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The second edition of the Frontend JavaScript course in HackBulgaria.

       _                       _____              _         _   
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      | |  __ _ __   __ __ _ | (___    ___  _ __  _  _ __  | |_ 
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                                                    | |         

Douglas Crockford

Watch those videos:

Materials for prepartion

We strongly recommend that you check the following materials:

Course Program

The program is subject to change and will change until it gets to its final form ;)

  • JavaScript the good the bad and the weird parts - learning JavaScript as a language.

  • The Art and Science of Front-end development

  • Building an Interface with jQuery

    • DOM manipulation
    • event handling
    • plugins
  • Bootstrapping the UX

  • Sculpting with SASS

  • Thinking Async - Closures, Callbacks, Promises

  • CRUD Pattern with jQuery and Firebase

  • Data manipulation with lodash

  • SPAs with Angular Part 1

  • SPAs with Angular Part 2

  • HTML5 APIs - Canvas & WebSockets. Making games!

  • (Bonus) 3D Apps with Three.js

  • (Bonus) Diagrams, Charts with d3.js and Raphael.js