作用 |
命令 |
备注 |
分组排序后取第一个 |
code |
8.0兼容,部分老版本的5.7不可用 |
多行合成一行用逗号分割 |
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id SEPARATOR ',') FROM redis_cluster where env = 'test' and deleted_at is null and status = 4; |
分组排序5.7版本 |
code |
5.7版本 |
按照倒数第二个-分隔符切割 |
code |
select *
from (select row_number()
over (partition by colum_partiion order by colum_order desc) as rownum, *
from (SELECT *
FROM talbe) as G1) as G
where G.rownum = 1
select pod_ip
from (select pod_ip,
@row_number := IF (@subject = tmp1.cluster_name, @row_number+1, 1) as row_number,
@subject := cluster_name as '分组'
from (
select (select trim (Trailing concat('-', SUBSTRING_INDEX(pod_name, '-', -2)) from
pod_name)) as cluster_name, pod_ip, pod_name
from aegis_pods_topology
namespace = 'default'
and pod_name like 'k8redis-%') as tmp1, (select @row_number := 0) b) as c
WHERE row_number = 1
select trim(TRAILING (select substring_index("hello-test-1", '-', -2)) from "hello-test-1") as name;