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Project Impact on OHS

PatricePascual-ACF edited this page Aug 27, 2020 · 19 revisions


TTA activities are planned and delivered at the federal, regional and local grantee levels. However, there is no centralized data system for TTA leaders in Central Office and the 12 Regions, their contractors, and grantees to share information about myriad TTA needs, services received, or progress indicators. Various streams of TTA data are housed in: 1) the Head Start Enterprise System, which is not designed for robust TTA functions; 2) a very limited legacy system that does not meet government IT security standards; 3) stand-alone systems managed by regional contractors; and 4) non-standardized documents held by individuals at various levels of the system.

The TTA Data Platform (TTADP, working title) will provide real-time, accessible information on TTA needs, activities and progress indicators. By aggregating information around key data questions – designed with robust stakeholder input – and by leveraging existing systems, the TTADP will greatly improve transparency and oversight so leaders can ensure that TTA is responsive to grantee needs, meets expectations for continuous quality improvement, and produces strong child, family and program outcomes.


The TTA Data Platform will be a new, secure, web-based data reporting system to help staff at all levels make data-informed decisions that continuously improve Head Start services. This will allow ACF/OHS to support grantees in better serving children and families in Head Start programs.

The project vision is: “To better serve children and families in Head Start programs, the TTADP will help staff at all levels make data-informed decisions and continuously improve Head Start services.”


The research we have done to date that inform the MVP, will allow Othe vendor to meet the constraints mentioned below.


The MVP of the TTADP must be functional by Fall 2020, when new TTA regional contracts and cooperative agreements are launched. Meeting this milestone will ensure that new TTA stakeholders engage in an approved OHS system, rather than devise their own workarounds.