This changelog track changes to the qoqo-for-braket project starting at version 0.1.0
- Updated dependencies and added a minimum rust version.
- Updated to maturin 1.0.
- Updated to pyo3 0.21
- Fixed missing support for using InputBit to add bit register entries that are not measured from quantum register
- Fixed not being able to run
with a single set of parameters - Fixed
dependency version forprx
- Added iqm_verbatim interface to qoqo_for_braket
- Added import of the
from qoqo_iqm to qoqo_for_braket_devices
- Modified
to handle non-ClassicalRegister measurements - Added
allowing for multiple runs in one call thanks to a list of lists of parameter values
- Fixed overwriting registers bug
- Fixed missing registers checks from QueuedProgramRun.poll_results()
- Fixed ClassicalRegister typo in the Queued classes
- Added keys to the config dictionary to allow for correct verbatim mode runs
- Added LocalQuantumJob functionality for run_measurement_hybrid_queued and QueuedHybridRun
- Bugfix for the IonQ interface (VirtualZ for VariableMSXX)
- Added support using hybrid jobs to completely run QuantumPrograms on the cloud (qoqo QuantumProgram is serailized to json, uploaded in a AwsQuantumJob and deserialized and executed on AWS instance with qoqo and qoqo-for-braket installed from requirements)
- Updated to pyo3 0.20
- Adding option to run circuits from measurements in aws braket batch mode
- Added VariableMSXX gate for ionq interface
- Modified rigetti interface gates from rotatex to paulix, sqrtpaulix and invsqrtpaulix
- Modified running with aws async program example
- Moved rigetti remapping dictionary to verbatim box in rigetti interface
- Fixed typo in
name in real devices
- Bugfix for commutation of RZ past MSXX gate in IonQ interface
- Added run_queued_measurement function and unittest
- Added devices and async functionality
- Changed name to qoqo-for-braket