dupreport allows you to specify your own custom report formats by creating special [report] sections in the .rc file. Custom report sections have the following general structure:
type = report
title = Title for the report
groupby = <column1>:ascending
groupheading = This is the Next Group
columns = <column2>:Column 2, <column3>:Column 3
columnsort = <column2>:ascending
Custom Report Options
type = report
The type = option tells dupReport how to parse the information in the report specification. All custom reports in dupReport have the type "report". If you are defining a custom report, make sure the type field is set to "report". dupReport has other report types that it uses for its own reports (e.g., 'noactivity' and 'lastseen').
title = Title for the Report
This is the title that will be included at the top of the report. The above example will produce the following report:
groupby = <column1>:<sortorder>
This tells dupReport how to group the data in the report. Reports can be grouped by any of the standard columns (See "Specifying Report Columns" for more information)
<sortorder> tells dupReport how to sort the groups. The only allowable values are:
- ascending - sort in alphabetical order (A-Z)
- descending - sore in reverse alphabetical order (Z-A)
The example above use the specification: groupby = destination:ascending
If you do not want to use groupings in your report you can omit the groupby= option in your custom report specification.
groupheading = This is the Next Group
This specifies the title that will be used for each group. The above example used the specification: groupheading = Destination: #DESTINATION#
Keyword Substitution: You can supply keywords within the groupheading = option to customize the way it looks. Available keywords are:
Keyword | Meaning |
#SOURCE# | Inserts the appropriate source name in the subheading |
#DESTINATION# | Inserts the appropriate destination name in the subheading |
#DATE# | Inserts the appropriate date in the subheading |
If you do not specify a groupby= option in your specification you do not need to specify a groupheading= option.
columns = column2:Column 2, column3:Column 3
This specifies the columns used in the report. Reports can use any of the standard columns (See "Specifying Report Columns" for more information)
columnsort = column2:ascending
This specifies the way information in the report is sorted. The format and options are similar to the groupby = option above. Multiple sorting columns can be specified, each separated by a comma (',')
Overriding Standard Report Options
Any custom report specification can change the default option in the [report] section simply by including that option in the custom report section. For example, the [report] section defaults the background color of the title line to white:
titlebg = #FFFFFF
If you want the title background to be green, you can specify that for just your custom report:
titlebg = #00CC00
Most of the options found in the [report] section can be changed by including them as an option in the custom report section.
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