Adblock - self explanatory
Adblock for YouTube - self explanatory
AirDroid Notifier - mirrors my android notifications to Chrome
AngularJs Batarang - use to debug my Angular apps, built by the official Angular team @ Google
Boysenberry - inspector for CSS, built by someone in the HH group!
Chrome extension source viewer - lets you view and download the source for any Chrome extension
Chrome Touch - fixes scrolling on Chrome for touch devices
Clear Cache - clear your cache with a button, web devs rejoice!
Cloud to Butt - replaces every instance of "cloud" with "butt" on every page you visit:
ColorPick Eyedropper - colorpicker for Chrome, lets you get the hex codes for colors and images on any page:
Download Master - downloads all links, images, videos etc on a web page:
HTTPS Everywhere - encrypt the web, enables HTTPS on many sites
Imagus - enlarges images on hover
JSONView - validate and inspect JSON
Linkclump - open, copy, or bookmark multiple links at the same time
MightyText - receive and send texts from Chrome
Momentum - replaces new tab page with dope dashboard
Postman - REST client for testing APIs
Save as PDF - save a web page as a PDF in one click
Save to Pocket - save articles and pages for reading later
Screencastify - video capturing for chrome, has full screen capabilities
tabShare - save & share all your tabs with 1 click.
Temporary Site Blocker - helps to stay motivated, blocks selected pages
TooManyTabs - tab management
Video Downloader - finds and downloads videos on a page
Window Resizer - resize browser window, good for testing responsiveness for web dev
Contributors: Samuel Philip