diff --git a/packages/@azure/arm-sql/.npmignore b/packages/@azure/arm-sql/.npmignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3b46bc6202d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/@azure/arm-sql/.npmignore
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#tools and scripts
+#IDE settings
+#build tools
+# Nuget packages #
diff --git a/packages/@azure/arm-sql/LICENSE.txt b/packages/@azure/arm-sql/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a70e8cf66038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/@azure/arm-sql/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2018 Microsoft
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/packages/@azure/arm-sql/README.md b/packages/@azure/arm-sql/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fb8a6107e748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/@azure/arm-sql/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Azure SqlManagementClient SDK for JavaScript
+This package contains an isomorphic SDK for SqlManagementClient.
+## Currently supported environments
+- Node.js version 6.x.x or higher
+- Browser JavaScript
+## How to Install
+npm install @azure/arm-sql
+## How to use
+### nodejs - Authentication, client creation and get recoverableDatabases as an example written in TypeScript.
+import * as msRest from "ms-rest-js";
+import * as msRestAzure from "ms-rest-azure-js";
+import * as msRestNodeAuth from "ms-rest-nodeauth";
+import { SqlManagementClient, SqlManagementModels, SqlManagementMappers } from "@azure/arm-sql";
+const subscriptionId = process.env["AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"];
+msRestNodeAuth.interactiveLogin().then((creds) => {
+ const client = new SqlManagementClient(creds, subscriptionId);
+ const resourceGroupName = "testresourceGroupName";
+ const serverName = "testserverName";
+ const databaseName = "testdatabaseName";
+ client.recoverableDatabases.get(resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName).then((result) => {
+ console.log("The result is:");
+ console.log(result);
+ });
+}).catch((err) => {
+ console.error(err);
+### browser - Authentication, client creation and get recoverableDatabases as an example written in JavaScript.
+See https://github.com/Azure/ms-rest-browserauth to learn how to authenticate to Azure in the browser.
+- index.html
+ @azure/arm-sql sample
+# Related projects
+ - [Microsoft Azure SDK for Javascript](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js)
diff --git a/packages/@azure/arm-sql/dist/arm-sql.js b/packages/@azure/arm-sql/dist/arm-sql.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..acaa8954a4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/@azure/arm-sql/dist/arm-sql.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31106 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+(function (global, factory) {
+ typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('ms-rest-azure-js'), require('ms-rest-js')) :
+ typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'ms-rest-azure-js', 'ms-rest-js'], factory) :
+ (factory((global.Azure = global.Azure || {}, global.Azure.ArmSql = {}),global.msRestAzure,global.msRest));
+}(this, (function (exports,msRestAzure,msRest) { 'use strict';
+ /*! *****************************************************************************
+ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
+ and limitations under the License.
+ ***************************************************************************** */
+ /* global Reflect, Promise */
+ var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
+ extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
+ ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
+ function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
+ return extendStatics(d, b);
+ };
+ function __extends(d, b) {
+ extendStatics(d, b);
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
+ }
+ var __assign = function() {
+ __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
+ for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
+ s = arguments[i];
+ for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
+ }
+ return t;
+ };
+ return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Defines values for CheckNameAvailabilityReason.
+ * Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'AlreadyExists'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var CheckNameAvailabilityReason;
+ (function (CheckNameAvailabilityReason) {
+ CheckNameAvailabilityReason["Invalid"] = "Invalid";
+ CheckNameAvailabilityReason["AlreadyExists"] = "AlreadyExists";
+ })(CheckNameAvailabilityReason || (CheckNameAvailabilityReason = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ServerConnectionType.
+ * Possible values include: 'Default', 'Proxy', 'Redirect'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ServerConnectionType;
+ (function (ServerConnectionType) {
+ ServerConnectionType["Default"] = "Default";
+ ServerConnectionType["Proxy"] = "Proxy";
+ ServerConnectionType["Redirect"] = "Redirect";
+ })(ServerConnectionType || (ServerConnectionType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for SecurityAlertPolicyState.
+ * Possible values include: 'New', 'Enabled', 'Disabled'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var SecurityAlertPolicyState;
+ (function (SecurityAlertPolicyState) {
+ SecurityAlertPolicyState["New"] = "New";
+ SecurityAlertPolicyState["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
+ SecurityAlertPolicyState["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ })(SecurityAlertPolicyState || (SecurityAlertPolicyState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins.
+ * Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins;
+ (function (SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins) {
+ SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
+ SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ })(SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins || (SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault.
+ * Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault;
+ (function (SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault) {
+ SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
+ SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ })(SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault || (SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for DataMaskingState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Disabled', 'Enabled'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var DataMaskingState;
+ (function (DataMaskingState) {
+ DataMaskingState["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ DataMaskingState["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
+ })(DataMaskingState || (DataMaskingState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for DataMaskingRuleState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Disabled', 'Enabled'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var DataMaskingRuleState;
+ (function (DataMaskingRuleState) {
+ DataMaskingRuleState["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ DataMaskingRuleState["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
+ })(DataMaskingRuleState || (DataMaskingRuleState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for DataMaskingFunction.
+ * Possible values include: 'Default', 'CCN', 'Email', 'Number', 'SSN', 'Text'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var DataMaskingFunction;
+ (function (DataMaskingFunction) {
+ DataMaskingFunction["Default"] = "Default";
+ DataMaskingFunction["CCN"] = "CCN";
+ DataMaskingFunction["Email"] = "Email";
+ DataMaskingFunction["Number"] = "Number";
+ DataMaskingFunction["SSN"] = "SSN";
+ DataMaskingFunction["Text"] = "Text";
+ })(DataMaskingFunction || (DataMaskingFunction = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for GeoBackupPolicyState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Disabled', 'Enabled'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var GeoBackupPolicyState;
+ (function (GeoBackupPolicyState) {
+ GeoBackupPolicyState["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ GeoBackupPolicyState["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
+ })(GeoBackupPolicyState || (GeoBackupPolicyState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for DatabaseEdition.
+ * Possible values include: 'Web', 'Business', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium',
+ * 'PremiumRS', 'Free', 'Stretch', 'DataWarehouse', 'System', 'System2'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: DatabaseEdition =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var DatabaseEdition;
+ (function (DatabaseEdition) {
+ DatabaseEdition["Web"] = "Web";
+ DatabaseEdition["Business"] = "Business";
+ DatabaseEdition["Basic"] = "Basic";
+ DatabaseEdition["Standard"] = "Standard";
+ DatabaseEdition["Premium"] = "Premium";
+ DatabaseEdition["PremiumRS"] = "PremiumRS";
+ DatabaseEdition["Free"] = "Free";
+ DatabaseEdition["Stretch"] = "Stretch";
+ DatabaseEdition["DataWarehouse"] = "DataWarehouse";
+ DatabaseEdition["System"] = "System";
+ DatabaseEdition["System2"] = "System2";
+ })(DatabaseEdition || (DatabaseEdition = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ServiceObjectiveName.
+ * Possible values include: 'System', 'System0', 'System1', 'System2',
+ * 'System3', 'System4', 'System2L', 'System3L', 'System4L', 'Free', 'Basic',
+ * 'S0', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S6', 'S7', 'S9', 'S12', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3',
+ * 'P4', 'P6', 'P11', 'P15', 'PRS1', 'PRS2', 'PRS4', 'PRS6', 'DW100', 'DW200',
+ * 'DW300', 'DW400', 'DW500', 'DW600', 'DW1000', 'DW1200', 'DW1000c', 'DW1500',
+ * 'DW1500c', 'DW2000', 'DW2000c', 'DW3000', 'DW2500c', 'DW3000c', 'DW6000',
+ * 'DW5000c', 'DW6000c', 'DW7500c', 'DW10000c', 'DW15000c', 'DW30000c',
+ * 'DS100', 'DS200', 'DS300', 'DS400', 'DS500', 'DS600', 'DS1000', 'DS1200',
+ * 'DS1500', 'DS2000', 'ElasticPool'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ServiceObjectiveName =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ServiceObjectiveName;
+ (function (ServiceObjectiveName) {
+ ServiceObjectiveName["System"] = "System";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["System0"] = "System0";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["System1"] = "System1";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["System2"] = "System2";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["System3"] = "System3";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["System4"] = "System4";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["System2L"] = "System2L";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["System3L"] = "System3L";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["System4L"] = "System4L";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["Free"] = "Free";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["Basic"] = "Basic";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["S0"] = "S0";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["S1"] = "S1";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["S2"] = "S2";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["S3"] = "S3";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["S4"] = "S4";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["S6"] = "S6";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["S7"] = "S7";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["S9"] = "S9";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["S12"] = "S12";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["P1"] = "P1";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["P2"] = "P2";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["P3"] = "P3";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["P4"] = "P4";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["P6"] = "P6";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["P11"] = "P11";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["P15"] = "P15";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["PRS1"] = "PRS1";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["PRS2"] = "PRS2";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["PRS4"] = "PRS4";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["PRS6"] = "PRS6";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW100"] = "DW100";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW200"] = "DW200";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW300"] = "DW300";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW400"] = "DW400";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW500"] = "DW500";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW600"] = "DW600";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW1000"] = "DW1000";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW1200"] = "DW1200";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW1000c"] = "DW1000c";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW1500"] = "DW1500";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW1500c"] = "DW1500c";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW2000"] = "DW2000";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW2000c"] = "DW2000c";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW3000"] = "DW3000";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW2500c"] = "DW2500c";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW3000c"] = "DW3000c";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW6000"] = "DW6000";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW5000c"] = "DW5000c";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW6000c"] = "DW6000c";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW7500c"] = "DW7500c";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW10000c"] = "DW10000c";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW15000c"] = "DW15000c";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DW30000c"] = "DW30000c";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DS100"] = "DS100";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DS200"] = "DS200";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DS300"] = "DS300";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DS400"] = "DS400";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DS500"] = "DS500";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DS600"] = "DS600";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DS1000"] = "DS1000";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DS1200"] = "DS1200";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DS1500"] = "DS1500";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["DS2000"] = "DS2000";
+ ServiceObjectiveName["ElasticPool"] = "ElasticPool";
+ })(ServiceObjectiveName || (ServiceObjectiveName = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for StorageKeyType.
+ * Possible values include: 'StorageAccessKey', 'SharedAccessKey'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var StorageKeyType;
+ (function (StorageKeyType) {
+ StorageKeyType["StorageAccessKey"] = "StorageAccessKey";
+ StorageKeyType["SharedAccessKey"] = "SharedAccessKey";
+ })(StorageKeyType || (StorageKeyType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for AuthenticationType.
+ * Possible values include: 'SQL', 'ADPassword'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var AuthenticationType;
+ (function (AuthenticationType) {
+ AuthenticationType["SQL"] = "SQL";
+ AuthenticationType["ADPassword"] = "ADPassword";
+ })(AuthenticationType || (AuthenticationType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for UnitType.
+ * Possible values include: 'count', 'bytes', 'seconds', 'percent',
+ * 'countPerSecond', 'bytesPerSecond'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: UnitType = "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var UnitType;
+ (function (UnitType) {
+ UnitType["Count"] = "count";
+ UnitType["Bytes"] = "bytes";
+ UnitType["Seconds"] = "seconds";
+ UnitType["Percent"] = "percent";
+ UnitType["CountPerSecond"] = "countPerSecond";
+ UnitType["BytesPerSecond"] = "bytesPerSecond";
+ })(UnitType || (UnitType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for PrimaryAggregationType.
+ * Possible values include: 'None', 'Average', 'Count', 'Minimum', 'Maximum',
+ * 'Total'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: PrimaryAggregationType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var PrimaryAggregationType;
+ (function (PrimaryAggregationType) {
+ PrimaryAggregationType["None"] = "None";
+ PrimaryAggregationType["Average"] = "Average";
+ PrimaryAggregationType["Count"] = "Count";
+ PrimaryAggregationType["Minimum"] = "Minimum";
+ PrimaryAggregationType["Maximum"] = "Maximum";
+ PrimaryAggregationType["Total"] = "Total";
+ })(PrimaryAggregationType || (PrimaryAggregationType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for UnitDefinitionType.
+ * Possible values include: 'Count', 'Bytes', 'Seconds', 'Percent',
+ * 'CountPerSecond', 'BytesPerSecond'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: UnitDefinitionType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var UnitDefinitionType;
+ (function (UnitDefinitionType) {
+ UnitDefinitionType["Count"] = "Count";
+ UnitDefinitionType["Bytes"] = "Bytes";
+ UnitDefinitionType["Seconds"] = "Seconds";
+ UnitDefinitionType["Percent"] = "Percent";
+ UnitDefinitionType["CountPerSecond"] = "CountPerSecond";
+ UnitDefinitionType["BytesPerSecond"] = "BytesPerSecond";
+ })(UnitDefinitionType || (UnitDefinitionType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ElasticPoolEdition.
+ * Possible values include: 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ElasticPoolEdition =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ElasticPoolEdition;
+ (function (ElasticPoolEdition) {
+ ElasticPoolEdition["Basic"] = "Basic";
+ ElasticPoolEdition["Standard"] = "Standard";
+ ElasticPoolEdition["Premium"] = "Premium";
+ })(ElasticPoolEdition || (ElasticPoolEdition = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ReplicationRole.
+ * Possible values include: 'Primary', 'Secondary', 'NonReadableSecondary',
+ * 'Source', 'Copy'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ReplicationRole;
+ (function (ReplicationRole) {
+ ReplicationRole["Primary"] = "Primary";
+ ReplicationRole["Secondary"] = "Secondary";
+ ReplicationRole["NonReadableSecondary"] = "NonReadableSecondary";
+ ReplicationRole["Source"] = "Source";
+ ReplicationRole["Copy"] = "Copy";
+ })(ReplicationRole || (ReplicationRole = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ReplicationState.
+ * Possible values include: 'PENDING', 'SEEDING', 'CATCH_UP', 'SUSPENDED'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ReplicationState =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ReplicationState;
+ (function (ReplicationState) {
+ ReplicationState["PENDING"] = "PENDING";
+ ReplicationState["SEEDING"] = "SEEDING";
+ ReplicationState["CATCHUP"] = "CATCH_UP";
+ ReplicationState["SUSPENDED"] = "SUSPENDED";
+ })(ReplicationState || (ReplicationState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for RecommendedIndexAction.
+ * Possible values include: 'Create', 'Drop', 'Rebuild'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var RecommendedIndexAction;
+ (function (RecommendedIndexAction) {
+ RecommendedIndexAction["Create"] = "Create";
+ RecommendedIndexAction["Drop"] = "Drop";
+ RecommendedIndexAction["Rebuild"] = "Rebuild";
+ })(RecommendedIndexAction || (RecommendedIndexAction = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for RecommendedIndexState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Active', 'Pending', 'Executing', 'Verifying',
+ * 'Pending Revert', 'Reverting', 'Reverted', 'Ignored', 'Expired', 'Blocked',
+ * 'Success'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var RecommendedIndexState;
+ (function (RecommendedIndexState) {
+ RecommendedIndexState["Active"] = "Active";
+ RecommendedIndexState["Pending"] = "Pending";
+ RecommendedIndexState["Executing"] = "Executing";
+ RecommendedIndexState["Verifying"] = "Verifying";
+ RecommendedIndexState["PendingRevert"] = "Pending Revert";
+ RecommendedIndexState["Reverting"] = "Reverting";
+ RecommendedIndexState["Reverted"] = "Reverted";
+ RecommendedIndexState["Ignored"] = "Ignored";
+ RecommendedIndexState["Expired"] = "Expired";
+ RecommendedIndexState["Blocked"] = "Blocked";
+ RecommendedIndexState["Success"] = "Success";
+ })(RecommendedIndexState || (RecommendedIndexState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for RecommendedIndexType.
+ * Possible values include: 'CLUSTERED', 'NONCLUSTERED', 'COLUMNSTORE',
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var RecommendedIndexType;
+ (function (RecommendedIndexType) {
+ RecommendedIndexType["CLUSTERED"] = "CLUSTERED";
+ RecommendedIndexType["NONCLUSTERED"] = "NONCLUSTERED";
+ RecommendedIndexType["COLUMNSTORE"] = "COLUMNSTORE";
+ })(RecommendedIndexType || (RecommendedIndexType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for TransparentDataEncryptionStatus.
+ * Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var TransparentDataEncryptionStatus;
+ (function (TransparentDataEncryptionStatus) {
+ TransparentDataEncryptionStatus["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
+ TransparentDataEncryptionStatus["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ })(TransparentDataEncryptionStatus || (TransparentDataEncryptionStatus = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus.
+ * Possible values include: 'Encrypting', 'Decrypting'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus;
+ (function (TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus) {
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus["Encrypting"] = "Encrypting";
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus["Decrypting"] = "Decrypting";
+ })(TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus || (TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for AutomaticTuningMode.
+ * Possible values include: 'Inherit', 'Custom', 'Auto', 'Unspecified'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var AutomaticTuningMode;
+ (function (AutomaticTuningMode) {
+ AutomaticTuningMode["Inherit"] = "Inherit";
+ AutomaticTuningMode["Custom"] = "Custom";
+ AutomaticTuningMode["Auto"] = "Auto";
+ AutomaticTuningMode["Unspecified"] = "Unspecified";
+ })(AutomaticTuningMode || (AutomaticTuningMode = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired.
+ * Possible values include: 'Off', 'On', 'Default'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired;
+ (function (AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired) {
+ AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired["Off"] = "Off";
+ AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired["On"] = "On";
+ AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired["Default"] = "Default";
+ })(AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired || (AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual.
+ * Possible values include: 'Off', 'On'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual;
+ (function (AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual) {
+ AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual["Off"] = "Off";
+ AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual["On"] = "On";
+ })(AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual || (AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for AutomaticTuningDisabledReason.
+ * Possible values include: 'Default', 'Disabled', 'AutoConfigured',
+ * 'InheritedFromServer', 'QueryStoreOff', 'QueryStoreReadOnly', 'NotSupported'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var AutomaticTuningDisabledReason;
+ (function (AutomaticTuningDisabledReason) {
+ AutomaticTuningDisabledReason["Default"] = "Default";
+ AutomaticTuningDisabledReason["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ AutomaticTuningDisabledReason["AutoConfigured"] = "AutoConfigured";
+ AutomaticTuningDisabledReason["InheritedFromServer"] = "InheritedFromServer";
+ AutomaticTuningDisabledReason["QueryStoreOff"] = "QueryStoreOff";
+ AutomaticTuningDisabledReason["QueryStoreReadOnly"] = "QueryStoreReadOnly";
+ AutomaticTuningDisabledReason["NotSupported"] = "NotSupported";
+ })(AutomaticTuningDisabledReason || (AutomaticTuningDisabledReason = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ServerKeyType.
+ * Possible values include: 'ServiceManaged', 'AzureKeyVault'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ServerKeyType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ServerKeyType;
+ (function (ServerKeyType) {
+ ServerKeyType["ServiceManaged"] = "ServiceManaged";
+ ServerKeyType["AzureKeyVault"] = "AzureKeyVault";
+ })(ServerKeyType || (ServerKeyType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy.
+ * Possible values include: 'Manual', 'Automatic'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy;
+ (function (ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy) {
+ ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy["Manual"] = "Manual";
+ ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy["Automatic"] = "Automatic";
+ })(ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy || (ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy.
+ * Possible values include: 'Disabled', 'Enabled'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy;
+ (function (ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy) {
+ ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
+ })(ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy || (ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for FailoverGroupReplicationRole.
+ * Possible values include: 'Primary', 'Secondary'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: FailoverGroupReplicationRole =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var FailoverGroupReplicationRole;
+ (function (FailoverGroupReplicationRole) {
+ FailoverGroupReplicationRole["Primary"] = "Primary";
+ FailoverGroupReplicationRole["Secondary"] = "Secondary";
+ })(FailoverGroupReplicationRole || (FailoverGroupReplicationRole = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for IdentityType.
+ * Possible values include: 'SystemAssigned'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: IdentityType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var IdentityType;
+ (function (IdentityType) {
+ IdentityType["SystemAssigned"] = "SystemAssigned";
+ })(IdentityType || (IdentityType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for OperationOrigin.
+ * Possible values include: 'user', 'system'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: OperationOrigin =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var OperationOrigin;
+ (function (OperationOrigin) {
+ OperationOrigin["User"] = "user";
+ OperationOrigin["System"] = "system";
+ })(OperationOrigin || (OperationOrigin = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for SyncAgentState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Online', 'Offline', 'NeverConnected'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: SyncAgentState =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var SyncAgentState;
+ (function (SyncAgentState) {
+ SyncAgentState["Online"] = "Online";
+ SyncAgentState["Offline"] = "Offline";
+ SyncAgentState["NeverConnected"] = "NeverConnected";
+ })(SyncAgentState || (SyncAgentState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for SyncMemberDbType.
+ * Possible values include: 'AzureSqlDatabase', 'SqlServerDatabase'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: SyncMemberDbType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var SyncMemberDbType;
+ (function (SyncMemberDbType) {
+ SyncMemberDbType["AzureSqlDatabase"] = "AzureSqlDatabase";
+ SyncMemberDbType["SqlServerDatabase"] = "SqlServerDatabase";
+ })(SyncMemberDbType || (SyncMemberDbType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for SyncGroupLogType.
+ * Possible values include: 'All', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Success'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: SyncGroupLogType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var SyncGroupLogType;
+ (function (SyncGroupLogType) {
+ SyncGroupLogType["All"] = "All";
+ SyncGroupLogType["Error"] = "Error";
+ SyncGroupLogType["Warning"] = "Warning";
+ SyncGroupLogType["Success"] = "Success";
+ })(SyncGroupLogType || (SyncGroupLogType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for SyncConflictResolutionPolicy.
+ * Possible values include: 'HubWin', 'MemberWin'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: SyncConflictResolutionPolicy =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var SyncConflictResolutionPolicy;
+ (function (SyncConflictResolutionPolicy) {
+ SyncConflictResolutionPolicy["HubWin"] = "HubWin";
+ SyncConflictResolutionPolicy["MemberWin"] = "MemberWin";
+ })(SyncConflictResolutionPolicy || (SyncConflictResolutionPolicy = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for SyncGroupState.
+ * Possible values include: 'NotReady', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Progressing',
+ * 'Good'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: SyncGroupState =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var SyncGroupState;
+ (function (SyncGroupState) {
+ SyncGroupState["NotReady"] = "NotReady";
+ SyncGroupState["Error"] = "Error";
+ SyncGroupState["Warning"] = "Warning";
+ SyncGroupState["Progressing"] = "Progressing";
+ SyncGroupState["Good"] = "Good";
+ })(SyncGroupState || (SyncGroupState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for SyncDirection.
+ * Possible values include: 'Bidirectional', 'OneWayMemberToHub',
+ * 'OneWayHubToMember'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: SyncDirection =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var SyncDirection;
+ (function (SyncDirection) {
+ SyncDirection["Bidirectional"] = "Bidirectional";
+ SyncDirection["OneWayMemberToHub"] = "OneWayMemberToHub";
+ SyncDirection["OneWayHubToMember"] = "OneWayHubToMember";
+ })(SyncDirection || (SyncDirection = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for SyncMemberState.
+ * Possible values include: 'SyncInProgress', 'SyncSucceeded', 'SyncFailed',
+ * 'DisabledTombstoneCleanup', 'DisabledBackupRestore',
+ * 'SyncSucceededWithWarnings', 'SyncCancelling', 'SyncCancelled',
+ * 'UnProvisioned', 'Provisioning', 'Provisioned', 'ProvisionFailed',
+ * 'DeProvisioning', 'DeProvisioned', 'DeProvisionFailed', 'Reprovisioning',
+ * 'ReprovisionFailed', 'UnReprovisioned'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: SyncMemberState =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var SyncMemberState;
+ (function (SyncMemberState) {
+ SyncMemberState["SyncInProgress"] = "SyncInProgress";
+ SyncMemberState["SyncSucceeded"] = "SyncSucceeded";
+ SyncMemberState["SyncFailed"] = "SyncFailed";
+ SyncMemberState["DisabledTombstoneCleanup"] = "DisabledTombstoneCleanup";
+ SyncMemberState["DisabledBackupRestore"] = "DisabledBackupRestore";
+ SyncMemberState["SyncSucceededWithWarnings"] = "SyncSucceededWithWarnings";
+ SyncMemberState["SyncCancelling"] = "SyncCancelling";
+ SyncMemberState["SyncCancelled"] = "SyncCancelled";
+ SyncMemberState["UnProvisioned"] = "UnProvisioned";
+ SyncMemberState["Provisioning"] = "Provisioning";
+ SyncMemberState["Provisioned"] = "Provisioned";
+ SyncMemberState["ProvisionFailed"] = "ProvisionFailed";
+ SyncMemberState["DeProvisioning"] = "DeProvisioning";
+ SyncMemberState["DeProvisioned"] = "DeProvisioned";
+ SyncMemberState["DeProvisionFailed"] = "DeProvisionFailed";
+ SyncMemberState["Reprovisioning"] = "Reprovisioning";
+ SyncMemberState["ReprovisionFailed"] = "ReprovisionFailed";
+ SyncMemberState["UnReprovisioned"] = "UnReprovisioned";
+ })(SyncMemberState || (SyncMemberState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for VirtualNetworkRuleState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Initializing', 'InProgress', 'Ready', 'Deleting',
+ * 'Unknown'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: VirtualNetworkRuleState =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var VirtualNetworkRuleState;
+ (function (VirtualNetworkRuleState) {
+ VirtualNetworkRuleState["Initializing"] = "Initializing";
+ VirtualNetworkRuleState["InProgress"] = "InProgress";
+ VirtualNetworkRuleState["Ready"] = "Ready";
+ VirtualNetworkRuleState["Deleting"] = "Deleting";
+ VirtualNetworkRuleState["Unknown"] = "Unknown";
+ })(VirtualNetworkRuleState || (VirtualNetworkRuleState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for BlobAuditingPolicyState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var BlobAuditingPolicyState;
+ (function (BlobAuditingPolicyState) {
+ BlobAuditingPolicyState["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
+ BlobAuditingPolicyState["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ })(BlobAuditingPolicyState || (BlobAuditingPolicyState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for JobAgentState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Creating', 'Ready', 'Updating', 'Deleting',
+ * 'Disabled'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: JobAgentState =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var JobAgentState;
+ (function (JobAgentState) {
+ JobAgentState["Creating"] = "Creating";
+ JobAgentState["Ready"] = "Ready";
+ JobAgentState["Updating"] = "Updating";
+ JobAgentState["Deleting"] = "Deleting";
+ JobAgentState["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ })(JobAgentState || (JobAgentState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for JobExecutionLifecycle.
+ * Possible values include: 'Created', 'InProgress',
+ * 'WaitingForChildJobExecutions', 'WaitingForRetry', 'Succeeded',
+ * 'SucceededWithSkipped', 'Failed', 'TimedOut', 'Canceled', 'Skipped'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: JobExecutionLifecycle =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var JobExecutionLifecycle;
+ (function (JobExecutionLifecycle) {
+ JobExecutionLifecycle["Created"] = "Created";
+ JobExecutionLifecycle["InProgress"] = "InProgress";
+ JobExecutionLifecycle["WaitingForChildJobExecutions"] = "WaitingForChildJobExecutions";
+ JobExecutionLifecycle["WaitingForRetry"] = "WaitingForRetry";
+ JobExecutionLifecycle["Succeeded"] = "Succeeded";
+ JobExecutionLifecycle["SucceededWithSkipped"] = "SucceededWithSkipped";
+ JobExecutionLifecycle["Failed"] = "Failed";
+ JobExecutionLifecycle["TimedOut"] = "TimedOut";
+ JobExecutionLifecycle["Canceled"] = "Canceled";
+ JobExecutionLifecycle["Skipped"] = "Skipped";
+ })(JobExecutionLifecycle || (JobExecutionLifecycle = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ProvisioningState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Created', 'InProgress', 'Succeeded', 'Failed',
+ * 'Canceled'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ProvisioningState =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ProvisioningState;
+ (function (ProvisioningState) {
+ ProvisioningState["Created"] = "Created";
+ ProvisioningState["InProgress"] = "InProgress";
+ ProvisioningState["Succeeded"] = "Succeeded";
+ ProvisioningState["Failed"] = "Failed";
+ ProvisioningState["Canceled"] = "Canceled";
+ })(ProvisioningState || (ProvisioningState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for JobTargetType.
+ * Possible values include: 'TargetGroup', 'SqlDatabase', 'SqlElasticPool',
+ * 'SqlShardMap', 'SqlServer'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: JobTargetType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var JobTargetType;
+ (function (JobTargetType) {
+ JobTargetType["TargetGroup"] = "TargetGroup";
+ JobTargetType["SqlDatabase"] = "SqlDatabase";
+ JobTargetType["SqlElasticPool"] = "SqlElasticPool";
+ JobTargetType["SqlShardMap"] = "SqlShardMap";
+ JobTargetType["SqlServer"] = "SqlServer";
+ })(JobTargetType || (JobTargetType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for JobScheduleType.
+ * Possible values include: 'Once', 'Recurring'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var JobScheduleType;
+ (function (JobScheduleType) {
+ JobScheduleType["Once"] = "Once";
+ JobScheduleType["Recurring"] = "Recurring";
+ })(JobScheduleType || (JobScheduleType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for JobStepActionType.
+ * Possible values include: 'TSql'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: JobStepActionType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var JobStepActionType;
+ (function (JobStepActionType) {
+ JobStepActionType["TSql"] = "TSql";
+ })(JobStepActionType || (JobStepActionType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for JobStepActionSource.
+ * Possible values include: 'Inline'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: JobStepActionSource =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var JobStepActionSource;
+ (function (JobStepActionSource) {
+ JobStepActionSource["Inline"] = "Inline";
+ })(JobStepActionSource || (JobStepActionSource = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for JobStepOutputType.
+ * Possible values include: 'SqlDatabase'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: JobStepOutputType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var JobStepOutputType;
+ (function (JobStepOutputType) {
+ JobStepOutputType["SqlDatabase"] = "SqlDatabase";
+ })(JobStepOutputType || (JobStepOutputType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for JobTargetGroupMembershipType.
+ * Possible values include: 'Include', 'Exclude'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var JobTargetGroupMembershipType;
+ (function (JobTargetGroupMembershipType) {
+ JobTargetGroupMembershipType["Include"] = "Include";
+ JobTargetGroupMembershipType["Exclude"] = "Exclude";
+ })(JobTargetGroupMembershipType || (JobTargetGroupMembershipType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ManagedDatabaseStatus.
+ * Possible values include: 'Online', 'Offline', 'Shutdown', 'Creating',
+ * 'Inaccessible'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ManagedDatabaseStatus =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ManagedDatabaseStatus;
+ (function (ManagedDatabaseStatus) {
+ ManagedDatabaseStatus["Online"] = "Online";
+ ManagedDatabaseStatus["Offline"] = "Offline";
+ ManagedDatabaseStatus["Shutdown"] = "Shutdown";
+ ManagedDatabaseStatus["Creating"] = "Creating";
+ ManagedDatabaseStatus["Inaccessible"] = "Inaccessible";
+ })(ManagedDatabaseStatus || (ManagedDatabaseStatus = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for CatalogCollationType.
+ * Possible values include: 'DATABASE_DEFAULT', 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: CatalogCollationType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var CatalogCollationType;
+ (function (CatalogCollationType) {
+ CatalogCollationType["SQLLatin1GeneralCP1CIAS"] = "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS";
+ })(CatalogCollationType || (CatalogCollationType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ManagedDatabaseCreateMode.
+ * Possible values include: 'Default', 'RestoreExternalBackup',
+ * 'PointInTimeRestore'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ManagedDatabaseCreateMode =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ManagedDatabaseCreateMode;
+ (function (ManagedDatabaseCreateMode) {
+ ManagedDatabaseCreateMode["Default"] = "Default";
+ ManagedDatabaseCreateMode["RestoreExternalBackup"] = "RestoreExternalBackup";
+ ManagedDatabaseCreateMode["PointInTimeRestore"] = "PointInTimeRestore";
+ })(ManagedDatabaseCreateMode || (ManagedDatabaseCreateMode = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for AutomaticTuningServerMode.
+ * Possible values include: 'Custom', 'Auto', 'Unspecified'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var AutomaticTuningServerMode;
+ (function (AutomaticTuningServerMode) {
+ AutomaticTuningServerMode["Custom"] = "Custom";
+ AutomaticTuningServerMode["Auto"] = "Auto";
+ AutomaticTuningServerMode["Unspecified"] = "Unspecified";
+ })(AutomaticTuningServerMode || (AutomaticTuningServerMode = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for AutomaticTuningServerReason.
+ * Possible values include: 'Default', 'Disabled', 'AutoConfigured'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var AutomaticTuningServerReason;
+ (function (AutomaticTuningServerReason) {
+ AutomaticTuningServerReason["Default"] = "Default";
+ AutomaticTuningServerReason["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ AutomaticTuningServerReason["AutoConfigured"] = "AutoConfigured";
+ })(AutomaticTuningServerReason || (AutomaticTuningServerReason = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for RestorePointType.
+ * Possible values include: 'CONTINUOUS', 'DISCRETE'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var RestorePointType;
+ (function (RestorePointType) {
+ RestorePointType["CONTINUOUS"] = "CONTINUOUS";
+ RestorePointType["DISCRETE"] = "DISCRETE";
+ })(RestorePointType || (RestorePointType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ManagementOperationState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Pending', 'InProgress', 'Succeeded', 'Failed',
+ * 'CancelInProgress', 'Cancelled'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ManagementOperationState =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ManagementOperationState;
+ (function (ManagementOperationState) {
+ ManagementOperationState["Pending"] = "Pending";
+ ManagementOperationState["InProgress"] = "InProgress";
+ ManagementOperationState["Succeeded"] = "Succeeded";
+ ManagementOperationState["Failed"] = "Failed";
+ ManagementOperationState["CancelInProgress"] = "CancelInProgress";
+ ManagementOperationState["Cancelled"] = "Cancelled";
+ })(ManagementOperationState || (ManagementOperationState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for MaxSizeUnit.
+ * Possible values include: 'Megabytes', 'Gigabytes', 'Terabytes', 'Petabytes'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: MaxSizeUnit =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var MaxSizeUnit;
+ (function (MaxSizeUnit) {
+ MaxSizeUnit["Megabytes"] = "Megabytes";
+ MaxSizeUnit["Gigabytes"] = "Gigabytes";
+ MaxSizeUnit["Terabytes"] = "Terabytes";
+ MaxSizeUnit["Petabytes"] = "Petabytes";
+ })(MaxSizeUnit || (MaxSizeUnit = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for LogSizeUnit.
+ * Possible values include: 'Megabytes', 'Gigabytes', 'Terabytes', 'Petabytes',
+ * 'Percent'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: LogSizeUnit =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var LogSizeUnit;
+ (function (LogSizeUnit) {
+ LogSizeUnit["Megabytes"] = "Megabytes";
+ LogSizeUnit["Gigabytes"] = "Gigabytes";
+ LogSizeUnit["Terabytes"] = "Terabytes";
+ LogSizeUnit["Petabytes"] = "Petabytes";
+ LogSizeUnit["Percent"] = "Percent";
+ })(LogSizeUnit || (LogSizeUnit = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for CapabilityStatus.
+ * Possible values include: 'Visible', 'Available', 'Default', 'Disabled'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var CapabilityStatus;
+ (function (CapabilityStatus) {
+ CapabilityStatus["Visible"] = "Visible";
+ CapabilityStatus["Available"] = "Available";
+ CapabilityStatus["Default"] = "Default";
+ CapabilityStatus["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ })(CapabilityStatus || (CapabilityStatus = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for PerformanceLevelUnit.
+ * Possible values include: 'DTU', 'VCores'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: PerformanceLevelUnit =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var PerformanceLevelUnit;
+ (function (PerformanceLevelUnit) {
+ PerformanceLevelUnit["DTU"] = "DTU";
+ PerformanceLevelUnit["VCores"] = "VCores";
+ })(PerformanceLevelUnit || (PerformanceLevelUnit = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for CreateMode.
+ * Possible values include: 'Default', 'Copy', 'Secondary',
+ * 'PointInTimeRestore', 'Restore', 'Recovery', 'RestoreExternalBackup',
+ * 'RestoreExternalBackupSecondary', 'RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup',
+ * 'OnlineSecondary'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: CreateMode = "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var CreateMode;
+ (function (CreateMode) {
+ CreateMode["Default"] = "Default";
+ CreateMode["Copy"] = "Copy";
+ CreateMode["Secondary"] = "Secondary";
+ CreateMode["PointInTimeRestore"] = "PointInTimeRestore";
+ CreateMode["Restore"] = "Restore";
+ CreateMode["Recovery"] = "Recovery";
+ CreateMode["RestoreExternalBackup"] = "RestoreExternalBackup";
+ CreateMode["RestoreExternalBackupSecondary"] = "RestoreExternalBackupSecondary";
+ CreateMode["RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup"] = "RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup";
+ CreateMode["OnlineSecondary"] = "OnlineSecondary";
+ })(CreateMode || (CreateMode = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for SampleName.
+ * Possible values include: 'AdventureWorksLT', 'WideWorldImportersStd',
+ * 'WideWorldImportersFull'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: SampleName = "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var SampleName;
+ (function (SampleName) {
+ SampleName["AdventureWorksLT"] = "AdventureWorksLT";
+ SampleName["WideWorldImportersStd"] = "WideWorldImportersStd";
+ SampleName["WideWorldImportersFull"] = "WideWorldImportersFull";
+ })(SampleName || (SampleName = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for DatabaseStatus.
+ * Possible values include: 'Online', 'Restoring', 'RecoveryPending',
+ * 'Recovering', 'Suspect', 'Offline', 'Standby', 'Shutdown', 'EmergencyMode',
+ * 'AutoClosed', 'Copying', 'Creating', 'Inaccessible', 'OfflineSecondary',
+ * 'Pausing', 'Paused', 'Resuming', 'Scaling'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: DatabaseStatus =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var DatabaseStatus;
+ (function (DatabaseStatus) {
+ DatabaseStatus["Online"] = "Online";
+ DatabaseStatus["Restoring"] = "Restoring";
+ DatabaseStatus["RecoveryPending"] = "RecoveryPending";
+ DatabaseStatus["Recovering"] = "Recovering";
+ DatabaseStatus["Suspect"] = "Suspect";
+ DatabaseStatus["Offline"] = "Offline";
+ DatabaseStatus["Standby"] = "Standby";
+ DatabaseStatus["Shutdown"] = "Shutdown";
+ DatabaseStatus["EmergencyMode"] = "EmergencyMode";
+ DatabaseStatus["AutoClosed"] = "AutoClosed";
+ DatabaseStatus["Copying"] = "Copying";
+ DatabaseStatus["Creating"] = "Creating";
+ DatabaseStatus["Inaccessible"] = "Inaccessible";
+ DatabaseStatus["OfflineSecondary"] = "OfflineSecondary";
+ DatabaseStatus["Pausing"] = "Pausing";
+ DatabaseStatus["Paused"] = "Paused";
+ DatabaseStatus["Resuming"] = "Resuming";
+ DatabaseStatus["Scaling"] = "Scaling";
+ })(DatabaseStatus || (DatabaseStatus = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for DatabaseLicenseType.
+ * Possible values include: 'LicenseIncluded', 'BasePrice'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: DatabaseLicenseType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var DatabaseLicenseType;
+ (function (DatabaseLicenseType) {
+ DatabaseLicenseType["LicenseIncluded"] = "LicenseIncluded";
+ DatabaseLicenseType["BasePrice"] = "BasePrice";
+ })(DatabaseLicenseType || (DatabaseLicenseType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for DatabaseReadScale.
+ * Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: DatabaseReadScale =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var DatabaseReadScale;
+ (function (DatabaseReadScale) {
+ DatabaseReadScale["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
+ DatabaseReadScale["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ })(DatabaseReadScale || (DatabaseReadScale = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ElasticPoolState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Creating', 'Ready', 'Disabled'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ElasticPoolState =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ElasticPoolState;
+ (function (ElasticPoolState) {
+ ElasticPoolState["Creating"] = "Creating";
+ ElasticPoolState["Ready"] = "Ready";
+ ElasticPoolState["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
+ })(ElasticPoolState || (ElasticPoolState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for ElasticPoolLicenseType.
+ * Possible values include: 'LicenseIncluded', 'BasePrice'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: ElasticPoolLicenseType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var ElasticPoolLicenseType;
+ (function (ElasticPoolLicenseType) {
+ ElasticPoolLicenseType["LicenseIncluded"] = "LicenseIncluded";
+ ElasticPoolLicenseType["BasePrice"] = "BasePrice";
+ })(ElasticPoolLicenseType || (ElasticPoolLicenseType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType.
+ * Possible values include: 'OnDemand', 'Recurring'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType;
+ (function (VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType) {
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType["OnDemand"] = "OnDemand";
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType["Recurring"] = "Recurring";
+ })(VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType || (VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState.
+ * Possible values include: 'Passed', 'Failed', 'FailedToRun', 'InProgress'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState;
+ (function (VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState) {
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState["Passed"] = "Passed";
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState["Failed"] = "Failed";
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState["FailedToRun"] = "FailedToRun";
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState["InProgress"] = "InProgress";
+ })(VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState || (VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole.
+ * Possible values include: 'Primary', 'Secondary'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole;
+ (function (InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole) {
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole["Primary"] = "Primary";
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole["Secondary"] = "Secondary";
+ })(InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole || (InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for LongTermRetentionDatabaseState.
+ * Possible values include: 'All', 'Live', 'Deleted'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: LongTermRetentionDatabaseState =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var LongTermRetentionDatabaseState;
+ (function (LongTermRetentionDatabaseState) {
+ LongTermRetentionDatabaseState["All"] = "All";
+ LongTermRetentionDatabaseState["Live"] = "Live";
+ LongTermRetentionDatabaseState["Deleted"] = "Deleted";
+ })(LongTermRetentionDatabaseState || (LongTermRetentionDatabaseState = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName.
+ * Possible values include: 'master', 'default'
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName;
+ (function (VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName) {
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName["Master"] = "master";
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName["Default"] = "default";
+ })(VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName || (VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for CapabilityGroup.
+ * Possible values include: 'supportedEditions',
+ * 'supportedElasticPoolEditions', 'supportedManagedInstanceVersions'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: CapabilityGroup =
+ * "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var CapabilityGroup;
+ (function (CapabilityGroup) {
+ CapabilityGroup["SupportedEditions"] = "supportedEditions";
+ CapabilityGroup["SupportedElasticPoolEditions"] = "supportedElasticPoolEditions";
+ CapabilityGroup["SupportedManagedInstanceVersions"] = "supportedManagedInstanceVersions";
+ })(CapabilityGroup || (CapabilityGroup = {}));
+ /**
+ * Defines values for Type.
