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Arithmetic and polynomial operations in finite fields.


$ npm install @guildofweavers/galois --save


import * as galois from '@guildofweavers/galois';

// create a prime field with a large modulus
const field = galois.createPrimeField(2n ** 256n - 351n * 2n ** 32n + 1n);

const a = field.rand();     // generate a random field element
const b = field.rand();     // generate another random element
const c = field.exp(a, b);  // do some math


You can find complete API definitions in galois.d.ts. Here is a quick overview of the provided functionality:

Creating Finite Fields

To perform operations in a finite field, you'll first need to create a FiniteField object. Currently, only prime fields are supported. To create a prime field you can use the createPrimeField function. The function has the following signature:

  • createPrimeField(modulus: bigint, useWasm?: boolean): FiniteField
    Creates a prime field for the specified modulus. If useWasm is set to true, will try to instantiate a WebAssembly-optimized version of the field. If WASM optimization is not available for the specified modulus, will create a regular JavaScript-based field.

  • createPrimeField(modulus: bigint, wasmOptions: WasmOptions): FiniteField Tries to create a WebAssembly-optimized prime field for the specified modulus and pass the provided options to it. If WASM optimization is not available for the specified modulus, will create a regular JavaScript-based field.

When provided, wasmOptions object must have the following form:

Property Description
memory A WebAssembly Memory object with which the WASM module will be instantiated.

Once you've created a FiniteField object, you can use the methods described in the following sections to do math.

WASM optimization

Vector, matrix, and polynomial operations for certain types of fields have been optimized to make use of WebAssembly. This can speed up such operations by a factor of 6x - 10x (depending on the operation, see performance for more details). The optimization is currently available for the following fields:

  • Prime fields with modulus of the form 2128-k, where k < 264

Note: there is currently no way to free memory consumed by WASM modules, so, you might have to periodically re-create FiniteField objects to avoid memory leaks. This will be addressed in the future versions of this library by relying on finalizers, which should be available in major JS engines soon.

Basic arithmetics

These methods are self-explanatory. inv computes a multiplicative inverse using the Extended Euclidean algorithm, neg computes an additive inverse.

  • add(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint
  • sub(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint
  • mul(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint
  • div(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint
  • exp(b: bigint, p: bigint): bigint
  • inv(a: bigint): bigint
  • neg(a: bigint): bigint


Vectors are 1-dimensional data structures similar to arrays. Vectors are immutable: once created, their contents cannot be modified. To read values from a vector you can use the following methods:

  • getValue(index: number): bigint
  • toValues(): bigint[]

Note: for WASM-optimized fields toValues() is a relatively expensive operation since all vector elements have to be copied out of WASM memory into a new JavaScript array.

Creating vectors

A FiniteField object exposes two methods which you can use to create new vectors:

  • newVector(length: number): Vector
    Creates a new vector with the specified length (all values initialized to 0).

  • newVectorFrom(values: bigint[]): Vector
    Creates a new vector and populates it with the provided values.

You can also create new vectors by transforming existing vectors using the following methods:

  • pluckVector(v: Vector, skip: number, times: number): Vector
    Creates a new vector by selecting values from the source vector by skipping over the specified number of elements. If skip*times is greater than length of the source vector, the operation will "wrap around" and start plucking from the beginning of the vector.

  • truncateVector(v: Vector, newLength: number): Vector
    Creates a new vector by selecting the number of elements specified by newLength parameter from the head of the source vector.

  • duplicateVector(v: Vector, times?: number): Vector
    Creates a new vector by duplicating the existing vector the specified number of times. For example, duplicating [1, 2] two times will result in [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2].

Vector operations

Basic operations can be applied to vectors in the element-wise fashion. For example, addVectorElements computes a new vectors v such that v[i] = a[i] + b[i] for all elements. When the second argument is a scalar, uses that scalar as the second operand in the operation.

  • addVectorElements(a: Vector, b: bigint | Vector): Vector

  • subVectorElements(a: Vector, b: bigint | Vector): Vector

  • mulVectorElements(a: Vector, b: bigint | Vector): Vector

  • divVectorElements(a: Vector, b: bigint | Vector): Vector

  • expVectorElements(a: Vector, b: bigint | Vector): Vector

  • invVectorElements(v: Vector): Vector
    Computes multiplicative inverses of all vector elements using Montgomery batch inversion.

  • negVectorElements(v: Vector): Vector
    Computes additive inverses of all vector elements.

Besides the element-wise operations, the following operations can be applied to vectors:

  • combineVectors(a: Vector, b: Vector): bigint
    Computes a linear combination of two vectors.

  • combineManyVectors(v: Vector[], k: Vector): Vector
    Computes linear combinations of vector rows using specified coefficients. For example, v[0][i]*k[0] + v[1][i]*k[1] for all i.


Matrixes are 2-dimensional data structures similar to 2-dimensional arrays. Matrixes are immutable: once created, their contents cannot be modified. Values in matrixes are assumed to be in row-major form. To read values from a matrix you can use the following methods:

  • getValue(row: number, column: number): bigint
  • toValues(): bigint[][]

Note: for WASM-optimized fields toValues() is a relatively expensive operation since all matrix elements have to be copied out of WASM memory into new JavaScript arrays.

Creating matrixes

A FiniteField object exposes two methods which you can use to create new matrixes:

  • newMatrix(rows: number, columns: number): Matrix
    Creates a new matrix with the specified number of rows and columns.

  • newMatrixFrom(values: bigint[][]): Matrix
    Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions as values and populates it with the provided values.

