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File metadata and controls

549 lines (411 loc) · 14.8 KB

Using the API

Authentication / Configuration


A project is the top-level container in the BigQuery API: it is tied closely to billing, and can provide default access control across all its datasets. If no project is passed to the client container, the library attempts to infer a project using the environment (including explicit environment variables, GAE, and GCE).

To override the project inferred from the environment, pass an explicit project to the constructor, or to either of the alternative classmethod factories:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client(project='PROJECT_ID')

Project ACLs

Each project has an access control list granting reader / writer / owner permission to one or more entities. This list cannot be queried or set via the API: it must be managed using the Google Developer Console.


A dataset represents a collection of tables, and applies several default policies to tables as they are created:

  • An access control list (ACL). When created, a dataset has an ACL which maps to the ACL inherited from its project.
  • A default table expiration period. If set, tables created within the dataset will have the value as their expiration period.

Dataset operations

Create a new dataset for the client's project:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> dataset.create()  # API request

Check for the existence of a dataset:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> dataset.exists()  # API request

List datasets for the client's project:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> datasets, next_page_token = client.list_datasets()  # API request
>>> [ for dataset in datasets]

Refresh metadata for a dataset (to pick up changes made by another client):

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> dataset.reload()  # API request

Patch metadata for a dataset:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> one_day_ms = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
>>> dataset.patch(description='Description goes here',
...               default_table_expiration_ms=one_day_ms)  # API request

Replace the ACL for a dataset, and update all writeable fields:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> dataset.get()  # API request
>>> acl = list(dataset.acl)
>>> acl.append(bigquery.Access(role='READER', entity_type='domain', entity=''))
>>> dataset.acl = acl
>>> dataset.update()  # API request

Delete a dataset:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> dataset.delete()  # API request


Tables exist within datasets. List tables for the dataset:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> tables, next_page_token = dataset.list_tables()  # API request
>>> [ for table in tables]

Create a table:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> table = dataset.table(name='person_ages')
>>> table.create()  # API request

Check for the existence of a table:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> table = dataset.table(name='person_ages')
>>> table.exists()  # API request

Refresh metadata for a table (to pick up changes made by another client):

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> dataset.reload()  # API request

Patch specific properties for a table:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> table = dataset.table(name='person_ages')
>>> table.patch(friendly_name='Person Ages',
...             description='Ages of persons')  # API request

Update all writable metadata for a table

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> from gcloud.bigquery import SchemaField
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> table = dataset.table(name='person_ages')
>>> table.schema = [
...     SchemaField(name='full_name', type='string', mode='required'),
...     SchemaField(name='age', type='int', mode='required)]
>>> table.update()  # API request

Get rows from a table's data:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> table = dataset.table(name='person_ages')
>>> rows, next_page_token = table.fetch_data(max_results=100)  # API request
>>> for row in rows:
...     for field, value in zip(table.schema, row):
...         do_something(field, value)

Delete a table:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> table = dataset.table(name='person_ages')
>>> table.delete()  # API request


Jobs describe actions peformed on data in BigQuery tables:

  • Load data into a table
  • Run a query against data in one or more tables
  • Extract data from a table
  • Copy a table

List jobs for a project:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> jobs =  # API request
>>> [(job.job_id, job.type, job.created, job.state) for job in jobs]
['e3344fba-09df-4ae0-8337-fddee34b3840', 'insert', (datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 23, 9, 30, 20, 268260, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'done')]

Querying data (synchronous)

Run a query which can be expected to complete within bounded time:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> query = """\
SELECT count(*) AS age_count FROM dataset_name.person_ages
>>> query = client.run_sync_query(query)
>>> query.timeout_ms = 1000
>>>  # API request
>>> retry_count = 100
>>> while retry_count > 0 and not job.complete:
...     retry_count -= 1
...     time.sleep(10)
...     query.reload()  # API request
>>> query.schema
[{'name': 'age_count', 'type': 'integer', 'mode': 'nullable'}]
>>> query.rows


If the query takes longer than the timeout allowed, job.complete will be False: we therefore poll until it is completed.

Querying data (asynchronous)

Background a query, loading the results into a table:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> query = """\
SELECT firstname + ' ' + last_name AS full_name,
       FLOOR(DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE(), birth_date) / 365) AS age
 FROM dataset_name.persons
>>> dataset = client.dataset('dataset_name')
>>> table = dataset.table(name='person_ages')
>>> job = client.run_async_query('fullname-age-query-job', query)
>>> job.destination_table = table
>>> job.write_disposition= 'truncate'
>>> job.job_id
>>> job.type
>>> job.created
>>> job.state


  • gcloud.bigquery generates a UUID for each job.
  • The created and state fields are not set until the job is submitted to the BigQuery back-end.

