- cd2087d [added] default handler to routes
- 848361e [fixed] Clean up mounted route component on unmount so we don't leak references
- 5bcf653 [fixed] Double slash in href when parent route has optional trailing slash
- e280efd [changed] Don't restore scroll position on Forward
- 20c2c9b [fixed] Do not decode + in pathname
- fe5ec39 [fixed] Double-encoding of query strings
- df38294 [fixed] Allow comments in JSX config
- 84056ba [fixed] Ignore falsy routes
- 4a770e8 [fixed] Using TestLocation without DOM
- 2ac2510 [added] router.replaceRoutes(children)
- 1f81286 [fixed] Ignore stale transitions
- c6ed6fa [removed] transition.wait, use callbacks instead
- 75c6206 [added] router.stop()
- 4e96256 [fixed] Preserve original query with HashLocation
- 2f19e63 [changed] Bump qs dependency version
- 90cd750 [fixed] Call all transition hooks on query changes
- 31e1eb2 [fixed] supportsHistory false negatives on WP 8.1
- 6417285 [fixed] tearing down location listeners
- 457d944 [added] Router.History
- a07003e [fixed] URL hash consistency across browsers
- c6aa4d3 [fixed] Now execute willTransition* hooks even if only query part was changed
- b9079c9 [added] getPathname to Router.State
- 91d4380 [fixed] Abort pending transition on user navigation
- 5fe6c08 [changed] Don't update scroll if only query has changed
- 91d4380 [fixed] Abort pending transition on user navigation
- 5fe6c08 [changed] Don't update scroll if only query has changed
- 017363d [fixed] default redirect path to '*'
- 187eb0e [fixed] Added missing require statement
- 5a1ed33 [fixed] Path.decode/encode with query string
- b75f648 [fixed] rendering current handlers before rendering root
- Everything ... seriously. Please review the upgrade guide.
- 940a0d0 [changed] use
instead ofcopyProperties
- f8cb7f9 [changed] use
instead ofmerge
- 70b442a [added] React 0.12 compatibility
- 70b442a [added] React 0.12 compatibility
- 70b442a [added] React 0.12 compatibility
- 6192285 [added] to opt out of scroll behavior for itself and descendants
- e571c27 [fixed] Add .active class to
s with absolute hrefs - ea5a380 [fixed] Make sure onChange is fired at synchronous first render
- dee374f [fixed] Listen to path changes caused by initial redirect, fixes #360
- d47d7dd [fixed] potential infinite loop during transitions
- 1b1a62b [added] Server-side rendering
- c7ca87e [added]
<Routes onError>
- caf3a2b [fixed] scrollBehavior='none' on path update
- d57f830 [changed] Public interface for Location objects
- 6723dc5 [added] ability to set params/query in Redirect
- 60f9eb4 [fixed] encoded ampersands in query params
- 668773c [fixed] transitioning to paths with .
- 76fe696 [fixed] trailing comma
- 5aae2a8 [added] onChange event to Routes
- ba65269 [removed] AsyncState
- 4d8c7a1 [removed]
<Routes onTransitionError>
- 4d8c7a1 [removed]
<Routes onAbortedTransition>
- ed0cf62 [added] Navigation mixin for components that need to modify the URL
- ed0cf62 [added] CurrentPath mixin for components that need to know the current URL path
- ed0cf62 [added] getActiveRoutes, getActiveParams, and getActiveQuery methods to ActiveState mixin
- ed0cf62 [removed] Awkward updateActiveState callback from ActiveState mixin
- ed0cf62 [removed] Router.PathState (use Router.CurrentPath instead)
- ed0cf62 [removed] Router.Transitions (use Router.Navigation instead)
- ed0cf62 [removed] Router.RouteLookup (because it was useless)
- ed0cf62 [added]
<Routes scrollBehavior="browser">
alias of "imitateBrowser" - ed0cf62 [changed]
<Routes fixedPath>
=><Routes initialPath>
will be useful for SSR
- d2aa7cb [added]
<Routes location="none">
- 637c0ac [added]
<Routes fixedPath>
- f2bf4bd [removed] RouteStore
- f2bf4bd [added] Router.PathState for keeping track of the current URL path
- f2bf4bd [added] Router.RouteLookup for looking up routes
- f2bf4bd [added] Router.Transitions for transitioning to other routes
- f2bf4bd [added] Pluggable scroll behaviors
- f2bf4bd [changed]
<Routes preserveScrollPosition>
=><Routes scrollBehavior>
- f2bf4bd [removed]
<Route preserveScrollPosition>
- f2bf4bd [removed] Router.transitionTo, Router.replaceWith, Router.goBack
- 97dbf2d [added] transition.wait(promise)
- 3787179 [changed] Transition retry now uses replaceWith.
