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148 lines (100 loc) · 7.21 KB

File metadata and controls

148 lines (100 loc) · 7.21 KB

Contributing to Git Internals

  • Please be mindful of the Code of Conduct while interacting or contributing!
  • Please check the issues tab for things to work on.
  • Please raise an issue to request a feature/modification or for reporting a mistake/bug, if it has not already been raised.

Tech Stack


  • This project uses a Static Site Generator called Asciidoctor.
  • This project is a PWA.
  • GitHub Actions has been set up on this repo, so a built web site does not have to be committed.

Local Setup

  • Fork this repo. (Top right corner.)

  • Clone the forked repo using the git clone command.

  • Install Asciidoctor.

  • Please adhere to the file structure and language, code and syntax rules followed in this project.

  • Testing

    • Generate the web site in a directory called build in the root directory by running the command sh from the root directory.
      • It is preferable to use a package like http-server (npx http-server "build") or serve (npx serve "build") to host the site locally from the build directory.
      • Please do not commit this build directory, as the CI process will build the site on merge.
  • Make contribution(s)

    • Write meaningful commit messages and include the number (#) of the issue being resolved (if any) at the end of the commit message.

      Example: :bug: fix: Resolve 'isCorrect' function error (#0)

      Commit message format

  • Open a Pull Request (PR).

    • Learn how to open a PR.
    • Solve one issue per PR, without any extra changes.
    • Include extra changes in a separate PR.

File Structure


Asciidoctor parses files starting from index.adoc and follows include:: to the relative location of the next file, to finally get to the file with the content.


This is how the content of git-directory.adoc is displayed:

Check the raw file contents for the exact syntax.

Static Files

  • CSS, JS and images are located in the src/static directory. Add the appropriate static files to the appropriate directory.


  • If any static file is added, please make sure to
    • Include it in the cacheAssets array in ./src/service_worker.js as a relative path.
    • Increment the value of the cacheName variable. (Example: From v2 to v3.)
    • Add it to ./src/docinfo.html with the correct syntax if the static file needs to be linked to the final site.
  • If any static file is modified, please make sure to
    • Increment the value of the cacheName variable. (Example: From v2 to v3.)
  • If any static file is deleted, please make sure to
    • Remove it from the cacheAssets array in ./src/service_worker.js.
    • Increment the value of the cacheName variable. (Example: From v2 to v3.)
    • Remove it from ./src/docinfo.html if present.
  • If any static file is renamed, please make sure to
    • Rename it in the cacheAssets array in ./src/service_worker.js.
    • Increment the value of the cacheName variable. (Example: From v2 to v3.)
    • Rename it in ./src/docinfo.html if present.
  • The cacheName should be updated just once per commit.


Images should have

  • A solid colour background. (No transparent background images.)
  • A width and height of 600px, unless that distorts the picture or makes it illegible, in which case suitable dimensions can be used.
  • An alt attribute describing the image in a few words.


image::file-name.ext[alt="image description", 600, 600, ...]

Language, Code and Syntax

  • Pronouns are either omitted (preferred) or third person pronouns ('they', 'their', 'one', etc.) are used.


    • Code should be committed frequently. ✔️ (Preferred)
    • One should commit code frequently. ✔️ (Accepted)
    • You should commit code frequently. ❌ (Not accepted)
  • Prettier should be used to format code.

  • The AsciiDoc extension can be used, for syntax highlighting in .adoc files in VS Code.

  • Asciidoctor syntax (Quick reference.)

  • Use the same syntax as used in the other files to maintain uniformity. Avoid using variations in syntax.

  • Writing in bullet points is preferable.

  • Bold, underline and italics should be used sparingly.

  • Surround single line commands or file names with a single 'back tick' (`).

  • Surround code snippets with three 'back ticks' (```).

  • External links should include a caret (^) at the end of the link text to open them in a new tab.


    • link:[This is a link to another site^] (Caret at the end for external links.)
    • link:#_issues[This is a link to the same site] (No caret at the end for internal links.)
  • If external links are pasted as normal links, do following to open it in a new tab

    Example: link:[^]

  • Links should have meaningful text.


    • It can be found in the link:[official documentation^]. ✔️ (Accepted)
    • It can be found link:[here^]. ❌ (Not accepted)

Further Help

If any further help is needed, do not hesitate to contact the owner (Harsh Kapadia) via OTC, Twitter, LinkedIn or e-mail ( An issue can be raised as well.