You can also create new matrixes by transforming existing vectors using the following methods:

  • vectorToMatrix(v: Vector, columns: number): Matrix
    Transposes the provided vector into a matrix with the specified number of columns. For example, converting vector [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] into a matrix with 2 columns would result in [[1, 3], [2, 5], [3, 6]] matrix.

Matrix operations

Basic operations can be applied to matrixes in the element-wise fashion. For example, addMatrixElements computes a new matrix m such that m[i][j] = a[i][j] + b[i][j] for all elements. When the second argument is a scalar, uses that scalar as the second operand in the operation.

  • addMatrixElements(a: Matrix, b: bigint | Matrix): Matrix

  • subMatrixElements(a: Matrix, b: bigint | Matrix): Matrix

  • mulMatrixElements(a: Matrix, b: bigint | Matrix): Matrix

  • divMatrixElements(a: Matrix, b: bigint | Matrix): Matrix

  • expMatrixElements(a: Matrix, b: bigint | Matrix): Matrix

  • invMatrixElements(m: Matrix): Matrix
    Computes multiplicative inverses of all matrix elements using Montgomery batch inversion.

  • negMatrixElements(m: Matrix): Matrix
    Computes additive inverses of all matrix elements.

Besides the element-wise operations, the following operations can be applied to matrixes:

  • mulMatrixes(a: Matrix, b: Matrix): Matrix
    Computes a product of two matrixes such that given input matrix dimensions [m,p] and [p,n], the output matrix will have dimensions of [m,n].

  • mulMatrixByVector(m: Matrix, v: Vector): Vector
    Similar to matrix multiplication but the second parameter is a vector. Given a matrix with dimensions [m,n] and a vector with length n, the output vector will have length m.

  • mulMatrixRows(m: Matrix, v: Vector): Matrix
    Performs an element-wise multiplication of the vector with each row of the matrix.

  • matrixRowsToVectors(m: Matrix): Vector[]
    Creates an array of vectors corresponding to rows of the source matrix.

Basic polynomial operations

Polynomials are Vectors with coefficients of the polynomial encoded in reverse order. For example, a polynomial x^3 + 2x^2 + 3x + 4 would be encoded as [4n, 3n, 2n, 1n].

These methods can be used to perform basic polynomial arithmetic:

  • addPolys(a: Vector, b: Vector): Vector
  • subPolys(a: Vector, b: Vector): Vector
  • mulPolys(a: Vector, b: Vector): Vector
  • divPolys(a: Vector, b: Vector): Vector
  • mulPolyByConstant(p: Vector, c: bigint): Vector

Polynomial evaluation and interpolation

  • evalPolyAt(p: Vector, x: bigint): bigint
    Evaluates a polynomial at the provided x-coordinate.

  • evalPolyAtRoots(p: Vector, rootsOfUnity: Vector): Vector
    Uses Fast Fourier Transform to evaluate polynomials at all provided roots of unity.

  • evalPolysAtRoots(p: Matrix, rootsOfUnity: Vector): Matrix
    Uses Fast Fourier Transform to evaluate polynomials at all provided roots of unity. Each row of the matrix is assumed to be a polynomial, and the result will be a matrix of values.

  • evalQuarticBatch(polys: Matrix, x: bigint | Vector): Vector
    Evaluates a batch of degree 3 polynomials at the provided x coordinate(s). Each row on the poly matrix is assumed to be a polynomial represented by 4 values.

  • interpolate(xs: Vector, ys: Vector): Vector
    Uses Lagrange Interpolation to compute a polynomial from the provided points (x and y coordinates).

  • interpolateRoots(rootsOfUnity: Vector, ys: Vector | Matrix): Vector | Matrix
    Uses Fast Fourier Transform to compute polynomials from the provided points (roots of unity are as x coordinates). If the second parameter is a matrix, each row of the matrix is assumed to be a separate set of y coordinates. In this case, a matrix will be returned with each row representing a separate polynomial.

  • interpolateQuarticBatch(xSets: Matrix, ySets: Matrix): Matrix
    Uses an optimized version of Lagrange Interpolation for degree 3 polynomials. x and y coordinates should be provided in matrixes with 4 values per row.

Other miscellaneous operations

  • rand(): bigint
    Generate a cryptographically-secure random field element.

  • prng(seed: bigint | Buffer, length?: number): Vector | bigint
    Generates pseudorandom field elements from the provided seed. If the length parameter is provided, a sequence of elements is returned; otherwise, the returned value is a single field element.

  • getRootOfUnity(order: number): bigint
    Computes a primitive root of unity such that root**order = 1.

  • getPowerSeries(base: bigint, length: number): Vector
    Computes a series of powers for the provided base element. More specifically: [1n, base**1, base**2, ..., base**(length - 1)].


Some very informal benchmarks run on Intel Core i5-7300U @ 2.60GHz (single thread). These show approximate number of operations/second:

Operation JS BigInt (256-bit) JS BigInt (128-bit) WASM (128-bit)
Additions 3,200,000 5,000,000 44,000,000
Multiplications 950,000 1,850,000 16,300,000
Exponentiations 3,200 10,500 97,000


  • Wikipedia article on finite fields.
  • Many algorithms in this library have been copied (with minimal changes) from Vitalik Buterin's MIMC STARK project, including: Fast Fourier Transform, Lagrange Interpolation, and Montgomery batch inversion.
  • Other algorithms, including modular multiplication and binary GCD algorithm have been copied from the Handbook of Applied Cryptography.


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