Timeline of events as documented and claimed by various parties
Zoning ammendments created industrial use in much of what is referred to as Focus Area 1 Handout1 - SK - Feb6
Kenton County updated its comprehensive plan. Handout1 - SK - Feb6
The South Kenton County Citizens Group (SKCCG) formed. Handout1 - SK - Feb6
The South Kenton County Citizens Group (SKCCF) surveyed residents in southern Kenton County regarding the area's future. Handout1 - SK - Feb6
The South Kenton County Citizens Group (SKCCF) surveyed residents in southern Kenton County regarding the area's future. Handout1 - SK - Feb6
Kenton County updated its comprehensive plan to include industrial land use changes. Handout1 - SK - Feb6
The South Kenton County Citizens Group (SKCCG) provided a letter in support of this change. Handout1 - SK - Feb6
Kenton County updated its comprehensive plan continuing the previous path of intention. Handout1 - SK - Feb6