+ * Possible values include: 'All', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Success'
+ * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If
+ * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do
+ * the following:
+ * let param: Type = "someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid";
+ * @readonly
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ var Type;
+ (function (Type) {
+ Type["All"] = "All";
+ Type["Error"] = "Error";
+ Type["Warning"] = "Warning";
+ Type["Success"] = "Success";
+ })(Type || (Type = {}));
+ var index = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ get CheckNameAvailabilityReason () { return CheckNameAvailabilityReason; },
+ get ServerConnectionType () { return ServerConnectionType; },
+ get SecurityAlertPolicyState () { return SecurityAlertPolicyState; },
+ get SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins () { return SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins; },
+ get SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault () { return SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault; },
+ get DataMaskingState () { return DataMaskingState; },
+ get DataMaskingRuleState () { return DataMaskingRuleState; },
+ get DataMaskingFunction () { return DataMaskingFunction; },
+ get GeoBackupPolicyState () { return GeoBackupPolicyState; },
+ get DatabaseEdition () { return DatabaseEdition; },
+ get ServiceObjectiveName () { return ServiceObjectiveName; },
+ get StorageKeyType () { return StorageKeyType; },
+ get AuthenticationType () { return AuthenticationType; },
+ get UnitType () { return UnitType; },
+ get PrimaryAggregationType () { return PrimaryAggregationType; },
+ get UnitDefinitionType () { return UnitDefinitionType; },
+ get ElasticPoolEdition () { return ElasticPoolEdition; },
+ get ReplicationRole () { return ReplicationRole; },
+ get ReplicationState () { return ReplicationState; },
+ get RecommendedIndexAction () { return RecommendedIndexAction; },
+ get RecommendedIndexState () { return RecommendedIndexState; },
+ get RecommendedIndexType () { return RecommendedIndexType; },
+ get TransparentDataEncryptionStatus () { return TransparentDataEncryptionStatus; },
+ get TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus () { return TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus; },
+ get AutomaticTuningMode () { return AutomaticTuningMode; },
+ get AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired () { return AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired; },
+ get AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual () { return AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual; },
+ get AutomaticTuningDisabledReason () { return AutomaticTuningDisabledReason; },
+ get ServerKeyType () { return ServerKeyType; },
+ get ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy () { return ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy; },
+ get ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy () { return ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy; },
+ get FailoverGroupReplicationRole () { return FailoverGroupReplicationRole; },
+ get IdentityType () { return IdentityType; },
+ get OperationOrigin () { return OperationOrigin; },
+ get SyncAgentState () { return SyncAgentState; },
+ get SyncMemberDbType () { return SyncMemberDbType; },
+ get SyncGroupLogType () { return SyncGroupLogType; },
+ get SyncConflictResolutionPolicy () { return SyncConflictResolutionPolicy; },
+ get SyncGroupState () { return SyncGroupState; },
+ get SyncDirection () { return SyncDirection; },
+ get SyncMemberState () { return SyncMemberState; },
+ get VirtualNetworkRuleState () { return VirtualNetworkRuleState; },
+ get BlobAuditingPolicyState () { return BlobAuditingPolicyState; },
+ get JobAgentState () { return JobAgentState; },
+ get JobExecutionLifecycle () { return JobExecutionLifecycle; },
+ get ProvisioningState () { return ProvisioningState; },
+ get JobTargetType () { return JobTargetType; },
+ get JobScheduleType () { return JobScheduleType; },
+ get JobStepActionType () { return JobStepActionType; },
+ get JobStepActionSource () { return JobStepActionSource; },
+ get JobStepOutputType () { return JobStepOutputType; },
+ get JobTargetGroupMembershipType () { return JobTargetGroupMembershipType; },
+ get ManagedDatabaseStatus () { return ManagedDatabaseStatus; },
+ get CatalogCollationType () { return CatalogCollationType; },
+ get ManagedDatabaseCreateMode () { return ManagedDatabaseCreateMode; },
+ get AutomaticTuningServerMode () { return AutomaticTuningServerMode; },
+ get AutomaticTuningServerReason () { return AutomaticTuningServerReason; },
+ get RestorePointType () { return RestorePointType; },
+ get ManagementOperationState () { return ManagementOperationState; },
+ get MaxSizeUnit () { return MaxSizeUnit; },
+ get LogSizeUnit () { return LogSizeUnit; },
+ get CapabilityStatus () { return CapabilityStatus; },
+ get PerformanceLevelUnit () { return PerformanceLevelUnit; },
+ get CreateMode () { return CreateMode; },
+ get SampleName () { return SampleName; },
+ get DatabaseStatus () { return DatabaseStatus; },
+ get DatabaseLicenseType () { return DatabaseLicenseType; },
+ get DatabaseReadScale () { return DatabaseReadScale; },
+ get ElasticPoolState () { return ElasticPoolState; },
+ get ElasticPoolLicenseType () { return ElasticPoolLicenseType; },
+ get VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType () { return VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType; },
+ get VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState () { return VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState; },
+ get InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole () { return InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole; },
+ get LongTermRetentionDatabaseState () { return LongTermRetentionDatabaseState; },
+ get VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName () { return VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName; },
+ get CapabilityGroup () { return CapabilityGroup; },
+ get Type () { return Type; }
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var CloudError = msRestAzure.CloudErrorMapper;
+ var BaseResource = msRestAzure.BaseResourceMapper;
+ var Resource = {
+ serializedName: "Resource",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Resource",
+ modelProperties: {
+ id: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "id",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ type: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "type",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ProxyResource = {
+ serializedName: "ProxyResource",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ProxyResource",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, Resource.type.modelProperties)
+ }
+ };
+ var RecoverableDatabase = {
+ serializedName: "RecoverableDatabase",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RecoverableDatabase",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { edition: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.edition",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serviceLevelObjective: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serviceLevelObjective",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, elasticPoolName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.elasticPoolName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, lastAvailableBackupDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.lastAvailableBackupDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var RestorableDroppedDatabase = {
+ serializedName: "RestorableDroppedDatabase",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RestorableDroppedDatabase",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, databaseName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, edition: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.edition",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, maxSizeBytes: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.maxSizeBytes",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serviceLevelObjective: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serviceLevelObjective",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, elasticPoolName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.elasticPoolName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, creationDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.creationDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, deletionDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.deletionDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, earliestRestoreDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.earliestRestoreDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var TrackedResource = {
+ serializedName: "TrackedResource",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "TrackedResource",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, Resource.type.modelProperties, { location: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, tags: {
+ serializedName: "tags",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var CheckNameAvailabilityRequest = {
+ serializedName: "CheckNameAvailabilityRequest",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "CheckNameAvailabilityRequest",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ type: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "type",
+ defaultValue: 'Microsoft.Sql/servers',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var CheckNameAvailabilityResponse = {
+ serializedName: "CheckNameAvailabilityResponse",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "CheckNameAvailabilityResponse",
+ modelProperties: {
+ available: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "available",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ message: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "message",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Invalid",
+ "AlreadyExists"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerConnectionPolicy = {
+ serializedName: "ServerConnectionPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerConnectionPolicy",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, connectionType: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.connectionType",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Default",
+ "Proxy",
+ "Redirect"
+ ]
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "New",
+ "Enabled",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, disabledAlerts: {
+ serializedName: "properties.disabledAlerts",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, emailAddresses: {
+ serializedName: "properties.emailAddresses",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, emailAccountAdmins: {
+ serializedName: "properties.emailAccountAdmins",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Enabled",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, storageEndpoint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, storageAccountAccessKey: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageAccountAccessKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, retentionDays: {
+ serializedName: "properties.retentionDays",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, useServerDefault: {
+ serializedName: "properties.useServerDefault",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Enabled",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var DataMaskingPolicy = {
+ serializedName: "DataMaskingPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DataMaskingPolicy",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { dataMaskingState: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.dataMaskingState",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Disabled",
+ "Enabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, exemptPrincipals: {
+ serializedName: "properties.exemptPrincipals",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, applicationPrincipals: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.applicationPrincipals",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, maskingLevel: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.maskingLevel",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var DataMaskingRule = {
+ serializedName: "DataMaskingRule",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DataMaskingRule",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { dataMaskingRuleId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.id",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, aliasName: {
+ serializedName: "properties.aliasName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, ruleState: {
+ serializedName: "properties.ruleState",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Disabled",
+ "Enabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, schemaName: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.schemaName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, tableName: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.tableName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, columnName: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.columnName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, maskingFunction: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.maskingFunction",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Default",
+ "CCN",
+ "Email",
+ "Number",
+ "SSN",
+ "Text"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, numberFrom: {
+ serializedName: "properties.numberFrom",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, numberTo: {
+ serializedName: "properties.numberTo",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, prefixSize: {
+ serializedName: "properties.prefixSize",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, suffixSize: {
+ serializedName: "properties.suffixSize",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, replacementString: {
+ serializedName: "properties.replacementString",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var FirewallRule = {
+ serializedName: "FirewallRule",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FirewallRule",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, startIpAddress: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.startIpAddress",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, endIpAddress: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.endIpAddress",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var GeoBackupPolicy = {
+ serializedName: "GeoBackupPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "GeoBackupPolicy",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { state: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Disabled",
+ "Enabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, storageType: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.storageType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ImportExtensionRequest = {
+ serializedName: "ImportExtensionRequest",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ImportExtensionRequest",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ type: {
+ serializedName: "type",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ storageKeyType: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.storageKeyType",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "StorageAccessKey",
+ "SharedAccessKey"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ storageKey: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.storageKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ storageUri: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.storageUri",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ administratorLogin: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.administratorLogin",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ administratorLoginPassword: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.administratorLoginPassword",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ authenticationType: {
+ serializedName: "properties.authenticationType",
+ defaultValue: 'SQL',
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "SQL",
+ "ADPassword"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ operationMode: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.operationMode",
+ defaultValue: 'Import',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ImportExportResponse = {
+ serializedName: "ImportExportResponse",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ImportExportResponse",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { requestType: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, requestId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, serverName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, databaseName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.status",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, lastModifiedTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.lastModifiedTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, queuedTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.queuedTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, blobUri: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.blobUri",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, errorMessage: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorMessage",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ExportRequest = {
+ serializedName: "ExportRequest",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ExportRequest",
+ modelProperties: {
+ storageKeyType: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "storageKeyType",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "StorageAccessKey",
+ "SharedAccessKey"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ storageKey: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "storageKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ storageUri: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "storageUri",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ administratorLogin: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "administratorLogin",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ administratorLoginPassword: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "administratorLoginPassword",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ authenticationType: {
+ serializedName: "authenticationType",
+ defaultValue: 'SQL',
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "SQL",
+ "ADPassword"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ImportRequest = {
+ serializedName: "ImportRequest",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ImportRequest",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ExportRequest.type.modelProperties, { databaseName: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, edition: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "edition",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serviceObjectiveName: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "serviceObjectiveName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, maxSizeBytes: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "maxSizeBytes",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var MetricValue = {
+ serializedName: "MetricValue",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MetricValue",
+ modelProperties: {
+ count: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "count",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ average: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "average",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ maximum: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "maximum",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ minimum: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "minimum",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ timestamp: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "timestamp",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ total: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "total",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var MetricName = {
+ serializedName: "MetricName",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MetricName",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "value",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ localizedValue: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "localizedValue",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var Metric = {
+ serializedName: "Metric",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Metric",
+ modelProperties: {
+ startTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "startTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ endTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "endTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ timeGrain: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "timeGrain",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ unit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "unit",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MetricName"
+ }
+ },
+ metricValues: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "metricValues",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MetricValue"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var MetricAvailability = {
+ serializedName: "MetricAvailability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MetricAvailability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ retention: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "retention",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ timeGrain: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "timeGrain",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var MetricDefinition = {
+ serializedName: "MetricDefinition",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MetricDefinition",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MetricName"
+ }
+ },
+ primaryAggregationType: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "primaryAggregationType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ resourceUri: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "resourceUri",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ unit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "unit",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ metricAvailabilities: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "metricAvailabilities",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MetricAvailability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var RecommendedElasticPoolMetric = {
+ serializedName: "RecommendedElasticPoolMetric",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RecommendedElasticPoolMetric",
+ modelProperties: {
+ dateTime: {
+ serializedName: "dateTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ dtu: {
+ serializedName: "dtu",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ sizeGB: {
+ serializedName: "sizeGB",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var RecommendedElasticPool = {
+ serializedName: "RecommendedElasticPool",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RecommendedElasticPool",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { databaseEdition: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseEdition",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, dtu: {
+ serializedName: "properties.dtu",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, databaseDtuMin: {
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseDtuMin",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, databaseDtuMax: {
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseDtuMax",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, storageMB: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageMB",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, observationPeriodStart: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.observationPeriodStart",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, observationPeriodEnd: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.observationPeriodEnd",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, maxObservedDtu: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.maxObservedDtu",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, maxObservedStorageMB: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.maxObservedStorageMB",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, databases: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databases",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "TrackedResource"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, metrics: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.metrics",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RecommendedElasticPoolMetric"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ReplicationLink = {
+ serializedName: "ReplicationLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ReplicationLink",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, isTerminationAllowed: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.isTerminationAllowed",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }, replicationMode: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.replicationMode",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, partnerServer: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.partnerServer",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, partnerDatabase: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.partnerDatabase",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, partnerLocation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.partnerLocation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, role: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.role",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Primary",
+ "Secondary",
+ "NonReadableSecondary",
+ "Source",
+ "Copy"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, partnerRole: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.partnerRole",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Primary",
+ "Secondary",
+ "NonReadableSecondary",
+ "Source",
+ "Copy"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, startTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.startTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, percentComplete: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.percentComplete",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, replicationState: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.replicationState",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerAzureADAdministrator = {
+ serializedName: "ServerAzureADAdministrator",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerAzureADAdministrator",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { administratorType: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.administratorType",
+ defaultValue: 'ActiveDirectory',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, login: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.login",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, sid: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.sid",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, tenantId: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.tenantId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerCommunicationLink = {
+ serializedName: "ServerCommunicationLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerCommunicationLink",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, partnerServer: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.partnerServer",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ServiceObjective = {
+ serializedName: "ServiceObjective",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServiceObjective",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { serviceObjectiveName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serviceObjectiveName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, isDefault: {
+ nullable: false,
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.isDefault",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }, isSystem: {
+ nullable: false,
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.isSystem",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }, description: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.description",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, enabled: {
+ nullable: false,
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.enabled",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolActivity = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolActivity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolActivity",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, endTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.endTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, errorCode: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorCode",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, errorMessage: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorMessage",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, errorSeverity: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorSeverity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, operation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.operation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, operationId: {
+ nullable: false,
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.operationId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, percentComplete: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.percentComplete",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, requestedDatabaseDtuMax: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedDatabaseDtuMax",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, requestedDatabaseDtuMin: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedDatabaseDtuMin",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, requestedDtu: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedDtu",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, requestedElasticPoolName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedElasticPoolName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, requestedStorageLimitInGB: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedStorageLimitInGB",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, elasticPoolName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.elasticPoolName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serverName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, startTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.startTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, requestedStorageLimitInMB: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedStorageLimitInMB",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, requestedDatabaseDtuGuarantee: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedDatabaseDtuGuarantee",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, requestedDatabaseDtuCap: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedDatabaseDtuCap",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, requestedDtuGuarantee: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedDtuGuarantee",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, databaseName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, endTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.endTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, errorCode: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorCode",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, errorMessage: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorMessage",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, errorSeverity: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorSeverity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, operation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.operation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, operationId: {
+ nullable: false,
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.operationId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, percentComplete: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.percentComplete",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, requestedElasticPoolName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedElasticPoolName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, currentElasticPoolName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.currentElasticPoolName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, currentServiceObjective: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.currentServiceObjective",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, requestedServiceObjective: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedServiceObjective",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serverName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, startTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.startTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var OperationImpact = {
+ serializedName: "OperationImpact",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "OperationImpact",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ unit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "unit",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ changeValueAbsolute: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "changeValueAbsolute",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ changeValueRelative: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "changeValueRelative",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var RecommendedIndex = {
+ serializedName: "RecommendedIndex",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RecommendedIndex",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { action: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.action",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Create",
+ "Drop",
+ "Rebuild"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Active",
+ "Pending",
+ "Executing",
+ "Verifying",
+ "Pending Revert",
+ "Reverting",
+ "Reverted",
+ "Ignored",
+ "Expired",
+ "Blocked",
+ "Success"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, created: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.created",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, lastModified: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.lastModified",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, indexType: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.indexType",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }, schema: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.schema",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, table: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.table",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, columns: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.columns",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, includedColumns: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.includedColumns",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, indexScript: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.indexScript",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, estimatedImpact: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.estimatedImpact",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "OperationImpact"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, reportedImpact: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.reportedImpact",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "OperationImpact"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var TransparentDataEncryption = {
+ serializedName: "TransparentDataEncryption",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "TransparentDataEncryption",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, status: {
+ serializedName: "properties.status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Enabled",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var SloUsageMetric = {
+ serializedName: "SloUsageMetric",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SloUsageMetric",
+ modelProperties: {
+ serviceLevelObjective: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "serviceLevelObjective",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ serviceLevelObjectiveId: {
+ nullable: false,
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "serviceLevelObjectiveId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ },
+ inRangeTimeRatio: {
+ nullable: false,
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "inRangeTimeRatio",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServiceTierAdvisor = {
+ serializedName: "ServiceTierAdvisor",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServiceTierAdvisor",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { observationPeriodStart: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.observationPeriodStart",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, observationPeriodEnd: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.observationPeriodEnd",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, activeTimeRatio: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.activeTimeRatio",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, minDtu: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.minDtu",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, avgDtu: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.avgDtu",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, maxDtu: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.maxDtu",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, maxSizeInGB: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.maxSizeInGB",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, serviceLevelObjectiveUsageMetrics: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serviceLevelObjectiveUsageMetrics",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SloUsageMetric"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, currentServiceLevelObjective: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.currentServiceLevelObjective",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, currentServiceLevelObjectiveId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.currentServiceLevelObjectiveId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, usageBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.usageBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, usageBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.usageBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, databaseSizeBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseSizeBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, databaseSizeBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseSizeBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, disasterPlanBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.disasterPlanBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, disasterPlanBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.disasterPlanBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, overallRecommendationServiceLevelObjective: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.overallRecommendationServiceLevelObjective",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, overallRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.overallRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, confidence: {
+ nullable: false,
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.confidence",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var TransparentDataEncryptionActivity = {
+ serializedName: "TransparentDataEncryptionActivity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "TransparentDataEncryptionActivity",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.status",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, percentComplete: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.percentComplete",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerUsage = {
+ serializedName: "ServerUsage",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerUsage",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ resourceName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "resourceName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ displayName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "displayName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ currentValue: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "currentValue",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ limit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "limit",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ unit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "unit",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ nextResetTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextResetTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseUsage = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseUsage",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseUsage",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ resourceName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "resourceName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ displayName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "displayName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ currentValue: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "currentValue",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ limit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "limit",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ unit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "unit",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ nextResetTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextResetTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var AutomaticTuningOptions = {
+ serializedName: "AutomaticTuningOptions",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "AutomaticTuningOptions",
+ modelProperties: {
+ desiredState: {
+ serializedName: "desiredState",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Off",
+ "On",
+ "Default"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ actualState: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "actualState",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Off",
+ "On"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reasonCode: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "reasonCode",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ reasonDesc: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "reasonDesc",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled",
+ "AutoConfigured",
+ "InheritedFromServer",
+ "QueryStoreOff",
+ "QueryStoreReadOnly",
+ "NotSupported"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseAutomaticTuning = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseAutomaticTuning",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseAutomaticTuning",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { desiredState: {
+ serializedName: "properties.desiredState",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Inherit",
+ "Custom",
+ "Auto",
+ "Unspecified"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, actualState: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.actualState",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Inherit",
+ "Custom",
+ "Auto",
+ "Unspecified"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, options: {
+ serializedName: "properties.options",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "AutomaticTuningOptions"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var EncryptionProtector = {
+ serializedName: "EncryptionProtector",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "EncryptionProtector",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, subregion: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.subregion",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serverKeyName: {
+ serializedName: "properties.serverKeyName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serverKeyType: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverKeyType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, uri: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.uri",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, thumbprint: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.thumbprint",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint = {
+ serializedName: "FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint",
+ modelProperties: {
+ failoverPolicy: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "failoverPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes: {
+ serializedName: "failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint = {
+ serializedName: "FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint",
+ modelProperties: {
+ failoverPolicy: {
+ serializedName: "failoverPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var PartnerInfo = {
+ serializedName: "PartnerInfo",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "PartnerInfo",
+ modelProperties: {
+ id: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "id",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ replicationRole: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "replicationRole",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var FailoverGroup = {
+ serializedName: "FailoverGroup",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FailoverGroup",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, tags: {
+ serializedName: "tags",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, readWriteEndpoint: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.readWriteEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint"
+ }
+ }, readOnlyEndpoint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.readOnlyEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint"
+ }
+ }, replicationRole: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.replicationRole",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, replicationState: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.replicationState",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, partnerServers: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.partnerServers",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "PartnerInfo"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, databases: {
+ serializedName: "properties.databases",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var FailoverGroupUpdate = {
+ serializedName: "FailoverGroupUpdate",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FailoverGroupUpdate",
+ modelProperties: {
+ readWriteEndpoint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.readWriteEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint"
+ }
+ },
+ readOnlyEndpoint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.readOnlyEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint"
+ }
+ },
+ databases: {
+ serializedName: "properties.databases",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ tags: {
+ serializedName: "tags",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ResourceIdentity = {
+ serializedName: "ResourceIdentity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ResourceIdentity",
+ modelProperties: {
+ principalId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "principalId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ },
+ type: {
+ serializedName: "type",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ tenantId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "tenantId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var Sku = {
+ serializedName: "Sku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ tier: {
+ serializedName: "tier",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ size: {
+ serializedName: "size",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ family: {
+ serializedName: "family",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ capacity: {
+ serializedName: "capacity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstance = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstance",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstance",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, TrackedResource.type.modelProperties, { identity: {
+ serializedName: "identity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ResourceIdentity"
+ }
+ }, sku: {
+ serializedName: "sku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku"
+ }
+ }, fullyQualifiedDomainName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, administratorLogin: {
+ serializedName: "properties.administratorLogin",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, administratorLoginPassword: {
+ serializedName: "properties.administratorLoginPassword",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, subnetId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.subnetId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, licenseType: {
+ serializedName: "properties.licenseType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, vCores: {
+ serializedName: "properties.vCores",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, storageSizeInGB: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageSizeInGB",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, collation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.collation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, dnsZone: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.dnsZone",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, dnsZonePartner: {
+ serializedName: "properties.dnsZonePartner",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstanceUpdate = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstanceUpdate",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceUpdate",
+ modelProperties: {
+ sku: {
+ serializedName: "sku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku"
+ }
+ },
+ fullyQualifiedDomainName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ administratorLogin: {
+ serializedName: "properties.administratorLogin",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ administratorLoginPassword: {
+ serializedName: "properties.administratorLoginPassword",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ subnetId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.subnetId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ licenseType: {
+ serializedName: "properties.licenseType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ vCores: {
+ serializedName: "properties.vCores",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ storageSizeInGB: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageSizeInGB",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ collation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.collation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ dnsZone: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.dnsZone",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ dnsZonePartner: {
+ serializedName: "properties.dnsZonePartner",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ tags: {
+ serializedName: "tags",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var OperationDisplay = {
+ serializedName: "OperationDisplay",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "OperationDisplay",
+ modelProperties: {
+ provider: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "provider",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ resource: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "resource",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ operation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "operation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ description: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "description",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var Operation = {
+ serializedName: "Operation",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Operation",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ display: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "display",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "OperationDisplay"
+ }
+ },
+ origin: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "origin",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ properties: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Object"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerKey = {
+ serializedName: "ServerKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerKey",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, subregion: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.subregion",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serverKeyType: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverKeyType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, uri: {
+ serializedName: "properties.uri",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, thumbprint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.thumbprint",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, creationDate: {
+ serializedName: "properties.creationDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var Server = {
+ serializedName: "Server",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Server",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, TrackedResource.type.modelProperties, { identity: {
+ serializedName: "identity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ResourceIdentity"
+ }
+ }, kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, administratorLogin: {
+ serializedName: "properties.administratorLogin",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, administratorLoginPassword: {
+ serializedName: "properties.administratorLoginPassword",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, version: {
+ serializedName: "properties.version",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, fullyQualifiedDomainName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerUpdate = {
+ serializedName: "ServerUpdate",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerUpdate",
+ modelProperties: {
+ administratorLogin: {
+ serializedName: "properties.administratorLogin",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ administratorLoginPassword: {
+ serializedName: "properties.administratorLoginPassword",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ version: {
+ serializedName: "properties.version",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ fullyQualifiedDomainName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ tags: {
+ serializedName: "tags",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncAgent = {
+ serializedName: "SyncAgent",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncAgent",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { syncAgentName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, syncDatabaseId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.syncDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, lastAliveTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.lastAliveTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, isUpToDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.isUpToDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }, expiryTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.expiryTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, version: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.version",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncAgentKeyProperties = {
+ serializedName: "SyncAgentKeyProperties",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncAgentKeyProperties",
+ modelProperties: {
+ syncAgentKey: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "syncAgentKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncAgentLinkedDatabase = {
+ serializedName: "SyncAgentLinkedDatabase",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncAgentLinkedDatabase",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { databaseType: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, databaseId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, description: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.description",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serverName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, databaseName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, userName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.userName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncDatabaseIdProperties = {
+ serializedName: "SyncDatabaseIdProperties",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncDatabaseIdProperties",
+ modelProperties: {
+ id: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "id",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncFullSchemaTableColumn = {
+ serializedName: "SyncFullSchemaTableColumn",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncFullSchemaTableColumn",
+ modelProperties: {
+ dataSize: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "dataSize",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ dataType: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "dataType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ errorId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "errorId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ hasError: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "hasError",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ isPrimaryKey: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "isPrimaryKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ quotedName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "quotedName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncFullSchemaTable = {
+ serializedName: "SyncFullSchemaTable",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncFullSchemaTable",
+ modelProperties: {
+ columns: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "columns",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncFullSchemaTableColumn"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ errorId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "errorId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ hasError: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "hasError",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ quotedName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "quotedName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncFullSchemaProperties = {
+ serializedName: "SyncFullSchemaProperties",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncFullSchemaProperties",
+ modelProperties: {
+ tables: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "tables",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncFullSchemaTable"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ lastUpdateTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "lastUpdateTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncGroupLogProperties = {
+ serializedName: "SyncGroupLogProperties",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroupLogProperties",
+ modelProperties: {
+ timestamp: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "timestamp",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ type: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "type",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ source: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "source",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ details: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "details",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ tracingId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "tracingId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ },
+ operationStatus: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "operationStatus",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn = {
+ serializedName: "SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn",
+ modelProperties: {
+ quotedName: {
+ serializedName: "quotedName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ dataSize: {
+ serializedName: "dataSize",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ dataType: {
+ serializedName: "dataType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncGroupSchemaTable = {
+ serializedName: "SyncGroupSchemaTable",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroupSchemaTable",
+ modelProperties: {
+ columns: {
+ serializedName: "columns",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ quotedName: {
+ serializedName: "quotedName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncGroupSchema = {
+ serializedName: "SyncGroupSchema",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroupSchema",
+ modelProperties: {
+ tables: {
+ serializedName: "tables",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroupSchemaTable"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ masterSyncMemberName: {
+ serializedName: "masterSyncMemberName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncGroup = {
+ serializedName: "SyncGroup",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroup",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { interval: {
+ serializedName: "properties.interval",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, lastSyncTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.lastSyncTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, conflictResolutionPolicy: {
+ serializedName: "properties.conflictResolutionPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, syncDatabaseId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.syncDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, hubDatabaseUserName: {
+ serializedName: "properties.hubDatabaseUserName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, hubDatabasePassword: {
+ serializedName: "properties.hubDatabasePassword",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, syncState: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.syncState",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, schema: {
+ serializedName: "properties.schema",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroupSchema"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncMember = {
+ serializedName: "SyncMember",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncMember",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { databaseType: {
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, syncAgentId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.syncAgentId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, sqlServerDatabaseId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.sqlServerDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, serverName: {
+ serializedName: "properties.serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, databaseName: {
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, userName: {
+ serializedName: "properties.userName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, password: {
+ serializedName: "properties.password",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, syncDirection: {
+ serializedName: "properties.syncDirection",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, syncState: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.syncState",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var SubscriptionUsage = {
+ serializedName: "SubscriptionUsage",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SubscriptionUsage",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { displayName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.displayName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, currentValue: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.currentValue",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, limit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.limit",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, unit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.unit",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var VirtualNetworkRule = {
+ serializedName: "VirtualNetworkRule",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "VirtualNetworkRule",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { virtualNetworkSubnetId: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.virtualNetworkSubnetId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy = {
+ serializedName: "ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { predicateExpression: {
+ serializedName: "properties.predicateExpression",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Enabled",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, storageEndpoint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, storageAccountAccessKey: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageAccountAccessKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, retentionDays: {
+ serializedName: "properties.retentionDays",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, auditActionsAndGroups: {
+ serializedName: "properties.auditActionsAndGroups",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, storageAccountSubscriptionId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageAccountSubscriptionId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse: {
+ serializedName: "properties.isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy = {
+ serializedName: "ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { predicateExpression: {
+ serializedName: "properties.predicateExpression",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Enabled",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, storageEndpoint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, storageAccountAccessKey: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageAccountAccessKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, retentionDays: {
+ serializedName: "properties.retentionDays",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, auditActionsAndGroups: {
+ serializedName: "properties.auditActionsAndGroups",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, storageAccountSubscriptionId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageAccountSubscriptionId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse: {
+ serializedName: "properties.isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerBlobAuditingPolicy = {
+ serializedName: "ServerBlobAuditingPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerBlobAuditingPolicy",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { state: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Enabled",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, storageEndpoint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, storageAccountAccessKey: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageAccountAccessKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, retentionDays: {
+ serializedName: "properties.retentionDays",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, auditActionsAndGroups: {
+ serializedName: "properties.auditActionsAndGroups",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, storageAccountSubscriptionId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageAccountSubscriptionId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse: {
+ serializedName: "properties.isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Enabled",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, storageEndpoint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, storageAccountAccessKey: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageAccountAccessKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, retentionDays: {
+ serializedName: "properties.retentionDays",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, auditActionsAndGroups: {
+ serializedName: "properties.auditActionsAndGroups",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, storageAccountSubscriptionId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageAccountSubscriptionId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse: {
+ serializedName: "properties.isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem",
+ modelProperties: {
+ result: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "result",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { baselineResults: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.baselineResults",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties = {
+ serializedName: "VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties",
+ modelProperties: {
+ isEnabled: {
+ serializedName: "isEnabled",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ emailSubscriptionAdmins: {
+ serializedName: "emailSubscriptionAdmins",
+ defaultValue: true,
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ emails: {
+ serializedName: "emails",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { storageContainerPath: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.storageContainerPath",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, storageContainerSasKey: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageContainerSasKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, storageAccountAccessKey: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageAccountAccessKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, recurringScans: {
+ serializedName: "properties.recurringScans",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var JobAgent = {
+ serializedName: "JobAgent",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobAgent",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, TrackedResource.type.modelProperties, { sku: {
+ serializedName: "sku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku"
+ }
+ }, databaseId: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var JobAgentUpdate = {
+ serializedName: "JobAgentUpdate",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobAgentUpdate",
+ modelProperties: {
+ tags: {
+ serializedName: "tags",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobCredential = {
+ serializedName: "JobCredential",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobCredential",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { username: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.username",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, password: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.password",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var JobExecutionTarget = {
+ serializedName: "JobExecutionTarget",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobExecutionTarget",
+ modelProperties: {
+ type: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "type",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ serverName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ databaseName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobExecution = {
+ serializedName: "JobExecution",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobExecution",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { jobVersion: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.jobVersion",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, stepName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.stepName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, stepId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.stepId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, jobExecutionId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.jobExecutionId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, lifecycle: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.lifecycle",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, provisioningState: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.provisioningState",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, createTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.createTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, startTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.startTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, endTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.endTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, currentAttempts: {
+ serializedName: "properties.currentAttempts",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, currentAttemptStartTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.currentAttemptStartTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, lastMessage: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.lastMessage",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, target: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.target",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobExecutionTarget"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var JobSchedule = {
+ serializedName: "JobSchedule",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobSchedule",
+ modelProperties: {
+ startTime: {
+ serializedName: "startTime",
+ defaultValue: new Date('0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'),
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ endTime: {
+ serializedName: "endTime",
+ defaultValue: new Date('9999-12-31T11:59:59Z'),
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ type: {
+ serializedName: "type",
+ defaultValue: 'Once',
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Once",
+ "Recurring"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ enabled: {
+ serializedName: "enabled",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ interval: {
+ serializedName: "interval",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var Job = {
+ serializedName: "Job",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Job",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { description: {
+ serializedName: "properties.description",
+ defaultValue: '',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, version: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.version",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, schedule: {
+ serializedName: "properties.schedule",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobSchedule"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var JobStepAction = {
+ serializedName: "JobStepAction",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobStepAction",
+ modelProperties: {
+ type: {
+ serializedName: "type",
+ defaultValue: 'TSql',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ source: {
+ serializedName: "source",
+ defaultValue: 'Inline',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "value",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobStepOutput = {
+ serializedName: "JobStepOutput",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobStepOutput",
+ modelProperties: {
+ type: {
+ serializedName: "type",
+ defaultValue: 'SqlDatabase',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ subscriptionId: {
+ serializedName: "subscriptionId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ },
+ resourceGroupName: {
+ serializedName: "resourceGroupName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ serverName: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ databaseName: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ schemaName: {
+ serializedName: "schemaName",
+ defaultValue: 'dbo',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ tableName: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "tableName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ credential: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "credential",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobStepExecutionOptions = {
+ serializedName: "JobStepExecutionOptions",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobStepExecutionOptions",
+ modelProperties: {
+ timeoutSeconds: {
+ serializedName: "timeoutSeconds",
+ defaultValue: 43200,
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ retryAttempts: {
+ serializedName: "retryAttempts",
+ defaultValue: 10,
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ initialRetryIntervalSeconds: {
+ serializedName: "initialRetryIntervalSeconds",
+ defaultValue: 1,
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ maximumRetryIntervalSeconds: {
+ serializedName: "maximumRetryIntervalSeconds",
+ defaultValue: 120,
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ retryIntervalBackoffMultiplier: {
+ serializedName: "retryIntervalBackoffMultiplier",
+ defaultValue: 2,
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobStep = {
+ serializedName: "JobStep",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobStep",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { stepId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.stepId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, targetGroup: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.targetGroup",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, credential: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.credential",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, action: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.action",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobStepAction"
+ }
+ }, output: {
+ serializedName: "properties.output",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobStepOutput"
+ }
+ }, executionOptions: {
+ serializedName: "properties.executionOptions",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobStepExecutionOptions"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var JobTarget = {
+ serializedName: "JobTarget",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobTarget",
+ modelProperties: {
+ membershipType: {
+ serializedName: "membershipType",
+ defaultValue: 'Include',
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Include",
+ "Exclude"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ type: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "type",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ serverName: {
+ serializedName: "serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ databaseName: {
+ serializedName: "databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ elasticPoolName: {
+ serializedName: "elasticPoolName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ shardMapName: {
+ serializedName: "shardMapName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ refreshCredential: {
+ serializedName: "refreshCredential",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobTargetGroup = {
+ serializedName: "JobTargetGroup",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobTargetGroup",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { members: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.members",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobTarget"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var JobVersion = {
+ serializedName: "JobVersion",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobVersion",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties)
+ }
+ };
+ var LongTermRetentionBackup = {
+ serializedName: "LongTermRetentionBackup",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "LongTermRetentionBackup",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { serverName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serverCreateTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverCreateTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, databaseName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, databaseDeletionTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseDeletionTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, backupTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.backupTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, backupExpirationTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.backupExpirationTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy = {
+ serializedName: "BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { weeklyRetention: {
+ serializedName: "properties.weeklyRetention",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, monthlyRetention: {
+ serializedName: "properties.monthlyRetention",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, yearlyRetention: {
+ serializedName: "properties.yearlyRetention",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, weekOfYear: {
+ serializedName: "properties.weekOfYear",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var CompleteDatabaseRestoreDefinition = {
+ serializedName: "CompleteDatabaseRestoreDefinition",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "CompleteDatabaseRestoreDefinition",
+ modelProperties: {
+ lastBackupName: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "lastBackupName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedDatabase = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedDatabase",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedDatabase",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, TrackedResource.type.modelProperties, { collation: {
+ serializedName: "properties.collation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.status",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, creationDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.creationDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, earliestRestorePoint: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.earliestRestorePoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, restorePointInTime: {
+ serializedName: "properties.restorePointInTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, defaultSecondaryLocation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.defaultSecondaryLocation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, catalogCollation: {
+ serializedName: "properties.catalogCollation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, createMode: {
+ serializedName: "properties.createMode",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, storageContainerUri: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageContainerUri",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, sourceDatabaseId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.sourceDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, storageContainerSasToken: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageContainerSasToken",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, failoverGroupId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.failoverGroupId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedDatabaseUpdate = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedDatabaseUpdate",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedDatabaseUpdate",
+ modelProperties: {
+ collation: {
+ serializedName: "properties.collation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.status",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ creationDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.creationDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ earliestRestorePoint: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.earliestRestorePoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ restorePointInTime: {
+ serializedName: "properties.restorePointInTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ defaultSecondaryLocation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.defaultSecondaryLocation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ catalogCollation: {
+ serializedName: "properties.catalogCollation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ createMode: {
+ serializedName: "properties.createMode",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ storageContainerUri: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageContainerUri",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ sourceDatabaseId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.sourceDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ storageContainerSasToken: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageContainerSasToken",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ failoverGroupId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.failoverGroupId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ tags: {
+ serializedName: "tags",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var AutomaticTuningServerOptions = {
+ serializedName: "AutomaticTuningServerOptions",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "AutomaticTuningServerOptions",
+ modelProperties: {
+ desiredState: {
+ serializedName: "desiredState",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Off",
+ "On",
+ "Default"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ actualState: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "actualState",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Off",
+ "On"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reasonCode: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "reasonCode",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ reasonDesc: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "reasonDesc",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled",
+ "AutoConfigured"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerAutomaticTuning = {
+ serializedName: "ServerAutomaticTuning",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerAutomaticTuning",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { desiredState: {
+ serializedName: "properties.desiredState",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Custom",
+ "Auto",
+ "Unspecified"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, actualState: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.actualState",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Custom",
+ "Auto",
+ "Unspecified"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, options: {
+ serializedName: "properties.options",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "AutomaticTuningServerOptions"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerDnsAlias = {
+ serializedName: "ServerDnsAlias",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerDnsAlias",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { azureDnsRecord: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.azureDnsRecord",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerDnsAliasAcquisition = {
+ serializedName: "ServerDnsAliasAcquisition",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerDnsAliasAcquisition",
+ modelProperties: {
+ oldServerDnsAliasId: {
+ serializedName: "oldServerDnsAliasId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerSecurityAlertPolicy = {
+ serializedName: "ServerSecurityAlertPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerSecurityAlertPolicy",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { state: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "New",
+ "Enabled",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ }, disabledAlerts: {
+ serializedName: "properties.disabledAlerts",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, emailAddresses: {
+ serializedName: "properties.emailAddresses",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, emailAccountAdmins: {
+ serializedName: "properties.emailAccountAdmins",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }, storageEndpoint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, storageAccountAccessKey: {
+ serializedName: "properties.storageAccountAccessKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, retentionDays: {
+ serializedName: "properties.retentionDays",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var RestorePoint = {
+ serializedName: "RestorePoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RestorePoint",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, restorePointType: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.restorePointType",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }, earliestRestoreDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.earliestRestoreDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, restorePointCreationDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.restorePointCreationDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, restorePointLabel: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.restorePointLabel",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var CreateDatabaseRestorePointDefinition = {
+ serializedName: "CreateDatabaseRestorePointDefinition",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "CreateDatabaseRestorePointDefinition",
+ modelProperties: {
+ restorePointLabel: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "restorePointLabel",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseOperation = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseOperation",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseOperation",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { databaseName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, operation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.operation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, operationFriendlyName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.operationFriendlyName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, percentComplete: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.percentComplete",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, serverName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, startTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.startTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, errorCode: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorCode",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, errorDescription: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorDescription",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, errorSeverity: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorSeverity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, isUserError: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.isUserError",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }, estimatedCompletionTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.estimatedCompletionTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, description: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.description",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, isCancellable: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.isCancellable",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolOperation = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolOperation",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolOperation",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { elasticPoolName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.elasticPoolName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, operation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.operation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, operationFriendlyName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.operationFriendlyName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, percentComplete: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.percentComplete",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, serverName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, startTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.startTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, errorCode: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorCode",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, errorDescription: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorDescription",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, errorSeverity: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errorSeverity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, isUserError: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.isUserError",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }, estimatedCompletionTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.estimatedCompletionTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, description: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.description",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, isCancellable: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.isCancellable",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var MaxSizeCapability = {
+ serializedName: "MaxSizeCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ limit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "limit",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ unit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "unit",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var LogSizeCapability = {
+ serializedName: "LogSizeCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "LogSizeCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ limit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "limit",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ unit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "unit",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var MaxSizeRangeCapability = {
+ serializedName: "MaxSizeRangeCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeRangeCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ minValue: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "minValue",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeCapability"
+ }
+ },
+ maxValue: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "maxValue",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeCapability"
+ }
+ },
+ scaleSize: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "scaleSize",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeCapability"
+ }
+ },
+ logSize: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "logSize",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "LogSizeCapability"
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var PerformanceLevelCapability = {
+ serializedName: "PerformanceLevelCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "PerformanceLevelCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "value",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ unit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "unit",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var LicenseTypeCapability = {
+ serializedName: "LicenseTypeCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "LicenseTypeCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServiceObjectiveCapability = {
+ serializedName: "ServiceObjectiveCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServiceObjectiveCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ id: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "id",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ },
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedMaxSizes: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedMaxSizes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeRangeCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ performanceLevel: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "performanceLevel",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "PerformanceLevelCapability"
+ }
+ },
+ sku: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "sku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedLicenseTypes: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedLicenseTypes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "LicenseTypeCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ includedMaxSize: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "includedMaxSize",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeCapability"
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var EditionCapability = {
+ serializedName: "EditionCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "EditionCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedServiceLevelObjectives: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedServiceLevelObjectives",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServiceObjectiveCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ zoneRedundant: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "zoneRedundant",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ limit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "limit",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ unit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "unit",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMaxPerformanceLevelCapability = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMaxPerformanceLevelCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMaxPerformanceLevelCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ limit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "limit",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ unit: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "unit",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevels: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevels",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ performanceLevel: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "performanceLevel",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "PerformanceLevelCapability"
+ }
+ },
+ sku: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "sku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedLicenseTypes: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedLicenseTypes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "LicenseTypeCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ maxDatabaseCount: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "maxDatabaseCount",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ includedMaxSize: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "includedMaxSize",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeCapability"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedMaxSizes: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedMaxSizes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeRangeCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ supportedPerDatabaseMaxSizes: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedPerDatabaseMaxSizes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeRangeCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ supportedPerDatabaseMaxPerformanceLevels: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedPerDatabaseMaxPerformanceLevels",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMaxPerformanceLevelCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolEditionCapability = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolEditionCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolEditionCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedElasticPoolPerformanceLevels: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedElasticPoolPerformanceLevels",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ zoneRedundant: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "zoneRedundant",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerVersionCapability = {
+ serializedName: "ServerVersionCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerVersionCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedEditions: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedEditions",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "EditionCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ supportedElasticPoolEditions: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedElasticPoolEditions",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolEditionCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "value",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ sku: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "sku",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedLicenseTypes: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedLicenseTypes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "LicenseTypeCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ supportedVcoresValues: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedVcoresValues",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ includedMaxSize: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "includedMaxSize",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeCapability"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedStorageSizes: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedStorageSizes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MaxSizeRangeCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstanceEditionCapability = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstanceEditionCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceEditionCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedFamilies: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedFamilies",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstanceVersionCapability = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstanceVersionCapability",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceVersionCapability",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedEditions: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedEditions",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceEditionCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var LocationCapabilities = {
+ serializedName: "LocationCapabilities",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "LocationCapabilities",
+ modelProperties: {
+ name: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "name",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ supportedServerVersions: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedServerVersions",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerVersionCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ supportedManagedInstanceVersions: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "supportedManagedInstanceVersions",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceVersionCapability"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "status",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "Visible",
+ "Available",
+ "Default",
+ "Disabled"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ reason: {
+ serializedName: "reason",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var Database = {
+ serializedName: "Database",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Database",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, TrackedResource.type.modelProperties, { sku: {
+ serializedName: "sku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku"
+ }
+ }, kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, managedBy: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "managedBy",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, createMode: {
+ serializedName: "properties.createMode",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, collation: {
+ serializedName: "properties.collation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, maxSizeBytes: {
+ serializedName: "properties.maxSizeBytes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, sampleName: {
+ serializedName: "properties.sampleName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, elasticPoolId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.elasticPoolId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, sourceDatabaseId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.sourceDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.status",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, databaseId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }, creationDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.creationDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, currentServiceObjectiveName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.currentServiceObjectiveName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, requestedServiceObjectiveName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedServiceObjectiveName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, defaultSecondaryLocation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.defaultSecondaryLocation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, failoverGroupId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.failoverGroupId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, restorePointInTime: {
+ serializedName: "properties.restorePointInTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, sourceDatabaseDeletionDate: {
+ serializedName: "properties.sourceDatabaseDeletionDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, recoveryServicesRecoveryPointId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.recoveryServicesRecoveryPointId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, longTermRetentionBackupResourceId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.longTermRetentionBackupResourceId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, recoverableDatabaseId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.recoverableDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, restorableDroppedDatabaseId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.restorableDroppedDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, catalogCollation: {
+ serializedName: "properties.catalogCollation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, zoneRedundant: {
+ serializedName: "properties.zoneRedundant",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }, licenseType: {
+ serializedName: "properties.licenseType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, maxLogSizeBytes: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.maxLogSizeBytes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, earliestRestoreDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.earliestRestoreDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, readScale: {
+ serializedName: "properties.readScale",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, currentSku: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.currentSku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseUpdate = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseUpdate",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseUpdate",
+ modelProperties: {
+ sku: {
+ serializedName: "sku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku"
+ }
+ },
+ createMode: {
+ serializedName: "properties.createMode",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ collation: {
+ serializedName: "properties.collation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ maxSizeBytes: {
+ serializedName: "properties.maxSizeBytes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ sampleName: {
+ serializedName: "properties.sampleName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ elasticPoolId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.elasticPoolId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ sourceDatabaseId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.sourceDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ status: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.status",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ databaseId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.databaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ },
+ creationDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.creationDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ currentServiceObjectiveName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.currentServiceObjectiveName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ requestedServiceObjectiveName: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.requestedServiceObjectiveName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ defaultSecondaryLocation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.defaultSecondaryLocation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ failoverGroupId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.failoverGroupId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ restorePointInTime: {
+ serializedName: "properties.restorePointInTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ sourceDatabaseDeletionDate: {
+ serializedName: "properties.sourceDatabaseDeletionDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ recoveryServicesRecoveryPointId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.recoveryServicesRecoveryPointId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ longTermRetentionBackupResourceId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.longTermRetentionBackupResourceId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ recoverableDatabaseId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.recoverableDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ restorableDroppedDatabaseId: {
+ serializedName: "properties.restorableDroppedDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ catalogCollation: {
+ serializedName: "properties.catalogCollation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ zoneRedundant: {
+ serializedName: "properties.zoneRedundant",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ licenseType: {
+ serializedName: "properties.licenseType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ maxLogSizeBytes: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.maxLogSizeBytes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ earliestRestoreDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.earliestRestoreDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ },
+ readScale: {
+ serializedName: "properties.readScale",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ currentSku: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.currentSku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku"
+ }
+ },
+ tags: {
+ serializedName: "tags",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ResourceMoveDefinition = {
+ serializedName: "ResourceMoveDefinition",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ResourceMoveDefinition",
+ modelProperties: {
+ id: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "id",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings",
+ modelProperties: {
+ minCapacity: {
+ serializedName: "minCapacity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ maxCapacity: {
+ serializedName: "maxCapacity",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPool = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPool",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPool",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, TrackedResource.type.modelProperties, { sku: {
+ serializedName: "sku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku"
+ }
+ }, kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, creationDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.creationDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, maxSizeBytes: {
+ serializedName: "properties.maxSizeBytes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }, perDatabaseSettings: {
+ serializedName: "properties.perDatabaseSettings",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings"
+ }
+ }, zoneRedundant: {
+ serializedName: "properties.zoneRedundant",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }, licenseType: {
+ serializedName: "properties.licenseType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolUpdate = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolUpdate",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolUpdate",
+ modelProperties: {
+ sku: {
+ serializedName: "sku",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Sku"
+ }
+ },
+ maxSizeBytes: {
+ serializedName: "properties.maxSizeBytes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ },
+ perDatabaseSettings: {
+ serializedName: "properties.perDatabaseSettings",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings"
+ }
+ },
+ zoneRedundant: {
+ serializedName: "properties.zoneRedundant",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ licenseType: {
+ serializedName: "properties.licenseType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ tags: {
+ serializedName: "tags",
+ type: {
+ name: "Dictionary",
+ value: {
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError = {
+ serializedName: "VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError",
+ modelProperties: {
+ code: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "code",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ message: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "message",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord = {
+ serializedName: "VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { scanId: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.scanId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, triggerType: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.triggerType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, state: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.state",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, startTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.startTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, endTime: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.endTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }, errors: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.errors",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, storageContainerPath: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.storageContainerPath",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, numberOfFailedSecurityChecks: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.numberOfFailedSecurityChecks",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { exportedReportLocation: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.exportedReportLocation",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint = {
+ serializedName: "InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint",
+ modelProperties: {
+ failoverPolicy: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "failoverPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes: {
+ serializedName: "failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint = {
+ serializedName: "InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint",
+ modelProperties: {
+ failoverPolicy: {
+ serializedName: "failoverPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var PartnerRegionInfo = {
+ serializedName: "PartnerRegionInfo",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "PartnerRegionInfo",
+ modelProperties: {
+ location: {
+ serializedName: "location",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ replicationRole: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "replicationRole",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstancePairInfo = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstancePairInfo",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstancePairInfo",
+ modelProperties: {
+ primaryManagedInstanceId: {
+ serializedName: "primaryManagedInstanceId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ partnerManagedInstanceId: {
+ serializedName: "partnerManagedInstanceId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var InstanceFailoverGroup = {
+ serializedName: "InstanceFailoverGroup",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "InstanceFailoverGroup",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { readWriteEndpoint: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.readWriteEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint"
+ }
+ }, readOnlyEndpoint: {
+ serializedName: "properties.readOnlyEndpoint",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint"
+ }
+ }, replicationRole: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.replicationRole",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, replicationState: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.replicationState",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, partnerRegions: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.partnerRegions",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "PartnerRegionInfo"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, managedInstancePairs: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.managedInstancePairs",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstancePairInfo"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy = {
+ serializedName: "BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { retentionDays: {
+ serializedName: "properties.retentionDays",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var TdeCertificate = {
+ serializedName: "TdeCertificate",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "TdeCertificate",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { privateBlob: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.privateBlob",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, certPassword: {
+ serializedName: "properties.certPassword",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstanceKey = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstanceKey",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceKey",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serverKeyType: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverKeyType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, uri: {
+ serializedName: "properties.uri",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, thumbprint: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.thumbprint",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, creationDate: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.creationDate",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector",
+ modelProperties: __assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "kind",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serverKeyName: {
+ serializedName: "properties.serverKeyName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, serverKeyType: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.serverKeyType",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, uri: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.uri",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }, thumbprint: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "properties.thumbprint",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ } })
+ }
+ };
+ var RecoverableDatabaseListResult = {
+ serializedName: "RecoverableDatabaseListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RecoverableDatabaseListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RecoverableDatabase"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult = {
+ serializedName: "RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RestorableDroppedDatabase"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ServerListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Server"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var DataMaskingRuleListResult = {
+ serializedName: "DataMaskingRuleListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DataMaskingRuleListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DataMaskingRule"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var FirewallRuleListResult = {
+ serializedName: "FirewallRuleListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FirewallRuleListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FirewallRule"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var GeoBackupPolicyListResult = {
+ serializedName: "GeoBackupPolicyListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "GeoBackupPolicyListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "GeoBackupPolicy"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var MetricListResult = {
+ serializedName: "MetricListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MetricListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Metric"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var MetricDefinitionListResult = {
+ serializedName: "MetricDefinitionListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MetricDefinitionListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "MetricDefinition"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseListResult = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Database"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPool"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var RecommendedElasticPoolListResult = {
+ serializedName: "RecommendedElasticPoolListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RecommendedElasticPoolListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RecommendedElasticPool"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var RecommendedElasticPoolListMetricsResult = {
+ serializedName: "RecommendedElasticPoolListMetricsResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RecommendedElasticPoolListMetricsResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RecommendedElasticPoolMetric"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ReplicationLinkListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ReplicationLinkListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ReplicationLinkListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ReplicationLink"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerAdministratorListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ServerAdministratorListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerAdministratorListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerAzureADAdministrator"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerCommunicationLinkListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ServerCommunicationLinkListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerCommunicationLinkListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerCommunicationLink"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServiceObjectiveListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ServiceObjectiveListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServiceObjectiveListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServiceObjective"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolActivityListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolActivityListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolActivityListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolActivity"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolDatabaseActivityListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolDatabaseActivityListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolDatabaseActivityListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServiceTierAdvisorListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ServiceTierAdvisorListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServiceTierAdvisorListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServiceTierAdvisor"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var TransparentDataEncryptionActivityListResult = {
+ serializedName: "TransparentDataEncryptionActivityListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "TransparentDataEncryptionActivityListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "TransparentDataEncryptionActivity"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerUsageListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ServerUsageListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerUsageListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerUsage"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseUsageListResult = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseUsageListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseUsageListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseUsage"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var EncryptionProtectorListResult = {
+ serializedName: "EncryptionProtectorListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "EncryptionProtectorListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "EncryptionProtector"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var FailoverGroupListResult = {
+ serializedName: "FailoverGroupListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FailoverGroupListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "FailoverGroup"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstanceListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstanceListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstance"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var OperationListResult = {
+ serializedName: "OperationListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "OperationListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Operation"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerKeyListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ServerKeyListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerKeyListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerKey"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncAgentListResult = {
+ serializedName: "SyncAgentListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncAgentListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncAgent"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult = {
+ serializedName: "SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncAgentLinkedDatabase"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncDatabaseIdListResult = {
+ serializedName: "SyncDatabaseIdListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncDatabaseIdListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncDatabaseIdProperties"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult = {
+ serializedName: "SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncFullSchemaProperties"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncGroupLogListResult = {
+ serializedName: "SyncGroupLogListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroupLogListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroupLogProperties"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncGroupListResult = {
+ serializedName: "SyncGroupListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroupListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncGroup"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SyncMemberListResult = {
+ serializedName: "SyncMemberListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncMemberListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SyncMember"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var SubscriptionUsageListResult = {
+ serializedName: "SubscriptionUsageListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SubscriptionUsageListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "SubscriptionUsage"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var VirtualNetworkRuleListResult = {
+ serializedName: "VirtualNetworkRuleListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "VirtualNetworkRuleListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "VirtualNetworkRule"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobAgentListResult = {
+ serializedName: "JobAgentListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobAgentListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobAgent"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobCredentialListResult = {
+ serializedName: "JobCredentialListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobCredentialListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobCredential"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobExecutionListResult = {
+ serializedName: "JobExecutionListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobExecutionListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobExecution"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobListResult = {
+ serializedName: "JobListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "Job"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobStepListResult = {
+ serializedName: "JobStepListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobStepListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobStep"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobTargetGroupListResult = {
+ serializedName: "JobTargetGroupListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobTargetGroupListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobTargetGroup"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var JobVersionListResult = {
+ serializedName: "JobVersionListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobVersionListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "JobVersion"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var LongTermRetentionBackupListResult = {
+ serializedName: "LongTermRetentionBackupListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "LongTermRetentionBackupListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "LongTermRetentionBackup"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedDatabaseListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedDatabaseListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedDatabaseListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedDatabase"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ServerDnsAliasListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ServerDnsAliasListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerDnsAliasListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ServerDnsAlias"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var RestorePointListResult = {
+ serializedName: "RestorePointListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RestorePointListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "RestorePoint"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var DatabaseOperationListResult = {
+ serializedName: "DatabaseOperationListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseOperationListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "DatabaseOperation"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ElasticPoolOperationListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ElasticPoolOperationListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolOperationListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ElasticPoolOperation"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult = {
+ serializedName: "VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var InstanceFailoverGroupListResult = {
+ serializedName: "InstanceFailoverGroupListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "InstanceFailoverGroupListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "InstanceFailoverGroup"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult = {
+ serializedName: "BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstanceKeyListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstanceKeyListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceKeyListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceKey"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult = {
+ serializedName: "ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult",
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult",
+ modelProperties: {
+ value: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "",
+ type: {
+ name: "Sequence",
+ element: {
+ type: {
+ name: "Composite",
+ className: "ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ nextLink: {
+ readOnly: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var mappers = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ CheckNameAvailabilityRequest: CheckNameAvailabilityRequest,
+ CheckNameAvailabilityResponse: CheckNameAvailabilityResponse,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExtensionRequest: ImportExtensionRequest,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ ExportRequest: ExportRequest,
+ ImportRequest: ImportRequest,
+ MetricValue: MetricValue,
+ MetricName: MetricName,
+ Metric: Metric,
+ MetricAvailability: MetricAvailability,
+ MetricDefinition: MetricDefinition,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ ServerUsage: ServerUsage,
+ DatabaseUsage: DatabaseUsage,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupUpdate: FailoverGroupUpdate,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ManagedInstanceUpdate: ManagedInstanceUpdate,
+ OperationDisplay: OperationDisplay,
+ Operation: Operation,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ ServerUpdate: ServerUpdate,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentKeyProperties: SyncAgentKeyProperties,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncDatabaseIdProperties: SyncDatabaseIdProperties,
+ SyncFullSchemaTableColumn: SyncFullSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncFullSchemaTable: SyncFullSchemaTable,
+ SyncFullSchemaProperties: SyncFullSchemaProperties,
+ SyncGroupLogProperties: SyncGroupLogProperties,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobAgentUpdate: JobAgentUpdate,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ CompleteDatabaseRestoreDefinition: CompleteDatabaseRestoreDefinition,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ManagedDatabaseUpdate: ManagedDatabaseUpdate,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerDnsAliasAcquisition: ServerDnsAliasAcquisition,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ CreateDatabaseRestorePointDefinition: CreateDatabaseRestorePointDefinition,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ MaxSizeCapability: MaxSizeCapability,
+ LogSizeCapability: LogSizeCapability,
+ MaxSizeRangeCapability: MaxSizeRangeCapability,
+ PerformanceLevelCapability: PerformanceLevelCapability,
+ LicenseTypeCapability: LicenseTypeCapability,
+ ServiceObjectiveCapability: ServiceObjectiveCapability,
+ EditionCapability: EditionCapability,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMaxPerformanceLevelCapability: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMaxPerformanceLevelCapability,
+ ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability: ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability,
+ ElasticPoolEditionCapability: ElasticPoolEditionCapability,
+ ServerVersionCapability: ServerVersionCapability,
+ ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability: ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability,
+ ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability: ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability,
+ ManagedInstanceEditionCapability: ManagedInstanceEditionCapability,
+ ManagedInstanceVersionCapability: ManagedInstanceVersionCapability,
+ LocationCapabilities: LocationCapabilities,
+ Database: Database,
+ DatabaseUpdate: DatabaseUpdate,
+ ResourceMoveDefinition: ResourceMoveDefinition,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolUpdate: ElasticPoolUpdate,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector,
+ RecoverableDatabaseListResult: RecoverableDatabaseListResult,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult: RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult,
+ ServerListResult: ServerListResult,
+ DataMaskingRuleListResult: DataMaskingRuleListResult,
+ FirewallRuleListResult: FirewallRuleListResult,
+ GeoBackupPolicyListResult: GeoBackupPolicyListResult,
+ MetricListResult: MetricListResult,
+ MetricDefinitionListResult: MetricDefinitionListResult,
+ DatabaseListResult: DatabaseListResult,
+ ElasticPoolListResult: ElasticPoolListResult,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolListResult: RecommendedElasticPoolListResult,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolListMetricsResult: RecommendedElasticPoolListMetricsResult,
+ ReplicationLinkListResult: ReplicationLinkListResult,
+ ServerAdministratorListResult: ServerAdministratorListResult,
+ ServerCommunicationLinkListResult: ServerCommunicationLinkListResult,
+ ServiceObjectiveListResult: ServiceObjectiveListResult,
+ ElasticPoolActivityListResult: ElasticPoolActivityListResult,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivityListResult: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivityListResult,
+ ServiceTierAdvisorListResult: ServiceTierAdvisorListResult,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivityListResult: TransparentDataEncryptionActivityListResult,
+ ServerUsageListResult: ServerUsageListResult,
+ DatabaseUsageListResult: DatabaseUsageListResult,
+ EncryptionProtectorListResult: EncryptionProtectorListResult,
+ FailoverGroupListResult: FailoverGroupListResult,
+ ManagedInstanceListResult: ManagedInstanceListResult,
+ OperationListResult: OperationListResult,
+ ServerKeyListResult: ServerKeyListResult,
+ SyncAgentListResult: SyncAgentListResult,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult: SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult,
+ SyncDatabaseIdListResult: SyncDatabaseIdListResult,
+ SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult: SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult,
+ SyncGroupLogListResult: SyncGroupLogListResult,
+ SyncGroupListResult: SyncGroupListResult,
+ SyncMemberListResult: SyncMemberListResult,
+ SubscriptionUsageListResult: SubscriptionUsageListResult,
+ VirtualNetworkRuleListResult: VirtualNetworkRuleListResult,
+ JobAgentListResult: JobAgentListResult,
+ JobCredentialListResult: JobCredentialListResult,
+ JobExecutionListResult: JobExecutionListResult,
+ JobListResult: JobListResult,
+ JobStepListResult: JobStepListResult,
+ JobTargetGroupListResult: JobTargetGroupListResult,
+ JobVersionListResult: JobVersionListResult,
+ LongTermRetentionBackupListResult: LongTermRetentionBackupListResult,
+ ManagedDatabaseListResult: ManagedDatabaseListResult,
+ ServerDnsAliasListResult: ServerDnsAliasListResult,
+ RestorePointListResult: RestorePointListResult,
+ DatabaseOperationListResult: DatabaseOperationListResult,
+ ElasticPoolOperationListResult: ElasticPoolOperationListResult,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupListResult: InstanceFailoverGroupListResult,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult,
+ ManagedInstanceKeyListResult: ManagedInstanceKeyListResult,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabaseListResult: RecoverableDatabaseListResult,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var acceptLanguage = {
+ parameterPath: "acceptLanguage",
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "accept-language",
+ defaultValue: 'en-US',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var administratorName = {
+ parameterPath: "administratorName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "administratorName",
+ defaultValue: 'activeDirectory',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var apiVersion0 = {
+ parameterPath: "apiVersion",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "api-version",
+ defaultValue: '2014-04-01',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var apiVersion1 = {
+ parameterPath: "apiVersion",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "api-version",
+ defaultValue: '2015-05-01-preview',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var apiVersion2 = {
+ parameterPath: "apiVersion",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "api-version",
+ defaultValue: '2017-10-01-preview',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var apiVersion3 = {
+ parameterPath: "apiVersion",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "api-version",
+ defaultValue: '2017-03-01-preview',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var backupName = {
+ parameterPath: "backupName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "backupName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var baselineName = {
+ parameterPath: "baselineName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "baselineName",
+ type: {
+ name: "Enum",
+ allowedValues: [
+ "master",
+ "default"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var blobAuditingPolicyName = {
+ parameterPath: "blobAuditingPolicyName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "blobAuditingPolicyName",
+ defaultValue: 'default',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var communicationLinkName = {
+ parameterPath: "communicationLinkName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "communicationLinkName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var connectionPolicyName = {
+ parameterPath: "connectionPolicyName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "connectionPolicyName",
+ defaultValue: 'default',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var continuationToken = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "continuationToken"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "continuationToken",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var createTimeMax = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "createTimeMax"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "createTimeMax",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var createTimeMin = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "createTimeMin"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "createTimeMin",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var credentialName = {
+ parameterPath: "credentialName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "credentialName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var databaseName = {
+ parameterPath: "databaseName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "databaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var databaseState = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "databaseState"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "databaseState",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var dataMaskingPolicyName = {
+ parameterPath: "dataMaskingPolicyName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "dataMaskingPolicyName",
+ defaultValue: 'Default',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var dataMaskingRuleName = {
+ parameterPath: "dataMaskingRuleName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "dataMaskingRuleName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var dnsAliasName = {
+ parameterPath: "dnsAliasName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "dnsAliasName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var elasticPoolName = {
+ parameterPath: "elasticPoolName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "elasticPoolName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var encryptionProtectorName = {
+ parameterPath: "encryptionProtectorName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "encryptionProtectorName",
+ defaultValue: 'current',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var endTime = {
+ parameterPath: "endTime",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "endTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var endTimeMax = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "endTimeMax"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "endTimeMax",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var endTimeMin = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "endTimeMin"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "endTimeMin",
+ type: {
+ name: "DateTime"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var extensionName = {
+ parameterPath: "extensionName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "extensionName",
+ defaultValue: 'import',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var failoverGroupName = {
+ parameterPath: "failoverGroupName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "failoverGroupName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var filter0 = {
+ parameterPath: "filter",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "$filter",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var filter1 = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "filter"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "$filter",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var firewallRuleName = {
+ parameterPath: "firewallRuleName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "firewallRuleName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var geoBackupPolicyName = {
+ parameterPath: "geoBackupPolicyName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "geoBackupPolicyName",
+ defaultValue: 'Default',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var include = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "include"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "include",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var isActive = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "isActive"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "isActive",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var jobAgentName = {
+ parameterPath: "jobAgentName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "jobAgentName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var jobExecutionId = {
+ parameterPath: "jobExecutionId",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "jobExecutionId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var jobName = {
+ parameterPath: "jobName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "jobName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var jobVersion = {
+ parameterPath: "jobVersion",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "jobVersion",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var keyName = {
+ parameterPath: "keyName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "keyName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var linkId = {
+ parameterPath: "linkId",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "linkId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var locationName = {
+ parameterPath: "locationName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "locationName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var longTermRetentionDatabaseName = {
+ parameterPath: "longTermRetentionDatabaseName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "longTermRetentionDatabaseName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var longTermRetentionServerName = {
+ parameterPath: "longTermRetentionServerName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "longTermRetentionServerName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var managedInstanceName = {
+ parameterPath: "managedInstanceName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "managedInstanceName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var nextPageLink = {
+ parameterPath: "nextPageLink",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "nextLink",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ },
+ skipEncoding: true
+ };
+ var onlyLatestPerDatabase = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "onlyLatestPerDatabase"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "onlyLatestPerDatabase",
+ type: {
+ name: "Boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var operationId = {
+ parameterPath: "operationId",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "operationId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var policyName = {
+ parameterPath: "policyName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "policyName",
+ defaultValue: 'default',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var recommendedElasticPoolName = {
+ parameterPath: "recommendedElasticPoolName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "recommendedElasticPoolName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var resourceGroupName = {
+ parameterPath: "resourceGroupName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "resourceGroupName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var restorableDroppededDatabaseId = {
+ parameterPath: "restorableDroppededDatabaseId",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "restorableDroppededDatabaseId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var restorePointName = {
+ parameterPath: "restorePointName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "restorePointName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ruleId = {
+ parameterPath: "ruleId",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "ruleId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var scanId = {
+ parameterPath: "scanId",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "scanId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var securityAlertPolicyName0 = {
+ parameterPath: "securityAlertPolicyName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "securityAlertPolicyName",
+ defaultValue: 'default',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var securityAlertPolicyName1 = {
+ parameterPath: "securityAlertPolicyName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "securityAlertPolicyName",
+ defaultValue: 'Default',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var serverName = {
+ parameterPath: "serverName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "serverName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var serviceObjectiveName = {
+ parameterPath: "serviceObjectiveName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "serviceObjectiveName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var serviceTierAdvisorName = {
+ parameterPath: "serviceTierAdvisorName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "serviceTierAdvisorName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var skip = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "skip"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "$skip",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var startTime = {
+ parameterPath: "startTime",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "startTime",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var stepName = {
+ parameterPath: "stepName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "stepName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var subscriptionId = {
+ parameterPath: "subscriptionId",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "subscriptionId",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var syncAgentName = {
+ parameterPath: "syncAgentName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "syncAgentName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var syncGroupName = {
+ parameterPath: "syncGroupName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "syncGroupName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var syncMemberName = {
+ parameterPath: "syncMemberName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "syncMemberName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var targetGroupName = {
+ parameterPath: "targetGroupName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "targetGroupName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var targetId = {
+ parameterPath: "targetId",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "targetId",
+ type: {
+ name: "Uuid"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var top = {
+ parameterPath: [
+ "options",
+ "top"
+ ],
+ mapper: {
+ serializedName: "$top",
+ type: {
+ name: "Number"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var transparentDataEncryptionName = {
+ parameterPath: "transparentDataEncryptionName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "transparentDataEncryptionName",
+ defaultValue: 'current',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var type = {
+ parameterPath: "type",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "type",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var usageName = {
+ parameterPath: "usageName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "usageName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var virtualNetworkRuleName = {
+ parameterPath: "virtualNetworkRuleName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ serializedName: "virtualNetworkRuleName",
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var vulnerabilityAssessmentName = {
+ parameterPath: "vulnerabilityAssessmentName",
+ mapper: {
+ required: true,
+ isConstant: true,
+ serializedName: "vulnerabilityAssessmentName",
+ defaultValue: 'default',
+ type: {
+ name: "String"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a RecoverableDatabases. */
+ var RecoverableDatabases = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a RecoverableDatabases.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function RecoverableDatabases(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ RecoverableDatabases.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ RecoverableDatabases.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return RecoverableDatabases;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers);
+ var getOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/recoverableDatabases/{databaseName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: RecoverableDatabase
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/recoverableDatabases",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: RecoverableDatabaseListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult: RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a RestorableDroppedDatabases. */
+ var RestorableDroppedDatabases = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a RestorableDroppedDatabases.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function RestorableDroppedDatabases(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ RestorableDroppedDatabases.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, restorableDroppededDatabaseId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ restorableDroppededDatabaseId: restorableDroppededDatabaseId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ RestorableDroppedDatabases.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ return RestorableDroppedDatabases;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$1 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$1);
+ var getOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/restorableDroppedDatabases/{restorableDroppededDatabaseId}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ restorableDroppededDatabaseId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: RestorableDroppedDatabase
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$1
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/restorableDroppedDatabases",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$1
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$2 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ CheckNameAvailabilityRequest: CheckNameAvailabilityRequest,
+ CheckNameAvailabilityResponse: CheckNameAvailabilityResponse,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ ServerListResult: ServerListResult,
+ Server: Server,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ ServerUpdate: ServerUpdate,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a Servers. */
+ var Servers = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a Servers.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function Servers(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ Servers.prototype.checkNameAvailability = function (parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, checkNameAvailabilityOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ Servers.prototype.list = function (options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ options: options
+ }, listOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ Servers.prototype.listByResourceGroup = function (resourceGroupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByResourceGroupOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ Servers.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The requested server resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Servers.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Servers.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The requested server resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Servers.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The requested server resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Servers.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Servers.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The requested server resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Servers.prototype.beginUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginUpdateOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ Servers.prototype.listNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ Servers.prototype.listByResourceGroupNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByResourceGroupNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return Servers;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$2 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$2);
+ var checkNameAvailabilityOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/checkNameAvailability",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, CheckNameAvailabilityRequest, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: CheckNameAvailabilityResponse
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$2
+ };
+ var listOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$2
+ };
+ var listByResourceGroupOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$2
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: Server
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$2
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, Server, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: Server
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: Server
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$2
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$2
+ };
+ var beginUpdateOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ServerUpdate, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: Server
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$2
+ };
+ var listNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$2
+ };
+ var listByResourceGroupNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$2
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$3 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ServerConnectionPolicies. */
+ var ServerConnectionPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ServerConnectionPolicies.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ServerConnectionPolicies(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ServerConnectionPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ ServerConnectionPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$3, callback);
+ };
+ return ServerConnectionPolicies;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$3 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$3);
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/connectionPolicies/{connectionPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ connectionPolicyName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ServerConnectionPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerConnectionPolicy
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerConnectionPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$3
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/connectionPolicies/{connectionPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ connectionPolicyName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerConnectionPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$3
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$4 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies. */
+ var DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$4, callback);
+ };
+ DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ return DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$4 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$4);
+ var getOperationSpec$4 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/securityAlertPolicies/{securityAlertPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ securityAlertPolicyName0
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$4
+ };
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/securityAlertPolicies/{securityAlertPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ securityAlertPolicyName0
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$4
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$5 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a DataMaskingPolicies. */
+ var DataMaskingPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a DataMaskingPolicies.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function DataMaskingPolicies(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ DataMaskingPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ DataMaskingPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$5, callback);
+ };
+ return DataMaskingPolicies;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$5 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$5);
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/dataMaskingPolicies/{dataMaskingPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ dataMaskingPolicyName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, DataMaskingPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DataMaskingPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$5
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$5 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/dataMaskingPolicies/{dataMaskingPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ dataMaskingPolicyName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DataMaskingPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$5
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$6 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ DataMaskingRuleListResult: DataMaskingRuleListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a DataMaskingRules. */
+ var DataMaskingRules = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a DataMaskingRules.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function DataMaskingRules(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ DataMaskingRules.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, dataMaskingRuleName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ dataMaskingRuleName: dataMaskingRuleName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$3, callback);
+ };
+ DataMaskingRules.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return DataMaskingRules;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$6 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$6);
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/dataMaskingPolicies/{dataMaskingPolicyName}/rules/{dataMaskingRuleName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ dataMaskingPolicyName,
+ dataMaskingRuleName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, DataMaskingRule, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DataMaskingRule
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: DataMaskingRule
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$6
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/dataMaskingPolicies/{dataMaskingPolicyName}/rules",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ dataMaskingPolicyName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DataMaskingRuleListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$6
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$7 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ FirewallRuleListResult: FirewallRuleListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a FirewallRules. */
+ var FirewallRules = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a FirewallRules.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function FirewallRules(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ FirewallRules.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, firewallRuleName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ firewallRuleName: firewallRuleName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$4, callback);
+ };
+ FirewallRules.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, firewallRuleName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ firewallRuleName: firewallRuleName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ FirewallRules.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, firewallRuleName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ firewallRuleName: firewallRuleName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$6, callback);
+ };
+ FirewallRules.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ return FirewallRules;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$7 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$7);
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$4 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules/{firewallRuleName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ firewallRuleName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, FirewallRule, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: FirewallRule
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: FirewallRule
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$7
+ };
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules/{firewallRuleName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ firewallRuleName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$7
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$6 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules/{firewallRuleName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ firewallRuleName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: FirewallRule
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$7
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: FirewallRuleListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$7
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$8 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ GeoBackupPolicyListResult: GeoBackupPolicyListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a GeoBackupPolicies. */
+ var GeoBackupPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a GeoBackupPolicies.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function GeoBackupPolicies(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ GeoBackupPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$5, callback);
+ };
+ GeoBackupPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$7, callback);
+ };
+ GeoBackupPolicies.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ return GeoBackupPolicies;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$8 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$8);
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$5 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/geoBackupPolicies/{geoBackupPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ geoBackupPolicyName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, GeoBackupPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: GeoBackupPolicy
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: GeoBackupPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$8
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$7 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/geoBackupPolicies/{geoBackupPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ geoBackupPolicyName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: GeoBackupPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$8
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/geoBackupPolicies",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: GeoBackupPolicyListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$8
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$9 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ImportRequest: ImportRequest,
+ ExportRequest: ExportRequest,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ ImportExtensionRequest: ImportExtensionRequest,
+ MetricListResult: MetricListResult,
+ Metric: Metric,
+ MetricName: MetricName,
+ MetricValue: MetricValue,
+ MetricDefinitionListResult: MetricDefinitionListResult,
+ MetricDefinition: MetricDefinition,
+ MetricAvailability: MetricAvailability,
+ DatabaseListResult: DatabaseListResult,
+ Database: Database,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ DatabaseUpdate: DatabaseUpdate,
+ ResourceMoveDefinition: ResourceMoveDefinition,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a Databases. */
+ var Databases = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a Databases.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function Databases(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Imports a bacpac into a new database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The required parameters for importing a Bacpac into a database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.importMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginImportMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates an import operation that imports a bacpac into an existing database. The existing
+ * database must be empty.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database to import into
+ * @param parameters The required parameters for importing a Bacpac into a database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.createImportOperation = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateImportOperation(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Exports a database to a bacpac.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database to be exported.
+ * @param parameters The required parameters for exporting a database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.exportMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginExportMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ Databases.prototype.listMetrics = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, filter, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ filter: filter,
+ options: options
+ }, listMetricsOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ Databases.prototype.listMetricDefinitions = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listMetricDefinitionsOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Upgrades a data warehouse.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database to be upgraded.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.upgradeDataWarehouse = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginUpgradeDataWarehouse(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ Databases.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$3, callback);
+ };
+ Databases.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$8, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a new database or updates an existing database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The requested database resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an existing database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The requested database resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ Databases.prototype.listByElasticPool = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ elasticPoolName: elasticPoolName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByElasticPoolOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Pauses a database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database to be paused.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.pause = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginPause(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Resumes a database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database to be resumed.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.resume = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginResume(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ Databases.prototype.rename = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, renameOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Imports a bacpac into a new database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The required parameters for importing a Bacpac into a database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.beginImportMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginImportMethodOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates an import operation that imports a bacpac into an existing database. The existing
+ * database must be empty.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database to import into
+ * @param parameters The required parameters for importing a Bacpac into a database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.beginCreateImportOperation = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateImportOperationOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Exports a database to a bacpac.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database to be exported.
+ * @param parameters The required parameters for exporting a database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.beginExportMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginExportMethodOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Upgrades a data warehouse.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database to be upgraded.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.beginUpgradeDataWarehouse = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginUpgradeDataWarehouseOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a new database or updates an existing database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The requested database resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$1, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$1, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an existing database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The requested database resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.beginUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginUpdateOperationSpec$1, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Pauses a database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database to be paused.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.beginPause = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginPauseOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Resumes a database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database to be resumed.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ Databases.prototype.beginResume = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginResumeOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ Databases.prototype.listByServerNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ Databases.prototype.listByElasticPoolNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByElasticPoolNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return Databases;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$9 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$9);
+ var listMetricsOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/metrics",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0,
+ filter0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: MetricListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var listMetricDefinitionsOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/metricDefinitions",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: MetricDefinitionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$8 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: Database
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var listByElasticPoolOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}/databases",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ elasticPoolName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var renameOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/move",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ResourceMoveDefinition, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var beginImportMethodOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/import",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ImportRequest, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ImportExportResponse
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var beginCreateImportOperationOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/extensions/{extensionName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ extensionName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ImportExtensionRequest, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: ImportExportResponse
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var beginExportMethodOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/export",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ExportRequest, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ImportExportResponse
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var beginUpgradeDataWarehouseOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/upgradeDataWarehouse",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, Database, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: Database
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: Database
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var beginUpdateOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, DatabaseUpdate, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: Database
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var beginPauseOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/pause",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: Database
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var beginResumeOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/resume",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: Database
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var listByServerNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ var listByElasticPoolNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$9
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$a = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ MetricListResult: MetricListResult,
+ Metric: Metric,
+ MetricName: MetricName,
+ MetricValue: MetricValue,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ MetricDefinitionListResult: MetricDefinitionListResult,
+ MetricDefinition: MetricDefinition,
+ MetricAvailability: MetricAvailability,
+ ElasticPoolListResult: ElasticPoolListResult,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ ElasticPoolUpdate: ElasticPoolUpdate,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ElasticPools. */
+ var ElasticPools = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ElasticPools.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ElasticPools(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ElasticPools.prototype.listMetrics = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, filter, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ elasticPoolName: elasticPoolName$$1,
+ filter: filter,
+ options: options
+ }, listMetricsOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ ElasticPools.prototype.listMetricDefinitions = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ elasticPoolName: elasticPoolName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listMetricDefinitionsOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ ElasticPools.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$4, callback);
+ };
+ ElasticPools.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ elasticPoolName: elasticPoolName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$9, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates an elastic pool.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param elasticPoolName The name of the elastic pool.
+ * @param parameters The elastic pool parameters.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ElasticPools.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes an elastic pool.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param elasticPoolName The name of the elastic pool.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ElasticPools.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an elastic pool.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param elasticPoolName The name of the elastic pool.
+ * @param parameters The elastic pool update parameters.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ElasticPools.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates an elastic pool.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param elasticPoolName The name of the elastic pool.
+ * @param parameters The elastic pool parameters.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ElasticPools.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ elasticPoolName: elasticPoolName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$2, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes an elastic pool.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param elasticPoolName The name of the elastic pool.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ElasticPools.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ elasticPoolName: elasticPoolName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$2, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an elastic pool.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param elasticPoolName The name of the elastic pool.
+ * @param parameters The elastic pool update parameters.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ElasticPools.prototype.beginUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ elasticPoolName: elasticPoolName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginUpdateOperationSpec$2, options);
+ };
+ ElasticPools.prototype.listByServerNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerNextOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ return ElasticPools;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$a = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$a);
+ var listMetricsOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}/metrics",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ elasticPoolName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0,
+ filter0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: MetricListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$a
+ };
+ var listMetricDefinitionsOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}/metricDefinitions",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ elasticPoolName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: MetricDefinitionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$a
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$4 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ skip,
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ElasticPoolListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$a
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$9 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ elasticPoolName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ElasticPool
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$a
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ elasticPoolName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ElasticPool, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ElasticPool
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: ElasticPool
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$a
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ elasticPoolName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$a
+ };
+ var beginUpdateOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ elasticPoolName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ElasticPoolUpdate, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ElasticPool
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$a
+ };
+ var listByServerNextOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ElasticPoolListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$a
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$b = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolListResult: RecommendedElasticPoolListResult,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolListMetricsResult: RecommendedElasticPoolListMetricsResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a RecommendedElasticPools. */
+ var RecommendedElasticPools = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a RecommendedElasticPools.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function RecommendedElasticPools(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ RecommendedElasticPools.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, recommendedElasticPoolName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ recommendedElasticPoolName: recommendedElasticPoolName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$a, callback);
+ };
+ RecommendedElasticPools.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$5, callback);
+ };
+ RecommendedElasticPools.prototype.listMetrics = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, recommendedElasticPoolName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ recommendedElasticPoolName: recommendedElasticPoolName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listMetricsOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ return RecommendedElasticPools;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$b = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$b);
+ var getOperationSpec$a = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/recommendedElasticPools/{recommendedElasticPoolName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ recommendedElasticPoolName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: RecommendedElasticPool
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$b
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$5 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/recommendedElasticPools",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: RecommendedElasticPoolListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$b
+ };
+ var listMetricsOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/recommendedElasticPools/{recommendedElasticPoolName}/metrics",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ recommendedElasticPoolName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: RecommendedElasticPoolListMetricsResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$b
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$c = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ ReplicationLinkListResult: ReplicationLinkListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ReplicationLinks. */
+ var ReplicationLinks = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ReplicationLinks.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ReplicationLinks(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ReplicationLinks.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, linkId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ linkId: linkId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ ReplicationLinks.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, linkId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ linkId: linkId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$b, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets which replica database is primary by failing over from the current primary replica
+ * database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database that has the replication link to be failed over.
+ * @param linkId The ID of the replication link to be failed over.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ReplicationLinks.prototype.failover = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, linkId$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginFailover(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, linkId$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets which replica database is primary by failing over from the current primary replica
+ * database. This operation might result in data loss.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database that has the replication link to be failed over.
+ * @param linkId The ID of the replication link to be failed over.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ReplicationLinks.prototype.failoverAllowDataLoss = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, linkId$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginFailoverAllowDataLoss(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, linkId$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ ReplicationLinks.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets which replica database is primary by failing over from the current primary replica
+ * database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database that has the replication link to be failed over.
+ * @param linkId The ID of the replication link to be failed over.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ReplicationLinks.prototype.beginFailover = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, linkId$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ linkId: linkId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginFailoverOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets which replica database is primary by failing over from the current primary replica
+ * database. This operation might result in data loss.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database that has the replication link to be failed over.
+ * @param linkId The ID of the replication link to be failed over.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ReplicationLinks.prototype.beginFailoverAllowDataLoss = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, linkId$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ linkId: linkId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginFailoverAllowDataLossOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ return ReplicationLinks;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$c = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$c);
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/replicationLinks/{linkId}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ linkId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$c
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$b = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/replicationLinks/{linkId}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ linkId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ReplicationLink
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$c
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/replicationLinks",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ReplicationLinkListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$c
+ };
+ var beginFailoverOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/replicationLinks/{linkId}/failover",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ linkId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$c
+ };
+ var beginFailoverAllowDataLossOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/replicationLinks/{linkId}/forceFailoverAllowDataLoss",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ linkId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$c
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$d = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ ServerAdministratorListResult: ServerAdministratorListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ServerAzureADAdministrators. */
+ var ServerAzureADAdministrators = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ServerAzureADAdministrators.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ServerAzureADAdministrators(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new Server Active Directory Administrator or updates an existing server Active
+ * Directory Administrator.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param properties The required parameters for creating or updating an Active Directory
+ * Administrator.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerAzureADAdministrators.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, properties, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, properties, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes an existing server Active Directory Administrator.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerAzureADAdministrators.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ ServerAzureADAdministrators.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$c, callback);
+ };
+ ServerAzureADAdministrators.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$6, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a new Server Active Directory Administrator or updates an existing server Active
+ * Directory Administrator.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param properties The required parameters for creating or updating an Active Directory
+ * Administrator.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerAzureADAdministrators.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, properties, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ properties: properties,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$3, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes an existing server Active Directory Administrator.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerAzureADAdministrators.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$3, options);
+ };
+ return ServerAzureADAdministrators;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$d = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$d);
+ var getOperationSpec$c = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/administrators/{administratorName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ administratorName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerAzureADAdministrator
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$d
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$6 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/administrators",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerAdministratorListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$d
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/administrators/{administratorName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ administratorName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "properties",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ServerAzureADAdministrator, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerAzureADAdministrator
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerAzureADAdministrator
+ },
+ 202: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerAzureADAdministrator
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$d
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/administrators/{administratorName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ administratorName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerAzureADAdministrator
+ },
+ 202: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerAzureADAdministrator
+ },
+ 204: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerAzureADAdministrator
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$d
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$e = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ ServerCommunicationLinkListResult: ServerCommunicationLinkListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ServerCommunicationLinks. */
+ var ServerCommunicationLinks = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ServerCommunicationLinks.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ServerCommunicationLinks(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ServerCommunicationLinks.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, communicationLinkName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ communicationLinkName: communicationLinkName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ ServerCommunicationLinks.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, communicationLinkName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ communicationLinkName: communicationLinkName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$d, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a server communication link.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param communicationLinkName The name of the server communication link.
+ * @param parameters The required parameters for creating a server communication link.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerCommunicationLinks.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, communicationLinkName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, communicationLinkName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ ServerCommunicationLinks.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$7, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a server communication link.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param communicationLinkName The name of the server communication link.
