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File metadata and controls

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Automatically cascade data access policy to derived tables based on data lineage using BigQuery, DataCatalog, and Dataflow

This tutorial demonstrates how to implement a data lineage use case in which you apply the same column-level access control lists (ACLs) and metadata tags to derived tables in BigQuery.

Refer to the general concept for building Data lineage systems for a data warehouse and Building a BigQuery data lineage solution Using audit logs, PubSub, ZetaSQL, Dataflow and Data Catalog.

Note: To complete this tutorial, you must have completed the BigQuery lineage extraction tutorial.

In this tutorial, you use data lineage to enforce column-level access controls policies in real time by deploying a Dataflow streaming pipeline to cascade policy tags. The pipeline monitors for new BigQuery tables and applies the sensitive policy and metadata tags in the source tables to the derived tables by using BigQuery API and Data Catalog API. The derived table is associated with source tables through data lineage information that is extracted through a separate pipeline.

This tutorial is intended for people who are responsible for metadata management, data governance, and related analytics. This tutorial assumes that you have basic knowledge of building Dataflow pipelines using basic shell, Apache Beam Java SDK, Data Catalog, and BigQuery.


The following diagram shows the Dataflow streaming pipeline that you deploy in this tutorial.

Data lineage processing pipeline.

The following list explains the flow of events in the architecture:

  1. The Dataflow streaming pipeline uses the BigQuery API to identify column-level access controls applied to the source table columns of a BigQuery table based on the table data lineage information.
  2. The Dataflow streaming pipeline applies the source policies to the output table columns. The policies are mapped to the column based on column-level lineage.


A Data Catalog taxonomy is a collection of policy tags that classifies data against a common axis- for example, a data sensitivity taxonomy could contain policy tags denoting personally identifiable information (PII) such as a postal code or tax identifier. A data origin taxonomy could contain policy tags to classify assets such as user data, employee data, partner data, and public data. You can use taxonomy and policy tags to enforce column-level access control for BigQuery tables by configuring the identity and access management (IAM) permissions for the tags.

Policy tags taxonomies and Data Catalog tags are both created in Data Catalog, but you must apply different APIs. You use BigQuery API to apply policy tags to tables, using the setCategory permission. You use the Data Catalog API to apply Data Catalog tags.


  • Create taxonomies in Data Catalog.
  • Learn about BigQuery column-level ACLs using policy tags.
  • Understand how to use extracted data lineage in a downstream system.

Setting the environment

The scripts and commands used in this tutorial rely on shell environment variables.

  1. In Shell, set the environment variables for your project ID:

    export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)

    Replace extraction-project-id with the Google Cloud project ID of the data lineage extraction pipeline that you created in Building a BigQuery data lineage solution Using audit logs, PubSub, ZetaSQL, Dataflow and Data Catalog.

  2. Set the environment variable for the Google Cloud region:

    export REGION_ID="cloud-region"

    For data localization purposes, replace the cloud-region placeholder variable with a Dataflow regional endpoint.

Configuring a data taxonomy

Data Catalog provides policy tags to create a set of categories for classifying sensitive data. The policy tags also enforce category-specific access control. In this section, you build a taxonomy for sensitive data and create a PII category with Telephone number as a subcategory.

Create policy tags

  1. In the Cloud Console,go to the Create and manage policy tags on the Data Catalog page.

  2. Click +Create.

    As shown in the following example image, you must populate the fields with the listed information:

    Taxonomy name: Privacy Description: Sensitive end-user information Project: lineage-testing-301806

    New policy tag taxonomy fields.

  3. In the Taxonomy Name field, enter Privacy.

  4. In the Policy tag field, enterpii_telephone.

  5. Click Save.

Enumerate the monitored policy tag ID

The tag cascading pipeline that you create in this tutorial cascades policy tags from parent tables to generated or derived tables. The cascading pipeline checks the source table policy tags against the list of policy tags that you provide. The pipeline applies matching policy tags to destination tables using the column-level mapping of data lineage.

In this section, you configure the pipeline to monitor for the tag you created in the previous section.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Taxonomies page.

    Go to Taxonomies

    Copy the ID for the pii_telephone policy tag. The format of the policy tag ID is as follows:

  2. In Cloud Shell, set the policy tag ID as an environment variable:


Setting up a test environment

In this step, you load sample PII data into a BigQuery table and apply a policy tag to one of the PII columns.

