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File metadata and controls

131 lines (128 loc) · 6.38 KB

Changelog and Versions

This file with release informations is no longer maintained, please consult the new list under

Version 1.3.1

Fixes to OfflineMonitor CMake configuration and compilation on WIN32/MSVC

Fixes to EUDAQ version parsing during CMake configuration step

Fixes (optional) linking of main library to ROOT libraries

Fixes compilation issues on WIN32 with Visual Studio 2012

Version 1.3

New user-provided producers/converters:

  • miniTLU (Francesco Crescioli/David Cussans)
  • MuPix converter (Moritz Kiehn)

Changes to existing Producers/converters:

  • updated APIX FEI4 converter
  • updated all converter plugins to work with the new EUTelescope pixel structures
  • modified producers to use fixed-width integers where made necessary due to core library changes

New Tools

FileChecker (by Moritz Kiehn)

a small utility to check raw data files (see manual for a description)

OfflineMonitor (by Richard Peschke)

Python Interface

  • provides Python instances of RunControl, DataCollector, LogCollector and a generic Producer
  • allows for Python-side extensions to Producer
  • provides interface for scripted data taking sessions

Multiple (named) DataCollectors

  • it is now possible to start up several DataCollectors
  • named DataCollectors will be assigned to a Producer with the same name allowing for locally running data sinks

Regression tests

  • includes first tests for core EUDAQ components based on Python wrapper
  • starts a (dummy) DAQ session and verifies the output against a reference file
  • tests run via CTest
  • scripts for automated nightly tests provided

Notes on updating

EUDAQ now requires a compiler which fully implements C++11

  • GCC version > 4.6
  • Clang version > 3.1
  • MSVC12 or later

counted_ptr class removed (superseded by C++11-featured shared_ptr)

EUDAQThreads class removed (superseded by C++11 std::threads)

core library now uses fixed-width integers consistently – this might require changes to existing producers

FileReader interface changed: only takes two arguments now, omitting the “synctrigger” flag

Version 1.2.2

Updated EUTelescope-dependent parts to work with newest development version

Version 1.2.1

Fixed compilation issue of NativeReader Marlin library

  • removed obsolete converter plugin relying no longer existing EUTelescope headers

Updated APIX-CT-ConverterPlugin (provided by Stefano Terzo)

Version 1.2.0

CMake build system

  • Multiplatform build system
  • out-of-source builds
  • Builds with gcc on Linux (e.g. 4.7 on Ubuntu 12.04), Clang on OSX (e.g. 4.2 on OSX 10.8), and MSVC on Windows (MSVC 12 on Windows 7, 32bit)
  • recommend CMake 2.8.12, but should work even with CMake 2.6
  • see updated install instructions in README or the manual

Restructuring of directory hierarchy

  • all producers are stored in separate directory
  • central library is located separately from executables and by default installed in ./lib

Cleanup of repository

(almost) no binary files are now distributed with the code:

  • no windows drivers (pthreads, libusb)
  • no Mimosa26 DAQ labview projects
  • no MS Visual Studio files or precompiled W32 binaries
  • manual is no longer provided as pdf but only in source (and can be downloaded from the homepage)
  • no ZestSC1 driver files (need to be downloaded from AFS, see instructions for installation in

Updated and extended documentation

New user-provided producers:

  • Explorer-1 (Felix Reidt)

NativeReader Marlin library for LCIO conversion

  • used to interface with EUTelescope analysis framework for data conversion from RAW into LCIO format

Changes to existing Producers:


Version 1.1

New features and change log


  • EUDAQ main components compile and run under Windows 7 now (VS 2012), executables are included
  • improved stability
  • data collector can now run on different PC from run control
  • added Mimosa32 producer (by Ilaria Aimo)
  • there are now two FEI4B converter plugins (USBPIX/RCE), see notes on updating
  • updated TimepixConverterPlugin (by Mathieu Benoit)
  • now hosted on github

1.1.0 (15.08.2013)

  • improved stability: better exception handling of run control when log collector fails
  • improved stability: run control GUI application properly catches exceptions
  • reduced verbosity of online monitor
  • added some debugging facilities for low-level methods in
  • NI producer: NI PCs address does not need to be in system’s host file any more
  • data and logs folders are now present already in the repository; can be replaced e.g. with symlink by the user
  • fixed compilation on gcc 4.7
  • fixed build warnings

Notes on updating

USBPIX/RCE systems

breaking backward compatibility with data taken with RCE system of FEI4B modules (tagged USBPIXI4B before today or with eudaq v01-00-00) from now on, there are 2 FEI4B converter plugins for USBPIX system (USBpixI4BConverterPlugin) and for RCE system (RCEI4ConverterPlugin)

Known Issues

For up-to-date details, check

issue #1: Instabilities during data-taking

  • some improvements since version 1.0 but no long term experience yet

issue #2: Online monitor does not yet work on Windows

Version 1.0

New features and change log


  • first ‘release’: snapshot of development until April 2013
  • EUDAQ developed since 2007 and in successful operation with various devices for years!


  • change of default control voltage for PMTs, now it’s 800 mV


  • changes in USBpixI4BConverterPlugin and RCEI4BConverterPlugin


  • changes to FEI4B converter plugin.


  • minor clean-up, first ‘versioned’ release
  • online monitor no longer defaults to simple tracking for the correlation plots

Known issues

For up-to-date details, check

Instabilities during data-taking

  • euRun crashes, sometimes with uncaught exceptions, sometimes with segfaults
  • crashes occur ‘regularly’, on some systems every hour or others a couple of times per day