+ * @param parameters The required parameters for creating a server communication link.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerCommunicationLinks.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, communicationLinkName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ communicationLinkName: communicationLinkName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$4, options);
+ };
+ return ServerCommunicationLinks;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$e = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$e);
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/communicationLinks/{communicationLinkName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ communicationLinkName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$e
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$d = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/communicationLinks/{communicationLinkName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ communicationLinkName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerCommunicationLink
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$e
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$7 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/communicationLinks",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerCommunicationLinkListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$e
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$4 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/communicationLinks/{communicationLinkName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ communicationLinkName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ServerCommunicationLink, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerCommunicationLink
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$e
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$f = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ ServiceObjectiveListResult: ServiceObjectiveListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ServiceObjectives. */
+ var ServiceObjectives = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ServiceObjectives.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ServiceObjectives(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ServiceObjectives.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, serviceObjectiveName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ serviceObjectiveName: serviceObjectiveName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$e, callback);
+ };
+ ServiceObjectives.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$8, callback);
+ };
+ return ServiceObjectives;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$f = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$f);
+ var getOperationSpec$e = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/serviceObjectives/{serviceObjectiveName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ serviceObjectiveName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServiceObjective
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$f
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$8 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/serviceObjectives",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServiceObjectiveListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$f
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$g = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ElasticPoolActivityListResult: ElasticPoolActivityListResult,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ElasticPoolActivities. */
+ var ElasticPoolActivities = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ElasticPoolActivities.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ElasticPoolActivities(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ElasticPoolActivities.prototype.listByElasticPool = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ elasticPoolName: elasticPoolName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByElasticPoolOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ return ElasticPoolActivities;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$g = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$g);
+ var listByElasticPoolOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}/elasticPoolActivity",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ elasticPoolName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ElasticPoolActivityListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$g
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$h = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivityListResult: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivityListResult,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ElasticPoolDatabaseActivities. */
+ var ElasticPoolDatabaseActivities = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ElasticPoolDatabaseActivities.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ElasticPoolDatabaseActivities(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivities.prototype.listByElasticPool = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ elasticPoolName: elasticPoolName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByElasticPoolOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ return ElasticPoolDatabaseActivities;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$h = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$h);
+ var listByElasticPoolOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}/elasticPoolDatabaseActivity",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ elasticPoolName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivityListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$h
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$i = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ ServiceTierAdvisorListResult: ServiceTierAdvisorListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ServiceTierAdvisors. */
+ var ServiceTierAdvisors = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ServiceTierAdvisors.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ServiceTierAdvisors(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ServiceTierAdvisors.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, serviceTierAdvisorName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ serviceTierAdvisorName: serviceTierAdvisorName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$f, callback);
+ };
+ ServiceTierAdvisors.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$3, callback);
+ };
+ return ServiceTierAdvisors;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$i = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$i);
+ var getOperationSpec$f = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/serviceTierAdvisors/{serviceTierAdvisorName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ serviceTierAdvisorName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServiceTierAdvisor
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$i
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/serviceTierAdvisors",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServiceTierAdvisorListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$i
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$j = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a TransparentDataEncryptions. */
+ var TransparentDataEncryptions = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a TransparentDataEncryptions.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function TransparentDataEncryptions(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ TransparentDataEncryptions.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$6, callback);
+ };
+ TransparentDataEncryptions.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$g, callback);
+ };
+ return TransparentDataEncryptions;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$j = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$j);
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$6 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/transparentDataEncryption/{transparentDataEncryptionName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ transparentDataEncryptionName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, TransparentDataEncryption, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: TransparentDataEncryption
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: TransparentDataEncryption
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$j
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$g = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/transparentDataEncryption/{transparentDataEncryptionName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ transparentDataEncryptionName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: TransparentDataEncryption
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$j
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$k = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivityListResult: TransparentDataEncryptionActivityListResult,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a TransparentDataEncryptionActivities. */
+ var TransparentDataEncryptionActivities = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a TransparentDataEncryptionActivities.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function TransparentDataEncryptionActivities(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivities.prototype.listByConfiguration = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByConfigurationOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return TransparentDataEncryptionActivities;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$k = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$k);
+ var listByConfigurationOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/transparentDataEncryption/{transparentDataEncryptionName}/operationResults",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ transparentDataEncryptionName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: TransparentDataEncryptionActivityListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$k
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$l = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ServerUsageListResult: ServerUsageListResult,
+ ServerUsage: ServerUsage,
+ CloudError: CloudError
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ServerUsages. */
+ var ServerUsages = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ServerUsages.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ServerUsages(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ServerUsages.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$9, callback);
+ };
+ return ServerUsages;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$l = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$l);
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$9 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/usages",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerUsageListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$l
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$m = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ DatabaseUsageListResult: DatabaseUsageListResult,
+ DatabaseUsage: DatabaseUsage,
+ CloudError: CloudError
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a DatabaseUsages. */
+ var DatabaseUsages = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a DatabaseUsages.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function DatabaseUsages(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ DatabaseUsages.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$4, callback);
+ };
+ return DatabaseUsages;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$m = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$m);
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$4 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/usages",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId,
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion0
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseUsageListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$m
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$n = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a DatabaseAutomaticTuningOperations. */
+ var DatabaseAutomaticTuningOperations = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a DatabaseAutomaticTuningOperations.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function DatabaseAutomaticTuningOperations(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuningOperations.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$h, callback);
+ };
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuningOperations.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, updateOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return DatabaseAutomaticTuningOperations;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$n = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$n);
+ var getOperationSpec$h = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/automaticTuning/current",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseAutomaticTuning
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$n
+ };
+ var updateOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/automaticTuning/current",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, DatabaseAutomaticTuning, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseAutomaticTuning
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$n
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$o = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ EncryptionProtectorListResult: EncryptionProtectorListResult,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a EncryptionProtectors. */
+ var EncryptionProtectors = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a EncryptionProtectors.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function EncryptionProtectors(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ EncryptionProtectors.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$a, callback);
+ };
+ EncryptionProtectors.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$i, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an existing encryption protector.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The requested encryption protector resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ EncryptionProtectors.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an existing encryption protector.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The requested encryption protector resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ EncryptionProtectors.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$5, options);
+ };
+ EncryptionProtectors.prototype.listByServerNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerNextOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ return EncryptionProtectors;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$o = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$o);
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$a = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/encryptionProtector",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: EncryptionProtectorListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$o
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$i = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/encryptionProtector/{encryptionProtectorName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ encryptionProtectorName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: EncryptionProtector
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$o
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$5 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/encryptionProtector/{encryptionProtectorName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ encryptionProtectorName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, EncryptionProtector, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: EncryptionProtector
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$o
+ };
+ var listByServerNextOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: EncryptionProtectorListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$o
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$p = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ FailoverGroupUpdate: FailoverGroupUpdate,
+ FailoverGroupListResult: FailoverGroupListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a FailoverGroups. */
+ var FailoverGroups = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a FailoverGroups.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function FailoverGroups(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ failoverGroupName: failoverGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$j, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a failover group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server containing the failover group.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param parameters The failover group parameters.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a failover group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server containing the failover group.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a failover group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server containing the failover group.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param parameters The failover group parameters.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$b, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Fails over from the current primary server to this server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server containing the failover group.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.failover = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginFailover(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Fails over from the current primary server to this server. This operation might result in data
+ * loss.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server containing the failover group.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.forceFailoverAllowDataLoss = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginForceFailoverAllowDataLoss(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a failover group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server containing the failover group.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param parameters The failover group parameters.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ failoverGroupName: failoverGroupName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$6, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a failover group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server containing the failover group.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ failoverGroupName: failoverGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$4, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a failover group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server containing the failover group.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param parameters The failover group parameters.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.beginUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ failoverGroupName: failoverGroupName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginUpdateOperationSpec$3, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Fails over from the current primary server to this server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server containing the failover group.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.beginFailover = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ failoverGroupName: failoverGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginFailoverOperationSpec$1, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Fails over from the current primary server to this server. This operation might result in data
+ * loss.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server containing the failover group.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.beginForceFailoverAllowDataLoss = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ failoverGroupName: failoverGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginForceFailoverAllowDataLossOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ FailoverGroups.prototype.listByServerNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerNextOperationSpec$3, callback);
+ };
+ return FailoverGroups;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$p = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$p);
+ var getOperationSpec$j = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/failoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ failoverGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: FailoverGroup
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$p
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$b = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/failoverGroups",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: FailoverGroupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$p
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$6 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/failoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ failoverGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, FailoverGroup, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: FailoverGroup
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: FailoverGroup
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$p
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$4 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/failoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ failoverGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$p
+ };
+ var beginUpdateOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/failoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ failoverGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, FailoverGroupUpdate, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: FailoverGroup
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$p
+ };
+ var beginFailoverOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/failoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}/failover",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ failoverGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: FailoverGroup
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$p
+ };
+ var beginForceFailoverAllowDataLossOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/failoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}/forceFailoverAllowDataLoss",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ failoverGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: FailoverGroup
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$p
+ };
+ var listByServerNextOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: FailoverGroupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$p
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$q = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ManagedInstanceListResult: ManagedInstanceListResult,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ ManagedInstanceUpdate: ManagedInstanceUpdate,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ManagedInstances. */
+ var ManagedInstances = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ManagedInstances.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ManagedInstances(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ManagedInstances.prototype.list = function (options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ options: options
+ }, listOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ ManagedInstances.prototype.listByResourceGroup = function (resourceGroupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByResourceGroupOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ ManagedInstances.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$k, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a managed instance.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param parameters The requested managed instance resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstances.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a managed instance.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstances.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a managed instance.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param parameters The requested managed instance resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstances.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a managed instance.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param parameters The requested managed instance resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstances.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$7, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a managed instance.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstances.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$5, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a managed instance.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param parameters The requested managed instance resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstances.prototype.beginUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginUpdateOperationSpec$4, options);
+ };
+ ManagedInstances.prototype.listNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listNextOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ ManagedInstances.prototype.listByResourceGroupNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByResourceGroupNextOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ return ManagedInstances;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$q = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$q);
+ var listOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances",
+ urlParameters: [
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$q
+ };
+ var listByResourceGroupOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$q
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$k = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstance
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$q
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$7 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ManagedInstance, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstance
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstance
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$q
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$5 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$q
+ };
+ var beginUpdateOperationSpec$4 = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ManagedInstanceUpdate, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstance
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$q
+ };
+ var listNextOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$q
+ };
+ var listByResourceGroupNextOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$q
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$r = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ OperationListResult: OperationListResult,
+ Operation: Operation,
+ OperationDisplay: OperationDisplay,
+ CloudError: CloudError
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a Operations. */
+ var Operations = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a Operations.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function Operations(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ Operations.prototype.list = function (options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ options: options
+ }, listOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ Operations.prototype.listNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listNextOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ return Operations;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$r = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$r);
+ var listOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "providers/Microsoft.Sql/operations",
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: OperationListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$r
+ };
+ var listNextOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: OperationListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$r
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$s = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ServerKeyListResult: ServerKeyListResult,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ServerKeys. */
+ var ServerKeys = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ServerKeys.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ServerKeys(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ServerKeys.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$c, callback);
+ };
+ ServerKeys.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, keyName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ keyName: keyName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$l, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a server key.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param keyName The name of the server key to be operated on (updated or created). The key name
+ * is required to be in the format of 'vault_key_version'. For example, if the keyId is
+ * https://YourVaultName.vault.azure.net/keys/YourKeyName/01234567890123456789012345678901, then
+ * the server key name should be formatted as:
+ * YourVaultName_YourKeyName_01234567890123456789012345678901
+ * @param parameters The requested server key resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerKeys.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, keyName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, keyName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the server key with the given name.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param keyName The name of the server key to be deleted.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerKeys.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, keyName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, keyName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a server key.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param keyName The name of the server key to be operated on (updated or created). The key name
+ * is required to be in the format of 'vault_key_version'. For example, if the keyId is
+ * https://YourVaultName.vault.azure.net/keys/YourKeyName/01234567890123456789012345678901, then
+ * the server key name should be formatted as:
+ * YourVaultName_YourKeyName_01234567890123456789012345678901
+ * @param parameters The requested server key resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerKeys.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, keyName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ keyName: keyName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$8, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the server key with the given name.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param keyName The name of the server key to be deleted.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerKeys.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, keyName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ keyName: keyName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$6, options);
+ };
+ ServerKeys.prototype.listByServerNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerNextOperationSpec$4, callback);
+ };
+ return ServerKeys;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$s = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$s);
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$c = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/keys",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerKeyListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$s
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$l = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/keys/{keyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ keyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerKey
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$s
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$8 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/keys/{keyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ keyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ServerKey, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerKey
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerKey
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$s
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$6 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/keys/{keyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ keyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$s
+ };
+ var listByServerNextOperationSpec$4 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerKeyListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$s
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$t = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ SyncAgentListResult: SyncAgentListResult,
+ SyncAgentKeyProperties: SyncAgentKeyProperties,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult: SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a SyncAgents. */
+ var SyncAgents = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a SyncAgents.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function SyncAgents(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ SyncAgents.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, syncAgentName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ syncAgentName: syncAgentName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$m, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a sync agent.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server on which the sync agent is hosted.
+ * @param syncAgentName The name of the sync agent.
+ * @param parameters The requested sync agent resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncAgents.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, syncAgentName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, syncAgentName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a sync agent.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server on which the sync agent is hosted.
+ * @param syncAgentName The name of the sync agent.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncAgents.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, syncAgentName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, syncAgentName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ SyncAgents.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$d, callback);
+ };
+ SyncAgents.prototype.generateKey = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, syncAgentName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ syncAgentName: syncAgentName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, generateKeyOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ SyncAgents.prototype.listLinkedDatabases = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, syncAgentName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ syncAgentName: syncAgentName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listLinkedDatabasesOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a sync agent.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server on which the sync agent is hosted.
+ * @param syncAgentName The name of the sync agent.
+ * @param parameters The requested sync agent resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncAgents.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, syncAgentName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ syncAgentName: syncAgentName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$9, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a sync agent.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server on which the sync agent is hosted.
+ * @param syncAgentName The name of the sync agent.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncAgents.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, syncAgentName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ syncAgentName: syncAgentName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$7, options);
+ };
+ SyncAgents.prototype.listByServerNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerNextOperationSpec$5, callback);
+ };
+ SyncAgents.prototype.listLinkedDatabasesNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listLinkedDatabasesNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return SyncAgents;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$t = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$t);
+ var getOperationSpec$m = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/syncAgents/{syncAgentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ syncAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncAgent
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$t
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$d = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/syncAgents",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncAgentListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$t
+ };
+ var generateKeyOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/syncAgents/{syncAgentName}/generateKey",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ syncAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncAgentKeyProperties
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$t
+ };
+ var listLinkedDatabasesOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/syncAgents/{syncAgentName}/linkedDatabases",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ syncAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$t
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$9 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/syncAgents/{syncAgentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ syncAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, SyncAgent, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncAgent
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncAgent
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$t
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$7 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/syncAgents/{syncAgentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ syncAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$t
+ };
+ var listByServerNextOperationSpec$5 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncAgentListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$t
+ };
+ var listLinkedDatabasesNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$t
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$u = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ SyncDatabaseIdListResult: SyncDatabaseIdListResult,
+ SyncDatabaseIdProperties: SyncDatabaseIdProperties,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult: SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult,
+ SyncFullSchemaProperties: SyncFullSchemaProperties,
+ SyncFullSchemaTable: SyncFullSchemaTable,
+ SyncFullSchemaTableColumn: SyncFullSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncGroupLogListResult: SyncGroupLogListResult,
+ SyncGroupLogProperties: SyncGroupLogProperties,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncGroupListResult: SyncGroupListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a SyncGroups. */
+ var SyncGroups = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a SyncGroups.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function SyncGroups(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ SyncGroups.prototype.listSyncDatabaseIds = function (locationName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listSyncDatabaseIdsOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Refreshes a hub database schema.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncGroups.prototype.refreshHubSchema = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginRefreshHubSchema(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ SyncGroups.prototype.listHubSchemas = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listHubSchemasOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ SyncGroups.prototype.listLogs = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, startTime$$1, endTime$$1, type$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ startTime: startTime$$1,
+ endTime: endTime$$1,
+ type: type$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listLogsOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ SyncGroups.prototype.cancelSync = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, cancelSyncOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ SyncGroups.prototype.triggerSync = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, triggerSyncOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ SyncGroups.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$n, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a sync group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group.
+ * @param parameters The requested sync group resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncGroups.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a sync group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncGroups.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a sync group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group.
+ * @param parameters The requested sync group resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncGroups.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ SyncGroups.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$5, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Refreshes a hub database schema.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncGroups.prototype.beginRefreshHubSchema = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginRefreshHubSchemaOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a sync group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group.
+ * @param parameters The requested sync group resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncGroups.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$a, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a sync group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncGroups.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$8, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a sync group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group.
+ * @param parameters The requested sync group resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncGroups.prototype.beginUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginUpdateOperationSpec$5, options);
+ };
+ SyncGroups.prototype.listSyncDatabaseIdsNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listSyncDatabaseIdsNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ SyncGroups.prototype.listHubSchemasNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listHubSchemasNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ SyncGroups.prototype.listLogsNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listLogsNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ SyncGroups.prototype.listByDatabaseNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return SyncGroups;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$u = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$u);
+ var listSyncDatabaseIdsOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/syncDatabaseIds",
+ urlParameters: [
+ locationName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncDatabaseIdListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var listHubSchemasOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/hubSchemas",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var listLogsOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/logs",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ startTime,
+ endTime,
+ type,
+ continuationToken,
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncGroupLogListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var cancelSyncOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/cancelSync",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var triggerSyncOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/triggerSync",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$n = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncGroup
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$5 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncGroupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var beginRefreshHubSchemaOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/refreshHubSchema",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$a = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, SyncGroup, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncGroup
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncGroup
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$8 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var beginUpdateOperationSpec$5 = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, SyncGroup, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncGroup
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var listSyncDatabaseIdsNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncDatabaseIdListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var listHubSchemasNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var listLogsNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncGroupLogListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncGroupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$u
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$v = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ SyncMemberListResult: SyncMemberListResult,
+ SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult: SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult,
+ SyncFullSchemaProperties: SyncFullSchemaProperties,
+ SyncFullSchemaTable: SyncFullSchemaTable,
+ SyncFullSchemaTableColumn: SyncFullSchemaTableColumn,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a SyncMembers. */
+ var SyncMembers = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a SyncMembers.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function SyncMembers(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ SyncMembers.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ syncMemberName: syncMemberName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$o, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a sync member.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group on which the sync member is hosted.
+ * @param syncMemberName The name of the sync member.
+ * @param parameters The requested sync member resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncMembers.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a sync member.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group on which the sync member is hosted.
+ * @param syncMemberName The name of the sync member.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncMembers.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an existing sync member.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group on which the sync member is hosted.
+ * @param syncMemberName The name of the sync member.
+ * @param parameters The requested sync member resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncMembers.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ SyncMembers.prototype.listBySyncGroup = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listBySyncGroupOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ SyncMembers.prototype.listMemberSchemas = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ syncMemberName: syncMemberName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listMemberSchemasOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Refreshes a sync member database schema.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group on which the sync member is hosted.
+ * @param syncMemberName The name of the sync member.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncMembers.prototype.refreshMemberSchema = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginRefreshMemberSchema(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a sync member.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group on which the sync member is hosted.
+ * @param syncMemberName The name of the sync member.
+ * @param parameters The requested sync member resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncMembers.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ syncMemberName: syncMemberName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$b, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a sync member.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group on which the sync member is hosted.
+ * @param syncMemberName The name of the sync member.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncMembers.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ syncMemberName: syncMemberName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$9, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an existing sync member.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group on which the sync member is hosted.
+ * @param syncMemberName The name of the sync member.
+ * @param parameters The requested sync member resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncMembers.prototype.beginUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ syncMemberName: syncMemberName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginUpdateOperationSpec$6, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Refreshes a sync member database schema.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database on which the sync group is hosted.
+ * @param syncGroupName The name of the sync group on which the sync member is hosted.
+ * @param syncMemberName The name of the sync member.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ SyncMembers.prototype.beginRefreshMemberSchema = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, syncGroupName$$1, syncMemberName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ syncGroupName: syncGroupName$$1,
+ syncMemberName: syncMemberName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginRefreshMemberSchemaOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ SyncMembers.prototype.listBySyncGroupNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listBySyncGroupNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ SyncMembers.prototype.listMemberSchemasNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listMemberSchemasNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return SyncMembers;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$v = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$v);
+ var getOperationSpec$o = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/syncMembers/{syncMemberName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ syncMemberName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncMember
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$v
+ };
+ var listBySyncGroupOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/syncMembers",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncMemberListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$v
+ };
+ var listMemberSchemasOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/syncMembers/{syncMemberName}/schemas",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ syncMemberName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$v
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$b = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/syncMembers/{syncMemberName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ syncMemberName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, SyncMember, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncMember
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncMember
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$v
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$9 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/syncMembers/{syncMemberName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ syncMemberName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$v
+ };
+ var beginUpdateOperationSpec$6 = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/syncMembers/{syncMemberName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ syncMemberName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, SyncMember, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncMember
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$v
+ };
+ var beginRefreshMemberSchemaOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/syncGroups/{syncGroupName}/syncMembers/{syncMemberName}/refreshSchema",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ syncGroupName,
+ syncMemberName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$v
+ };
+ var listBySyncGroupNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncMemberListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$v
+ };
+ var listMemberSchemasNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$v
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$w = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ SubscriptionUsageListResult: SubscriptionUsageListResult,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a SubscriptionUsages. */
+ var SubscriptionUsages = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a SubscriptionUsages.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function SubscriptionUsages(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ SubscriptionUsages.prototype.listByLocation = function (locationName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByLocationOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ SubscriptionUsages.prototype.get = function (locationName$$1, usageName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ usageName: usageName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$p, callback);
+ };
+ SubscriptionUsages.prototype.listByLocationNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByLocationNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return SubscriptionUsages;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$w = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$w);
+ var listByLocationOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/usages",
+ urlParameters: [
+ locationName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SubscriptionUsageListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$w
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$p = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/usages/{usageName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ locationName,
+ usageName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SubscriptionUsage
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$w
+ };
+ var listByLocationNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: SubscriptionUsageListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$w
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$x = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ VirtualNetworkRuleListResult: VirtualNetworkRuleListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a VirtualNetworkRules. */
+ var VirtualNetworkRules = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a VirtualNetworkRules.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function VirtualNetworkRules(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ VirtualNetworkRules.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, virtualNetworkRuleName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ virtualNetworkRuleName: virtualNetworkRuleName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$q, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates an existing virtual network rule.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param virtualNetworkRuleName The name of the virtual network rule.
+ * @param parameters The requested virtual Network Rule Resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ VirtualNetworkRules.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, virtualNetworkRuleName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, virtualNetworkRuleName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the virtual network rule with the given name.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param virtualNetworkRuleName The name of the virtual network rule.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ VirtualNetworkRules.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, virtualNetworkRuleName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, virtualNetworkRuleName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ VirtualNetworkRules.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$e, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates an existing virtual network rule.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param virtualNetworkRuleName The name of the virtual network rule.
+ * @param parameters The requested virtual Network Rule Resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ VirtualNetworkRules.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, virtualNetworkRuleName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ virtualNetworkRuleName: virtualNetworkRuleName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$c, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the virtual network rule with the given name.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param virtualNetworkRuleName The name of the virtual network rule.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ VirtualNetworkRules.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, virtualNetworkRuleName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ virtualNetworkRuleName: virtualNetworkRuleName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$a, options);
+ };
+ VirtualNetworkRules.prototype.listByServerNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerNextOperationSpec$6, callback);
+ };
+ return VirtualNetworkRules;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$x = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$x);
+ var getOperationSpec$q = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/virtualNetworkRules/{virtualNetworkRuleName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ virtualNetworkRuleName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: VirtualNetworkRule
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$x
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$e = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/virtualNetworkRules",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: VirtualNetworkRuleListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$x
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$c = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/virtualNetworkRules/{virtualNetworkRuleName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ virtualNetworkRuleName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, VirtualNetworkRule, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: VirtualNetworkRule
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: VirtualNetworkRule
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$x
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$a = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/virtualNetworkRules/{virtualNetworkRuleName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ virtualNetworkRuleName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion1
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$x
+ };
+ var listByServerNextOperationSpec$6 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: VirtualNetworkRuleListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$x
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$y = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies. */
+ var ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$r, callback);
+ };
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$7, callback);
+ };
+ return ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$y = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$y);
+ var getOperationSpec$r = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/extendedAuditingSettings/{blobAuditingPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ blobAuditingPolicyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$y
+ };
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$7 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/extendedAuditingSettings/{blobAuditingPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ blobAuditingPolicyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$y
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$z = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies. */
+ var ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$s, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates an extended server's blob auditing policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters Properties of extended blob auditing policy
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates an extended server's blob auditing policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters Properties of extended blob auditing policy
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$d, options);
+ };
+ return ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$z = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$z);
+ var getOperationSpec$s = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/extendedAuditingSettings/{blobAuditingPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ blobAuditingPolicyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$z
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$d = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/extendedAuditingSettings/{blobAuditingPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ blobAuditingPolicyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$z
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$A = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ServerBlobAuditingPolicies. */
+ var ServerBlobAuditingPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ServerBlobAuditingPolicies.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ServerBlobAuditingPolicies(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$t, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a server's blob auditing policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters Properties of blob auditing policy
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a server's blob auditing policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters Properties of blob auditing policy
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicies.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$e, options);
+ };
+ return ServerBlobAuditingPolicies;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$A = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$A);
+ var getOperationSpec$t = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/auditingSettings/{blobAuditingPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ blobAuditingPolicyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$A
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$e = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/auditingSettings/{blobAuditingPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ blobAuditingPolicyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ServerBlobAuditingPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$A
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$B = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies. */
+ var DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$u, callback);
+ };
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$8, callback);
+ };
+ return DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$B = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$B);
+ var getOperationSpec$u = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/auditingSettings/{blobAuditingPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ blobAuditingPolicyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$B
+ };
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$8 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/auditingSettings/{blobAuditingPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ blobAuditingPolicyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$B
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$C = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines. */
+ var DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, ruleId$$1, baselineName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ ruleId: ruleId$$1,
+ baselineName: baselineName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$v, callback);
+ };
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, ruleId$$1, baselineName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ ruleId: ruleId$$1,
+ baselineName: baselineName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$9, callback);
+ };
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, ruleId$$1, baselineName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ ruleId: ruleId$$1,
+ baselineName: baselineName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec$3, callback);
+ };
+ return DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$C = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$C);
+ var getOperationSpec$v = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/rules/{ruleId}/baselines/{baselineName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ ruleId,
+ baselineName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$C
+ };
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$9 = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/rules/{ruleId}/baselines/{baselineName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ ruleId,
+ baselineName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$C
+ };
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/rules/{ruleId}/baselines/{baselineName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ ruleId,
+ baselineName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$C
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$D = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments. */
+ var DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$w, callback);
+ };
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$a, callback);
+ };
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec$4, callback);
+ };
+ return DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$D = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$D);
+ var getOperationSpec$w = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$D
+ };
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$a = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$D
+ };
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec$4 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$D
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$E = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ JobAgentListResult: JobAgentListResult,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ JobAgentUpdate: JobAgentUpdate,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a JobAgents. */
+ var JobAgents = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a JobAgents.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function JobAgents(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ JobAgents.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$f, callback);
+ };
+ JobAgents.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$x, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a job agent.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param jobAgentName The name of the job agent to be created or updated.
+ * @param parameters The requested job agent resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ JobAgents.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a job agent.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param jobAgentName The name of the job agent to be deleted.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ JobAgents.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a job agent.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param jobAgentName The name of the job agent to be updated.
+ * @param parameters The update to the job agent.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ JobAgents.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a job agent.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param jobAgentName The name of the job agent to be created or updated.
+ * @param parameters The requested job agent resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ JobAgents.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$f, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a job agent.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param jobAgentName The name of the job agent to be deleted.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ JobAgents.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$b, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a job agent.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param jobAgentName The name of the job agent to be updated.
+ * @param parameters The update to the job agent.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ JobAgents.prototype.beginUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginUpdateOperationSpec$7, options);
+ };
+ JobAgents.prototype.listByServerNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerNextOperationSpec$7, callback);
+ };
+ return JobAgents;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$E = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$E);
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$f = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobAgentListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$E
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$x = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobAgent
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$E
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$f = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, JobAgent, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobAgent
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: JobAgent
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$E
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$b = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$E
+ };
+ var beginUpdateOperationSpec$7 = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, JobAgentUpdate, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobAgent
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$E
+ };
+ var listByServerNextOperationSpec$7 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobAgentListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$E
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$F = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ JobCredentialListResult: JobCredentialListResult,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a JobCredentials. */
+ var JobCredentials = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a JobCredentials.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function JobCredentials(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ JobCredentials.prototype.listByAgent = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByAgentOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ JobCredentials.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, credentialName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ credentialName: credentialName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$y, callback);
+ };
+ JobCredentials.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, credentialName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ credentialName: credentialName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$b, callback);
+ };
+ JobCredentials.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, credentialName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ credentialName: credentialName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec$5, callback);
+ };
+ JobCredentials.prototype.listByAgentNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByAgentNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return JobCredentials;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$F = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$F);
+ var listByAgentOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/credentials",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobCredentialListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$F
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$y = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/credentials/{credentialName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ credentialName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobCredential
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$F
+ };
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$b = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/credentials/{credentialName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ credentialName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, JobCredential, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobCredential
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: JobCredential
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$F
+ };
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec$5 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/credentials/{credentialName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ credentialName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$F
+ };
+ var listByAgentNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobCredentialListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$F
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$G = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ JobExecutionListResult: JobExecutionListResult,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a JobExecutions. */
+ var JobExecutions = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a JobExecutions.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function JobExecutions(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ JobExecutions.prototype.listByAgent = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByAgentOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ JobExecutions.prototype.cancel = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobExecutionId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ jobExecutionId: jobExecutionId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, cancelOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Starts an elastic job execution.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param jobAgentName The name of the job agent.
+ * @param jobName The name of the job to get.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ JobExecutions.prototype.create = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginCreate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ JobExecutions.prototype.listByJob = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByJobOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ JobExecutions.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobExecutionId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ jobExecutionId: jobExecutionId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$z, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updatess a job execution.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param jobAgentName The name of the job agent.
+ * @param jobName The name of the job to get.
+ * @param jobExecutionId The job execution id to create the job execution under.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ JobExecutions.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobExecutionId$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobExecutionId$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Starts an elastic job execution.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param jobAgentName The name of the job agent.
+ * @param jobName The name of the job to get.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ JobExecutions.prototype.beginCreate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updatess a job execution.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param jobAgentName The name of the job agent.
+ * @param jobName The name of the job to get.
+ * @param jobExecutionId The job execution id to create the job execution under.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ JobExecutions.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobExecutionId$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ jobExecutionId: jobExecutionId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$g, options);
+ };
+ JobExecutions.prototype.listByAgentNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByAgentNextOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ JobExecutions.prototype.listByJobNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByJobNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return JobExecutions;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$G = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$G);
+ var listByAgentOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/executions",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ createTimeMin,
+ createTimeMax,
+ endTimeMin,
+ endTimeMax,
+ isActive,
+ skip,
+ top,
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecutionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$G
+ };
+ var cancelOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/executions/{jobExecutionId}/cancel",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ jobExecutionId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$G
+ };
+ var listByJobOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/executions",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ createTimeMin,
+ createTimeMax,
+ endTimeMin,
+ endTimeMax,
+ isActive,
+ skip,
+ top,
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecutionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$G
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$z = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/executions/{jobExecutionId}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ jobExecutionId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecution
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$G
+ };
+ var beginCreateOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/start",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecution
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$G
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$g = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/executions/{jobExecutionId}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ jobExecutionId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecution
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecution
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$G
+ };
+ var listByAgentNextOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecutionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$G
+ };
+ var listByJobNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecutionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$G
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$H = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ JobListResult: JobListResult,
+ Job: Job,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a Jobs. */
+ var Jobs = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a Jobs.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function Jobs(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ Jobs.prototype.listByAgent = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByAgentOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ Jobs.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$A, callback);
+ };
+ Jobs.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$c, callback);
+ };
+ Jobs.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec$6, callback);
+ };
+ Jobs.prototype.listByAgentNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByAgentNextOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ return Jobs;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$H = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$H);
+ var listByAgentOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$H
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$A = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: Job
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$H
+ };
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$c = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, Job, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: Job
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: Job
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$H
+ };
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec$6 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$H
+ };
+ var listByAgentNextOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$H
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$I = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ JobExecutionListResult: JobExecutionListResult,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a JobStepExecutions. */
+ var JobStepExecutions = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a JobStepExecutions.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function JobStepExecutions(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ JobStepExecutions.prototype.listByJobExecution = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobExecutionId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ jobExecutionId: jobExecutionId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByJobExecutionOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ JobStepExecutions.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobExecutionId$$1, stepName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ jobExecutionId: jobExecutionId$$1,
+ stepName: stepName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$B, callback);
+ };
+ JobStepExecutions.prototype.listByJobExecutionNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByJobExecutionNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return JobStepExecutions;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$I = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$I);
+ var listByJobExecutionOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/executions/{jobExecutionId}/steps",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ jobExecutionId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ createTimeMin,
+ createTimeMax,
+ endTimeMin,
+ endTimeMax,
+ isActive,
+ skip,
+ top,
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecutionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$I
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$B = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/executions/{jobExecutionId}/steps/{stepName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ jobExecutionId,
+ stepName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecution
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$I
+ };
+ var listByJobExecutionNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecutionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$I
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$J = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ JobStepListResult: JobStepListResult,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a JobSteps. */
+ var JobSteps = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a JobSteps.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function JobSteps(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ JobSteps.prototype.listByVersion = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobVersion$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ jobVersion: jobVersion$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByVersionOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ JobSteps.prototype.getByVersion = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobVersion$$1, stepName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ jobVersion: jobVersion$$1,
+ stepName: stepName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getByVersionOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ JobSteps.prototype.listByJob = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByJobOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ JobSteps.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, stepName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ stepName: stepName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$C, callback);
+ };
+ JobSteps.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, stepName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ stepName: stepName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$d, callback);
+ };
+ JobSteps.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, stepName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ stepName: stepName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec$7, callback);
+ };
+ JobSteps.prototype.listByVersionNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByVersionNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ JobSteps.prototype.listByJobNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByJobNextOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ return JobSteps;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$J = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$J);
+ var listByVersionOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/versions/{jobVersion}/steps",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ jobVersion,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobStepListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$J
+ };
+ var getByVersionOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/versions/{jobVersion}/steps/{stepName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ jobVersion,
+ stepName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobStep
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$J
+ };
+ var listByJobOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/steps",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobStepListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$J
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$C = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/steps/{stepName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ stepName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobStep
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$J
+ };
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$d = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/steps/{stepName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ stepName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, JobStep, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobStep
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: JobStep
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$J
+ };
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec$7 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/steps/{stepName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ stepName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$J
+ };
+ var listByVersionNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobStepListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$J
+ };
+ var listByJobNextOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobStepListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$J
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$K = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ JobExecutionListResult: JobExecutionListResult,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a JobTargetExecutions. */
+ var JobTargetExecutions = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a JobTargetExecutions.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function JobTargetExecutions(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ JobTargetExecutions.prototype.listByJobExecution = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobExecutionId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ jobExecutionId: jobExecutionId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByJobExecutionOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ JobTargetExecutions.prototype.listByStep = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobExecutionId$$1, stepName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ jobExecutionId: jobExecutionId$$1,
+ stepName: stepName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByStepOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ JobTargetExecutions.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobExecutionId$$1, stepName$$1, targetId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ jobExecutionId: jobExecutionId$$1,
+ stepName: stepName$$1,
+ targetId: targetId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$D, callback);
+ };
+ JobTargetExecutions.prototype.listByJobExecutionNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByJobExecutionNextOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ JobTargetExecutions.prototype.listByStepNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByStepNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return JobTargetExecutions;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$K = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$K);
+ var listByJobExecutionOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/executions/{jobExecutionId}/targets",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ jobExecutionId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ createTimeMin,
+ createTimeMax,
+ endTimeMin,
+ endTimeMax,
+ isActive,
+ skip,
+ top,
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecutionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$K
+ };
+ var listByStepOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/executions/{jobExecutionId}/steps/{stepName}/targets",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ jobExecutionId,
+ stepName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ createTimeMin,
+ createTimeMax,
+ endTimeMin,
+ endTimeMax,
+ isActive,
+ skip,
+ top,
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecutionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$K
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$D = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/executions/{jobExecutionId}/steps/{stepName}/targets/{targetId}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ jobExecutionId,
+ stepName,
+ targetId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecution
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$K
+ };
+ var listByJobExecutionNextOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecutionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$K
+ };
+ var listByStepNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobExecutionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$K
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$L = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ JobTargetGroupListResult: JobTargetGroupListResult,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a JobTargetGroups. */
+ var JobTargetGroups = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a JobTargetGroups.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function JobTargetGroups(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ JobTargetGroups.prototype.listByAgent = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByAgentOperationSpec$3, callback);
+ };
+ JobTargetGroups.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, targetGroupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ targetGroupName: targetGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$E, callback);
+ };
+ JobTargetGroups.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, targetGroupName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ targetGroupName: targetGroupName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$e, callback);
+ };
+ JobTargetGroups.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, targetGroupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ targetGroupName: targetGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec$8, callback);
+ };
+ JobTargetGroups.prototype.listByAgentNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByAgentNextOperationSpec$3, callback);
+ };
+ return JobTargetGroups;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$L = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$L);
+ var listByAgentOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/targetGroups",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobTargetGroupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$L
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$E = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/targetGroups/{targetGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ targetGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobTargetGroup
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$L
+ };
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$e = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/targetGroups/{targetGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ targetGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, JobTargetGroup, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobTargetGroup
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: JobTargetGroup
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$L
+ };
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec$8 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/targetGroups/{targetGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ targetGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$L
+ };
+ var listByAgentNextOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobTargetGroupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$L
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$M = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ JobVersionListResult: JobVersionListResult,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a JobVersions. */
+ var JobVersions = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a JobVersions.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function JobVersions(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ JobVersions.prototype.listByJob = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByJobOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ JobVersions.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, jobAgentName$$1, jobName$$1, jobVersion$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ jobAgentName: jobAgentName$$1,
+ jobName: jobName$$1,
+ jobVersion: jobVersion$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$F, callback);
+ };
+ JobVersions.prototype.listByJobNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByJobNextOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ return JobVersions;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$M = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$M);
+ var listByJobOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/versions",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobVersionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$M
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$F = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/jobAgents/{jobAgentName}/jobs/{jobName}/versions/{jobVersion}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ jobAgentName,
+ jobName,
+ jobVersion,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobVersion
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$M
+ };
+ var listByJobNextOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: JobVersionListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$M
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$N = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ LongTermRetentionBackupListResult: LongTermRetentionBackupListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a LongTermRetentionBackups. */
+ var LongTermRetentionBackups = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a LongTermRetentionBackups.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function LongTermRetentionBackups(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ LongTermRetentionBackups.prototype.get = function (locationName$$1, longTermRetentionServerName$$1, longTermRetentionDatabaseName$$1, backupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ longTermRetentionServerName: longTermRetentionServerName$$1,
+ longTermRetentionDatabaseName: longTermRetentionDatabaseName$$1,
+ backupName: backupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$G, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a long term retention backup.
+ * @param locationName The location of the database
+ * @param longTermRetentionServerName
+ * @param longTermRetentionDatabaseName
+ * @param backupName The backup name.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ LongTermRetentionBackups.prototype.deleteMethod = function (locationName$$1, longTermRetentionServerName$$1, longTermRetentionDatabaseName$$1, backupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(locationName$$1, longTermRetentionServerName$$1, longTermRetentionDatabaseName$$1, backupName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ LongTermRetentionBackups.prototype.listByDatabase = function (locationName$$1, longTermRetentionServerName$$1, longTermRetentionDatabaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ longTermRetentionServerName: longTermRetentionServerName$$1,
+ longTermRetentionDatabaseName: longTermRetentionDatabaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$6, callback);
+ };
+ LongTermRetentionBackups.prototype.listByLocation = function (locationName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByLocationOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ LongTermRetentionBackups.prototype.listByServer = function (locationName$$1, longTermRetentionServerName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ longTermRetentionServerName: longTermRetentionServerName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$g, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a long term retention backup.
+ * @param locationName The location of the database
+ * @param longTermRetentionServerName
+ * @param longTermRetentionDatabaseName
+ * @param backupName The backup name.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ LongTermRetentionBackups.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (locationName$$1, longTermRetentionServerName$$1, longTermRetentionDatabaseName$$1, backupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ longTermRetentionServerName: longTermRetentionServerName$$1,
+ longTermRetentionDatabaseName: longTermRetentionDatabaseName$$1,
+ backupName: backupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$c, options);
+ };
+ LongTermRetentionBackups.prototype.listByDatabaseNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ LongTermRetentionBackups.prototype.listByLocationNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByLocationNextOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ LongTermRetentionBackups.prototype.listByServerNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerNextOperationSpec$8, callback);
+ };
+ return LongTermRetentionBackups;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$N = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$N);
+ var getOperationSpec$G = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/longTermRetentionServers/{longTermRetentionServerName}/longTermRetentionDatabases/{longTermRetentionDatabaseName}/longTermRetentionBackups/{backupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ locationName,
+ longTermRetentionServerName,
+ longTermRetentionDatabaseName,
+ backupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: LongTermRetentionBackup
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$N
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$6 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/longTermRetentionServers/{longTermRetentionServerName}/longTermRetentionDatabases/{longTermRetentionDatabaseName}/longTermRetentionBackups",
+ urlParameters: [
+ locationName,
+ longTermRetentionServerName,
+ longTermRetentionDatabaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ onlyLatestPerDatabase,
+ databaseState,
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: LongTermRetentionBackupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$N
+ };
+ var listByLocationOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/longTermRetentionBackups",
+ urlParameters: [
+ locationName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ onlyLatestPerDatabase,
+ databaseState,
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: LongTermRetentionBackupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$N
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$g = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/longTermRetentionServers/{longTermRetentionServerName}/longTermRetentionBackups",
+ urlParameters: [
+ locationName,
+ longTermRetentionServerName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ onlyLatestPerDatabase,
+ databaseState,
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: LongTermRetentionBackupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$N
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$c = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/longTermRetentionServers/{longTermRetentionServerName}/longTermRetentionDatabases/{longTermRetentionDatabaseName}/longTermRetentionBackups/{backupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ locationName,
+ longTermRetentionServerName,
+ longTermRetentionDatabaseName,
+ backupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$N
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: LongTermRetentionBackupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$N
+ };
+ var listByLocationNextOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: LongTermRetentionBackupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$N
+ };
+ var listByServerNextOperationSpec$8 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: LongTermRetentionBackupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$N
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$O = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies. */
+ var BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$H, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets a database's long term retention policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The long term retention policy info.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$7, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets a database's long term retention policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The long term retention policy info.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$h, options);
+ };
+ return BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$O = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$O);
+ var getOperationSpec$H = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies/{policyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ policyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$O
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$7 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$O
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$h = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies/{policyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ policyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$O
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$P = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ CompleteDatabaseRestoreDefinition: CompleteDatabaseRestoreDefinition,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ ManagedDatabaseListResult: ManagedDatabaseListResult,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ ManagedDatabaseUpdate: ManagedDatabaseUpdate,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ManagedDatabases. */
+ var ManagedDatabases = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ManagedDatabases.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ManagedDatabases(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Completes the restore operation on a managed database.
+ * @param locationName The name of the region where the resource is located.
+ * @param operationId Management operation id that this request tries to complete.
+ * @param parameters The definition for completing the restore of this managed database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedDatabases.prototype.completeRestore = function (locationName$$1, operationId$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCompleteRestore(locationName$$1, operationId$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ ManagedDatabases.prototype.listByInstance = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByInstanceOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ ManagedDatabases.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$I, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a new database or updates an existing database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The requested database resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedDatabases.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the managed database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedDatabases.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an existing database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The requested database resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedDatabases.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Completes the restore operation on a managed database.
