponding filtered objects.

BoostedProduces contains the tools used to run the HEPTopTagger and SubjetFilterJet algorithm on MiniAOD and add the output as the above collections.

BoostedAnalyzer can be used to analyze MiniAOD files. The plugin itself takes care of objectselections and stores the objects in InputCollections. Different event selection can be used in this step, too. The inputcollections can be analyzed with a TreeWriter that can load different Processors. Every processor writes a certain class of output variables in a flat TTree.