This directory contains everything to you need to start using perun in your workflows. As an example, we are using the torch package to train a neural network to recognize the handwritten digits using the MNIST dataset.
It is recommended that you create a new environment with any new project using the venv package
python -m venv venv/perun-example
source venv/perun-example/bin/activate
or with conda
conda create --name perun-example
conda activate perun-example
Once your new enviornment is ready, you can install the dependencies for the example.
pip install torch perun[mpi,nvidia]
This includes perun and the scripts dependencies. The the root of the project includes a minimal configuration file example.perun.ini*, with some basic options. More details on the configuration options can be found in the docs.
To make sure perun was installed properly and that it has access to some hardware sensors, run the command
perun sensors
Now everything is ready to start getting data. To get monitor your script a single time, simply run:
perun monitor
After the script finishes running, a folder perun_results will be created containing the consumption report of your application as a text file, including the all the raw data saved in an hdf5 file.
To explored the contents of the hdf5 file, we recomed the h5py library or the myHDF5 website.
The text report from running the MNIST example should look like this:
App name: torch_mnist
First run: 2023-08-22T17:44:34.927402
Last run: 2023-08-22T17:44:34.927402
RUN ID: 2023-08-22T17:44:34.927402
| 0 | hkn0402.localdomain | 61.954 s | 28.440 kJ | 203.619 W | 0.867 % | 232.448 W | 4.037 GB | 22.923 W | 0.033 % |
| 0 | All | 61.954 s | 28.440 kJ | 203.619 W | 0.867 % | 232.448 W | 4.037 GB | 22.923 W | 0.033 % |
Monitored Functions
| Round # | Function | Avg Calls / Rank | Avg Runtime | Avg Power | Avg CPU Util | Avg GPU Mem Util |
| 0 | train | 1 | 50.390±0.000 s | 456.993±0.000 W | 0.869±0.000 % | 2.731±0.000 % |
| 0 | train_epoch | 5 | 8.980±1.055 s | 433.082±11.012 W | 0.874±0.007 % | 2.746±0.148 % |
| 0 | test | 5 | 1.098±0.003 s | 274.947±83.746 W | 0.804±0.030 % | 2.808±0.025 % |
The application has been run 1 times. In total, it has used 0.012 kWh, released a total of 0.005 kgCO2e into the atmosphere, and you paid 0.00 € in electricity for it.
The results display data about the functions train, test_epoch and test. Those functions were specialy marked using the @monitor()
def train(args, model, device, train_loader, test_loader, optimizer, scheduler):
for epoch in range(1, args.epochs + 1):
train_epoch(args, model, device, train_loader, optimizer, epoch)
test(model, device, test_loader)
If you need to run your code multiple times to gather statistics, perun includes an option called --rounds
. The application will be run multiple times, with each run added to similar tables as the one generated for a single run.
perun monitor --rounds 5
App name: torch_mnist
First run: 2023-08-22T17:44:34.927402
Last run: 2023-08-22T17:45:46.992693
RUN ID: 2023-08-22T17:45:46.992693
| 0 | hkn0402.localdomain | 52.988 s | 24.379 kJ | 202.854 W | 0.865 % | 234.184 W | 4.281 GB | 22.858 W | 0.034 % |
| 0 | All | 52.988 s | 24.379 kJ | 202.854 W | 0.865 % | 234.184 W | 4.281 GB | 22.858 W | 0.034 % |
| 1 | hkn0402.localdomain | 48.401 s | 22.319 kJ | 203.366 W | 0.886 % | 234.821 W | 4.513 GB | 22.798 W | 0.034 % |
| 1 | All | 48.401 s | 22.319 kJ | 203.366 W | 0.886 % | 234.821 W | 4.513 GB | 22.798 W | 0.034 % |
| 2 | hkn0402.localdomain | 48.258 s | 22.248 kJ | 203.339 W | 0.884 % | 234.720 W | 4.513 GB | 22.850 W | 0.034 % |
| 2 | All | 48.258 s | 22.248 kJ | 203.339 W | 0.884 % | 234.720 W | 4.513 GB | 22.850 W | 0.034 % |
| 3 | hkn0402.localdomain | 48.537 s | 22.393 kJ | 203.269 W | 0.884 % | 234.984 W | 4.513 GB | 22.968 W | 0.034 % |
| 3 | All | 48.537 s | 22.393 kJ | 203.269 W | 0.884 % | 234.984 W | 4.513 GB | 22.968 W | 0.034 % |
| 4 | hkn0402.localdomain | 48.416 s | 22.323 kJ | 203.408 W | 0.888 % | 234.626 W | 4.513 GB | 22.928 W | 0.034 % |
| 4 | All | 48.416 s | 22.323 kJ | 203.408 W | 0.888 % | 234.626 W | 4.513 GB | 22.928 W | 0.034 % |
Monitored Functions
| Round # | Function | Avg Calls / Rank | Avg Runtime | Avg Power | Avg CPU Util | Avg GPU Mem Util |
| 0 | train | 1 | 50.169±0.000 s | 458.380±0.000 W | 0.875±0.000 % | 2.727±0.000 % |
| 0 | train_epoch | 5 | 8.930±0.903 s | 439.707±12.743 W | 0.875±0.008 % | 2.743±0.154 % |
| 0 | test | 5 | 1.103±0.004 s | 232.750±1.219 W | 0.805±0.030 % | 2.809±0.023 % |
| 1 | train | 1 | 48.354±0.000 s | 453.376±0.000 W | 0.886±0.000 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
| 1 | train_epoch | 5 | 8.556±0.008 s | 428.418±11.199 W | 0.890±0.018 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
| 1 | test | 5 | 1.115±0.002 s | 272.918±80.330 W | 0.798±0.018 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
| 2 | train | 1 | 48.210±0.000 s | 453.867±0.000 W | 0.884±0.000 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
| 2 | train_epoch | 5 | 8.525±0.022 s | 423.647±1.049 W | 0.888±0.013 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
| 2 | test | 5 | 1.117±0.005 s | 312.983±97.688 W | 0.806±0.012 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
| 3 | train | 1 | 48.486±0.000 s | 452.940±0.000 W | 0.884±0.000 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
| 3 | train_epoch | 5 | 8.577±0.012 s | 433.627±13.812 W | 0.888±0.017 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
| 3 | test | 5 | 1.120±0.003 s | 233.973±3.516 W | 0.789±0.022 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
| 4 | train | 1 | 48.367±0.000 s | 453.256±0.000 W | 0.888±0.000 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
| 4 | train_epoch | 5 | 8.555±0.011 s | 433.582±12.606 W | 0.899±0.029 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
| 4 | test | 5 | 1.118±0.002 s | 233.367±2.238 W | 0.818±0.045 % | 2.820±0.000 % |
The application has been run 2 times. In total, it has used 0.062 kWh, released a total of 0.026 kgCO2e into the atmosphere, and you paid 0.02 € in electricity for it.