+ * @param locationName The name of the region where the resource is located.
+ * @param operationId Management operation id that this request tries to complete.
+ * @param parameters The definition for completing the restore of this managed database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedDatabases.prototype.beginCompleteRestore = function (locationName$$1, operationId$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ operationId: operationId$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCompleteRestoreOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a new database or updates an existing database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The requested database resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedDatabases.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$i, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the managed database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedDatabases.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$d, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an existing database.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The requested database resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedDatabases.prototype.beginUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginUpdateOperationSpec$8, options);
+ };
+ ManagedDatabases.prototype.listByInstanceNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByInstanceNextOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ return ManagedDatabases;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$P = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$P);
+ var listByInstanceOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedDatabaseListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$P
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$I = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedDatabase
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$P
+ };
+ var beginCompleteRestoreOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/managedDatabaseRestoreAzureAsyncOperation/{operationId}/completeRestore",
+ urlParameters: [
+ locationName,
+ operationId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, CompleteDatabaseRestoreDefinition, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$P
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$i = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ManagedDatabase, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedDatabase
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedDatabase
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$P
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$d = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$P
+ };
+ var beginUpdateOperationSpec$8 = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ManagedDatabaseUpdate, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedDatabase
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$P
+ };
+ var listByInstanceNextOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedDatabaseListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$P
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$Q = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ServerAutomaticTuningOperations. */
+ var ServerAutomaticTuningOperations = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ServerAutomaticTuningOperations.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ServerAutomaticTuningOperations(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ServerAutomaticTuningOperations.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$J, callback);
+ };
+ ServerAutomaticTuningOperations.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, updateOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ return ServerAutomaticTuningOperations;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$Q = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$Q);
+ var getOperationSpec$J = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/automaticTuning/current",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerAutomaticTuning
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$Q
+ };
+ var updateOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/automaticTuning/current",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ServerAutomaticTuning, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerAutomaticTuning
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$Q
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$R = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ ServerDnsAliasListResult: ServerDnsAliasListResult,
+ ServerDnsAliasAcquisition: ServerDnsAliasAcquisition,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ServerDnsAliases. */
+ var ServerDnsAliases = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ServerDnsAliases.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ServerDnsAliases(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ServerDnsAliases.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, dnsAliasName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ dnsAliasName: dnsAliasName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$K, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a server dns alias.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server that the alias is pointing to.
+ * @param dnsAliasName The name of the server DNS alias.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerDnsAliases.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, dnsAliasName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, dnsAliasName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the server DNS alias with the given name.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server that the alias is pointing to.
+ * @param dnsAliasName The name of the server DNS alias.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerDnsAliases.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, dnsAliasName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, dnsAliasName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ ServerDnsAliases.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerOperationSpec$h, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Acquires server DNS alias from another server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server that the alias is pointing to.
+ * @param dnsAliasName The name of the server dns alias.
+ * @param parameters
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerDnsAliases.prototype.acquire = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, dnsAliasName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginAcquire(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, dnsAliasName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a server dns alias.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server that the alias is pointing to.
+ * @param dnsAliasName The name of the server DNS alias.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerDnsAliases.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, dnsAliasName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ dnsAliasName: dnsAliasName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$j, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the server DNS alias with the given name.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server that the alias is pointing to.
+ * @param dnsAliasName The name of the server DNS alias.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerDnsAliases.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, dnsAliasName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ dnsAliasName: dnsAliasName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$e, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Acquires server DNS alias from another server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server that the alias is pointing to.
+ * @param dnsAliasName The name of the server dns alias.
+ * @param parameters
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerDnsAliases.prototype.beginAcquire = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, dnsAliasName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ dnsAliasName: dnsAliasName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginAcquireOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ ServerDnsAliases.prototype.listByServerNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByServerNextOperationSpec$9, callback);
+ };
+ return ServerDnsAliases;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$R = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$R);
+ var getOperationSpec$K = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ dnsAliasName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerDnsAlias
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$R
+ };
+ var listByServerOperationSpec$h = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/dnsAliases",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerDnsAliasListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$R
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$j = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ dnsAliasName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerDnsAlias
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerDnsAlias
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$R
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$e = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ dnsAliasName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$R
+ };
+ var beginAcquireOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}/acquire",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ dnsAliasName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ServerDnsAliasAcquisition, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$R
+ };
+ var listByServerNextOperationSpec$9 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerDnsAliasListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$R
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$S = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ServerSecurityAlertPolicies. */
+ var ServerSecurityAlertPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ServerSecurityAlertPolicies.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ServerSecurityAlertPolicies(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$L, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a threat detection policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The server security alert policy.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a threat detection policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The server security alert policy.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicies.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$k, options);
+ };
+ return ServerSecurityAlertPolicies;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$S = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$S);
+ var getOperationSpec$L = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/securityAlertPolicies/{securityAlertPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ securityAlertPolicyName1,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$S
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$k = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/securityAlertPolicies/{securityAlertPolicyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ securityAlertPolicyName1,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ServerSecurityAlertPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$S
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$T = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ RestorePointListResult: RestorePointListResult,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ CreateDatabaseRestorePointDefinition: CreateDatabaseRestorePointDefinition,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a RestorePoints. */
+ var RestorePoints = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a RestorePoints.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function RestorePoints(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ RestorePoints.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$8, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a restore point for a data warehouse.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The definition for creating the restore point of this database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ RestorePoints.prototype.create = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ RestorePoints.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, restorePointName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ restorePointName: restorePointName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$M, callback);
+ };
+ RestorePoints.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, restorePointName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ restorePointName: restorePointName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec$9, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a restore point for a data warehouse.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The definition for creating the restore point of this database.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ RestorePoints.prototype.beginCreate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOperationSpec$1, options);
+ };
+ return RestorePoints;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$T = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$T);
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$8 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/restorePoints",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: RestorePointListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$T
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$M = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/restorePoints/{restorePointName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ restorePointName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: RestorePoint
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$T
+ };
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec$9 = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/restorePoints/{restorePointName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ restorePointName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$T
+ };
+ var beginCreateOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/restorePoints",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion3
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, CreateDatabaseRestorePointDefinition, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: RestorePoint
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: RestorePoint
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$T
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$U = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ DatabaseOperationListResult: DatabaseOperationListResult,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a DatabaseOperations. */
+ var DatabaseOperations = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a DatabaseOperations.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function DatabaseOperations(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ DatabaseOperations.prototype.cancel = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, operationId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ operationId: operationId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, cancelOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ DatabaseOperations.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$9, callback);
+ };
+ DatabaseOperations.prototype.listByDatabaseNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ return DatabaseOperations;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$U = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$U);
+ var cancelOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/operations/{operationId}/cancel",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ operationId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$U
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$9 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/operations",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseOperationListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$U
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseOperationListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$U
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$V = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ ElasticPoolOperationListResult: ElasticPoolOperationListResult,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ElasticPoolOperations. */
+ var ElasticPoolOperations = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ElasticPoolOperations.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ElasticPoolOperations(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ElasticPoolOperations.prototype.cancel = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, operationId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ elasticPoolName: elasticPoolName$$1,
+ operationId: operationId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, cancelOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ ElasticPoolOperations.prototype.listByElasticPool = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, elasticPoolName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ elasticPoolName: elasticPoolName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByElasticPoolOperationSpec$3, callback);
+ };
+ ElasticPoolOperations.prototype.listByElasticPoolNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByElasticPoolNextOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ return ElasticPoolOperations;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$V = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$V);
+ var cancelOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}/operations/{operationId}/cancel",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ elasticPoolName,
+ operationId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$V
+ };
+ var listByElasticPoolOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}/operations",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ elasticPoolName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ElasticPoolOperationListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$V
+ };
+ var listByElasticPoolNextOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ElasticPoolOperationListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$V
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$W = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ LocationCapabilities: LocationCapabilities,
+ ServerVersionCapability: ServerVersionCapability,
+ EditionCapability: EditionCapability,
+ ServiceObjectiveCapability: ServiceObjectiveCapability,
+ MaxSizeRangeCapability: MaxSizeRangeCapability,
+ MaxSizeCapability: MaxSizeCapability,
+ LogSizeCapability: LogSizeCapability,
+ PerformanceLevelCapability: PerformanceLevelCapability,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ LicenseTypeCapability: LicenseTypeCapability,
+ ElasticPoolEditionCapability: ElasticPoolEditionCapability,
+ ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability: ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMaxPerformanceLevelCapability: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMaxPerformanceLevelCapability,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability,
+ ManagedInstanceVersionCapability: ManagedInstanceVersionCapability,
+ ManagedInstanceEditionCapability: ManagedInstanceEditionCapability,
+ ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability: ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability,
+ ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability: ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability,
+ CloudError: CloudError
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a Capabilities. */
+ var Capabilities = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a Capabilities.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function Capabilities(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ Capabilities.prototype.listByLocation = function (locationName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByLocationOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ return Capabilities;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$W = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$W);
+ var listByLocationOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/capabilities",
+ urlParameters: [
+ locationName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ include,
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: LocationCapabilities
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$W
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$X = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans. */
+ var DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, scanId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ scanId: scanId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$N, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Executes a Vulnerability Assessment database scan.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param scanId The vulnerability assessment scan Id of the scan to retrieve.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.initiateScan = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, scanId$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginInitiateScan(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, scanId$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$a, callback);
+ };
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.exportMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, scanId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ scanId: scanId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, exportMethodOperationSpec, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Executes a Vulnerability Assessment database scan.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param scanId The vulnerability assessment scan Id of the scan to retrieve.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.beginInitiateScan = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, scanId$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ scanId: scanId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginInitiateScanOperationSpec, options);
+ };
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.listByDatabaseNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec$3, callback);
+ };
+ return DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$X = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$X);
+ var getOperationSpec$N = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/scans/{scanId}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ scanId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$X
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$a = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/scans",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$X
+ };
+ var exportMethodOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/scans/{scanId}/export",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ scanId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$X
+ };
+ var beginInitiateScanOperationSpec = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/scans/{scanId}/initiateScan",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ scanId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$X
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$X
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$Y = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines. */
+ var ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, ruleId$$1, baselineName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ ruleId: ruleId$$1,
+ baselineName: baselineName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$O, callback);
+ };
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, ruleId$$1, baselineName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ ruleId: ruleId$$1,
+ baselineName: baselineName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$f, callback);
+ };
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, ruleId$$1, baselineName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ ruleId: ruleId$$1,
+ baselineName: baselineName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec$a, callback);
+ };
+ return ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$Y = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$Y);
+ var getOperationSpec$O = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/rules/{ruleId}/baselines/{baselineName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ ruleId,
+ baselineName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$Y
+ };
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$f = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/rules/{ruleId}/baselines/{baselineName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ ruleId,
+ baselineName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$Y
+ };
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec$a = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/rules/{ruleId}/baselines/{baselineName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ ruleId,
+ baselineName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$Y
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$Z = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans. */
+ var ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$b, callback);
+ };
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, scanId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ scanId: scanId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$P, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Executes a Vulnerability Assessment database scan.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param scanId The vulnerability assessment scan Id of the scan to retrieve.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.initiateScan = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, scanId$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginInitiateScan(resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, scanId$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.exportMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, scanId$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ scanId: scanId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, exportMethodOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Executes a Vulnerability Assessment database scan.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param scanId The vulnerability assessment scan Id of the scan to retrieve.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.beginInitiateScan = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, scanId$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ scanId: scanId$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginInitiateScanOperationSpec$1, options);
+ };
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.prototype.listByDatabaseNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec$4, callback);
+ };
+ return ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$Z = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$Z);
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$b = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/scans",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$Z
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$P = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/scans/{scanId}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ scanId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$Z
+ };
+ var exportMethodOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/scans/{scanId}/export",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ scanId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$Z
+ };
+ var beginInitiateScanOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}/scans/{scanId}/initiateScan",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ scanId,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$Z
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec$4 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$Z
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$_ = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments. */
+ var ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$Q, callback);
+ };
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec$g, callback);
+ };
+ ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, deleteMethodOperationSpec$b, callback);
+ };
+ return ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$_ = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$_);
+ var getOperationSpec$Q = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$_
+ };
+ var createOrUpdateOperationSpec$g = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$_
+ };
+ var deleteMethodOperationSpec$b = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/{vulnerabilityAssessmentName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ databaseName,
+ vulnerabilityAssessmentName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$_
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$10 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupListResult: InstanceFailoverGroupListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a InstanceFailoverGroups. */
+ var InstanceFailoverGroups = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a InstanceFailoverGroups.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function InstanceFailoverGroups(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ InstanceFailoverGroups.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ failoverGroupName: failoverGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$R, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a failover group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param locationName The name of the region where the resource is located.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param parameters The failover group parameters.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ InstanceFailoverGroups.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a failover group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param locationName The name of the region where the resource is located.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ InstanceFailoverGroups.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ InstanceFailoverGroups.prototype.listByLocation = function (resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByLocationOperationSpec$3, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Fails over from the current primary managed instance to this managed instance.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param locationName The name of the region where the resource is located.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ InstanceFailoverGroups.prototype.failover = function (resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginFailover(resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Fails over from the current primary managed instance to this managed instance. This operation
+ * might result in data loss.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param locationName The name of the region where the resource is located.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ InstanceFailoverGroups.prototype.forceFailoverAllowDataLoss = function (resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginForceFailoverAllowDataLoss(resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a failover group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param locationName The name of the region where the resource is located.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param parameters The failover group parameters.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ InstanceFailoverGroups.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ failoverGroupName: failoverGroupName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$l, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes a failover group.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param locationName The name of the region where the resource is located.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ InstanceFailoverGroups.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ failoverGroupName: failoverGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$f, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Fails over from the current primary managed instance to this managed instance.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param locationName The name of the region where the resource is located.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ InstanceFailoverGroups.prototype.beginFailover = function (resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ failoverGroupName: failoverGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginFailoverOperationSpec$2, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Fails over from the current primary managed instance to this managed instance. This operation
+ * might result in data loss.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param locationName The name of the region where the resource is located.
+ * @param failoverGroupName The name of the failover group.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ InstanceFailoverGroups.prototype.beginForceFailoverAllowDataLoss = function (resourceGroupName$$1, locationName$$1, failoverGroupName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ locationName: locationName$$1,
+ failoverGroupName: failoverGroupName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginForceFailoverAllowDataLossOperationSpec$1, options);
+ };
+ InstanceFailoverGroups.prototype.listByLocationNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByLocationNextOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ return InstanceFailoverGroups;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$10 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$10);
+ var getOperationSpec$R = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/instanceFailoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ locationName,
+ failoverGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: InstanceFailoverGroup
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$10
+ };
+ var listByLocationOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/instanceFailoverGroups",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ locationName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: InstanceFailoverGroupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$10
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$l = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/instanceFailoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ locationName,
+ failoverGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, InstanceFailoverGroup, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: InstanceFailoverGroup
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: InstanceFailoverGroup
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$10
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$f = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/instanceFailoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ locationName,
+ failoverGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$10
+ };
+ var beginFailoverOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/instanceFailoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}/failover",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ locationName,
+ failoverGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: InstanceFailoverGroup
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$10
+ };
+ var beginForceFailoverAllowDataLossOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/{locationName}/instanceFailoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}/forceFailoverAllowDataLoss",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ locationName,
+ failoverGroupName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: InstanceFailoverGroup
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$10
+ };
+ var listByLocationNextOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: InstanceFailoverGroupListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$10
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$11 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies. */
+ var BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$S, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a database's short term retention policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The short term retention policy info.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a database's short term retention policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The short term retention policy info.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec$c, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a database's short term retention policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The short term retention policy info.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$m, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates a database's short term retention policy.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param databaseName The name of the database.
+ * @param parameters The short term retention policy info.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies.prototype.beginUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, databaseName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ databaseName: databaseName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginUpdateOperationSpec$9, options);
+ };
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies.prototype.listByDatabaseNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec$5, callback);
+ };
+ return BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$11 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$11);
+ var getOperationSpec$S = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies/{policyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ policyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$11
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseOperationSpec$c = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$11
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$m = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies/{policyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ policyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$11
+ };
+ var beginUpdateOperationSpec$9 = {
+ httpMethod: "PATCH",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies/{policyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ databaseName,
+ policyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$11
+ };
+ var listByDatabaseNextOperationSpec$5 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$11
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$12 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a TdeCertificates. */
+ var TdeCertificates = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a TdeCertificates.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function TdeCertificates(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a TDE certificate for a given server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The requested TDE certificate to be created or updated.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ TdeCertificates.prototype.create = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreate(resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a TDE certificate for a given server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param serverName The name of the server.
+ * @param parameters The requested TDE certificate to be created or updated.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ TdeCertificates.prototype.beginCreate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, serverName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ serverName: serverName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOperationSpec$2, options);
+ };
+ return TdeCertificates;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$12 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$12);
+ var beginCreateOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/tdeCertificates",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ serverName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, TdeCertificate, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$12
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$13 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates. */
+ var ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a TDE certificate for a given server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param parameters The requested TDE certificate to be created or updated.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates.prototype.create = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreate(resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a TDE certificate for a given server.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param parameters The requested TDE certificate to be created or updated.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates.prototype.beginCreate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOperationSpec$3, options);
+ };
+ return ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$13 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$13);
+ var beginCreateOperationSpec$3 = {
+ httpMethod: "POST",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/tdeCertificates",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, TdeCertificate, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$13
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$14 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ManagedInstanceKeyListResult: ManagedInstanceKeyListResult,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ManagedInstanceKeys. */
+ var ManagedInstanceKeys = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ManagedInstanceKeys.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ManagedInstanceKeys(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ManagedInstanceKeys.prototype.listByInstance = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByInstanceOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ ManagedInstanceKeys.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, keyName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ keyName: keyName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$T, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a managed instance key.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param keyName The name of the managed instance key to be operated on (updated or created).
+ * @param parameters The requested managed instance key resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstanceKeys.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, keyName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, keyName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the managed instance key with the given name.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param keyName The name of the managed instance key to be deleted.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstanceKeys.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, keyName$$1, options) {
+ return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, keyName$$1, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates a managed instance key.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param keyName The name of the managed instance key to be operated on (updated or created).
+ * @param parameters The requested managed instance key resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstanceKeys.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, keyName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ keyName: keyName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$n, options);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the managed instance key with the given name.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param keyName The name of the managed instance key to be deleted.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstanceKeys.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, keyName$$1, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ keyName: keyName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$g, options);
+ };
+ ManagedInstanceKeys.prototype.listByInstanceNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByInstanceNextOperationSpec$1, callback);
+ };
+ return ManagedInstanceKeys;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$14 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$14);
+ var listByInstanceOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/keys",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ filter1,
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceKeyListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$14
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$T = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/keys/{keyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ keyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceKey
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$14
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$n = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/keys/{keyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ keyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ManagedInstanceKey, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceKey
+ },
+ 201: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceKey
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$14
+ };
+ var beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec$g = {
+ httpMethod: "DELETE",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/keys/{keyName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ keyName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {},
+ 202: {},
+ 204: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$14
+ };
+ var listByInstanceNextOperationSpec$1 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceKeyListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$14
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var Mappers$15 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult,
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector,
+ ProxyResource: ProxyResource,
+ Resource: Resource,
+ BaseResource: BaseResource,
+ CloudError: CloudError,
+ RecoverableDatabase: RecoverableDatabase,
+ RestorableDroppedDatabase: RestorableDroppedDatabase,
+ TrackedResource: TrackedResource,
+ ServerConnectionPolicy: ServerConnectionPolicy,
+ DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy: DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ DataMaskingPolicy: DataMaskingPolicy,
+ DataMaskingRule: DataMaskingRule,
+ FirewallRule: FirewallRule,
+ GeoBackupPolicy: GeoBackupPolicy,
+ ImportExportResponse: ImportExportResponse,
+ RecommendedElasticPool: RecommendedElasticPool,
+ RecommendedElasticPoolMetric: RecommendedElasticPoolMetric,
+ ReplicationLink: ReplicationLink,
+ ServerAzureADAdministrator: ServerAzureADAdministrator,
+ ServerCommunicationLink: ServerCommunicationLink,
+ ServiceObjective: ServiceObjective,
+ ElasticPoolActivity: ElasticPoolActivity,
+ ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity: ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity,
+ RecommendedIndex: RecommendedIndex,
+ OperationImpact: OperationImpact,
+ TransparentDataEncryption: TransparentDataEncryption,
+ ServiceTierAdvisor: ServiceTierAdvisor,
+ SloUsageMetric: SloUsageMetric,
+ TransparentDataEncryptionActivity: TransparentDataEncryptionActivity,
+ DatabaseAutomaticTuning: DatabaseAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningOptions: AutomaticTuningOptions,
+ EncryptionProtector: EncryptionProtector,
+ FailoverGroup: FailoverGroup,
+ FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerInfo: PartnerInfo,
+ ManagedInstance: ManagedInstance,
+ ResourceIdentity: ResourceIdentity,
+ Sku: Sku,
+ ServerKey: ServerKey,
+ Server: Server,
+ SyncAgent: SyncAgent,
+ SyncAgentLinkedDatabase: SyncAgentLinkedDatabase,
+ SyncGroup: SyncGroup,
+ SyncGroupSchema: SyncGroupSchema,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTable: SyncGroupSchemaTable,
+ SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn: SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn,
+ SyncMember: SyncMember,
+ SubscriptionUsage: SubscriptionUsage,
+ VirtualNetworkRule: VirtualNetworkRule,
+ ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ ServerBlobAuditingPolicy: ServerBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy: DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties: VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties,
+ JobAgent: JobAgent,
+ JobCredential: JobCredential,
+ JobExecution: JobExecution,
+ JobExecutionTarget: JobExecutionTarget,
+ Job: Job,
+ JobSchedule: JobSchedule,
+ JobStep: JobStep,
+ JobStepAction: JobStepAction,
+ JobStepOutput: JobStepOutput,
+ JobStepExecutionOptions: JobStepExecutionOptions,
+ JobTargetGroup: JobTargetGroup,
+ JobTarget: JobTarget,
+ JobVersion: JobVersion,
+ LongTermRetentionBackup: LongTermRetentionBackup,
+ BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy: BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy,
+ ManagedDatabase: ManagedDatabase,
+ ServerAutomaticTuning: ServerAutomaticTuning,
+ AutomaticTuningServerOptions: AutomaticTuningServerOptions,
+ ServerDnsAlias: ServerDnsAlias,
+ ServerSecurityAlertPolicy: ServerSecurityAlertPolicy,
+ RestorePoint: RestorePoint,
+ DatabaseOperation: DatabaseOperation,
+ ElasticPoolOperation: ElasticPoolOperation,
+ Database: Database,
+ ElasticPool: ElasticPool,
+ ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings: ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord,
+ VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError,
+ DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport: DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport,
+ InstanceFailoverGroup: InstanceFailoverGroup,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint,
+ InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint: InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint,
+ PartnerRegionInfo: PartnerRegionInfo,
+ ManagedInstancePairInfo: ManagedInstancePairInfo,
+ BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy: BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy,
+ TdeCertificate: TdeCertificate,
+ ManagedInstanceKey: ManagedInstanceKey
+ });
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /** Class representing a ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors. */
+ var ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors = /** @class */ (function () {
+ /**
+ * Create a ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.
+ * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.
+ */
+ function ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors(client) {
+ this.client = client;
+ }
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.prototype.listByInstance = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByInstanceOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, getOperationSpec$U, callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an existing encryption protector.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param parameters The requested encryption protector resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options)
+ .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates an existing encryption protector.
+ * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can
+ * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
+ * @param managedInstanceName The name of the managed instance.
+ * @param parameters The requested encryption protector resource state.
+ * @param [options] The optional parameters
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName$$1, managedInstanceName$$1, parameters, options) {
+ return this.client.sendLRORequest({
+ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName$$1,
+ managedInstanceName: managedInstanceName$$1,
+ parameters: parameters,
+ options: options
+ }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$o, options);
+ };
+ ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.prototype.listByInstanceNext = function (nextPageLink$$1, options, callback) {
+ return this.client.sendOperationRequest({
+ nextPageLink: nextPageLink$$1,
+ options: options
+ }, listByInstanceNextOperationSpec$2, callback);
+ };
+ return ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors;
+ }());
+ // Operation Specifications
+ var serializer$15 = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers$15);
+ var listByInstanceOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/encryptionProtector",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$15
+ };
+ var getOperationSpec$U = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/encryptionProtector/{encryptionProtectorName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ encryptionProtectorName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$15
+ };
+ var beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec$o = {
+ httpMethod: "PUT",
+ path: "subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/encryptionProtector/{encryptionProtectorName}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ resourceGroupName,
+ managedInstanceName,
+ encryptionProtectorName,
+ subscriptionId
+ ],
+ queryParameters: [
+ apiVersion2
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ requestBody: {
+ parameterPath: "parameters",
+ mapper: __assign({}, ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector, { required: true })
+ },
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector
+ },
+ 202: {},
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$15
+ };
+ var listByInstanceNextOperationSpec$2 = {
+ httpMethod: "GET",
+ baseUrl: "https://management.azure.com",
+ path: "{nextLink}",
+ urlParameters: [
+ nextPageLink
+ ],
+ headerParameters: [
+ acceptLanguage
+ ],
+ responses: {
+ 200: {
+ bodyMapper: ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult
+ },
+ default: {
+ bodyMapper: CloudError
+ }
+ },
+ serializer: serializer$15
+ };
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var packageName = "@azure/arm-sql";
+ var packageVersion = "1.0.0-preview";
+ var SqlManagementClientContext = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SqlManagementClientContext, _super);
+ /**
+ * Initializes a new instance of the SqlManagementClient class.
+ * @param credentials Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure.
+ * @param subscriptionId The subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription.
+ * @param [options] The parameter options
+ */
+ function SqlManagementClientContext(credentials, subscriptionId, options) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (credentials == undefined) {
+ throw new Error('\'credentials\' cannot be null.');
+ }
+ if (subscriptionId == undefined) {
+ throw new Error('\'subscriptionId\' cannot be null.');
+ }
+ if (!options) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ _this = _super.call(this, credentials, options) || this;
+ _this.acceptLanguage = 'en-US';
+ _this.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout = 30;
+ _this.baseUri = options.baseUri || _this.baseUri || "https://management.azure.com";
+ _this.requestContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
+ _this.credentials = credentials;
+ _this.subscriptionId = subscriptionId;
+ _this.addUserAgentInfo(packageName + "/" + packageVersion);
+ if (options.acceptLanguage !== null && options.acceptLanguage !== undefined) {
+ _this.acceptLanguage = options.acceptLanguage;
+ }
+ if (options.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout !== null && options.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout !== undefined) {
+ _this.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout = options.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout;
+ }
+ return _this;
+ }
+ return SqlManagementClientContext;
+ }(msRestAzure.AzureServiceClient));
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+ * license information.
+ *
+ * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+ * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+ * regenerated.
+ */
+ var SqlManagementClient = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SqlManagementClient, _super);
+ /**
+ * Initializes a new instance of the SqlManagementClient class.
+ * @param credentials Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure.
+ * @param subscriptionId The subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription.
+ * @param [options] The parameter options
+ */
+ function SqlManagementClient(credentials, subscriptionId, options) {
+ var _this = _super.call(this, credentials, subscriptionId, options) || this;
+ _this.recoverableDatabases = new RecoverableDatabases(_this);
+ _this.restorableDroppedDatabases = new RestorableDroppedDatabases(_this);
+ _this.servers = new Servers(_this);
+ _this.serverConnectionPolicies = new ServerConnectionPolicies(_this);
+ _this.databaseThreatDetectionPolicies = new DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies(_this);
+ _this.dataMaskingPolicies = new DataMaskingPolicies(_this);
+ _this.dataMaskingRules = new DataMaskingRules(_this);
+ _this.firewallRules = new FirewallRules(_this);
+ _this.geoBackupPolicies = new GeoBackupPolicies(_this);
+ _this.databases = new Databases(_this);
+ _this.elasticPools = new ElasticPools(_this);
+ _this.recommendedElasticPools = new RecommendedElasticPools(_this);
+ _this.replicationLinks = new ReplicationLinks(_this);
+ _this.serverAzureADAdministrators = new ServerAzureADAdministrators(_this);
+ _this.serverCommunicationLinks = new ServerCommunicationLinks(_this);
+ _this.serviceObjectives = new ServiceObjectives(_this);
+ _this.elasticPoolActivities = new ElasticPoolActivities(_this);
+ _this.elasticPoolDatabaseActivities = new ElasticPoolDatabaseActivities(_this);
+ _this.serviceTierAdvisors = new ServiceTierAdvisors(_this);
+ _this.transparentDataEncryptions = new TransparentDataEncryptions(_this);
+ _this.transparentDataEncryptionActivities = new TransparentDataEncryptionActivities(_this);
+ _this.serverUsages = new ServerUsages(_this);
+ _this.databaseUsages = new DatabaseUsages(_this);
+ _this.databaseAutomaticTuning = new DatabaseAutomaticTuningOperations(_this);
+ _this.encryptionProtectors = new EncryptionProtectors(_this);
+ _this.failoverGroups = new FailoverGroups(_this);
+ _this.managedInstances = new ManagedInstances(_this);
+ _this.operations = new Operations(_this);
+ _this.serverKeys = new ServerKeys(_this);
+ _this.syncAgents = new SyncAgents(_this);
+ _this.syncGroups = new SyncGroups(_this);
+ _this.syncMembers = new SyncMembers(_this);
+ _this.subscriptionUsages = new SubscriptionUsages(_this);
+ _this.virtualNetworkRules = new VirtualNetworkRules(_this);
+ _this.extendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies = new ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies(_this);
+ _this.extendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies = new ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies(_this);
+ _this.serverBlobAuditingPolicies = new ServerBlobAuditingPolicies(_this);
+ _this.databaseBlobAuditingPolicies = new DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies(_this);
+ _this.databaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines = new DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines(_this);
+ _this.databaseVulnerabilityAssessments = new DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments(_this);
+ _this.jobAgents = new JobAgents(_this);
+ _this.jobCredentials = new JobCredentials(_this);
+ _this.jobExecutions = new JobExecutions(_this);
+ _this.jobs = new Jobs(_this);
+ _this.jobStepExecutions = new JobStepExecutions(_this);
+ _this.jobSteps = new JobSteps(_this);
+ _this.jobTargetExecutions = new JobTargetExecutions(_this);
+ _this.jobTargetGroups = new JobTargetGroups(_this);
+ _this.jobVersions = new JobVersions(_this);
+ _this.longTermRetentionBackups = new LongTermRetentionBackups(_this);
+ _this.backupLongTermRetentionPolicies = new BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies(_this);
+ _this.managedDatabases = new ManagedDatabases(_this);
+ _this.serverAutomaticTuning = new ServerAutomaticTuningOperations(_this);
+ _this.serverDnsAliases = new ServerDnsAliases(_this);
+ _this.serverSecurityAlertPolicies = new ServerSecurityAlertPolicies(_this);
+ _this.restorePoints = new RestorePoints(_this);
+ _this.databaseOperations = new DatabaseOperations(_this);
+ _this.elasticPoolOperations = new ElasticPoolOperations(_this);
+ _this.capabilities = new Capabilities(_this);
+ _this.databaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans = new DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans(_this);
+ _this.managedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines = new ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines(_this);
+ _this.managedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans = new ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans(_this);
+ _this.managedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments = new ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments(_this);
+ _this.instanceFailoverGroups = new InstanceFailoverGroups(_this);
+ _this.backupShortTermRetentionPolicies = new BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies(_this);
+ _this.tdeCertificates = new TdeCertificates(_this);
+ _this.managedInstanceTdeCertificates = new ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates(_this);
+ _this.managedInstanceKeys = new ManagedInstanceKeys(_this);
+ _this.managedInstanceEncryptionProtectors = new ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors(_this);
+ return _this;
+ }
+ return SqlManagementClient;
+ }(SqlManagementClientContext));
+ exports.SqlManagementClient = SqlManagementClient;
+ exports.SqlManagementClientContext = SqlManagementClientContext;
+ exports.SqlManagementModels = index;
+ exports.SqlManagementMappers = mappers;
+ exports.RecoverableDatabases = RecoverableDatabases;
+ exports.RestorableDroppedDatabases = RestorableDroppedDatabases;
+ exports.Servers = Servers;
+ exports.ServerConnectionPolicies = ServerConnectionPolicies;
+ exports.DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies = DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies;
+ exports.DataMaskingPolicies = DataMaskingPolicies;
+ exports.DataMaskingRules = DataMaskingRules;
+ exports.FirewallRules = FirewallRules;
+ exports.GeoBackupPolicies = GeoBackupPolicies;
+ exports.Databases = Databases;
+ exports.ElasticPools = ElasticPools;
+ exports.RecommendedElasticPools = RecommendedElasticPools;
+ exports.ReplicationLinks = ReplicationLinks;
+ exports.ServerAzureADAdministrators = ServerAzureADAdministrators;
+ exports.ServerCommunicationLinks = ServerCommunicationLinks;
+ exports.ServiceObjectives = ServiceObjectives;
+ exports.ElasticPoolActivities = ElasticPoolActivities;
+ exports.ElasticPoolDatabaseActivities = ElasticPoolDatabaseActivities;
+ exports.ServiceTierAdvisors = ServiceTierAdvisors;
+ exports.TransparentDataEncryptions = TransparentDataEncryptions;
+ exports.TransparentDataEncryptionActivities = TransparentDataEncryptionActivities;
+ exports.ServerUsages = ServerUsages;
+ exports.DatabaseUsages = DatabaseUsages;
+ exports.DatabaseAutomaticTuningOperations = DatabaseAutomaticTuningOperations;
+ exports.EncryptionProtectors = EncryptionProtectors;
+ exports.FailoverGroups = FailoverGroups;
+ exports.ManagedInstances = ManagedInstances;
+ exports.Operations = Operations;
+ exports.ServerKeys = ServerKeys;
+ exports.SyncAgents = SyncAgents;
+ exports.SyncGroups = SyncGroups;
+ exports.SyncMembers = SyncMembers;
+ exports.SubscriptionUsages = SubscriptionUsages;
+ exports.VirtualNetworkRules = VirtualNetworkRules;
+ exports.ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies = ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies;
+ exports.ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies = ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies;
+ exports.ServerBlobAuditingPolicies = ServerBlobAuditingPolicies;
+ exports.DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies = DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies;
+ exports.DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines = DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines;
+ exports.DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments = DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments;
+ exports.JobAgents = JobAgents;
+ exports.JobCredentials = JobCredentials;
+ exports.JobExecutions = JobExecutions;
+ exports.Jobs = Jobs;
+ exports.JobStepExecutions = JobStepExecutions;
+ exports.JobSteps = JobSteps;
+ exports.JobTargetExecutions = JobTargetExecutions;
+ exports.JobTargetGroups = JobTargetGroups;
+ exports.JobVersions = JobVersions;
+ exports.LongTermRetentionBackups = LongTermRetentionBackups;
+ exports.BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies = BackupLongTermRetentionPolicies;
+ exports.ManagedDatabases = ManagedDatabases;
+ exports.ServerAutomaticTuningOperations = ServerAutomaticTuningOperations;
+ exports.ServerDnsAliases = ServerDnsAliases;
+ exports.ServerSecurityAlertPolicies = ServerSecurityAlertPolicies;
+ exports.RestorePoints = RestorePoints;
+ exports.DatabaseOperations = DatabaseOperations;
+ exports.ElasticPoolOperations = ElasticPoolOperations;
+ exports.Capabilities = Capabilities;
+ exports.DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans = DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans;
+ exports.ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines = ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines;
+ exports.ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans = ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans;
+ exports.ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments = ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments;
+ exports.InstanceFailoverGroups = InstanceFailoverGroups;
+ exports.BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies = BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies;
+ exports.TdeCertificates = TdeCertificates;
+ exports.ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates = ManagedInstanceTdeCertificates;
+ exports.ManagedInstanceKeys = ManagedInstanceKeys;
+ exports.ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors = ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors;
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
+//# sourceMappingURL=arm-sql.js.map
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cc03d1a85c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/@azure/arm-sql/dist/arm-sql.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"version":3,"file":"arm-sql.js","sources":["../node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.js","../esm/models/index.js","../esm/models/mappers.js","../esm/models/recoverableDatabasesMappers.js","../esm/models/parameters.js","../esm/operations/recoverableDatabases.js","../esm/models/restorableDroppedDatabasesMappers.js","../esm/operations/restorableDroppedDatabases.js","../esm/models/serversMappers.js","../esm/operations/servers.js","../esm/models/serverConnectionPoliciesMappers.js","../esm/operations/serverConnectionPolicies.js","../esm/models/databaseThreatDetectionPoliciesMappers.js","../esm/operations/databaseThreatDetectionPolicies.js","../esm/models/dataMaskingPoliciesMappers.js","../esm/operations/dataMaskingPolicies.js","../esm/models/dataMaskingRulesMappers.js","../esm/operations/dataMaskingRules.js","../esm/models/firewallRulesMappers.js","../esm/operations/firewallRules.js","../esm/models/geoBackupPoliciesMappers.js","../esm/operations/geoBackupPolicies.js","../esm/models/databasesMappers.js","../esm/operations/databases.js","../esm/models/elasticPoolsMappers.js","../esm/operations/elasticPools.js","../esm/models/recommendedElasticPoolsMappers.js","../esm/operations/recommendedElasticPools.js","../esm/models/replicationLinksMappers.js","../esm/operations/replicationLinks.js","../esm/models/serverAzureADAdministratorsMappers.js","../esm/operations/serverAzureADAdministrators.js","../esm/models/serverCommunicationLinksMappers.js","../esm/operations/serverCommunicationLinks.js","../esm/models/serviceObjectivesMappers.js","../esm/operations/serviceObjectives.js","../esm/models/elasticPoolActivitiesMappers.js","../esm/operations/elasticPoolActivities.js","../esm/models/elasticPoolDatabaseActivitiesMappers.js","../esm/operations/elasticPoolDatabaseActivities.js","../esm/models/serviceTierAdvisorsMappers.js","../esm/operations/serviceTierAdvisors.js","../esm/models/transparentDataEncryptionsMappers.js","../esm/operations/transparentDataEncryptions.js","../esm/models/transparentDataEncryptionActivitiesMappers.js","../esm/operations/transparentDataEncryptionActivities.js","../esm/models/serverUsagesMappers.js","../esm/operations/serverUsages.js","../esm/models/databaseUsagesMappers.js","../esm/operations/databaseUsages.js","../esm/models/databaseAutomaticTuningOperationsMappers.js","../esm/operations/databaseAutomaticTuningOperations.js","../esm/models/encryptionProtectorsMappers.js","../esm/operations/encryptionProtectors.js","../esm/models/failoverGroupsMappers.js","../esm/operations/failoverGroups.js","../esm/models/managedInstancesMappers.js","../esm/operations/managedInstances.js","../esm/models/operationsMappers.js","../esm/operations/operations.js","../esm/models/serverKeysMappers.js","../esm/operations/serverKeys.js","../esm/models/syncAgentsMappers.js","../esm/operations/syncAgents.js","../esm/models/syncGroupsMappers.js","../esm/operations/syncGroups.js","../esm/models/syncMembersMappers.js","../esm/operations/syncMembers.js","../esm/models/subscriptionUsagesMappers.js","../esm/operations/subscriptionUsages.js","../esm/models/virtualNetworkRulesMappers.js","../esm/operations/virtualNetworkRules.js","../esm/models/extendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPoliciesMappers.js","../esm/operations/extendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicies.js","../esm/models/extendedServerBlobAuditingPoliciesMappers.js","../esm/operations/extendedServerBlobAuditingPolicies.js","../esm/models/serverBlobAuditingPoliciesMappers.js","../esm/operations/serverBlobAuditingPolicies.js","../esm/models/databaseBlobAuditingPoliciesMappers.js","../esm/operations/databaseBlobAuditingPolicies.js","../esm/models/databaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselinesMappers.js","../esm/operations/databaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines.js","../esm/models/databaseVulnerabilityAssessmentsMappers.js","../esm/operations/databaseVulnerabilityAssessments.js","../esm/models/jobAgentsMappers.js","../esm/operations/jobAgents.js","../esm/models/jobCredentialsMappers.js","../esm/operations/jobCredentials.js","../esm/models/jobExecutionsMappers.js","../esm/operations/jobExecutions.js","../esm/models/jobsMappers.js","../esm/operations/jobs.js","../esm/models/jobStepExecutionsMappers.js","../esm/operations/jobStepExecutions.js","../esm/models/jobStepsMappers.js","../esm/operations/jobSteps.js","../esm/models/jobTargetExecutionsMappers.js","../esm/operations/jobTargetExecutions.js","../esm/models/jobTargetGroupsMappers.js","../esm/operations/jobTargetGroups.js","../esm/models/jobVersionsMappers.js","../esm/operations/jobVersions.js","../esm/models/longTermRetentionBackupsMappers.js","../esm/operations/longTermRetentionBackups.js","../esm/models/backupLongTermRetentionPoliciesMappers.js","../esm/operations/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies.js","../esm/models/managedDatabasesMappers.js","../esm/operations/managedDatabases.js","../esm/models/serverAutomaticTuningOperationsMappers.js","../esm/operations/serverAutomaticTuningOperations.js","../esm/models/serverDnsAliasesMappers.js","../esm/operations/serverDnsAliases.js","../esm/models/serverSecurityAlertPoliciesMappers.js","../esm/operations/serverSecurityAlertPolicies.js","../esm/models/restorePointsMappers.js","../esm/operations/restorePoints.js","../esm/models/databaseOperationsMappers.js","../esm/operations/databaseOperations.js","../esm/models/elasticPoolOperationsMappers.js","../esm/operations/elasticPoolOperations.js","../esm/models/capabilitiesMappers.js","../esm/operations/capabilities.js","../esm/models/databaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansMappers.js","../esm/operations/databaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.js","../esm/models/managedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselinesMappers.js","../esm/operations/managedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselines.js","../esm/models/managedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansMappers.js","../esm/operations/managedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.js","../esm/models/managedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentsMappers.js","../esm/operations/managedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.js","../esm/models/instanceFailoverGroupsMappers.js","../esm/operations/instanceFailoverGroups.js","../esm/models/backupShortTermRetentionPoliciesMappers.js","../esm/operations/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies.js","../esm/models/tdeCertificatesMappers.js","../esm/operations/tdeCertificates.js","../esm/models/managedInstanceTdeCertificatesMappers.js","../esm/operations/managedInstanceTdeCertificates.js","../esm/models/managedInstanceKeysMappers.js","../esm/operations/managedInstanceKeys.js","../esm/models/managedInstanceEncryptionProtectorsMappers.js","../esm/operations/managedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.js","../esm/operations/index.js","../esm/sqlManagementClientContext.js","../esm/sqlManagementClient.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*! *****************************************************************************\r\nCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use\r\nthis file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the\r\nLicense at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r\n\r\nTHIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY\r\nKIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED\r\nWARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,\r\nMERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.\r\n\r\nSee the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions\r\nand limitations under the License.\r\n***************************************************************************** */\r\n/* global Reflect, Promise */\r\n\r\nvar extendStatics = function(d, b) {\r\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||\r\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||\r\n function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };\r\n return extendStatics(d, b);\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __extends(d, b) {\r\n extendStatics(d, b);\r\n function __() { this.constructor = d; }\r\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport var __assign = function() {\r\n __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {\r\n for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {\r\n s = arguments[i];\r\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];\r\n }\r\n return t;\r\n }\r\n return __assign.apply(this, arguments);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __rest(s, e) {\r\n var t = {};\r\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)\r\n t[p] = s[p];\r\n if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === \"function\")\r\n for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0)\r\n t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];\r\n return t;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {\r\n var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;\r\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.decorate === \"function\") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);\r\n else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\r\n return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {\r\n return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {\r\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.metadata === \"function\") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __generator(thisArg, body) {\r\n var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;\r\n return g = { next: verb(0), \"throw\": verb(1), \"return\": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === \"function\" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;\r\n function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }\r\n function step(op) {\r\n if (f) throw new TypeError(\"Generator is already executing.\");\r\n while (_) try {\r\n if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y[\"return\"] : op[0] ? y[\"throw\"] || ((t = y[\"return\"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;\r\n if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];\r\n switch (op[0]) {\r\n case 0: case 1: t = op; break;\r\n case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };\r\n case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;\r\n case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n default:\r\n if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }\r\n if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }\r\n if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }\r\n if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }\r\n if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();\r\n _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n }\r\n op = body.call(thisArg, _);\r\n } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }\r\n if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __exportStar(m, exports) {\r\n for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __values(o) {\r\n var m = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && o[Symbol.iterator], i = 0;\r\n if (m) return m.call(o);\r\n return {\r\n next: function () {\r\n if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;\r\n return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };\r\n }\r\n };\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __read(o, n) {\r\n var m = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && o[Symbol.iterator];\r\n if (!m) return o;\r\n var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;\r\n try {\r\n while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }\r\n finally {\r\n try {\r\n if (r && !r.done && (m = i[\"return\"])) m.call(i);\r\n }\r\n finally { if (e) throw e.error; }\r\n }\r\n return ar;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __spread() {\r\n for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)\r\n ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));\r\n return ar;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __await(v) {\r\n return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {\r\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];\r\n return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }\r\n function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }\r\n function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }\r\n function fulfill(value) { resume(\"next\", value); }\r\n function reject(value) { resume(\"throw\", value); }\r\n function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncDelegator(o) {\r\n var i, p;\r\n return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\", function (e) { throw e; }), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === \"return\" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncValues(o) {\r\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;\r\n return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === \"function\" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);\r\n function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }\r\n function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {\r\n if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, \"raw\", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }\r\n return cooked;\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __importStar(mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) result[k] = mod[k];\r\n result.default = mod;\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __importDefault(mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };\r\n}\r\n","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for CheckNameAvailabilityReason.