- e0b708f [added] Ability to transitionTo absolute URLs
- c1493b5 [changed] #259 support dots in named params
- a4ce7c8 [changed] isActive is an instance method
- a4ce7c8 [removed]
<Routes onActiveStateChange>
- 3796371 [changed] Use Browserify to run specs
- 0e649be [changed] Use Browserify to build examples
- bb7b666 [removed] .js files from repo root
- 96122dd [fixed] undefined Buffer in query strings
- 7536d96 [fixed] warning on links w/o params
- 2a75f3e [added] query argument to willTransitionTo
- b7e21bb [fixed] Window scrolling
- 5864531 [changed] Default
<Redirect from>
to * - 1064881 [changed] paths to inherit parents
- 79caf99 [added]
<DefaultRoute name>
- 25adcab [fixed] Using HashLocation without a preceeding /
- a63c940 [added]
- d5bd656 [changed] path matching algorithm
- 6526e70 [removed] location="disabled"
- 8d2f3ed [changed]
s to take params property - 2a85b74 [changed] handler keys to be optional
- 273625a [fixed] Active state on
s with key prop - 283d3f6 [added] RouteStore#registerChildren
- a030648 [changed] Relaxed MemoryStore invariant
- e028768 [added]
component - 6878120 [added] onAbortedTransition, onActiveStateChange, onTransitionError Routes props
- 58073ca [changed] Transition#cancelReason => abortReason
- 6d1ae95 [fixed] sibling array route configs
- 0e7a182 [added] pluggable history implementations closes #166
- ca96f86 [fixed] typo in Link
- f3dc513 [added] onClick handler to
<Link />
- b9f92f9 [changed] updated rf-changelog
- 21f4f57 [added] preserveScrollPosition Route/Routes props
- f3b4de8 [added] support for extra props in Links, fixes #170
- 829a9ec [added]
component - 0a49665 [added] Router.makeHref
- 2100b8c [changed] handlers receive route name
- 154afba [changed] location of public modules
- 08f5a69 [fixed] location="history" fallback
- 87b1c2a [fixed] Navigation to root URL can fail
- 760f021 [fixed] infinite loop in RouteStore.unregisterRoute
- 5fea685 [added] Router.AsyncState mixin
- 395a590 [changed] fallback to window.location for history
- 2a3582e [changed] make URLStore.push idempotent
- 4c4f87b [fixed] alt click on Link should count as modified
- 97c02f1 [fixed] middle click on
- 5af49d4 [changed] Split
component from<Route>
- 8152d67 [changed] repo location to rackt/react-router
- 0ac4dea [removed] Dependency on react/lib/emptyFunction
- 0be4bf7 [changed] npm registry name to react-router :D
- 0a7298c [removed] browserify.transforms from package.json
- ebf54ab [removed] Dependency on react/lib/merge
- 92b9077 [changed] file name of dist builds
- 3a4732e [changed] global export to ReactRouter
- baf2257 [fixed] dist files
- e827870 [added] bower support
- 58e7b98 [changed] activeRoute -> activeRouteHandler
- 0177cdd [fixed] Pass the correct component instance to willTransitionFrom hooks
- 3b590e0 [changed] Upgrade to React 0.11.0
- 51e1be2 [fixed] Use peerDeps
- a8df2f0 [added] Browser builds for version 0.2.1
- bb066b8 [added] Browser build script
- baf79b6 [fixed] Avoid some warnings
- 8d30552 [changed] README to make use of activeRoute clearer in JSX.
- 991dede [changed] activeRoute is a function that returns null when no child routes are active.
- 73570ed [changed] activeRoute can render with props and children.
- 8562482 [added] ActiveState mixin
- 616f8bf [changed] Preserve forward slashes in URL params
- 6c74c69 [changed] Combine URL helpers into URL module
- 0f86654 [fixed] checks for class instead of components
- a3d6e2a [changed] Render empty div before transition hooks
- f474ab1 [changed] '.' is no longer a path delimeter
- f3dcdd7 [fixed] injectParams invariant should not throw on values that coerce to false.
- 468bf3b [changed] Deprecate Router interface
- 31d1a6e [added] renderComponentToString()