This directory contains code that reproduces the results and plots for the synthetic simulations.
The code reproduces the following plots:
If the Julia packages necessary for running these scripts are not present in your system, you can install them by:
- Starting Julia in the directory where the scripts are located.
- Switch to package mode with
and activate the local environment withactivate .
- Still within package model execute
It may take considerable time for Julia to install the necessary packages.
The scripts below should take care of computing the results and creating plots.
By simply using in the julia REPL:
include("runme_joint.jl") # calculates joint posterior delay
include("runme_pairwise.jl") # calculates pairwise delays
you will compute all the posterior delay distributions. The results will be saved in files that use the JLD2 format.
❗ This is a lengthy computation, best run on a larger number of workers, preferrably in a cluster environment!
Once the results have been computed and saved, by using in the julia REPL:
include("runme_createplots_joint.jl") # joint posterior plot with respect to light curve at 5100
include("runme_createplots_joint_reorder.jl") # joint posterior plot with respect to light curve at 9100
include("runme_createplots_joint_marginals.jl") # plot of marginals calculated from joint posterior
include("runme_createplots_pairwise.jl") # plot of delays estimated in pairwise manner
it should be possible to recreate the plots that shows the posterior delay distributions in the paper.