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'AlreadyExists'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var CheckNameAvailabilityReason;\r\n(function (CheckNameAvailabilityReason) {\r\n CheckNameAvailabilityReason[\"Invalid\"] = \"Invalid\";\r\n CheckNameAvailabilityReason[\"AlreadyExists\"] = \"AlreadyExists\";\r\n})(CheckNameAvailabilityReason || (CheckNameAvailabilityReason = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ServerConnectionType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Default', 'Proxy', 'Redirect'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ServerConnectionType;\r\n(function (ServerConnectionType) {\r\n ServerConnectionType[\"Default\"] = \"Default\";\r\n ServerConnectionType[\"Proxy\"] = \"Proxy\";\r\n ServerConnectionType[\"Redirect\"] = \"Redirect\";\r\n})(ServerConnectionType || (ServerConnectionType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for SecurityAlertPolicyState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'New', 'Enabled', 'Disabled'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var SecurityAlertPolicyState;\r\n(function (SecurityAlertPolicyState) {\r\n SecurityAlertPolicyState[\"New\"] = \"New\";\r\n SecurityAlertPolicyState[\"Enabled\"] = \"Enabled\";\r\n SecurityAlertPolicyState[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n})(SecurityAlertPolicyState || (SecurityAlertPolicyState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins;\r\n(function (SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins) {\r\n SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins[\"Enabled\"] = \"Enabled\";\r\n SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n})(SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins || (SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault;\r\n(function (SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault) {\r\n SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault[\"Enabled\"] = \"Enabled\";\r\n SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n})(SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault || (SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for DataMaskingState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Disabled', 'Enabled'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var DataMaskingState;\r\n(function (DataMaskingState) {\r\n DataMaskingState[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n DataMaskingState[\"Enabled\"] = \"Enabled\";\r\n})(DataMaskingState || (DataMaskingState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for DataMaskingRuleState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Disabled', 'Enabled'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var DataMaskingRuleState;\r\n(function (DataMaskingRuleState) {\r\n DataMaskingRuleState[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n DataMaskingRuleState[\"Enabled\"] = \"Enabled\";\r\n})(DataMaskingRuleState || (DataMaskingRuleState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for DataMaskingFunction.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Default', 'CCN', 'Email', 'Number', 'SSN', 'Text'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var DataMaskingFunction;\r\n(function (DataMaskingFunction) {\r\n DataMaskingFunction[\"Default\"] = \"Default\";\r\n DataMaskingFunction[\"CCN\"] = \"CCN\";\r\n DataMaskingFunction[\"Email\"] = \"Email\";\r\n DataMaskingFunction[\"Number\"] = \"Number\";\r\n DataMaskingFunction[\"SSN\"] = \"SSN\";\r\n DataMaskingFunction[\"Text\"] = \"Text\";\r\n})(DataMaskingFunction || (DataMaskingFunction = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for GeoBackupPolicyState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Disabled', 'Enabled'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var GeoBackupPolicyState;\r\n(function (GeoBackupPolicyState) {\r\n GeoBackupPolicyState[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n GeoBackupPolicyState[\"Enabled\"] = \"Enabled\";\r\n})(GeoBackupPolicyState || (GeoBackupPolicyState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for DatabaseEdition.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Web', 'Business', 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium',\r\n * 'PremiumRS', 'Free', 'Stretch', 'DataWarehouse', 'System', 'System2'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: DatabaseEdition =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var DatabaseEdition;\r\n(function (DatabaseEdition) {\r\n DatabaseEdition[\"Web\"] = \"Web\";\r\n DatabaseEdition[\"Business\"] = \"Business\";\r\n DatabaseEdition[\"Basic\"] = \"Basic\";\r\n DatabaseEdition[\"Standard\"] = \"Standard\";\r\n DatabaseEdition[\"Premium\"] = \"Premium\";\r\n DatabaseEdition[\"PremiumRS\"] = \"PremiumRS\";\r\n DatabaseEdition[\"Free\"] = \"Free\";\r\n DatabaseEdition[\"Stretch\"] = \"Stretch\";\r\n DatabaseEdition[\"DataWarehouse\"] = \"DataWarehouse\";\r\n DatabaseEdition[\"System\"] = \"System\";\r\n DatabaseEdition[\"System2\"] = \"System2\";\r\n})(DatabaseEdition || (DatabaseEdition = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ServiceObjectiveName.\r\n * Possible values include: 'System', 'System0', 'System1', 'System2',\r\n * 'System3', 'System4', 'System2L', 'System3L', 'System4L', 'Free', 'Basic',\r\n * 'S0', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S6', 'S7', 'S9', 'S12', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3',\r\n * 'P4', 'P6', 'P11', 'P15', 'PRS1', 'PRS2', 'PRS4', 'PRS6', 'DW100', 'DW200',\r\n * 'DW300', 'DW400', 'DW500', 'DW600', 'DW1000', 'DW1200', 'DW1000c', 'DW1500',\r\n * 'DW1500c', 'DW2000', 'DW2000c', 'DW3000', 'DW2500c', 'DW3000c', 'DW6000',\r\n * 'DW5000c', 'DW6000c', 'DW7500c', 'DW10000c', 'DW15000c', 'DW30000c',\r\n * 'DS100', 'DS200', 'DS300', 'DS400', 'DS500', 'DS600', 'DS1000', 'DS1200',\r\n * 'DS1500', 'DS2000', 'ElasticPool'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ServiceObjectiveName =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ServiceObjectiveName;\r\n(function (ServiceObjectiveName) {\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"System\"] = \"System\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"System0\"] = \"System0\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"System1\"] = \"System1\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"System2\"] = \"System2\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"System3\"] = \"System3\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"System4\"] = \"System4\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"System2L\"] = \"System2L\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"System3L\"] = \"System3L\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"System4L\"] = \"System4L\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"Free\"] = \"Free\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"Basic\"] = \"Basic\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"S0\"] = \"S0\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"S1\"] = \"S1\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"S2\"] = \"S2\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"S3\"] = \"S3\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"S4\"] = \"S4\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"S6\"] = \"S6\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"S7\"] = \"S7\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"S9\"] = \"S9\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"S12\"] = \"S12\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"P1\"] = \"P1\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"P2\"] = \"P2\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"P3\"] = \"P3\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"P4\"] = \"P4\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"P6\"] = \"P6\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"P11\"] = \"P11\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"P15\"] = \"P15\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"PRS1\"] = \"PRS1\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"PRS2\"] = \"PRS2\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"PRS4\"] = \"PRS4\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"PRS6\"] = \"PRS6\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW100\"] = \"DW100\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW200\"] = \"DW200\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW300\"] = \"DW300\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW400\"] = \"DW400\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW500\"] = \"DW500\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW600\"] = \"DW600\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW1000\"] = \"DW1000\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW1200\"] = \"DW1200\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW1000c\"] = \"DW1000c\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW1500\"] = \"DW1500\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW1500c\"] = \"DW1500c\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW2000\"] = \"DW2000\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW2000c\"] = \"DW2000c\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW3000\"] = \"DW3000\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW2500c\"] = \"DW2500c\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW3000c\"] = \"DW3000c\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW6000\"] = \"DW6000\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW5000c\"] = \"DW5000c\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW6000c\"] = \"DW6000c\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW7500c\"] = \"DW7500c\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW10000c\"] = \"DW10000c\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW15000c\"] = \"DW15000c\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DW30000c\"] = \"DW30000c\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DS100\"] = \"DS100\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DS200\"] = \"DS200\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DS300\"] = \"DS300\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DS400\"] = \"DS400\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DS500\"] = \"DS500\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DS600\"] = \"DS600\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DS1000\"] = \"DS1000\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DS1200\"] = \"DS1200\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DS1500\"] = \"DS1500\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"DS2000\"] = \"DS2000\";\r\n ServiceObjectiveName[\"ElasticPool\"] = \"ElasticPool\";\r\n})(ServiceObjectiveName || (ServiceObjectiveName = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for StorageKeyType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'StorageAccessKey', 'SharedAccessKey'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var StorageKeyType;\r\n(function (StorageKeyType) {\r\n StorageKeyType[\"StorageAccessKey\"] = \"StorageAccessKey\";\r\n StorageKeyType[\"SharedAccessKey\"] = \"SharedAccessKey\";\r\n})(StorageKeyType || (StorageKeyType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for AuthenticationType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'SQL', 'ADPassword'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var AuthenticationType;\r\n(function (AuthenticationType) {\r\n AuthenticationType[\"SQL\"] = \"SQL\";\r\n AuthenticationType[\"ADPassword\"] = \"ADPassword\";\r\n})(AuthenticationType || (AuthenticationType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for UnitType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'count', 'bytes', 'seconds', 'percent',\r\n * 'countPerSecond', 'bytesPerSecond'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: UnitType = \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var UnitType;\r\n(function (UnitType) {\r\n UnitType[\"Count\"] = \"count\";\r\n UnitType[\"Bytes\"] = \"bytes\";\r\n UnitType[\"Seconds\"] = \"seconds\";\r\n UnitType[\"Percent\"] = \"percent\";\r\n UnitType[\"CountPerSecond\"] = \"countPerSecond\";\r\n UnitType[\"BytesPerSecond\"] = \"bytesPerSecond\";\r\n})(UnitType || (UnitType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for PrimaryAggregationType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'None', 'Average', 'Count', 'Minimum', 'Maximum',\r\n * 'Total'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: PrimaryAggregationType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var PrimaryAggregationType;\r\n(function (PrimaryAggregationType) {\r\n PrimaryAggregationType[\"None\"] = \"None\";\r\n PrimaryAggregationType[\"Average\"] = \"Average\";\r\n PrimaryAggregationType[\"Count\"] = \"Count\";\r\n PrimaryAggregationType[\"Minimum\"] = \"Minimum\";\r\n PrimaryAggregationType[\"Maximum\"] = \"Maximum\";\r\n PrimaryAggregationType[\"Total\"] = \"Total\";\r\n})(PrimaryAggregationType || (PrimaryAggregationType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for UnitDefinitionType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Count', 'Bytes', 'Seconds', 'Percent',\r\n * 'CountPerSecond', 'BytesPerSecond'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: UnitDefinitionType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var UnitDefinitionType;\r\n(function (UnitDefinitionType) {\r\n UnitDefinitionType[\"Count\"] = \"Count\";\r\n UnitDefinitionType[\"Bytes\"] = \"Bytes\";\r\n UnitDefinitionType[\"Seconds\"] = \"Seconds\";\r\n UnitDefinitionType[\"Percent\"] = \"Percent\";\r\n UnitDefinitionType[\"CountPerSecond\"] = \"CountPerSecond\";\r\n UnitDefinitionType[\"BytesPerSecond\"] = \"BytesPerSecond\";\r\n})(UnitDefinitionType || (UnitDefinitionType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ElasticPoolEdition.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Basic', 'Standard', 'Premium'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ElasticPoolEdition =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ElasticPoolEdition;\r\n(function (ElasticPoolEdition) {\r\n ElasticPoolEdition[\"Basic\"] = \"Basic\";\r\n ElasticPoolEdition[\"Standard\"] = \"Standard\";\r\n ElasticPoolEdition[\"Premium\"] = \"Premium\";\r\n})(ElasticPoolEdition || (ElasticPoolEdition = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ReplicationRole.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Primary', 'Secondary', 'NonReadableSecondary',\r\n * 'Source', 'Copy'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ReplicationRole;\r\n(function (ReplicationRole) {\r\n ReplicationRole[\"Primary\"] = \"Primary\";\r\n ReplicationRole[\"Secondary\"] = \"Secondary\";\r\n ReplicationRole[\"NonReadableSecondary\"] = \"NonReadableSecondary\";\r\n ReplicationRole[\"Source\"] = \"Source\";\r\n ReplicationRole[\"Copy\"] = \"Copy\";\r\n})(ReplicationRole || (ReplicationRole = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ReplicationState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'PENDING', 'SEEDING', 'CATCH_UP', 'SUSPENDED'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ReplicationState =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ReplicationState;\r\n(function (ReplicationState) {\r\n ReplicationState[\"PENDING\"] = \"PENDING\";\r\n ReplicationState[\"SEEDING\"] = \"SEEDING\";\r\n ReplicationState[\"CATCHUP\"] = \"CATCH_UP\";\r\n ReplicationState[\"SUSPENDED\"] = \"SUSPENDED\";\r\n})(ReplicationState || (ReplicationState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for RecommendedIndexAction.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Create', 'Drop', 'Rebuild'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var RecommendedIndexAction;\r\n(function (RecommendedIndexAction) {\r\n RecommendedIndexAction[\"Create\"] = \"Create\";\r\n RecommendedIndexAction[\"Drop\"] = \"Drop\";\r\n RecommendedIndexAction[\"Rebuild\"] = \"Rebuild\";\r\n})(RecommendedIndexAction || (RecommendedIndexAction = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for RecommendedIndexState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Active', 'Pending', 'Executing', 'Verifying',\r\n * 'Pending Revert', 'Reverting', 'Reverted', 'Ignored', 'Expired', 'Blocked',\r\n * 'Success'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var RecommendedIndexState;\r\n(function (RecommendedIndexState) {\r\n RecommendedIndexState[\"Active\"] = \"Active\";\r\n RecommendedIndexState[\"Pending\"] = \"Pending\";\r\n RecommendedIndexState[\"Executing\"] = \"Executing\";\r\n RecommendedIndexState[\"Verifying\"] = \"Verifying\";\r\n RecommendedIndexState[\"PendingRevert\"] = \"Pending Revert\";\r\n RecommendedIndexState[\"Reverting\"] = \"Reverting\";\r\n RecommendedIndexState[\"Reverted\"] = \"Reverted\";\r\n RecommendedIndexState[\"Ignored\"] = \"Ignored\";\r\n RecommendedIndexState[\"Expired\"] = \"Expired\";\r\n RecommendedIndexState[\"Blocked\"] = \"Blocked\";\r\n RecommendedIndexState[\"Success\"] = \"Success\";\r\n})(RecommendedIndexState || (RecommendedIndexState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for RecommendedIndexType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'CLUSTERED', 'NONCLUSTERED', 'COLUMNSTORE',\r\n * 'CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var RecommendedIndexType;\r\n(function (RecommendedIndexType) {\r\n RecommendedIndexType[\"CLUSTERED\"] = \"CLUSTERED\";\r\n RecommendedIndexType[\"NONCLUSTERED\"] = \"NONCLUSTERED\";\r\n RecommendedIndexType[\"COLUMNSTORE\"] = \"COLUMNSTORE\";\r\n RecommendedIndexType[\"CLUSTEREDCOLUMNSTORE\"] = \"CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE\";\r\n})(RecommendedIndexType || (RecommendedIndexType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for TransparentDataEncryptionStatus.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var TransparentDataEncryptionStatus;\r\n(function (TransparentDataEncryptionStatus) {\r\n TransparentDataEncryptionStatus[\"Enabled\"] = \"Enabled\";\r\n TransparentDataEncryptionStatus[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n})(TransparentDataEncryptionStatus || (TransparentDataEncryptionStatus = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Encrypting', 'Decrypting'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus;\r\n(function (TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus) {\r\n TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus[\"Encrypting\"] = \"Encrypting\";\r\n TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus[\"Decrypting\"] = \"Decrypting\";\r\n})(TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus || (TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for AutomaticTuningMode.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Inherit', 'Custom', 'Auto', 'Unspecified'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var AutomaticTuningMode;\r\n(function (AutomaticTuningMode) {\r\n AutomaticTuningMode[\"Inherit\"] = \"Inherit\";\r\n AutomaticTuningMode[\"Custom\"] = \"Custom\";\r\n AutomaticTuningMode[\"Auto\"] = \"Auto\";\r\n AutomaticTuningMode[\"Unspecified\"] = \"Unspecified\";\r\n})(AutomaticTuningMode || (AutomaticTuningMode = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Off', 'On', 'Default'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired;\r\n(function (AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired) {\r\n AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired[\"Off\"] = \"Off\";\r\n AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired[\"On\"] = \"On\";\r\n AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired[\"Default\"] = \"Default\";\r\n})(AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired || (AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Off', 'On'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual;\r\n(function (AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual) {\r\n AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual[\"Off\"] = \"Off\";\r\n AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual[\"On\"] = \"On\";\r\n})(AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual || (AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for AutomaticTuningDisabledReason.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Default', 'Disabled', 'AutoConfigured',\r\n * 'InheritedFromServer', 'QueryStoreOff', 'QueryStoreReadOnly', 'NotSupported'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var AutomaticTuningDisabledReason;\r\n(function (AutomaticTuningDisabledReason) {\r\n AutomaticTuningDisabledReason[\"Default\"] = \"Default\";\r\n AutomaticTuningDisabledReason[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n AutomaticTuningDisabledReason[\"AutoConfigured\"] = \"AutoConfigured\";\r\n AutomaticTuningDisabledReason[\"InheritedFromServer\"] = \"InheritedFromServer\";\r\n AutomaticTuningDisabledReason[\"QueryStoreOff\"] = \"QueryStoreOff\";\r\n AutomaticTuningDisabledReason[\"QueryStoreReadOnly\"] = \"QueryStoreReadOnly\";\r\n AutomaticTuningDisabledReason[\"NotSupported\"] = \"NotSupported\";\r\n})(AutomaticTuningDisabledReason || (AutomaticTuningDisabledReason = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ServerKeyType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'ServiceManaged', 'AzureKeyVault'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ServerKeyType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ServerKeyType;\r\n(function (ServerKeyType) {\r\n ServerKeyType[\"ServiceManaged\"] = \"ServiceManaged\";\r\n ServerKeyType[\"AzureKeyVault\"] = \"AzureKeyVault\";\r\n})(ServerKeyType || (ServerKeyType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Manual', 'Automatic'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy;\r\n(function (ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy) {\r\n ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy[\"Manual\"] = \"Manual\";\r\n ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy[\"Automatic\"] = \"Automatic\";\r\n})(ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy || (ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Disabled', 'Enabled'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy;\r\n(function (ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy) {\r\n ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy[\"Enabled\"] = \"Enabled\";\r\n})(ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy || (ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for FailoverGroupReplicationRole.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Primary', 'Secondary'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: FailoverGroupReplicationRole =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var FailoverGroupReplicationRole;\r\n(function (FailoverGroupReplicationRole) {\r\n FailoverGroupReplicationRole[\"Primary\"] = \"Primary\";\r\n FailoverGroupReplicationRole[\"Secondary\"] = \"Secondary\";\r\n})(FailoverGroupReplicationRole || (FailoverGroupReplicationRole = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for IdentityType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'SystemAssigned'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: IdentityType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var IdentityType;\r\n(function (IdentityType) {\r\n IdentityType[\"SystemAssigned\"] = \"SystemAssigned\";\r\n})(IdentityType || (IdentityType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for OperationOrigin.\r\n * Possible values include: 'user', 'system'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: OperationOrigin =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var OperationOrigin;\r\n(function (OperationOrigin) {\r\n OperationOrigin[\"User\"] = \"user\";\r\n OperationOrigin[\"System\"] = \"system\";\r\n})(OperationOrigin || (OperationOrigin = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for SyncAgentState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Online', 'Offline', 'NeverConnected'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: SyncAgentState =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var SyncAgentState;\r\n(function (SyncAgentState) {\r\n SyncAgentState[\"Online\"] = \"Online\";\r\n SyncAgentState[\"Offline\"] = \"Offline\";\r\n SyncAgentState[\"NeverConnected\"] = \"NeverConnected\";\r\n})(SyncAgentState || (SyncAgentState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for SyncMemberDbType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'AzureSqlDatabase', 'SqlServerDatabase'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: SyncMemberDbType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var SyncMemberDbType;\r\n(function (SyncMemberDbType) {\r\n SyncMemberDbType[\"AzureSqlDatabase\"] = \"AzureSqlDatabase\";\r\n SyncMemberDbType[\"SqlServerDatabase\"] = \"SqlServerDatabase\";\r\n})(SyncMemberDbType || (SyncMemberDbType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for SyncGroupLogType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'All', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Success'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: SyncGroupLogType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var SyncGroupLogType;\r\n(function (SyncGroupLogType) {\r\n SyncGroupLogType[\"All\"] = \"All\";\r\n SyncGroupLogType[\"Error\"] = \"Error\";\r\n SyncGroupLogType[\"Warning\"] = \"Warning\";\r\n SyncGroupLogType[\"Success\"] = \"Success\";\r\n})(SyncGroupLogType || (SyncGroupLogType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for SyncConflictResolutionPolicy.\r\n * Possible values include: 'HubWin', 'MemberWin'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: SyncConflictResolutionPolicy =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var SyncConflictResolutionPolicy;\r\n(function (SyncConflictResolutionPolicy) {\r\n SyncConflictResolutionPolicy[\"HubWin\"] = \"HubWin\";\r\n SyncConflictResolutionPolicy[\"MemberWin\"] = \"MemberWin\";\r\n})(SyncConflictResolutionPolicy || (SyncConflictResolutionPolicy = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for SyncGroupState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'NotReady', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Progressing',\r\n * 'Good'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: SyncGroupState =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var SyncGroupState;\r\n(function (SyncGroupState) {\r\n SyncGroupState[\"NotReady\"] = \"NotReady\";\r\n SyncGroupState[\"Error\"] = \"Error\";\r\n SyncGroupState[\"Warning\"] = \"Warning\";\r\n SyncGroupState[\"Progressing\"] = \"Progressing\";\r\n SyncGroupState[\"Good\"] = \"Good\";\r\n})(SyncGroupState || (SyncGroupState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for SyncDirection.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Bidirectional', 'OneWayMemberToHub',\r\n * 'OneWayHubToMember'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: SyncDirection =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var SyncDirection;\r\n(function (SyncDirection) {\r\n SyncDirection[\"Bidirectional\"] = \"Bidirectional\";\r\n SyncDirection[\"OneWayMemberToHub\"] = \"OneWayMemberToHub\";\r\n SyncDirection[\"OneWayHubToMember\"] = \"OneWayHubToMember\";\r\n})(SyncDirection || (SyncDirection = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for SyncMemberState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'SyncInProgress', 'SyncSucceeded', 'SyncFailed',\r\n * 'DisabledTombstoneCleanup', 'DisabledBackupRestore',\r\n * 'SyncSucceededWithWarnings', 'SyncCancelling', 'SyncCancelled',\r\n * 'UnProvisioned', 'Provisioning', 'Provisioned', 'ProvisionFailed',\r\n * 'DeProvisioning', 'DeProvisioned', 'DeProvisionFailed', 'Reprovisioning',\r\n * 'ReprovisionFailed', 'UnReprovisioned'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: SyncMemberState =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var SyncMemberState;\r\n(function (SyncMemberState) {\r\n SyncMemberState[\"SyncInProgress\"] = \"SyncInProgress\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"SyncSucceeded\"] = \"SyncSucceeded\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"SyncFailed\"] = \"SyncFailed\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"DisabledTombstoneCleanup\"] = \"DisabledTombstoneCleanup\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"DisabledBackupRestore\"] = \"DisabledBackupRestore\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"SyncSucceededWithWarnings\"] = \"SyncSucceededWithWarnings\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"SyncCancelling\"] = \"SyncCancelling\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"SyncCancelled\"] = \"SyncCancelled\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"UnProvisioned\"] = \"UnProvisioned\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"Provisioning\"] = \"Provisioning\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"Provisioned\"] = \"Provisioned\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"ProvisionFailed\"] = \"ProvisionFailed\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"DeProvisioning\"] = \"DeProvisioning\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"DeProvisioned\"] = \"DeProvisioned\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"DeProvisionFailed\"] = \"DeProvisionFailed\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"Reprovisioning\"] = \"Reprovisioning\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"ReprovisionFailed\"] = \"ReprovisionFailed\";\r\n SyncMemberState[\"UnReprovisioned\"] = \"UnReprovisioned\";\r\n})(SyncMemberState || (SyncMemberState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for VirtualNetworkRuleState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Initializing', 'InProgress', 'Ready', 'Deleting',\r\n * 'Unknown'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: VirtualNetworkRuleState =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var VirtualNetworkRuleState;\r\n(function (VirtualNetworkRuleState) {\r\n VirtualNetworkRuleState[\"Initializing\"] = \"Initializing\";\r\n VirtualNetworkRuleState[\"InProgress\"] = \"InProgress\";\r\n VirtualNetworkRuleState[\"Ready\"] = \"Ready\";\r\n VirtualNetworkRuleState[\"Deleting\"] = \"Deleting\";\r\n VirtualNetworkRuleState[\"Unknown\"] = \"Unknown\";\r\n})(VirtualNetworkRuleState || (VirtualNetworkRuleState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for BlobAuditingPolicyState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var BlobAuditingPolicyState;\r\n(function (BlobAuditingPolicyState) {\r\n BlobAuditingPolicyState[\"Enabled\"] = \"Enabled\";\r\n BlobAuditingPolicyState[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n})(BlobAuditingPolicyState || (BlobAuditingPolicyState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for JobAgentState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Creating', 'Ready', 'Updating', 'Deleting',\r\n * 'Disabled'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: JobAgentState =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var JobAgentState;\r\n(function (JobAgentState) {\r\n JobAgentState[\"Creating\"] = \"Creating\";\r\n JobAgentState[\"Ready\"] = \"Ready\";\r\n JobAgentState[\"Updating\"] = \"Updating\";\r\n JobAgentState[\"Deleting\"] = \"Deleting\";\r\n JobAgentState[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n})(JobAgentState || (JobAgentState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for JobExecutionLifecycle.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Created', 'InProgress',\r\n * 'WaitingForChildJobExecutions', 'WaitingForRetry', 'Succeeded',\r\n * 'SucceededWithSkipped', 'Failed', 'TimedOut', 'Canceled', 'Skipped'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: JobExecutionLifecycle =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var JobExecutionLifecycle;\r\n(function (JobExecutionLifecycle) {\r\n JobExecutionLifecycle[\"Created\"] = \"Created\";\r\n JobExecutionLifecycle[\"InProgress\"] = \"InProgress\";\r\n JobExecutionLifecycle[\"WaitingForChildJobExecutions\"] = \"WaitingForChildJobExecutions\";\r\n JobExecutionLifecycle[\"WaitingForRetry\"] = \"WaitingForRetry\";\r\n JobExecutionLifecycle[\"Succeeded\"] = \"Succeeded\";\r\n JobExecutionLifecycle[\"SucceededWithSkipped\"] = \"SucceededWithSkipped\";\r\n JobExecutionLifecycle[\"Failed\"] = \"Failed\";\r\n JobExecutionLifecycle[\"TimedOut\"] = \"TimedOut\";\r\n JobExecutionLifecycle[\"Canceled\"] = \"Canceled\";\r\n JobExecutionLifecycle[\"Skipped\"] = \"Skipped\";\r\n})(JobExecutionLifecycle || (JobExecutionLifecycle = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ProvisioningState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Created', 'InProgress', 'Succeeded', 'Failed',\r\n * 'Canceled'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ProvisioningState =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ProvisioningState;\r\n(function (ProvisioningState) {\r\n ProvisioningState[\"Created\"] = \"Created\";\r\n ProvisioningState[\"InProgress\"] = \"InProgress\";\r\n ProvisioningState[\"Succeeded\"] = \"Succeeded\";\r\n ProvisioningState[\"Failed\"] = \"Failed\";\r\n ProvisioningState[\"Canceled\"] = \"Canceled\";\r\n})(ProvisioningState || (ProvisioningState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for JobTargetType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'TargetGroup', 'SqlDatabase', 'SqlElasticPool',\r\n * 'SqlShardMap', 'SqlServer'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: JobTargetType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var JobTargetType;\r\n(function (JobTargetType) {\r\n JobTargetType[\"TargetGroup\"] = \"TargetGroup\";\r\n JobTargetType[\"SqlDatabase\"] = \"SqlDatabase\";\r\n JobTargetType[\"SqlElasticPool\"] = \"SqlElasticPool\";\r\n JobTargetType[\"SqlShardMap\"] = \"SqlShardMap\";\r\n JobTargetType[\"SqlServer\"] = \"SqlServer\";\r\n})(JobTargetType || (JobTargetType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for JobScheduleType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Once', 'Recurring'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var JobScheduleType;\r\n(function (JobScheduleType) {\r\n JobScheduleType[\"Once\"] = \"Once\";\r\n JobScheduleType[\"Recurring\"] = \"Recurring\";\r\n})(JobScheduleType || (JobScheduleType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for JobStepActionType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'TSql'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: JobStepActionType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var JobStepActionType;\r\n(function (JobStepActionType) {\r\n JobStepActionType[\"TSql\"] = \"TSql\";\r\n})(JobStepActionType || (JobStepActionType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for JobStepActionSource.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Inline'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: JobStepActionSource =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var JobStepActionSource;\r\n(function (JobStepActionSource) {\r\n JobStepActionSource[\"Inline\"] = \"Inline\";\r\n})(JobStepActionSource || (JobStepActionSource = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for JobStepOutputType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'SqlDatabase'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: JobStepOutputType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var JobStepOutputType;\r\n(function (JobStepOutputType) {\r\n JobStepOutputType[\"SqlDatabase\"] = \"SqlDatabase\";\r\n})(JobStepOutputType || (JobStepOutputType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for JobTargetGroupMembershipType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Include', 'Exclude'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var JobTargetGroupMembershipType;\r\n(function (JobTargetGroupMembershipType) {\r\n JobTargetGroupMembershipType[\"Include\"] = \"Include\";\r\n JobTargetGroupMembershipType[\"Exclude\"] = \"Exclude\";\r\n})(JobTargetGroupMembershipType || (JobTargetGroupMembershipType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ManagedDatabaseStatus.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Online', 'Offline', 'Shutdown', 'Creating',\r\n * 'Inaccessible'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ManagedDatabaseStatus =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ManagedDatabaseStatus;\r\n(function (ManagedDatabaseStatus) {\r\n ManagedDatabaseStatus[\"Online\"] = \"Online\";\r\n ManagedDatabaseStatus[\"Offline\"] = \"Offline\";\r\n ManagedDatabaseStatus[\"Shutdown\"] = \"Shutdown\";\r\n ManagedDatabaseStatus[\"Creating\"] = \"Creating\";\r\n ManagedDatabaseStatus[\"Inaccessible\"] = \"Inaccessible\";\r\n})(ManagedDatabaseStatus || (ManagedDatabaseStatus = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for CatalogCollationType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'DATABASE_DEFAULT', 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: CatalogCollationType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var CatalogCollationType;\r\n(function (CatalogCollationType) {\r\n CatalogCollationType[\"DATABASEDEFAULT\"] = \"DATABASE_DEFAULT\";\r\n CatalogCollationType[\"SQLLatin1GeneralCP1CIAS\"] = \"SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS\";\r\n})(CatalogCollationType || (CatalogCollationType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ManagedDatabaseCreateMode.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Default', 'RestoreExternalBackup',\r\n * 'PointInTimeRestore'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ManagedDatabaseCreateMode =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ManagedDatabaseCreateMode;\r\n(function (ManagedDatabaseCreateMode) {\r\n ManagedDatabaseCreateMode[\"Default\"] = \"Default\";\r\n ManagedDatabaseCreateMode[\"RestoreExternalBackup\"] = \"RestoreExternalBackup\";\r\n ManagedDatabaseCreateMode[\"PointInTimeRestore\"] = \"PointInTimeRestore\";\r\n})(ManagedDatabaseCreateMode || (ManagedDatabaseCreateMode = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for AutomaticTuningServerMode.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Custom', 'Auto', 'Unspecified'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var AutomaticTuningServerMode;\r\n(function (AutomaticTuningServerMode) {\r\n AutomaticTuningServerMode[\"Custom\"] = \"Custom\";\r\n AutomaticTuningServerMode[\"Auto\"] = \"Auto\";\r\n AutomaticTuningServerMode[\"Unspecified\"] = \"Unspecified\";\r\n})(AutomaticTuningServerMode || (AutomaticTuningServerMode = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for AutomaticTuningServerReason.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Default', 'Disabled', 'AutoConfigured'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var AutomaticTuningServerReason;\r\n(function (AutomaticTuningServerReason) {\r\n AutomaticTuningServerReason[\"Default\"] = \"Default\";\r\n AutomaticTuningServerReason[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n AutomaticTuningServerReason[\"AutoConfigured\"] = \"AutoConfigured\";\r\n})(AutomaticTuningServerReason || (AutomaticTuningServerReason = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for RestorePointType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'CONTINUOUS', 'DISCRETE'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var RestorePointType;\r\n(function (RestorePointType) {\r\n RestorePointType[\"CONTINUOUS\"] = \"CONTINUOUS\";\r\n RestorePointType[\"DISCRETE\"] = \"DISCRETE\";\r\n})(RestorePointType || (RestorePointType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ManagementOperationState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Pending', 'InProgress', 'Succeeded', 'Failed',\r\n * 'CancelInProgress', 'Cancelled'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ManagementOperationState =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ManagementOperationState;\r\n(function (ManagementOperationState) {\r\n ManagementOperationState[\"Pending\"] = \"Pending\";\r\n ManagementOperationState[\"InProgress\"] = \"InProgress\";\r\n ManagementOperationState[\"Succeeded\"] = \"Succeeded\";\r\n ManagementOperationState[\"Failed\"] = \"Failed\";\r\n ManagementOperationState[\"CancelInProgress\"] = \"CancelInProgress\";\r\n ManagementOperationState[\"Cancelled\"] = \"Cancelled\";\r\n})(ManagementOperationState || (ManagementOperationState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for MaxSizeUnit.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Megabytes', 'Gigabytes', 'Terabytes', 'Petabytes'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: MaxSizeUnit =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var MaxSizeUnit;\r\n(function (MaxSizeUnit) {\r\n MaxSizeUnit[\"Megabytes\"] = \"Megabytes\";\r\n MaxSizeUnit[\"Gigabytes\"] = \"Gigabytes\";\r\n MaxSizeUnit[\"Terabytes\"] = \"Terabytes\";\r\n MaxSizeUnit[\"Petabytes\"] = \"Petabytes\";\r\n})(MaxSizeUnit || (MaxSizeUnit = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for LogSizeUnit.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Megabytes', 'Gigabytes', 'Terabytes', 'Petabytes',\r\n * 'Percent'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: LogSizeUnit =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var LogSizeUnit;\r\n(function (LogSizeUnit) {\r\n LogSizeUnit[\"Megabytes\"] = \"Megabytes\";\r\n LogSizeUnit[\"Gigabytes\"] = \"Gigabytes\";\r\n LogSizeUnit[\"Terabytes\"] = \"Terabytes\";\r\n LogSizeUnit[\"Petabytes\"] = \"Petabytes\";\r\n LogSizeUnit[\"Percent\"] = \"Percent\";\r\n})(LogSizeUnit || (LogSizeUnit = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for CapabilityStatus.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Visible', 'Available', 'Default', 'Disabled'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var CapabilityStatus;\r\n(function (CapabilityStatus) {\r\n CapabilityStatus[\"Visible\"] = \"Visible\";\r\n CapabilityStatus[\"Available\"] = \"Available\";\r\n CapabilityStatus[\"Default\"] = \"Default\";\r\n CapabilityStatus[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n})(CapabilityStatus || (CapabilityStatus = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for PerformanceLevelUnit.\r\n * Possible values include: 'DTU', 'VCores'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: PerformanceLevelUnit =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var PerformanceLevelUnit;\r\n(function (PerformanceLevelUnit) {\r\n PerformanceLevelUnit[\"DTU\"] = \"DTU\";\r\n PerformanceLevelUnit[\"VCores\"] = \"VCores\";\r\n})(PerformanceLevelUnit || (PerformanceLevelUnit = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for CreateMode.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Default', 'Copy', 'Secondary',\r\n * 'PointInTimeRestore', 'Restore', 'Recovery', 'RestoreExternalBackup',\r\n * 'RestoreExternalBackupSecondary', 'RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup',\r\n * 'OnlineSecondary'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: CreateMode = \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var CreateMode;\r\n(function (CreateMode) {\r\n CreateMode[\"Default\"] = \"Default\";\r\n CreateMode[\"Copy\"] = \"Copy\";\r\n CreateMode[\"Secondary\"] = \"Secondary\";\r\n CreateMode[\"PointInTimeRestore\"] = \"PointInTimeRestore\";\r\n CreateMode[\"Restore\"] = \"Restore\";\r\n CreateMode[\"Recovery\"] = \"Recovery\";\r\n CreateMode[\"RestoreExternalBackup\"] = \"RestoreExternalBackup\";\r\n CreateMode[\"RestoreExternalBackupSecondary\"] = \"RestoreExternalBackupSecondary\";\r\n CreateMode[\"RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup\"] = \"RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup\";\r\n CreateMode[\"OnlineSecondary\"] = \"OnlineSecondary\";\r\n})(CreateMode || (CreateMode = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for SampleName.\r\n * Possible values include: 'AdventureWorksLT', 'WideWorldImportersStd',\r\n * 'WideWorldImportersFull'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: SampleName = \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var SampleName;\r\n(function (SampleName) {\r\n SampleName[\"AdventureWorksLT\"] = \"AdventureWorksLT\";\r\n SampleName[\"WideWorldImportersStd\"] = \"WideWorldImportersStd\";\r\n SampleName[\"WideWorldImportersFull\"] = \"WideWorldImportersFull\";\r\n})(SampleName || (SampleName = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for DatabaseStatus.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Online', 'Restoring', 'RecoveryPending',\r\n * 'Recovering', 'Suspect', 'Offline', 'Standby', 'Shutdown', 'EmergencyMode',\r\n * 'AutoClosed', 'Copying', 'Creating', 'Inaccessible', 'OfflineSecondary',\r\n * 'Pausing', 'Paused', 'Resuming', 'Scaling'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: DatabaseStatus =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var DatabaseStatus;\r\n(function (DatabaseStatus) {\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Online\"] = \"Online\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Restoring\"] = \"Restoring\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"RecoveryPending\"] = \"RecoveryPending\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Recovering\"] = \"Recovering\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Suspect\"] = \"Suspect\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Offline\"] = \"Offline\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Standby\"] = \"Standby\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Shutdown\"] = \"Shutdown\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"EmergencyMode\"] = \"EmergencyMode\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"AutoClosed\"] = \"AutoClosed\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Copying\"] = \"Copying\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Creating\"] = \"Creating\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Inaccessible\"] = \"Inaccessible\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"OfflineSecondary\"] = \"OfflineSecondary\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Pausing\"] = \"Pausing\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Paused\"] = \"Paused\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Resuming\"] = \"Resuming\";\r\n DatabaseStatus[\"Scaling\"] = \"Scaling\";\r\n})(DatabaseStatus || (DatabaseStatus = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for DatabaseLicenseType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'LicenseIncluded', 'BasePrice'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: DatabaseLicenseType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var DatabaseLicenseType;\r\n(function (DatabaseLicenseType) {\r\n DatabaseLicenseType[\"LicenseIncluded\"] = \"LicenseIncluded\";\r\n DatabaseLicenseType[\"BasePrice\"] = \"BasePrice\";\r\n})(DatabaseLicenseType || (DatabaseLicenseType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for DatabaseReadScale.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: DatabaseReadScale =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var DatabaseReadScale;\r\n(function (DatabaseReadScale) {\r\n DatabaseReadScale[\"Enabled\"] = \"Enabled\";\r\n DatabaseReadScale[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n})(DatabaseReadScale || (DatabaseReadScale = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ElasticPoolState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Creating', 'Ready', 'Disabled'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ElasticPoolState =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ElasticPoolState;\r\n(function (ElasticPoolState) {\r\n ElasticPoolState[\"Creating\"] = \"Creating\";\r\n ElasticPoolState[\"Ready\"] = \"Ready\";\r\n ElasticPoolState[\"Disabled\"] = \"Disabled\";\r\n})(ElasticPoolState || (ElasticPoolState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for ElasticPoolLicenseType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'LicenseIncluded', 'BasePrice'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: ElasticPoolLicenseType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var ElasticPoolLicenseType;\r\n(function (ElasticPoolLicenseType) {\r\n ElasticPoolLicenseType[\"LicenseIncluded\"] = \"LicenseIncluded\";\r\n ElasticPoolLicenseType[\"BasePrice\"] = \"BasePrice\";\r\n})(ElasticPoolLicenseType || (ElasticPoolLicenseType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType.\r\n * Possible values include: 'OnDemand', 'Recurring'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType;\r\n(function (VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType) {\r\n VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType[\"OnDemand\"] = \"OnDemand\";\r\n VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType[\"Recurring\"] = \"Recurring\";\r\n})(VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType || (VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Passed', 'Failed', 'FailedToRun', 'InProgress'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState;\r\n(function (VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState) {\r\n VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState[\"Passed\"] = \"Passed\";\r\n VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState[\"Failed\"] = \"Failed\";\r\n VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState[\"FailedToRun\"] = \"FailedToRun\";\r\n VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState[\"InProgress\"] = \"InProgress\";\r\n})(VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState || (VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole.\r\n * Possible values include: 'Primary', 'Secondary'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole;\r\n(function (InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole) {\r\n InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole[\"Primary\"] = \"Primary\";\r\n InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole[\"Secondary\"] = \"Secondary\";\r\n})(InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole || (InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for LongTermRetentionDatabaseState.\r\n * Possible values include: 'All', 'Live', 'Deleted'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: LongTermRetentionDatabaseState =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var LongTermRetentionDatabaseState;\r\n(function (LongTermRetentionDatabaseState) {\r\n LongTermRetentionDatabaseState[\"All\"] = \"All\";\r\n LongTermRetentionDatabaseState[\"Live\"] = \"Live\";\r\n LongTermRetentionDatabaseState[\"Deleted\"] = \"Deleted\";\r\n})(LongTermRetentionDatabaseState || (LongTermRetentionDatabaseState = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName.\r\n * Possible values include: 'master', 'default'\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName;\r\n(function (VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName) {\r\n VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName[\"Master\"] = \"master\";\r\n VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName[\"Default\"] = \"default\";\r\n})(VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName || (VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for CapabilityGroup.\r\n * Possible values include: 'supportedEditions',\r\n * 'supportedElasticPoolEditions', 'supportedManagedInstanceVersions'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: CapabilityGroup =\r\n * \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var CapabilityGroup;\r\n(function (CapabilityGroup) {\r\n CapabilityGroup[\"SupportedEditions\"] = \"supportedEditions\";\r\n CapabilityGroup[\"SupportedElasticPoolEditions\"] = \"supportedElasticPoolEditions\";\r\n CapabilityGroup[\"SupportedManagedInstanceVersions\"] = \"supportedManagedInstanceVersions\";\r\n})(CapabilityGroup || (CapabilityGroup = {}));\r\n/**\r\n * Defines values for Type.\r\n * Possible values include: 'All', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Success'\r\n * There could be more values for this enum apart from the ones defined here.If\r\n * you want to set a value that is not from the known values then you can do\r\n * the following:\r\n * let param: Type = \"someUnknownValueThatWillStillBeValid\";\r\n * @readonly\r\n * @enum {string}\r\n */\r\nexport var Type;\r\n(function (Type) {\r\n Type[\"All\"] = \"All\";\r\n Type[\"Error\"] = \"Error\";\r\n Type[\"Warning\"] = \"Warning\";\r\n Type[\"Success\"] = \"Success\";\r\n})(Type || (Type = {}));\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\r\nimport { CloudErrorMapper, BaseResourceMapper } from \"ms-rest-azure-js\";\r\nexport var CloudError = CloudErrorMapper;\r\nexport var BaseResource = BaseResourceMapper;\r\nexport var Resource = {\r\n serializedName: \"Resource\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Resource\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n id: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"id\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n type: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"type\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ProxyResource = {\r\n serializedName: \"ProxyResource\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ProxyResource\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, Resource.type.modelProperties)\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var RecoverableDatabase = {\r\n serializedName: \"RecoverableDatabase\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RecoverableDatabase\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { edition: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.edition\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serviceLevelObjective: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serviceLevelObjective\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, elasticPoolName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.elasticPoolName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, lastAvailableBackupDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.lastAvailableBackupDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var RestorableDroppedDatabase = {\r\n serializedName: \"RestorableDroppedDatabase\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RestorableDroppedDatabase\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, edition: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.edition\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, maxSizeBytes: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maxSizeBytes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serviceLevelObjective: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serviceLevelObjective\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, elasticPoolName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.elasticPoolName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, creationDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.creationDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, deletionDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.deletionDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, earliestRestoreDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.earliestRestoreDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var TrackedResource = {\r\n serializedName: \"TrackedResource\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"TrackedResource\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, Resource.type.modelProperties, { location: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, tags: {\r\n serializedName: \"tags\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var CheckNameAvailabilityRequest = {\r\n serializedName: \"CheckNameAvailabilityRequest\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"CheckNameAvailabilityRequest\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n type: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"type\",\r\n defaultValue: 'Microsoft.Sql/servers',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var CheckNameAvailabilityResponse = {\r\n serializedName: \"CheckNameAvailabilityResponse\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"CheckNameAvailabilityResponse\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n available: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"available\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n message: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"message\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reason: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"reason\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Invalid\",\r\n \"AlreadyExists\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerConnectionPolicy = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerConnectionPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerConnectionPolicy\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, connectionType: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.connectionType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"Proxy\",\r\n \"Redirect\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"New\",\r\n \"Enabled\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, disabledAlerts: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.disabledAlerts\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, emailAddresses: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.emailAddresses\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, emailAccountAdmins: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.emailAccountAdmins\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Enabled\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, storageEndpoint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageAccountAccessKey: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageAccountAccessKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, retentionDays: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.retentionDays\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, useServerDefault: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.useServerDefault\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Enabled\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DataMaskingPolicy = {\r\n serializedName: \"DataMaskingPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DataMaskingPolicy\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { dataMaskingState: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.dataMaskingState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Disabled\",\r\n \"Enabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, exemptPrincipals: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.exemptPrincipals\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, applicationPrincipals: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.applicationPrincipals\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, maskingLevel: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maskingLevel\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DataMaskingRule = {\r\n serializedName: \"DataMaskingRule\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DataMaskingRule\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { dataMaskingRuleId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.id\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, aliasName: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.aliasName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, ruleState: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.ruleState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Disabled\",\r\n \"Enabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, schemaName: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.schemaName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, tableName: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.tableName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, columnName: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.columnName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, maskingFunction: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maskingFunction\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"CCN\",\r\n \"Email\",\r\n \"Number\",\r\n \"SSN\",\r\n \"Text\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, numberFrom: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.numberFrom\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, numberTo: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.numberTo\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, prefixSize: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.prefixSize\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, suffixSize: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.suffixSize\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, replacementString: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.replacementString\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var FirewallRule = {\r\n serializedName: \"FirewallRule\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FirewallRule\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, startIpAddress: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.startIpAddress\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, endIpAddress: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.endIpAddress\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var GeoBackupPolicy = {\r\n serializedName: \"GeoBackupPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"GeoBackupPolicy\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { state: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Disabled\",\r\n \"Enabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, storageType: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ImportExtensionRequest = {\r\n serializedName: \"ImportExtensionRequest\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ImportExtensionRequest\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n type: {\r\n serializedName: \"type\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n storageKeyType: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageKeyType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"StorageAccessKey\",\r\n \"SharedAccessKey\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n storageKey: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n storageUri: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageUri\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n administratorLogin: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.administratorLogin\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n administratorLoginPassword: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.administratorLoginPassword\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n authenticationType: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.authenticationType\",\r\n defaultValue: 'SQL',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"SQL\",\r\n \"ADPassword\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n operationMode: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.operationMode\",\r\n defaultValue: 'Import',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ImportExportResponse = {\r\n serializedName: \"ImportExportResponse\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ImportExportResponse\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { requestType: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, lastModifiedTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.lastModifiedTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, queuedTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.queuedTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, blobUri: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.blobUri\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorMessage: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorMessage\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ExportRequest = {\r\n serializedName: \"ExportRequest\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ExportRequest\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n storageKeyType: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"storageKeyType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"StorageAccessKey\",\r\n \"SharedAccessKey\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n storageKey: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"storageKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n storageUri: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"storageUri\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n administratorLogin: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"administratorLogin\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n administratorLoginPassword: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"administratorLoginPassword\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n authenticationType: {\r\n serializedName: \"authenticationType\",\r\n defaultValue: 'SQL',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"SQL\",\r\n \"ADPassword\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ImportRequest = {\r\n serializedName: \"ImportRequest\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ImportRequest\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ExportRequest.type.modelProperties, { databaseName: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, edition: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"edition\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serviceObjectiveName: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"serviceObjectiveName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, maxSizeBytes: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"maxSizeBytes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var MetricValue = {\r\n serializedName: \"MetricValue\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MetricValue\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n count: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"count\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n average: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"average\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n maximum: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"maximum\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n minimum: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"minimum\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n timestamp: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"timestamp\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n total: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"total\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var MetricName = {\r\n serializedName: \"MetricName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MetricName\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"value\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n localizedValue: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"localizedValue\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var Metric = {\r\n serializedName: \"Metric\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Metric\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n startTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"startTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n endTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"endTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n timeGrain: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"timeGrain\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n unit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"unit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MetricName\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n metricValues: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"metricValues\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MetricValue\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var MetricAvailability = {\r\n serializedName: \"MetricAvailability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MetricAvailability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n retention: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"retention\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n timeGrain: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"timeGrain\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var MetricDefinition = {\r\n serializedName: \"MetricDefinition\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MetricDefinition\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MetricName\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n primaryAggregationType: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"primaryAggregationType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n resourceUri: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"resourceUri\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n unit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"unit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n metricAvailabilities: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"metricAvailabilities\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MetricAvailability\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var RecommendedElasticPoolMetric = {\r\n serializedName: \"RecommendedElasticPoolMetric\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RecommendedElasticPoolMetric\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n dateTime: {\r\n serializedName: \"dateTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n dtu: {\r\n serializedName: \"dtu\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n sizeGB: {\r\n serializedName: \"sizeGB\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var RecommendedElasticPool = {\r\n serializedName: \"RecommendedElasticPool\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RecommendedElasticPool\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { databaseEdition: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseEdition\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, dtu: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.dtu\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseDtuMin: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseDtuMin\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseDtuMax: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseDtuMax\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageMB: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageMB\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, observationPeriodStart: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.observationPeriodStart\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, observationPeriodEnd: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.observationPeriodEnd\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, maxObservedDtu: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maxObservedDtu\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, maxObservedStorageMB: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maxObservedStorageMB\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, databases: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databases\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"TrackedResource\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, metrics: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.metrics\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RecommendedElasticPoolMetric\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ReplicationLink = {\r\n serializedName: \"ReplicationLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ReplicationLink\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, isTerminationAllowed: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isTerminationAllowed\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }, replicationMode: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.replicationMode\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, partnerServer: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.partnerServer\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, partnerDatabase: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.partnerDatabase\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, partnerLocation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.partnerLocation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, role: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.role\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Primary\",\r\n \"Secondary\",\r\n \"NonReadableSecondary\",\r\n \"Source\",\r\n \"Copy\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, partnerRole: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.partnerRole\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Primary\",\r\n \"Secondary\",\r\n \"NonReadableSecondary\",\r\n \"Source\",\r\n \"Copy\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, startTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.startTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, percentComplete: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.percentComplete\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, replicationState: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.replicationState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerAzureADAdministrator = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerAzureADAdministrator\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerAzureADAdministrator\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { administratorType: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.administratorType\",\r\n defaultValue: 'ActiveDirectory',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, login: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.login\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, sid: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.sid\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, tenantId: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.tenantId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerCommunicationLink = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerCommunicationLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerCommunicationLink\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, partnerServer: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.partnerServer\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServiceObjective = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServiceObjective\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServiceObjective\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { serviceObjectiveName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serviceObjectiveName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, isDefault: {\r\n nullable: false,\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isDefault\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }, isSystem: {\r\n nullable: false,\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isSystem\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }, description: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.description\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, enabled: {\r\n nullable: false,\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.enabled\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPoolActivity = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPoolActivity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolActivity\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, endTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.endTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorCode: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorCode\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorMessage: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorMessage\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorSeverity: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorSeverity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, operation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.operation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, operationId: {\r\n nullable: false,\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.operationId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, percentComplete: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.percentComplete\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedDatabaseDtuMax: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedDatabaseDtuMax\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedDatabaseDtuMin: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedDatabaseDtuMin\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedDtu: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedDtu\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedElasticPoolName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedElasticPoolName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedStorageLimitInGB: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedStorageLimitInGB\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, elasticPoolName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.elasticPoolName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, startTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.startTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedStorageLimitInMB: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedStorageLimitInMB\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedDatabaseDtuGuarantee: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedDatabaseDtuGuarantee\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedDatabaseDtuCap: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedDatabaseDtuCap\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedDtuGuarantee: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedDtuGuarantee\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, endTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.endTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorCode: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorCode\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorMessage: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorMessage\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorSeverity: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorSeverity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, operation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.operation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, operationId: {\r\n nullable: false,\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.operationId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, percentComplete: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.percentComplete\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedElasticPoolName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedElasticPoolName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, currentElasticPoolName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.currentElasticPoolName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, currentServiceObjective: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.currentServiceObjective\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedServiceObjective: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedServiceObjective\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, startTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.startTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var OperationImpact = {\r\n serializedName: \"OperationImpact\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"OperationImpact\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n unit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"unit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n changeValueAbsolute: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"changeValueAbsolute\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n changeValueRelative: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"changeValueRelative\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var RecommendedIndex = {\r\n serializedName: \"RecommendedIndex\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RecommendedIndex\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { action: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.action\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Create\",\r\n \"Drop\",\r\n \"Rebuild\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Active\",\r\n \"Pending\",\r\n \"Executing\",\r\n \"Verifying\",\r\n \"Pending Revert\",\r\n \"Reverting\",\r\n \"Reverted\",\r\n \"Ignored\",\r\n \"Expired\",\r\n \"Blocked\",\r\n \"Success\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, created: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.created\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, lastModified: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.lastModified\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, indexType: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.indexType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"CLUSTERED\",\r\n \"NONCLUSTERED\",\r\n \"COLUMNSTORE\",\r\n \"CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, schema: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.schema\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, table: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.table\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, columns: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.columns\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, includedColumns: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.includedColumns\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, indexScript: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.indexScript\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, estimatedImpact: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.estimatedImpact\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"OperationImpact\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, reportedImpact: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.reportedImpact\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"OperationImpact\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var TransparentDataEncryption = {\r\n serializedName: \"TransparentDataEncryption\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"TransparentDataEncryption\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, status: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Enabled\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SloUsageMetric = {\r\n serializedName: \"SloUsageMetric\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SloUsageMetric\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n serviceLevelObjective: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"serviceLevelObjective\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serviceLevelObjectiveId: {\r\n nullable: false,\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"serviceLevelObjectiveId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n inRangeTimeRatio: {\r\n nullable: false,\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"inRangeTimeRatio\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServiceTierAdvisor = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServiceTierAdvisor\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServiceTierAdvisor\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { observationPeriodStart: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.observationPeriodStart\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, observationPeriodEnd: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.observationPeriodEnd\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, activeTimeRatio: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.activeTimeRatio\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, minDtu: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.minDtu\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, avgDtu: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.avgDtu\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, maxDtu: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maxDtu\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, maxSizeInGB: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maxSizeInGB\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, serviceLevelObjectiveUsageMetrics: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serviceLevelObjectiveUsageMetrics\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SloUsageMetric\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, currentServiceLevelObjective: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.currentServiceLevelObjective\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, currentServiceLevelObjectiveId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.currentServiceLevelObjectiveId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, usageBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.usageBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, usageBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.usageBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseSizeBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseSizeBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseSizeBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseSizeBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, disasterPlanBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.disasterPlanBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjective\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, disasterPlanBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.disasterPlanBasedRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, overallRecommendationServiceLevelObjective: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.overallRecommendationServiceLevelObjective\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, overallRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.overallRecommendationServiceLevelObjectiveId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, confidence: {\r\n nullable: false,\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.confidence\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var TransparentDataEncryptionActivity = {\r\n serializedName: \"TransparentDataEncryptionActivity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"TransparentDataEncryptionActivity\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, percentComplete: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.percentComplete\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerUsage = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerUsage\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerUsage\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n resourceName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"resourceName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n displayName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"displayName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n currentValue: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"currentValue\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n limit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"limit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n unit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"unit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextResetTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextResetTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseUsage = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseUsage\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseUsage\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n resourceName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"resourceName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n displayName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"displayName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n currentValue: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"currentValue\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n limit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"limit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n unit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"unit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextResetTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextResetTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var AutomaticTuningOptions = {\r\n serializedName: \"AutomaticTuningOptions\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"AutomaticTuningOptions\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n desiredState: {\r\n serializedName: \"desiredState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Off\",\r\n \"On\",\r\n \"Default\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n actualState: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"actualState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Off\",\r\n \"On\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reasonCode: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"reasonCode\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reasonDesc: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"reasonDesc\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"Disabled\",\r\n \"AutoConfigured\",\r\n \"InheritedFromServer\",\r\n \"QueryStoreOff\",\r\n \"QueryStoreReadOnly\",\r\n \"NotSupported\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseAutomaticTuning = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseAutomaticTuning\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseAutomaticTuning\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { desiredState: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.desiredState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Inherit\",\r\n \"Custom\",\r\n \"Auto\",\r\n \"Unspecified\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, actualState: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.actualState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Inherit\",\r\n \"Custom\",\r\n \"Auto\",\r\n \"Unspecified\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, options: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.options\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"AutomaticTuningOptions\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var EncryptionProtector = {\r\n serializedName: \"EncryptionProtector\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"EncryptionProtector\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, subregion: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.subregion\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverKeyName: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverKeyName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverKeyType: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverKeyType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, uri: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.uri\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, thumbprint: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.thumbprint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint = {\r\n serializedName: \"FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n failoverPolicy: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"failoverPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes: {\r\n serializedName: \"failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint = {\r\n serializedName: \"FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n failoverPolicy: {\r\n serializedName: \"failoverPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var PartnerInfo = {\r\n serializedName: \"PartnerInfo\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"PartnerInfo\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n id: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"id\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n replicationRole: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"replicationRole\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var FailoverGroup = {\r\n serializedName: \"FailoverGroup\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FailoverGroup\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, tags: {\r\n serializedName: \"tags\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, readWriteEndpoint: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.readWriteEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint\"\r\n }\r\n }, readOnlyEndpoint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.readOnlyEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint\"\r\n }\r\n }, replicationRole: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.replicationRole\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, replicationState: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.replicationState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, partnerServers: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.partnerServers\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"PartnerInfo\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, databases: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databases\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var FailoverGroupUpdate = {\r\n serializedName: \"FailoverGroupUpdate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FailoverGroupUpdate\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n readWriteEndpoint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.readWriteEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n readOnlyEndpoint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.readOnlyEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n databases: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databases\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n tags: {\r\n serializedName: \"tags\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ResourceIdentity = {\r\n serializedName: \"ResourceIdentity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ResourceIdentity\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n principalId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"principalId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n type: {\r\n serializedName: \"type\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n tenantId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"tenantId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var Sku = {\r\n serializedName: \"Sku\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Sku\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n tier: {\r\n serializedName: \"tier\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n size: {\r\n serializedName: \"size\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n family: {\r\n serializedName: \"family\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n capacity: {\r\n serializedName: \"capacity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedInstance = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedInstance\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstance\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, TrackedResource.type.modelProperties, { identity: {\r\n serializedName: \"identity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ResourceIdentity\"\r\n }\r\n }, sku: {\r\n serializedName: \"sku\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Sku\"\r\n }\r\n }, fullyQualifiedDomainName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, administratorLogin: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.administratorLogin\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, administratorLoginPassword: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.administratorLoginPassword\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, subnetId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.subnetId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, licenseType: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.licenseType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, vCores: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.vCores\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageSizeInGB: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageSizeInGB\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, collation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.collation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, dnsZone: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.dnsZone\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, dnsZonePartner: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.dnsZonePartner\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedInstanceUpdate = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedInstanceUpdate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceUpdate\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n sku: {\r\n serializedName: \"sku\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Sku\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n fullyQualifiedDomainName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n administratorLogin: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.administratorLogin\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n administratorLoginPassword: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.administratorLoginPassword\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n subnetId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.subnetId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n licenseType: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.licenseType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n vCores: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.vCores\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n storageSizeInGB: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageSizeInGB\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n collation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.collation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n dnsZone: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.dnsZone\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n dnsZonePartner: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.dnsZonePartner\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n tags: {\r\n serializedName: \"tags\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var OperationDisplay = {\r\n serializedName: \"OperationDisplay\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"OperationDisplay\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n provider: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"provider\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n resource: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"resource\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n operation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"operation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n description: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"description\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var Operation = {\r\n serializedName: \"Operation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Operation\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n display: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"display\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"OperationDisplay\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n origin: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"origin\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n properties: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Object\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerKey = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerKey\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, subregion: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.subregion\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverKeyType: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverKeyType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, uri: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.uri\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, thumbprint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.thumbprint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, creationDate: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.creationDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var Server = {\r\n serializedName: \"Server\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Server\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, TrackedResource.type.modelProperties, { identity: {\r\n serializedName: \"identity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ResourceIdentity\"\r\n }\r\n }, kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, administratorLogin: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.administratorLogin\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, administratorLoginPassword: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.administratorLoginPassword\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, version: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.version\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, fullyQualifiedDomainName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerUpdate = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerUpdate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerUpdate\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n administratorLogin: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.administratorLogin\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n administratorLoginPassword: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.administratorLoginPassword\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n version: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.version\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n fullyQualifiedDomainName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n tags: {\r\n serializedName: \"tags\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncAgent = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncAgent\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncAgent\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { syncAgentName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, syncDatabaseId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.syncDatabaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, lastAliveTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.lastAliveTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, isUpToDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isUpToDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }, expiryTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.expiryTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, version: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.version\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncAgentKeyProperties = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncAgentKeyProperties\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncAgentKeyProperties\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n syncAgentKey: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"syncAgentKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncAgentLinkedDatabase = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncAgentLinkedDatabase\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncAgentLinkedDatabase\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { databaseType: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, description: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.description\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, userName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.userName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncDatabaseIdProperties = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncDatabaseIdProperties\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncDatabaseIdProperties\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n id: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"id\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncFullSchemaTableColumn = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncFullSchemaTableColumn\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncFullSchemaTableColumn\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n dataSize: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"dataSize\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n dataType: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"dataType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n errorId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"errorId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n hasError: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"hasError\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n isPrimaryKey: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"isPrimaryKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n quotedName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"quotedName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncFullSchemaTable = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncFullSchemaTable\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncFullSchemaTable\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n columns: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"columns\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncFullSchemaTableColumn\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n errorId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"errorId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n hasError: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"hasError\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n quotedName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"quotedName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncFullSchemaProperties = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncFullSchemaProperties\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncFullSchemaProperties\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n tables: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"tables\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncFullSchemaTable\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n lastUpdateTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"lastUpdateTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncGroupLogProperties = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncGroupLogProperties\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroupLogProperties\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n timestamp: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"timestamp\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n type: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"type\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n source: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"source\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n details: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"details\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n tracingId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"tracingId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n operationStatus: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"operationStatus\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n quotedName: {\r\n serializedName: \"quotedName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n dataSize: {\r\n serializedName: \"dataSize\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n dataType: {\r\n serializedName: \"dataType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncGroupSchemaTable = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncGroupSchemaTable\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroupSchemaTable\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n columns: {\r\n serializedName: \"columns\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n quotedName: {\r\n serializedName: \"quotedName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncGroupSchema = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncGroupSchema\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroupSchema\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n tables: {\r\n serializedName: \"tables\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroupSchemaTable\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n masterSyncMemberName: {\r\n serializedName: \"masterSyncMemberName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncGroup = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncGroup\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroup\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { interval: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.interval\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, lastSyncTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.lastSyncTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, conflictResolutionPolicy: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.conflictResolutionPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, syncDatabaseId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.syncDatabaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, hubDatabaseUserName: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.hubDatabaseUserName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, hubDatabasePassword: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.hubDatabasePassword\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, syncState: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.syncState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, schema: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.schema\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroupSchema\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncMember = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncMember\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncMember\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { databaseType: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, syncAgentId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.syncAgentId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, sqlServerDatabaseId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.sqlServerDatabaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverName: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseName: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, userName: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.userName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, password: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.password\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, syncDirection: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.syncDirection\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, syncState: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.syncState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SubscriptionUsage = {\r\n serializedName: \"SubscriptionUsage\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SubscriptionUsage\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { displayName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.displayName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, currentValue: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.currentValue\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, limit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.limit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, unit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.unit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var VirtualNetworkRule = {\r\n serializedName: \"VirtualNetworkRule\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"VirtualNetworkRule\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { virtualNetworkSubnetId: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.virtualNetworkSubnetId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy = {\r\n serializedName: \"ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { predicateExpression: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.predicateExpression\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Enabled\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, storageEndpoint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageAccountAccessKey: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageAccountAccessKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, retentionDays: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.retentionDays\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, auditActionsAndGroups: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.auditActionsAndGroups\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, storageAccountSubscriptionId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageAccountSubscriptionId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy = {\r\n serializedName: \"ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { predicateExpression: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.predicateExpression\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Enabled\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, storageEndpoint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageAccountAccessKey: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageAccountAccessKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, retentionDays: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.retentionDays\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, auditActionsAndGroups: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.auditActionsAndGroups\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, storageAccountSubscriptionId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageAccountSubscriptionId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerBlobAuditingPolicy = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerBlobAuditingPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerBlobAuditingPolicy\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { state: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Enabled\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, storageEndpoint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageAccountAccessKey: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageAccountAccessKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, retentionDays: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.retentionDays\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, auditActionsAndGroups: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.auditActionsAndGroups\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, storageAccountSubscriptionId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageAccountSubscriptionId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Enabled\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, storageEndpoint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageAccountAccessKey: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageAccountAccessKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, retentionDays: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.retentionDays\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, auditActionsAndGroups: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.auditActionsAndGroups\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, storageAccountSubscriptionId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageAccountSubscriptionId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n result: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"result\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { baselineResults: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.baselineResults\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties = {\r\n serializedName: \"VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n isEnabled: {\r\n serializedName: \"isEnabled\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n emailSubscriptionAdmins: {\r\n serializedName: \"emailSubscriptionAdmins\",\r\n defaultValue: true,\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n emails: {\r\n serializedName: \"emails\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { storageContainerPath: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageContainerPath\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageContainerSasKey: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageContainerSasKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageAccountAccessKey: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageAccountAccessKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, recurringScans: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.recurringScans\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobAgent = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobAgent\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobAgent\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, TrackedResource.type.modelProperties, { sku: {\r\n serializedName: \"sku\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Sku\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseId: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobAgentUpdate = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobAgentUpdate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobAgentUpdate\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n tags: {\r\n serializedName: \"tags\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobCredential = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobCredential\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobCredential\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { username: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.username\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, password: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.password\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobExecutionTarget = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobExecutionTarget\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobExecutionTarget\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n type: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"type\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serverName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n databaseName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobExecution = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobExecution\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobExecution\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { jobVersion: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.jobVersion\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, stepName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.stepName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, stepId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.stepId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, jobExecutionId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.jobExecutionId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, lifecycle: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.lifecycle\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, provisioningState: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.provisioningState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, createTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.createTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, startTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.startTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, endTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.endTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, currentAttempts: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.currentAttempts\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, currentAttemptStartTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.currentAttemptStartTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, lastMessage: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.lastMessage\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, target: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.target\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobExecutionTarget\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobSchedule = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobSchedule\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobSchedule\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n startTime: {\r\n serializedName: \"startTime\",\r\n defaultValue: new Date('0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'),\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n endTime: {\r\n serializedName: \"endTime\",\r\n defaultValue: new Date('9999-12-31T11:59:59Z'),\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n type: {\r\n serializedName: \"type\",\r\n defaultValue: 'Once',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Once\",\r\n \"Recurring\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n enabled: {\r\n serializedName: \"enabled\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n interval: {\r\n serializedName: \"interval\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var Job = {\r\n serializedName: \"Job\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Job\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { description: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.description\",\r\n defaultValue: '',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, version: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.version\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, schedule: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.schedule\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobSchedule\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobStepAction = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobStepAction\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobStepAction\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n type: {\r\n serializedName: \"type\",\r\n defaultValue: 'TSql',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n source: {\r\n serializedName: \"source\",\r\n defaultValue: 'Inline',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"value\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobStepOutput = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobStepOutput\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobStepOutput\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n type: {\r\n serializedName: \"type\",\r\n defaultValue: 'SqlDatabase',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n subscriptionId: {\r\n serializedName: \"subscriptionId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n resourceGroupName: {\r\n serializedName: \"resourceGroupName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serverName: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n databaseName: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n schemaName: {\r\n serializedName: \"schemaName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'dbo',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n tableName: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"tableName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n credential: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"credential\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobStepExecutionOptions = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobStepExecutionOptions\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobStepExecutionOptions\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n timeoutSeconds: {\r\n serializedName: \"timeoutSeconds\",\r\n defaultValue: 43200,\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n retryAttempts: {\r\n serializedName: \"retryAttempts\",\r\n defaultValue: 10,\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n initialRetryIntervalSeconds: {\r\n serializedName: \"initialRetryIntervalSeconds\",\r\n defaultValue: 1,\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n maximumRetryIntervalSeconds: {\r\n serializedName: \"maximumRetryIntervalSeconds\",\r\n defaultValue: 120,\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n retryIntervalBackoffMultiplier: {\r\n serializedName: \"retryIntervalBackoffMultiplier\",\r\n defaultValue: 2,\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobStep = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobStep\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobStep\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { stepId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.stepId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, targetGroup: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.targetGroup\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, credential: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.credential\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, action: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.action\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobStepAction\"\r\n }\r\n }, output: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.output\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobStepOutput\"\r\n }\r\n }, executionOptions: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.executionOptions\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobStepExecutionOptions\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobTarget = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobTarget\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobTarget\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n membershipType: {\r\n serializedName: \"membershipType\",\r\n defaultValue: 'Include',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Include\",\r\n \"Exclude\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n type: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"type\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serverName: {\r\n serializedName: \"serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n databaseName: {\r\n serializedName: \"databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n elasticPoolName: {\r\n serializedName: \"elasticPoolName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n shardMapName: {\r\n serializedName: \"shardMapName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n refreshCredential: {\r\n serializedName: \"refreshCredential\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobTargetGroup = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobTargetGroup\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobTargetGroup\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { members: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.members\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobTarget\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobVersion = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobVersion\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobVersion\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties)\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var LongTermRetentionBackup = {\r\n serializedName: \"LongTermRetentionBackup\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"LongTermRetentionBackup\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { serverName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverCreateTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverCreateTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseDeletionTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseDeletionTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, backupTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.backupTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, backupExpirationTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.backupExpirationTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy = {\r\n serializedName: \"BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { weeklyRetention: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.weeklyRetention\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, monthlyRetention: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.monthlyRetention\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, yearlyRetention: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.yearlyRetention\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, weekOfYear: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.weekOfYear\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var CompleteDatabaseRestoreDefinition = {\r\n serializedName: \"CompleteDatabaseRestoreDefinition\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"CompleteDatabaseRestoreDefinition\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n lastBackupName: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"lastBackupName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedDatabase = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedDatabase\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedDatabase\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, TrackedResource.type.modelProperties, { collation: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.collation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, creationDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.creationDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, earliestRestorePoint: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.earliestRestorePoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, restorePointInTime: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.restorePointInTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, defaultSecondaryLocation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.defaultSecondaryLocation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, catalogCollation: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.catalogCollation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, createMode: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.createMode\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageContainerUri: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageContainerUri\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, sourceDatabaseId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.sourceDatabaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageContainerSasToken: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageContainerSasToken\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, failoverGroupId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.failoverGroupId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedDatabaseUpdate = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedDatabaseUpdate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedDatabaseUpdate\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n collation: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.collation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n creationDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.creationDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n earliestRestorePoint: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.earliestRestorePoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n restorePointInTime: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.restorePointInTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n defaultSecondaryLocation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.defaultSecondaryLocation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n catalogCollation: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.catalogCollation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n createMode: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.createMode\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n storageContainerUri: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageContainerUri\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n sourceDatabaseId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.sourceDatabaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n storageContainerSasToken: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageContainerSasToken\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n failoverGroupId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.failoverGroupId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n tags: {\r\n serializedName: \"tags\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var AutomaticTuningServerOptions = {\r\n serializedName: \"AutomaticTuningServerOptions\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"AutomaticTuningServerOptions\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n desiredState: {\r\n serializedName: \"desiredState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Off\",\r\n \"On\",\r\n \"Default\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n actualState: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"actualState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Off\",\r\n \"On\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reasonCode: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"reasonCode\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reasonDesc: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"reasonDesc\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"Disabled\",\r\n \"AutoConfigured\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerAutomaticTuning = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerAutomaticTuning\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerAutomaticTuning\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { desiredState: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.desiredState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Custom\",\r\n \"Auto\",\r\n \"Unspecified\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, actualState: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.actualState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Custom\",\r\n \"Auto\",\r\n \"Unspecified\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, options: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.options\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"AutomaticTuningServerOptions\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerDnsAlias = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerDnsAlias\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerDnsAlias\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { azureDnsRecord: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.azureDnsRecord\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerDnsAliasAcquisition = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerDnsAliasAcquisition\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerDnsAliasAcquisition\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n oldServerDnsAliasId: {\r\n serializedName: \"oldServerDnsAliasId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerSecurityAlertPolicy = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerSecurityAlertPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerSecurityAlertPolicy\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { state: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"New\",\r\n \"Enabled\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, disabledAlerts: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.disabledAlerts\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, emailAddresses: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.emailAddresses\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, emailAccountAdmins: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.emailAccountAdmins\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageEndpoint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, storageAccountAccessKey: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageAccountAccessKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, retentionDays: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.retentionDays\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var RestorePoint = {\r\n serializedName: \"RestorePoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RestorePoint\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { location: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, restorePointType: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.restorePointType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"CONTINUOUS\",\r\n \"DISCRETE\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }, earliestRestoreDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.earliestRestoreDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, restorePointCreationDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.restorePointCreationDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, restorePointLabel: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.restorePointLabel\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var CreateDatabaseRestorePointDefinition = {\r\n serializedName: \"CreateDatabaseRestorePointDefinition\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"CreateDatabaseRestorePointDefinition\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n restorePointLabel: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"restorePointLabel\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseOperation = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseOperation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseOperation\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { databaseName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, operation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.operation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, operationFriendlyName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.operationFriendlyName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, percentComplete: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.percentComplete\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, startTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.startTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorCode: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorCode\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorDescription: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorDescription\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorSeverity: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorSeverity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, isUserError: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isUserError\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }, estimatedCompletionTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.estimatedCompletionTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, description: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.description\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, isCancellable: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isCancellable\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPoolOperation = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPoolOperation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolOperation\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { elasticPoolName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.elasticPoolName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, operation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.operation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, operationFriendlyName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.operationFriendlyName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, percentComplete: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.percentComplete\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, startTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.startTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorCode: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorCode\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorDescription: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorDescription\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, errorSeverity: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errorSeverity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, isUserError: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isUserError\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }, estimatedCompletionTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.estimatedCompletionTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, description: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.description\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, isCancellable: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.isCancellable\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var MaxSizeCapability = {\r\n serializedName: \"MaxSizeCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MaxSizeCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n limit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"limit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n unit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"unit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var LogSizeCapability = {\r\n serializedName: \"LogSizeCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"LogSizeCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n limit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"limit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n unit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"unit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var MaxSizeRangeCapability = {\r\n serializedName: \"MaxSizeRangeCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MaxSizeRangeCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n minValue: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"minValue\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MaxSizeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n maxValue: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"maxValue\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MaxSizeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n scaleSize: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"scaleSize\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MaxSizeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n logSize: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"logSize\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"LogSizeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Visible\",\r\n \"Available\",\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reason: {\r\n serializedName: \"reason\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var PerformanceLevelCapability = {\r\n serializedName: \"PerformanceLevelCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"PerformanceLevelCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"value\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n unit: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"unit\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var LicenseTypeCapability = {\r\n serializedName: \"LicenseTypeCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"LicenseTypeCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Visible\",\r\n \"Available\",\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reason: {\r\n serializedName: \"reason\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport 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readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"supportedLicenseTypes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"LicenseTypeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n includedMaxSize: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"includedMaxSize\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MaxSizeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Visible\",\r\n \"Available\",\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reason: {\r\n serializedName: \"reason\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var EditionCapability = {\r\n serializedName: \"EditionCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"EditionCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n supportedServiceLevelObjectives: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"supportedServiceLevelObjectives\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServiceObjectiveCapability\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n zoneRedundant: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"zoneRedundant\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Visible\",\r\n \"Available\",\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reason: {\r\n serializedName: \"reason\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n 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name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n supportedPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevels: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"supportedPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevels\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinPerformanceLevelCapability\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Visible\",\r\n \"Available\",\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reason: {\r\n serializedName: \"reason\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n performanceLevel: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"performanceLevel\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"PerformanceLevelCapability\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n sku: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"sku\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Sku\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n supportedLicenseTypes: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"supportedLicenseTypes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"LicenseTypeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n maxDatabaseCount: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"maxDatabaseCount\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n includedMaxSize: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"includedMaxSize\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MaxSizeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n supportedMaxSizes: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"supportedMaxSizes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MaxSizeRangeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n 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\"ElasticPoolEditionCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolEditionCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n supportedElasticPoolPerformanceLevels: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"supportedElasticPoolPerformanceLevels\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n zoneRedundant: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"zoneRedundant\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Visible\",\r\n \"Available\",\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reason: {\r\n serializedName: \"reason\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n 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\"ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n sku: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"sku\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n supportedLicenseTypes: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"supportedLicenseTypes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"LicenseTypeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n supportedVcoresValues: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"supportedVcoresValues\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n includedMaxSize: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"includedMaxSize\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MaxSizeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n supportedStorageSizes: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"supportedStorageSizes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MaxSizeRangeCapability\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Visible\",\r\n \"Available\",\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reason: {\r\n serializedName: \"reason\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedInstanceEditionCapability = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedInstanceEditionCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceEditionCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n supportedFamilies: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"supportedFamilies\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"Visible\",\r\n \"Available\",\r\n \"Default\",\r\n \"Disabled\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reason: {\r\n serializedName: \"reason\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedInstanceVersionCapability = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedInstanceVersionCapability\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceVersionCapability\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n name: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"name\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n supportedEditions: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"supportedEditions\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: 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\"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, managedBy: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"managedBy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, createMode: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.createMode\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, collation: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.collation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, maxSizeBytes: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maxSizeBytes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, sampleName: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.sampleName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, elasticPoolId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.elasticPoolId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, sourceDatabaseId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.sourceDatabaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, databaseId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }, creationDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.creationDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, currentServiceObjectiveName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.currentServiceObjectiveName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, requestedServiceObjectiveName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedServiceObjectiveName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, defaultSecondaryLocation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.defaultSecondaryLocation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, failoverGroupId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.failoverGroupId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, restorePointInTime: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.restorePointInTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, sourceDatabaseDeletionDate: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.sourceDatabaseDeletionDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, recoveryServicesRecoveryPointId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.recoveryServicesRecoveryPointId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, longTermRetentionBackupResourceId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.longTermRetentionBackupResourceId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, recoverableDatabaseId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.recoverableDatabaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, restorableDroppedDatabaseId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.restorableDroppedDatabaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, catalogCollation: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.catalogCollation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, zoneRedundant: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.zoneRedundant\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }, licenseType: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.licenseType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, maxLogSizeBytes: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maxLogSizeBytes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, earliestRestoreDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.earliestRestoreDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, readScale: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.readScale\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, currentSku: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.currentSku\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Sku\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseUpdate = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseUpdate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseUpdate\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n sku: {\r\n serializedName: \"sku\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Sku\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n createMode: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.createMode\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n collation: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.collation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n maxSizeBytes: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maxSizeBytes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n sampleName: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.sampleName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n elasticPoolId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.elasticPoolId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n sourceDatabaseId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.sourceDatabaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n status: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.status\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n databaseId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.databaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n creationDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.creationDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n currentServiceObjectiveName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.currentServiceObjectiveName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n requestedServiceObjectiveName: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.requestedServiceObjectiveName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n defaultSecondaryLocation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.defaultSecondaryLocation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n failoverGroupId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.failoverGroupId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n restorePointInTime: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.restorePointInTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n sourceDatabaseDeletionDate: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.sourceDatabaseDeletionDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n recoveryServicesRecoveryPointId: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.recoveryServicesRecoveryPointId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n 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\"properties.earliestRestoreDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n readScale: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.readScale\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n currentSku: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.currentSku\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Sku\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n tags: {\r\n serializedName: \"tags\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ResourceMoveDefinition = {\r\n serializedName: \"ResourceMoveDefinition\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ResourceMoveDefinition\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n id: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"id\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n minCapacity: {\r\n serializedName: \"minCapacity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n maxCapacity: {\r\n serializedName: \"maxCapacity\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPool = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPool\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPool\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, TrackedResource.type.modelProperties, { sku: {\r\n serializedName: \"sku\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Sku\"\r\n }\r\n }, kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, creationDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.creationDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, maxSizeBytes: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maxSizeBytes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }, perDatabaseSettings: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.perDatabaseSettings\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings\"\r\n }\r\n }, zoneRedundant: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.zoneRedundant\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }, licenseType: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.licenseType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPoolUpdate = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPoolUpdate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolUpdate\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n sku: {\r\n serializedName: \"sku\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Sku\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n maxSizeBytes: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.maxSizeBytes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n perDatabaseSettings: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.perDatabaseSettings\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n zoneRedundant: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.zoneRedundant\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n licenseType: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.licenseType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n tags: {\r\n serializedName: \"tags\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Dictionary\",\r\n value: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError = {\r\n serializedName: \"VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n code: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"code\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n message: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"message\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord = {\r\n serializedName: \"VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { scanId: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.scanId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, triggerType: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.triggerType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, state: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.state\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, startTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.startTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, endTime: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.endTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }, errors: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.errors\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, storageContainerPath: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.storageContainerPath\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, numberOfFailedSecurityChecks: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.numberOfFailedSecurityChecks\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { exportedReportLocation: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.exportedReportLocation\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint = {\r\n serializedName: \"InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n failoverPolicy: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"failoverPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes: {\r\n serializedName: \"failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint = {\r\n serializedName: \"InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n failoverPolicy: {\r\n serializedName: \"failoverPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var PartnerRegionInfo = {\r\n serializedName: \"PartnerRegionInfo\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"PartnerRegionInfo\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n location: {\r\n serializedName: \"location\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n replicationRole: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"replicationRole\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedInstancePairInfo = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedInstancePairInfo\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstancePairInfo\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n primaryManagedInstanceId: {\r\n serializedName: \"primaryManagedInstanceId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n partnerManagedInstanceId: {\r\n serializedName: \"partnerManagedInstanceId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var InstanceFailoverGroup = {\r\n serializedName: \"InstanceFailoverGroup\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"InstanceFailoverGroup\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { readWriteEndpoint: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.readWriteEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint\"\r\n }\r\n }, readOnlyEndpoint: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.readOnlyEndpoint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint\"\r\n }\r\n }, replicationRole: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.replicationRole\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, replicationState: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.replicationState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, partnerRegions: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.partnerRegions\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"PartnerRegionInfo\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, managedInstancePairs: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.managedInstancePairs\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstancePairInfo\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy = {\r\n serializedName: \"BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { retentionDays: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.retentionDays\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var TdeCertificate = {\r\n serializedName: \"TdeCertificate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"TdeCertificate\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { privateBlob: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.privateBlob\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, certPassword: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.certPassword\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedInstanceKey = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedInstanceKey\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceKey\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverKeyType: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverKeyType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, uri: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.uri\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, thumbprint: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.thumbprint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, creationDate: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.creationDate\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector\",\r\n modelProperties: tslib_1.