Then, begin executing the job on the server:

>>> job.submit()  # API call
>>> job.created
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 23, 9, 30, 20, 268260, tzinfo=<UTC>)
>>> job.state

Poll until the job is complete:

>>> import time
>>> retry_count = 100
>>> while retry_count > 0 and job.state == 'running':
...     retry_count -= 1
...     time.sleep(10)
...     job.reload()  # API call
>>> job.state
>>> job.ended
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 23, 9, 30, 21, 334792, tzinfo=<UTC>)

Inserting data (synchronous)

Load data synchronously from a local CSV file into a new table:

>>> import csv
>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> from gcloud.bigquery import SchemaField
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> table = dataset.table(name='person_ages')
>>> table.schema = [
...     SchemaField(name='full_name', type='string', mode='required'),
...     SchemaField(name='age', type='int', mode='required)]
>>> with open('/path/to/person_ages.csv', 'rb') as file_obj:
...     reader = csv.reader(file_obj)
...     rows = list(reader)
>>> table.insert_data(rows)  # API request

Inserting data (asynchronous)

Start a job loading data asynchronously from a set of CSV files, located on Google Cloud Storage, appending rows into an existing table. First, create the job locally:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> from gcloud.bigquery import SchemaField
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> table = dataset.table(name='person_ages')
>>> table.schema = [
...     SchemaField(name='full_name', type='string', mode='required'),
...     SchemaField(name='age', type='int', mode='required)]
>>> job = client.load_table_from_storage(
...     'load-from-storage-job', table, 'gs://bucket-name/object-prefix*')
>>> job.source_format = 'CSV'
>>> job.skip_leading_rows = 1  # count of skipped header rows
>>> job.write_disposition = 'truncate'
>>> job.job_id
>>> job.type
>>> job.created
>>> job.state


  • gcloud.bigquery generates a UUID for each job.
  • The created and state fields are not set until the job is submitted to the BigQuery back-end.

Then, begin executing the job on the server:

>>> job.begin()  # API call
>>> job.created
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 23, 9, 30, 20, 268260, tzinfo=<UTC>)
>>> job.state

Poll until the job is complete:

>>> import time
>>> retry_count = 100
>>> while retry_count > 0 and job.state == 'running':
...     retry_count -= 1
...     time.sleep(10)
...     job.reload()  # API call
>>> job.state
>>> job.ended
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 23, 9, 30, 21, 334792, tzinfo=<UTC>)

Exporting data (async)

Start a job exporting a table's data asynchronously to a set of CSV files, located on Google Cloud Storage. First, create the job locally:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> table = dataset.table(name='person_ages')
>>> job = client.extract_table_to_storage(
...     'extract-person-ages-job', table,
...     'gs://bucket-name/export-prefix*.csv')
... job.destination_format = 'CSV'
... job.print_header = True
... job.write_disposition = 'truncate'
>>> job.job_id
>>> job.type
>>> job.created
>>> job.state


  • gcloud.bigquery generates a UUID for each job.
  • The created and state fields are not set until the job is submitted to the BigQuery back-end.

Then, begin executing the job on the server:

>>> job.begin()  # API call
>>> job.created
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 23, 9, 30, 20, 268260, tzinfo=<UTC>)
>>> job.state

Poll until the job is complete:

>>> import time
>>> retry_count = 100
>>> while retry_count > 0 and job.state == 'running':
...     retry_count -= 1
...     time.sleep(10)
...     job.reload()  # API call
>>> job.state
>>> job.ended
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 23, 9, 30, 21, 334792, tzinfo=<UTC>)

Copy tables (async)

First, create the job locally:

>>> from gcloud import bigquery
>>> client = bigquery.Client()
>>> source_table = dataset.table(name='person_ages')
>>> destination_table = dataset.table(name='person_ages_copy')
>>> job = client.copy_table(
...     'copy-table-job', destination_table, source_table)
>>> job.job_id
>>> job.type
>>> job.created
>>> job.state


  • gcloud.bigquery generates a UUID for each job.
  • The created and state fields are not set until the job is submitted to the BigQuery back-end.

Then, begin executing the job on the server:

>>> job.begin()  # API call
>>> job.created
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 23, 9, 30, 20, 268260, tzinfo=<UTC>)
>>> job.state

Poll until the job is complete:

>>> import time
>>> retry_count = 100
>>> while retry_count > 0 and job.state == 'running':
...     retry_count -= 1
...     time.sleep(10)
...     job.reload()  # API call
>>> job.state
>>> job.ended
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 23, 9, 30, 21, 334792, tzinfo=<UTC>)