Meeting 23 FHIR fagforum
- Date: 2024-04-17
- Time: 1300-1500 CET
FHIR fagforum (FFF) er et åpent forum om bruk og implementering av HL7 FHIR i Norge. FFF er åpent for alle.
Agenda: HL7 FHIR in Europe
- Info from HL7 Norway and welcome, Thomas og Øyvind 10 min
- General intro about HL7 Europe and international, Line A Sæle (FHI), 10 min
- European laboratory report IG, TNT - Tech coordiNation Team, Giorgio Cangioli (HL7 Italy), 30 min
- Hospitals on FHIR med Luc Chatty (Fyrstian), 30 min
- The Norwegian directorate of Health, standardization activities in Europe and international, XX , 20 min
- Q&A, 20 min
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