__assign({}, ProxyResource.type.modelProperties, { kind: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"kind\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverKeyName: {\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverKeyName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, serverKeyType: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.serverKeyType\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, uri: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.uri\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }, thumbprint: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"properties.thumbprint\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n } })\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var RecoverableDatabaseListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"RecoverableDatabaseListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RecoverableDatabaseListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RecoverableDatabase\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RestorableDroppedDatabase\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Server\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DataMaskingRuleListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"DataMaskingRuleListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DataMaskingRuleListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DataMaskingRule\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var FirewallRuleListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"FirewallRuleListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FirewallRuleListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FirewallRule\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var GeoBackupPolicyListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"GeoBackupPolicyListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"GeoBackupPolicyListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"GeoBackupPolicy\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var MetricListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"MetricListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MetricListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Metric\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var MetricDefinitionListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"MetricDefinitionListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MetricDefinitionListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"MetricDefinition\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Database\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPoolListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPoolListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPool\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var RecommendedElasticPoolListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"RecommendedElasticPoolListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RecommendedElasticPoolListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RecommendedElasticPool\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var RecommendedElasticPoolListMetricsResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"RecommendedElasticPoolListMetricsResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RecommendedElasticPoolListMetricsResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RecommendedElasticPoolMetric\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ReplicationLinkListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ReplicationLinkListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ReplicationLinkListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ReplicationLink\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerAdministratorListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerAdministratorListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerAdministratorListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerAzureADAdministrator\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerCommunicationLinkListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerCommunicationLinkListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerCommunicationLinkListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerCommunicationLink\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServiceObjectiveListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServiceObjectiveListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServiceObjectiveListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServiceObjective\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPoolActivityListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPoolActivityListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolActivityListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolActivity\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPoolDatabaseActivityListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPoolDatabaseActivityListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolDatabaseActivityListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServiceTierAdvisorListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServiceTierAdvisorListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServiceTierAdvisorListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServiceTierAdvisor\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var TransparentDataEncryptionActivityListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"TransparentDataEncryptionActivityListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"TransparentDataEncryptionActivityListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"TransparentDataEncryptionActivity\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerUsageListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerUsageListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerUsageListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerUsage\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseUsageListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseUsageListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseUsageListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseUsage\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var EncryptionProtectorListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"EncryptionProtectorListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"EncryptionProtectorListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"EncryptionProtector\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var FailoverGroupListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"FailoverGroupListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FailoverGroupListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"FailoverGroup\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedInstanceListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedInstanceListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstance\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var OperationListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"OperationListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"OperationListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Operation\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerKeyListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerKeyListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerKeyListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerKey\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncAgentListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncAgentListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncAgentListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncAgent\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncAgentLinkedDatabaseListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncAgentLinkedDatabase\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncDatabaseIdListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncDatabaseIdListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncDatabaseIdListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncDatabaseIdProperties\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncFullSchemaPropertiesListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncFullSchemaProperties\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncGroupLogListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncGroupLogListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroupLogListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroupLogProperties\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncGroupListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncGroupListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroupListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncGroup\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SyncMemberListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"SyncMemberListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncMemberListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SyncMember\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var SubscriptionUsageListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"SubscriptionUsageListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SubscriptionUsageListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"SubscriptionUsage\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var VirtualNetworkRuleListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"VirtualNetworkRuleListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"VirtualNetworkRuleListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"VirtualNetworkRule\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobAgentListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobAgentListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobAgentListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobAgent\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobCredentialListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobCredentialListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobCredentialListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobCredential\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobExecutionListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobExecutionListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobExecutionListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobExecution\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"Job\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobStepListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobStepListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobStepListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobStep\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobTargetGroupListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobTargetGroupListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobTargetGroupListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobTargetGroup\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var JobVersionListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"JobVersionListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobVersionListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"JobVersion\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var LongTermRetentionBackupListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"LongTermRetentionBackupListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"LongTermRetentionBackupListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"LongTermRetentionBackup\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedDatabaseListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedDatabaseListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedDatabaseListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedDatabase\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ServerDnsAliasListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ServerDnsAliasListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerDnsAliasListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ServerDnsAlias\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var RestorePointListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"RestorePointListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RestorePointListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"RestorePoint\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var DatabaseOperationListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"DatabaseOperationListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseOperationListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"DatabaseOperation\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ElasticPoolOperationListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ElasticPoolOperationListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolOperationListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ElasticPoolOperation\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var InstanceFailoverGroupListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"InstanceFailoverGroupListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"InstanceFailoverGroupListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"InstanceFailoverGroup\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedInstanceKeyListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedInstanceKeyListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceKeyListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceKey\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult = {\r\n serializedName: \"ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorListResult\",\r\n modelProperties: {\r\n value: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Sequence\",\r\n element: {\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Composite\",\r\n className: \"ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n nextLink: {\r\n readOnly: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=mappers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nexport { RecoverableDatabase, ProxyResource, Resource, BaseResource, CloudError, RecoverableDatabaseListResult, RestorableDroppedDatabase, TrackedResource, ServerConnectionPolicy, DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, DataMaskingPolicy, DataMaskingRule, FirewallRule, GeoBackupPolicy, ImportExportResponse, RecommendedElasticPool, RecommendedElasticPoolMetric, ReplicationLink, ServerAzureADAdministrator, ServerCommunicationLink, ServiceObjective, ElasticPoolActivity, ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity, RecommendedIndex, OperationImpact, TransparentDataEncryption, ServiceTierAdvisor, SloUsageMetric, TransparentDataEncryptionActivity, DatabaseAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningOptions, EncryptionProtector, FailoverGroup, FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerInfo, ManagedInstance, ResourceIdentity, Sku, ServerKey, Server, SyncAgent, SyncAgentLinkedDatabase, SyncGroup, SyncGroupSchema, SyncGroupSchemaTable, SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn, SyncMember, SubscriptionUsage, VirtualNetworkRule, ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy, ServerBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties, JobAgent, JobCredential, JobExecution, JobExecutionTarget, Job, JobSchedule, JobStep, JobStepAction, JobStepOutput, JobStepExecutionOptions, JobTargetGroup, JobTarget, JobVersion, LongTermRetentionBackup, BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, ManagedDatabase, ServerAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningServerOptions, ServerDnsAlias, ServerSecurityAlertPolicy, RestorePoint, DatabaseOperation, ElasticPoolOperation, Database, ElasticPool, ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport, InstanceFailoverGroup, InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerRegionInfo, ManagedInstancePairInfo, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, TdeCertificate, ManagedInstanceKey, ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector } from \"../models/mappers\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=recoverableDatabasesMappers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nexport var acceptLanguage = {\r\n parameterPath: \"acceptLanguage\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"accept-language\",\r\n defaultValue: 'en-US',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var administratorName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"administratorName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"administratorName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'activeDirectory',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var apiVersion0 = {\r\n parameterPath: \"apiVersion\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"api-version\",\r\n defaultValue: '2014-04-01',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var apiVersion1 = {\r\n parameterPath: \"apiVersion\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"api-version\",\r\n defaultValue: '2015-05-01-preview',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var apiVersion2 = {\r\n parameterPath: \"apiVersion\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"api-version\",\r\n defaultValue: '2017-10-01-preview',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var apiVersion3 = {\r\n parameterPath: \"apiVersion\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"api-version\",\r\n defaultValue: '2017-03-01-preview',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var backupName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"backupName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"backupName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var baselineName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"baselineName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"baselineName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Enum\",\r\n allowedValues: [\r\n \"master\",\r\n \"default\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var blobAuditingPolicyName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"blobAuditingPolicyName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"blobAuditingPolicyName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'default',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var communicationLinkName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"communicationLinkName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"communicationLinkName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var connectionPolicyName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"connectionPolicyName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"connectionPolicyName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'default',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var continuationToken = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"continuationToken\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"continuationToken\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var createTimeMax = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"createTimeMax\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"createTimeMax\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var createTimeMin = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"createTimeMin\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"createTimeMin\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var credentialName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"credentialName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"credentialName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var databaseName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"databaseName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"databaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var databaseState = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"databaseState\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"databaseState\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var dataMaskingPolicyName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"dataMaskingPolicyName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"dataMaskingPolicyName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'Default',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var dataMaskingRuleName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"dataMaskingRuleName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"dataMaskingRuleName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var dnsAliasName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"dnsAliasName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"dnsAliasName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var elasticPoolName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"elasticPoolName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"elasticPoolName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var encryptionProtectorName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"encryptionProtectorName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"encryptionProtectorName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'current',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var endTime = {\r\n parameterPath: \"endTime\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"endTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var endTimeMax = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"endTimeMax\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"endTimeMax\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var endTimeMin = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"endTimeMin\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"endTimeMin\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"DateTime\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var extensionName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"extensionName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"extensionName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'import',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var failoverGroupName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"failoverGroupName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"failoverGroupName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var filter0 = {\r\n parameterPath: \"filter\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"$filter\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var filter1 = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"filter\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"$filter\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var firewallRuleName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"firewallRuleName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"firewallRuleName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var geoBackupPolicyName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"geoBackupPolicyName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"geoBackupPolicyName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'Default',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var include = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"include\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"include\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var isActive = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"isActive\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"isActive\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var jobAgentName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"jobAgentName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"jobAgentName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var jobExecutionId = {\r\n parameterPath: \"jobExecutionId\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"jobExecutionId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var jobName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"jobName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"jobName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var jobVersion = {\r\n parameterPath: \"jobVersion\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"jobVersion\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var keyName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"keyName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"keyName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var linkId = {\r\n parameterPath: \"linkId\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"linkId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var locationName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"locationName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"locationName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var longTermRetentionDatabaseName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"longTermRetentionDatabaseName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"longTermRetentionDatabaseName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var longTermRetentionServerName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"longTermRetentionServerName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"longTermRetentionServerName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var managedInstanceName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"managedInstanceName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"managedInstanceName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var nextPageLink = {\r\n parameterPath: \"nextPageLink\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"nextLink\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n skipEncoding: true\r\n};\r\nexport var onlyLatestPerDatabase = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"onlyLatestPerDatabase\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"onlyLatestPerDatabase\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Boolean\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var operationId = {\r\n parameterPath: \"operationId\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"operationId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var policyName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"policyName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"policyName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'default',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var recommendedElasticPoolName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"recommendedElasticPoolName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"recommendedElasticPoolName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var resourceGroupName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"resourceGroupName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"resourceGroupName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var restorableDroppededDatabaseId = {\r\n parameterPath: \"restorableDroppededDatabaseId\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"restorableDroppededDatabaseId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var restorePointName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"restorePointName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"restorePointName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var ruleId = {\r\n parameterPath: \"ruleId\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"ruleId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var scanId = {\r\n parameterPath: \"scanId\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"scanId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var securityAlertPolicyName0 = {\r\n parameterPath: \"securityAlertPolicyName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"securityAlertPolicyName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'default',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var securityAlertPolicyName1 = {\r\n parameterPath: \"securityAlertPolicyName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"securityAlertPolicyName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'Default',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var serverName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"serverName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"serverName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var serviceObjectiveName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"serviceObjectiveName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"serviceObjectiveName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var serviceTierAdvisorName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"serviceTierAdvisorName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"serviceTierAdvisorName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var skip = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"skip\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"$skip\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var startTime = {\r\n parameterPath: \"startTime\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"startTime\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var stepName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"stepName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"stepName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var subscriptionId = {\r\n parameterPath: \"subscriptionId\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"subscriptionId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var syncAgentName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"syncAgentName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"syncAgentName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var syncGroupName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"syncGroupName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"syncGroupName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var syncMemberName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"syncMemberName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"syncMemberName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var targetGroupName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"targetGroupName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"targetGroupName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var targetId = {\r\n parameterPath: \"targetId\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"targetId\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Uuid\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var top = {\r\n parameterPath: [\r\n \"options\",\r\n \"top\"\r\n ],\r\n mapper: {\r\n serializedName: \"$top\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"Number\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var transparentDataEncryptionName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"transparentDataEncryptionName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"transparentDataEncryptionName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'current',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var type = {\r\n parameterPath: \"type\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"type\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var usageName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"usageName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"usageName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var virtualNetworkRuleName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"virtualNetworkRuleName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n serializedName: \"virtualNetworkRuleName\",\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\nexport var vulnerabilityAssessmentName = {\r\n parameterPath: \"vulnerabilityAssessmentName\",\r\n mapper: {\r\n required: true,\r\n isConstant: true,\r\n serializedName: \"vulnerabilityAssessmentName\",\r\n defaultValue: 'default',\r\n type: {\r\n name: \"String\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=parameters.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nimport * as msRest from \"ms-rest-js\";\r\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/recoverableDatabasesMappers\";\r\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\r\n/** Class representing a RecoverableDatabases. */\r\nvar RecoverableDatabases = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Create a RecoverableDatabases.\r\n * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.\r\n */\r\n function RecoverableDatabases(client) {\r\n this.client = client;\r\n }\r\n RecoverableDatabases.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n databaseName: databaseName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, getOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n RecoverableDatabases.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, listByServerOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n return RecoverableDatabases;\r\n}());\r\nexport { RecoverableDatabases };\r\n// Operation Specifications\r\nvar serializer = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers);\r\nvar getOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/recoverableDatabases/{databaseName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.databaseName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.RecoverableDatabase\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar listByServerOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/recoverableDatabases\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.RecoverableDatabaseListResult\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=recoverableDatabases.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nexport { RestorableDroppedDatabase, ProxyResource, Resource, BaseResource, CloudError, RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult, RecoverableDatabase, TrackedResource, ServerConnectionPolicy, DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, DataMaskingPolicy, DataMaskingRule, FirewallRule, GeoBackupPolicy, ImportExportResponse, RecommendedElasticPool, RecommendedElasticPoolMetric, ReplicationLink, ServerAzureADAdministrator, ServerCommunicationLink, ServiceObjective, ElasticPoolActivity, ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity, RecommendedIndex, OperationImpact, TransparentDataEncryption, ServiceTierAdvisor, SloUsageMetric, TransparentDataEncryptionActivity, DatabaseAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningOptions, EncryptionProtector, FailoverGroup, FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerInfo, ManagedInstance, ResourceIdentity, Sku, ServerKey, Server, SyncAgent, SyncAgentLinkedDatabase, SyncGroup, SyncGroupSchema, SyncGroupSchemaTable, SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn, SyncMember, SubscriptionUsage, VirtualNetworkRule, ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy, ServerBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties, JobAgent, JobCredential, JobExecution, JobExecutionTarget, Job, JobSchedule, JobStep, JobStepAction, JobStepOutput, JobStepExecutionOptions, JobTargetGroup, JobTarget, JobVersion, LongTermRetentionBackup, BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, ManagedDatabase, ServerAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningServerOptions, ServerDnsAlias, ServerSecurityAlertPolicy, RestorePoint, DatabaseOperation, ElasticPoolOperation, Database, ElasticPool, ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport, InstanceFailoverGroup, InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerRegionInfo, ManagedInstancePairInfo, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, TdeCertificate, ManagedInstanceKey, ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector } from \"../models/mappers\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=restorableDroppedDatabasesMappers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nimport * as msRest from \"ms-rest-js\";\r\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/restorableDroppedDatabasesMappers\";\r\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\r\n/** Class representing a RestorableDroppedDatabases. */\r\nvar RestorableDroppedDatabases = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Create a RestorableDroppedDatabases.\r\n * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.\r\n */\r\n function RestorableDroppedDatabases(client) {\r\n this.client = client;\r\n }\r\n RestorableDroppedDatabases.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, restorableDroppededDatabaseId, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n restorableDroppededDatabaseId: restorableDroppededDatabaseId,\r\n options: options\r\n }, getOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n RestorableDroppedDatabases.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, listByServerOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n return RestorableDroppedDatabases;\r\n}());\r\nexport { RestorableDroppedDatabases };\r\n// Operation Specifications\r\nvar serializer = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers);\r\nvar getOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/restorableDroppedDatabases/{restorableDroppededDatabaseId}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.restorableDroppededDatabaseId\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.RestorableDroppedDatabase\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar listByServerOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/restorableDroppedDatabases\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=restorableDroppedDatabases.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nexport { CheckNameAvailabilityRequest, CheckNameAvailabilityResponse, CloudError, ServerListResult, Server, TrackedResource, Resource, BaseResource, ResourceIdentity, ServerUpdate, ProxyResource, ServerConnectionPolicy, DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, DataMaskingPolicy, DataMaskingRule, FirewallRule, GeoBackupPolicy, ImportExportResponse, RecommendedElasticPool, RecommendedElasticPoolMetric, ReplicationLink, ServerAzureADAdministrator, ServerCommunicationLink, ServiceObjective, ElasticPoolActivity, ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity, RecommendedIndex, OperationImpact, TransparentDataEncryption, ServiceTierAdvisor, SloUsageMetric, TransparentDataEncryptionActivity, DatabaseAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningOptions, EncryptionProtector, FailoverGroup, FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerInfo, ManagedInstance, Sku, ServerKey, SyncAgent, SyncAgentLinkedDatabase, SyncGroup, SyncGroupSchema, SyncGroupSchemaTable, SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn, SyncMember, SubscriptionUsage, VirtualNetworkRule, ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy, ServerBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties, JobAgent, JobCredential, JobExecution, JobExecutionTarget, Job, JobSchedule, JobStep, JobStepAction, JobStepOutput, JobStepExecutionOptions, JobTargetGroup, JobTarget, JobVersion, LongTermRetentionBackup, BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, ManagedDatabase, ServerAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningServerOptions, ServerDnsAlias, ServerSecurityAlertPolicy, RestorePoint, DatabaseOperation, ElasticPoolOperation, Database, ElasticPool, ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport, InstanceFailoverGroup, InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerRegionInfo, ManagedInstancePairInfo, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, TdeCertificate, ManagedInstanceKey, ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector, RecoverableDatabase, RestorableDroppedDatabase } from \"../models/mappers\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=serversMappers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\r\nimport * as msRest from \"ms-rest-js\";\r\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/serversMappers\";\r\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\r\n/** Class representing a Servers. */\r\nvar Servers = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Create a Servers.\r\n * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.\r\n */\r\n function Servers(client) {\r\n this.client = client;\r\n }\r\n Servers.prototype.checkNameAvailability = function (parameters, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n parameters: parameters,\r\n options: options\r\n }, checkNameAvailabilityOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n Servers.prototype.list = function (options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n options: options\r\n }, listOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n Servers.prototype.listByResourceGroup = function (resourceGroupName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, listByResourceGroupOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n Servers.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, getOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Creates or updates a server.\r\n * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can\r\n * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.\r\n * @param serverName The name of the server.\r\n * @param parameters The requested server resource state.\r\n * @param [options] The optional parameters\r\n * @returns Promise\r\n */\r\n Servers.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, parameters, options) {\r\n return this.beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, serverName, parameters, options)\r\n .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Deletes a server.\r\n * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can\r\n * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.\r\n * @param serverName The name of the server.\r\n * @param [options] The optional parameters\r\n * @returns Promise\r\n */\r\n Servers.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, options) {\r\n return this.beginDeleteMethod(resourceGroupName, serverName, options)\r\n .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Updates a server.\r\n * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can\r\n * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.\r\n * @param serverName The name of the server.\r\n * @param parameters The requested server resource state.\r\n * @param [options] The optional parameters\r\n * @returns Promise\r\n */\r\n Servers.prototype.update = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, parameters, options) {\r\n return this.beginUpdate(resourceGroupName, serverName, parameters, options)\r\n .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Creates or updates a server.\r\n * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can\r\n * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.\r\n * @param serverName The name of the server.\r\n * @param parameters The requested server resource state.\r\n * @param [options] The optional parameters\r\n * @returns Promise\r\n */\r\n Servers.prototype.beginCreateOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, parameters, options) {\r\n return this.client.sendLRORequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n parameters: parameters,\r\n options: options\r\n }, beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec, options);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Deletes a server.\r\n * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can\r\n * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.\r\n * @param serverName The name of the server.\r\n * @param [options] The optional parameters\r\n * @returns Promise\r\n */\r\n Servers.prototype.beginDeleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, options) {\r\n return this.client.sendLRORequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec, options);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Updates a server.\r\n * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can\r\n * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.\r\n * @param serverName The name of the server.\r\n * @param parameters The requested server resource state.\r\n * @param [options] The optional parameters\r\n * @returns Promise\r\n */\r\n Servers.prototype.beginUpdate = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, parameters, options) {\r\n return this.client.sendLRORequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n parameters: parameters,\r\n options: options\r\n }, beginUpdateOperationSpec, options);\r\n };\r\n Servers.prototype.listNext = function (nextPageLink, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n nextPageLink: nextPageLink,\r\n options: options\r\n }, listNextOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n Servers.prototype.listByResourceGroupNext = function (nextPageLink, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n nextPageLink: nextPageLink,\r\n options: options\r\n }, listByResourceGroupNextOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n return Servers;\r\n}());\r\nexport { Servers };\r\n// Operation Specifications\r\nvar serializer = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers);\r\nvar checkNameAvailabilityOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"POST\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/checkNameAvailability\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n requestBody: {\r\n parameterPath: \"parameters\",\r\n mapper: tslib_1.__assign({}, Mappers.CheckNameAvailabilityRequest, { required: true })\r\n },\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CheckNameAvailabilityResponse\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar listOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion1\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.ServerListResult\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar listByResourceGroupOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion1\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.ServerListResult\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar getOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion1\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.Server\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar beginCreateOrUpdateOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion1\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n requestBody: {\r\n parameterPath: \"parameters\",\r\n mapper: tslib_1.__assign({}, Mappers.Server, { required: true })\r\n },\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.Server\r\n },\r\n 201: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.Server\r\n },\r\n 202: {},\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar beginDeleteMethodOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"DELETE\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion1\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {},\r\n 202: {},\r\n 204: {},\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar beginUpdateOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"PATCH\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion1\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n requestBody: {\r\n parameterPath: \"parameters\",\r\n mapper: tslib_1.__assign({}, Mappers.ServerUpdate, { required: true })\r\n },\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.Server\r\n },\r\n 202: {},\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar listNextOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n baseUrl: \"https://management.azure.com\",\r\n path: \"{nextLink}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.nextPageLink\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.ServerListResult\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar listByResourceGroupNextOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n baseUrl: \"https://management.azure.com\",\r\n path: \"{nextLink}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.nextPageLink\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.ServerListResult\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=servers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nexport { ServerConnectionPolicy, ProxyResource, Resource, BaseResource, CloudError, RecoverableDatabase, RestorableDroppedDatabase, TrackedResource, DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, DataMaskingPolicy, DataMaskingRule, FirewallRule, GeoBackupPolicy, ImportExportResponse, RecommendedElasticPool, RecommendedElasticPoolMetric, ReplicationLink, ServerAzureADAdministrator, ServerCommunicationLink, ServiceObjective, ElasticPoolActivity, ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity, RecommendedIndex, OperationImpact, TransparentDataEncryption, ServiceTierAdvisor, SloUsageMetric, TransparentDataEncryptionActivity, DatabaseAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningOptions, EncryptionProtector, FailoverGroup, FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerInfo, ManagedInstance, ResourceIdentity, Sku, ServerKey, Server, SyncAgent, SyncAgentLinkedDatabase, SyncGroup, SyncGroupSchema, SyncGroupSchemaTable, SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn, SyncMember, SubscriptionUsage, VirtualNetworkRule, ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy, ServerBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties, JobAgent, JobCredential, JobExecution, JobExecutionTarget, Job, JobSchedule, JobStep, JobStepAction, JobStepOutput, JobStepExecutionOptions, JobTargetGroup, JobTarget, JobVersion, LongTermRetentionBackup, BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, ManagedDatabase, ServerAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningServerOptions, ServerDnsAlias, ServerSecurityAlertPolicy, RestorePoint, DatabaseOperation, ElasticPoolOperation, Database, ElasticPool, ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport, InstanceFailoverGroup, InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerRegionInfo, ManagedInstancePairInfo, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, TdeCertificate, ManagedInstanceKey, ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector } from \"../models/mappers\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=serverConnectionPoliciesMappers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\r\nimport * as msRest from \"ms-rest-js\";\r\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/serverConnectionPoliciesMappers\";\r\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\r\n/** Class representing a ServerConnectionPolicies. */\r\nvar ServerConnectionPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Create a ServerConnectionPolicies.\r\n * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.\r\n */\r\n function ServerConnectionPolicies(client) {\r\n this.client = client;\r\n }\r\n ServerConnectionPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, parameters, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n parameters: parameters,\r\n options: options\r\n }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n ServerConnectionPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, getOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n return ServerConnectionPolicies;\r\n}());\r\nexport { ServerConnectionPolicies };\r\n// Operation Specifications\r\nvar serializer = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers);\r\nvar createOrUpdateOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/connectionPolicies/{connectionPolicyName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.connectionPolicyName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n requestBody: {\r\n parameterPath: \"parameters\",\r\n mapper: tslib_1.__assign({}, Mappers.ServerConnectionPolicy, { required: true })\r\n },\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.ServerConnectionPolicy\r\n },\r\n 201: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.ServerConnectionPolicy\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar getOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/connectionPolicies/{connectionPolicyName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.connectionPolicyName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.ServerConnectionPolicy\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=serverConnectionPolicies.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nexport { DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, ProxyResource, Resource, BaseResource, CloudError, RecoverableDatabase, RestorableDroppedDatabase, TrackedResource, ServerConnectionPolicy, DataMaskingPolicy, DataMaskingRule, FirewallRule, GeoBackupPolicy, ImportExportResponse, RecommendedElasticPool, RecommendedElasticPoolMetric, ReplicationLink, ServerAzureADAdministrator, ServerCommunicationLink, ServiceObjective, ElasticPoolActivity, ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity, RecommendedIndex, OperationImpact, TransparentDataEncryption, ServiceTierAdvisor, SloUsageMetric, TransparentDataEncryptionActivity, DatabaseAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningOptions, EncryptionProtector, FailoverGroup, FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerInfo, ManagedInstance, ResourceIdentity, Sku, ServerKey, Server, SyncAgent, SyncAgentLinkedDatabase, SyncGroup, SyncGroupSchema, SyncGroupSchemaTable, SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn, SyncMember, SubscriptionUsage, VirtualNetworkRule, ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy, ServerBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties, JobAgent, JobCredential, JobExecution, JobExecutionTarget, Job, JobSchedule, JobStep, JobStepAction, JobStepOutput, JobStepExecutionOptions, JobTargetGroup, JobTarget, JobVersion, LongTermRetentionBackup, BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, ManagedDatabase, ServerAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningServerOptions, ServerDnsAlias, ServerSecurityAlertPolicy, RestorePoint, DatabaseOperation, ElasticPoolOperation, Database, ElasticPool, ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport, InstanceFailoverGroup, InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerRegionInfo, ManagedInstancePairInfo, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, TdeCertificate, ManagedInstanceKey, ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector } from \"../models/mappers\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=databaseThreatDetectionPoliciesMappers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\r\nimport * as msRest from \"ms-rest-js\";\r\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/databaseThreatDetectionPoliciesMappers\";\r\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\r\n/** Class representing a DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies. */\r\nvar DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Create a DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies.\r\n * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.\r\n */\r\n function DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies(client) {\r\n this.client = client;\r\n }\r\n DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n databaseName: databaseName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, getOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, parameters, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n databaseName: databaseName,\r\n parameters: parameters,\r\n options: options\r\n }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n return DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies;\r\n}());\r\nexport { DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicies };\r\n// Operation Specifications\r\nvar serializer = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers);\r\nvar getOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/securityAlertPolicies/{securityAlertPolicyName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.databaseName,\r\n Parameters.securityAlertPolicyName0\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar createOrUpdateOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/securityAlertPolicies/{securityAlertPolicyName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.databaseName,\r\n Parameters.securityAlertPolicyName0\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n requestBody: {\r\n parameterPath: \"parameters\",\r\n mapper: tslib_1.__assign({}, Mappers.DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, { required: true })\r\n },\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy\r\n },\r\n 201: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=databaseThreatDetectionPolicies.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nexport { DataMaskingPolicy, ProxyResource, Resource, BaseResource, CloudError, RecoverableDatabase, RestorableDroppedDatabase, TrackedResource, ServerConnectionPolicy, DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, DataMaskingRule, FirewallRule, GeoBackupPolicy, ImportExportResponse, RecommendedElasticPool, RecommendedElasticPoolMetric, ReplicationLink, ServerAzureADAdministrator, ServerCommunicationLink, ServiceObjective, ElasticPoolActivity, ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity, RecommendedIndex, OperationImpact, TransparentDataEncryption, ServiceTierAdvisor, SloUsageMetric, TransparentDataEncryptionActivity, DatabaseAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningOptions, EncryptionProtector, FailoverGroup, FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerInfo, ManagedInstance, ResourceIdentity, Sku, ServerKey, Server, SyncAgent, SyncAgentLinkedDatabase, SyncGroup, SyncGroupSchema, SyncGroupSchemaTable, SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn, SyncMember, SubscriptionUsage, VirtualNetworkRule, ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy, ServerBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties, JobAgent, JobCredential, JobExecution, JobExecutionTarget, Job, JobSchedule, JobStep, JobStepAction, JobStepOutput, JobStepExecutionOptions, JobTargetGroup, JobTarget, JobVersion, LongTermRetentionBackup, BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, ManagedDatabase, ServerAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningServerOptions, ServerDnsAlias, ServerSecurityAlertPolicy, RestorePoint, DatabaseOperation, ElasticPoolOperation, Database, ElasticPool, ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport, InstanceFailoverGroup, InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerRegionInfo, ManagedInstancePairInfo, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, TdeCertificate, ManagedInstanceKey, ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector } from \"../models/mappers\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=dataMaskingPoliciesMappers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\r\nimport * as msRest from \"ms-rest-js\";\r\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/dataMaskingPoliciesMappers\";\r\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\r\n/** Class representing a DataMaskingPolicies. */\r\nvar DataMaskingPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Create a DataMaskingPolicies.\r\n * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.\r\n */\r\n function DataMaskingPolicies(client) {\r\n this.client = client;\r\n }\r\n DataMaskingPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, parameters, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n databaseName: databaseName,\r\n parameters: parameters,\r\n options: options\r\n }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n DataMaskingPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n databaseName: databaseName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, getOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n return DataMaskingPolicies;\r\n}());\r\nexport { DataMaskingPolicies };\r\n// Operation Specifications\r\nvar serializer = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers);\r\nvar createOrUpdateOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/dataMaskingPolicies/{dataMaskingPolicyName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.databaseName,\r\n Parameters.dataMaskingPolicyName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n requestBody: {\r\n parameterPath: \"parameters\",\r\n mapper: tslib_1.__assign({}, Mappers.DataMaskingPolicy, { required: true })\r\n },\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.DataMaskingPolicy\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar getOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/dataMaskingPolicies/{dataMaskingPolicyName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.databaseName,\r\n Parameters.dataMaskingPolicyName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.DataMaskingPolicy\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=dataMaskingPolicies.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nexport { DataMaskingRule, ProxyResource, Resource, BaseResource, CloudError, DataMaskingRuleListResult, RecoverableDatabase, RestorableDroppedDatabase, TrackedResource, ServerConnectionPolicy, DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, DataMaskingPolicy, FirewallRule, GeoBackupPolicy, ImportExportResponse, RecommendedElasticPool, RecommendedElasticPoolMetric, ReplicationLink, ServerAzureADAdministrator, ServerCommunicationLink, ServiceObjective, ElasticPoolActivity, ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity, RecommendedIndex, OperationImpact, TransparentDataEncryption, ServiceTierAdvisor, SloUsageMetric, TransparentDataEncryptionActivity, DatabaseAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningOptions, EncryptionProtector, FailoverGroup, FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerInfo, ManagedInstance, ResourceIdentity, Sku, ServerKey, Server, SyncAgent, SyncAgentLinkedDatabase, SyncGroup, SyncGroupSchema, SyncGroupSchemaTable, SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn, SyncMember, SubscriptionUsage, VirtualNetworkRule, ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy, ServerBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties, JobAgent, JobCredential, JobExecution, JobExecutionTarget, Job, JobSchedule, JobStep, JobStepAction, JobStepOutput, JobStepExecutionOptions, JobTargetGroup, JobTarget, JobVersion, LongTermRetentionBackup, BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, ManagedDatabase, ServerAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningServerOptions, ServerDnsAlias, ServerSecurityAlertPolicy, RestorePoint, DatabaseOperation, ElasticPoolOperation, Database, ElasticPool, ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport, InstanceFailoverGroup, InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerRegionInfo, ManagedInstancePairInfo, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, TdeCertificate, ManagedInstanceKey, ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector } from \"../models/mappers\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=dataMaskingRulesMappers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\r\nimport * as msRest from \"ms-rest-js\";\r\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/dataMaskingRulesMappers\";\r\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\r\n/** Class representing a DataMaskingRules. */\r\nvar DataMaskingRules = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Create a DataMaskingRules.\r\n * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.\r\n */\r\n function DataMaskingRules(client) {\r\n this.client = client;\r\n }\r\n DataMaskingRules.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, dataMaskingRuleName, parameters, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n databaseName: databaseName,\r\n dataMaskingRuleName: dataMaskingRuleName,\r\n parameters: parameters,\r\n options: options\r\n }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n DataMaskingRules.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n databaseName: databaseName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n return DataMaskingRules;\r\n}());\r\nexport { DataMaskingRules };\r\n// Operation Specifications\r\nvar serializer = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers);\r\nvar createOrUpdateOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/dataMaskingPolicies/{dataMaskingPolicyName}/rules/{dataMaskingRuleName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.databaseName,\r\n Parameters.dataMaskingPolicyName,\r\n Parameters.dataMaskingRuleName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n requestBody: {\r\n parameterPath: \"parameters\",\r\n mapper: tslib_1.__assign({}, Mappers.DataMaskingRule, { required: true })\r\n },\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.DataMaskingRule\r\n },\r\n 201: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.DataMaskingRule\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar listByDatabaseOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/dataMaskingPolicies/{dataMaskingPolicyName}/rules\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.databaseName,\r\n Parameters.dataMaskingPolicyName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.DataMaskingRuleListResult\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=dataMaskingRules.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nexport { FirewallRule, ProxyResource, Resource, BaseResource, CloudError, FirewallRuleListResult, RecoverableDatabase, RestorableDroppedDatabase, TrackedResource, ServerConnectionPolicy, DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, DataMaskingPolicy, DataMaskingRule, GeoBackupPolicy, ImportExportResponse, RecommendedElasticPool, RecommendedElasticPoolMetric, ReplicationLink, ServerAzureADAdministrator, ServerCommunicationLink, ServiceObjective, ElasticPoolActivity, ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity, RecommendedIndex, OperationImpact, TransparentDataEncryption, ServiceTierAdvisor, SloUsageMetric, TransparentDataEncryptionActivity, DatabaseAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningOptions, EncryptionProtector, FailoverGroup, FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerInfo, ManagedInstance, ResourceIdentity, Sku, ServerKey, Server, SyncAgent, SyncAgentLinkedDatabase, SyncGroup, SyncGroupSchema, SyncGroupSchemaTable, SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn, SyncMember, SubscriptionUsage, VirtualNetworkRule, ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy, ServerBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties, JobAgent, JobCredential, JobExecution, JobExecutionTarget, Job, JobSchedule, JobStep, JobStepAction, JobStepOutput, JobStepExecutionOptions, JobTargetGroup, JobTarget, JobVersion, LongTermRetentionBackup, BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, ManagedDatabase, ServerAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningServerOptions, ServerDnsAlias, ServerSecurityAlertPolicy, RestorePoint, DatabaseOperation, ElasticPoolOperation, Database, ElasticPool, ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport, InstanceFailoverGroup, InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerRegionInfo, ManagedInstancePairInfo, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, TdeCertificate, ManagedInstanceKey, ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector } from \"../models/mappers\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=firewallRulesMappers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\r\nimport * as msRest from \"ms-rest-js\";\r\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/firewallRulesMappers\";\r\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\r\n/** Class representing a FirewallRules. */\r\nvar FirewallRules = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Create a FirewallRules.\r\n * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.\r\n */\r\n function FirewallRules(client) {\r\n this.client = client;\r\n }\r\n FirewallRules.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, firewallRuleName, parameters, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n firewallRuleName: firewallRuleName,\r\n parameters: parameters,\r\n options: options\r\n }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n FirewallRules.prototype.deleteMethod = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, firewallRuleName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n firewallRuleName: firewallRuleName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, deleteMethodOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n FirewallRules.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, firewallRuleName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n firewallRuleName: firewallRuleName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, getOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n FirewallRules.prototype.listByServer = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, listByServerOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n return FirewallRules;\r\n}());\r\nexport { FirewallRules };\r\n// Operation Specifications\r\nvar serializer = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers);\r\nvar createOrUpdateOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules/{firewallRuleName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.firewallRuleName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n requestBody: {\r\n parameterPath: \"parameters\",\r\n mapper: tslib_1.__assign({}, Mappers.FirewallRule, { required: true })\r\n },\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.FirewallRule\r\n },\r\n 201: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.FirewallRule\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar deleteMethodOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"DELETE\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules/{firewallRuleName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.firewallRuleName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {},\r\n 204: {},\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar getOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules/{firewallRuleName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.firewallRuleName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.FirewallRule\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar listByServerOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.FirewallRuleListResult\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=firewallRules.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nexport { GeoBackupPolicy, ProxyResource, Resource, BaseResource, CloudError, GeoBackupPolicyListResult, RecoverableDatabase, RestorableDroppedDatabase, TrackedResource, ServerConnectionPolicy, DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, DataMaskingPolicy, DataMaskingRule, FirewallRule, ImportExportResponse, RecommendedElasticPool, RecommendedElasticPoolMetric, ReplicationLink, ServerAzureADAdministrator, ServerCommunicationLink, ServiceObjective, ElasticPoolActivity, ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity, RecommendedIndex, OperationImpact, TransparentDataEncryption, ServiceTierAdvisor, SloUsageMetric, TransparentDataEncryptionActivity, DatabaseAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningOptions, EncryptionProtector, FailoverGroup, FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerInfo, ManagedInstance, ResourceIdentity, Sku, ServerKey, Server, SyncAgent, SyncAgentLinkedDatabase, SyncGroup, SyncGroupSchema, SyncGroupSchemaTable, SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn, SyncMember, SubscriptionUsage, VirtualNetworkRule, ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy, ServerBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties, JobAgent, JobCredential, JobExecution, JobExecutionTarget, Job, JobSchedule, JobStep, JobStepAction, JobStepOutput, JobStepExecutionOptions, JobTargetGroup, JobTarget, JobVersion, LongTermRetentionBackup, BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, ManagedDatabase, ServerAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningServerOptions, ServerDnsAlias, ServerSecurityAlertPolicy, RestorePoint, DatabaseOperation, ElasticPoolOperation, Database, ElasticPool, ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport, InstanceFailoverGroup, InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerRegionInfo, ManagedInstancePairInfo, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, TdeCertificate, ManagedInstanceKey, ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector } from \"../models/mappers\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=geoBackupPoliciesMappers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\r\nimport * as msRest from \"ms-rest-js\";\r\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/geoBackupPoliciesMappers\";\r\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\r\n/** Class representing a GeoBackupPolicies. */\r\nvar GeoBackupPolicies = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Create a GeoBackupPolicies.\r\n * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.\r\n */\r\n function GeoBackupPolicies(client) {\r\n this.client = client;\r\n }\r\n GeoBackupPolicies.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, parameters, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n databaseName: databaseName,\r\n parameters: parameters,\r\n options: options\r\n }, createOrUpdateOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n GeoBackupPolicies.prototype.get = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n databaseName: databaseName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, getOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n GeoBackupPolicies.prototype.listByDatabase = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, options, callback) {\r\n return this.client.sendOperationRequest({\r\n resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,\r\n serverName: serverName,\r\n databaseName: databaseName,\r\n options: options\r\n }, listByDatabaseOperationSpec, callback);\r\n };\r\n return GeoBackupPolicies;\r\n}());\r\nexport { GeoBackupPolicies };\r\n// Operation Specifications\r\nvar serializer = new msRest.Serializer(Mappers);\r\nvar createOrUpdateOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"PUT\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/geoBackupPolicies/{geoBackupPolicyName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.databaseName,\r\n Parameters.geoBackupPolicyName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n requestBody: {\r\n parameterPath: \"parameters\",\r\n mapper: tslib_1.__assign({}, Mappers.GeoBackupPolicy, { required: true })\r\n },\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.GeoBackupPolicy\r\n },\r\n 201: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.GeoBackupPolicy\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar getOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/geoBackupPolicies/{geoBackupPolicyName}\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.databaseName,\r\n Parameters.geoBackupPolicyName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.GeoBackupPolicy\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\nvar listByDatabaseOperationSpec = {\r\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\r\n path: \"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/geoBackupPolicies\",\r\n urlParameters: [\r\n Parameters.subscriptionId,\r\n Parameters.resourceGroupName,\r\n Parameters.serverName,\r\n Parameters.databaseName\r\n ],\r\n queryParameters: [\r\n Parameters.apiVersion0\r\n ],\r\n headerParameters: [\r\n Parameters.acceptLanguage\r\n ],\r\n responses: {\r\n 200: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.GeoBackupPolicyListResult\r\n },\r\n default: {\r\n bodyMapper: Mappers.CloudError\r\n }\r\n },\r\n serializer: serializer\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=geoBackupPolicies.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nexport { ImportRequest, ExportRequest, ImportExportResponse, ProxyResource, Resource, BaseResource, CloudError, ImportExtensionRequest, MetricListResult, Metric, MetricName, MetricValue, MetricDefinitionListResult, MetricDefinition, MetricAvailability, DatabaseListResult, Database, TrackedResource, Sku, DatabaseUpdate, ResourceMoveDefinition, RecoverableDatabase, RestorableDroppedDatabase, ServerConnectionPolicy, DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy, DataMaskingPolicy, DataMaskingRule, FirewallRule, GeoBackupPolicy, RecommendedElasticPool, RecommendedElasticPoolMetric, ReplicationLink, ServerAzureADAdministrator, ServerCommunicationLink, ServiceObjective, ElasticPoolActivity, ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity, RecommendedIndex, OperationImpact, TransparentDataEncryption, ServiceTierAdvisor, SloUsageMetric, TransparentDataEncryptionActivity, DatabaseAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningOptions, EncryptionProtector, FailoverGroup, FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerInfo, ManagedInstance, ResourceIdentity, ServerKey, Server, SyncAgent, SyncAgentLinkedDatabase, SyncGroup, SyncGroupSchema, SyncGroupSchemaTable, SyncGroupSchemaTableColumn, SyncMember, SubscriptionUsage, VirtualNetworkRule, ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy, ServerBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment, VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties, JobAgent, JobCredential, JobExecution, JobExecutionTarget, Job, JobSchedule, JobStep, JobStepAction, JobStepOutput, JobStepExecutionOptions, JobTargetGroup, JobTarget, JobVersion, LongTermRetentionBackup, BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, ManagedDatabase, ServerAutomaticTuning, AutomaticTuningServerOptions, ServerDnsAlias, ServerSecurityAlertPolicy, RestorePoint, DatabaseOperation, ElasticPoolOperation, ElasticPool, ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecord, VulnerabilityAssessmentScanError, DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansExport, InstanceFailoverGroup, InstanceFailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint, InstanceFailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint, PartnerRegionInfo, ManagedInstancePairInfo, BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, TdeCertificate, ManagedInstanceKey, ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector } from \"../models/mappers\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=databasesMappers.js.map","/*\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for\r\n * license information.\r\n *\r\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\r\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is\r\n * regenerated.\r\n */\r\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\r\nimport * as msRest from \"ms-rest-js\";\r\nimport * as Mappers from \"../models/databasesMappers\";\r\nimport * as Parameters from \"../models/parameters\";\r\n/** Class representing a Databases. */\r\nvar Databases = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Create a Databases.\r\n * @param {SqlManagementClientContext} client Reference to the service client.\r\n */\r\n function Databases(client) {\r\n this.client = client;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Imports a bacpac into a new database.\r\n * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can\r\n * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.\r\n * @param serverName The name of the server.\r\n * @param parameters The required parameters for importing a Bacpac into a database.\r\n * @param [options] The optional parameters\r\n * @returns Promise\r\n */\r\n Databases.prototype.importMethod = function (resourceGroupName, serverName, parameters, options) {\r\n return this.beginImportMethod(resourceGroupName, serverName, parameters, options)\r\n .then(function (lroPoller) { return lroPoller.pollUntilFinished(); });\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Creates an import operation that imports a bacpac into an existing database. The existing\r\n * database must be empty.\r\n * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can\r\n * obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.\r\n * @param serverName The name of the server.\r\n * @param databaseName The name of the database to import into\r\n * @param parameters The required parameters for importing a Bacpac into a database.\r\n * @param [options] The optional parameters\r\n * @returns Promise