Load sample PII data

In this section, you load mock PII data into a table and name it MockPiiData. This data has multiple columns that contain example sensitive information such as telephone numbers and email addresses.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create, create a new dataset:

    bq --project_id=$PROJECT_ID mk --dataset MyDataSet
  2. Create a new table with sample PII data:

    bq --project_id=$PROJECT_ID load \
    --autodetect \
    --source_format=CSV \
    MyDataSet.MockPiiTable \

Apply a policy tag

In this section, you apply safeguards to the sample PII data which resemble the safeguards that you apply to real data. For this tutorial, you can apply the test policy tag through the BigQuery command-line tool or on the BigQuery web console.

  1. In Cloud Shell, download the BigQuery table schema:

    bq show --schema --format=prettyjson \
    $PROJECT_ID:MyDataSet.MockPiiTable > mock_pii_table_schema.json
  2. Update the policy tag in the BigQuery table schema:

    ./ mock_pii_table_schema.json phone_number \
  3. Update the schema in BigQuery:

    bq update \
    $PROJECT_ID:MyDataSet.MockPiiTable mock_pii_table_schema.json

Enabling audit logging

Operation logs in Google Cloud are captured centrally using Cloud Logging. In this section, you set up the export of your Cloud project data_access logs to the lineage extraction pipeline for processing.

Export logs to PubSub

  1. In Cloud Shell, replace the TOPIC_ID placeholder variable with the name of the PubSub topic that you created in part two of this series:


    This command enables the tag cascading pipeline to access data lineage information.

  2. Create the log sink:

    gcloud logging sinks create $LOG_SINK_ID \$LINEAGE_PROJECT_ID/topics/$AUDIT_LOGS_PUBSUB_TOPIC \
    protoPayload.methodName="" operation.last=true'

    Replace the name-of-log-sink placeholder variable with a unique name for the sink of your choice.

  3. Give the pubsub.publisher role to the Cloud Logging service account:

    # Identify the Logs writer service account
    export LOGGING_WRITER_IDENTITY=$(gcloud logging sinks describe $LOG_SINK_ID --format="get(writerIdentity)" --project $PROJECT_ID)
    # Grant Publish permission to the Logging writer
    gcloud pubsub topics add-iam-policy-binding $AUDIT_LOGS_PUBSUB_TOPIC \
        --member=$LOGGING_WRITER_IDENTITY \
        --role='roles/pubsub.publisher' \
        --project $LINEAGE_PROJECT_ID

    This command grants the Cloud Logging service account permission to publish log entries.

  4. Verify that the permission is granted:

    gcloud pubsub topics get-iam-policy $AUDIT_LOGS_PUBSUB_TOPIC --project $LINEAGE_PROJECT_ID

    The output lists permissions, including the LOGGING_WRITER_IDENTITY permission.

Running the tag cascading pipeline

The tag cascading pipeline then reads the policy tags for each of the parent columns and applies them to the new table columns for the tags in the monitored list.

The Dataflow runner needs BigQuery bigquery.tables.setCategory permission to apply policy tags to a table. This permission is also part of the roles/bigquery.dataOwner BigQuery predefined role.

Grant permissions to Dataflow runners

The tag cascading pipeline uses the Compute Engine service account to access Google Cloud services. In this section, you give the Dataflow runners permission to read lineage from the PubSub topic hosted in the extraction project and manipulate BigQuery policy tags.

  1. In Cloud Shell, identify Compute Engine default service account for the tag cascading project:

    export CE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list | grep -Eo "[0-9]+-compute@[a-z.]+")
  2. Grant the Compute Engine service account permission to subscribe to the PubSub topic in a different project:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $LINEAGE_PROJECT_ID \
        --member="serviceAccount:$CE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \
  3. Identify the Compute Engine account for the lineage extraction pipeline:

    export EXTRACTION_CE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list --project $LINEAGE_PROJECT_ID | grep -Eo "[0-9]+-compute@[a-z.]+")
  4. Grant the lineage extraction pipeline permission to read the data from the BigQuery table in your project:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
        --member="serviceAccount:$EXTRACTION_CE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \

    The lineage extraction pipeline needs permission to read schema information for lineage.

BigQuery policy tags

To implement the permissions for the runner, in this section you create a custom Cloud IAM role with the bigquery.tables.setCategory permission.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a custom IAM role:

    gcloud iam roles create bigquery_policy_tags_admin \
        --project=$PROJECT_ID \

    This command uses the file bigquery-policy-tags-admin.yaml to describe a custom role having bigquery.tables.setCategory permission. After this permission is granted to a role, the role can manipulate policy tags. The custom role permissions are as follows:

    # [START policy_permissions_info]
    title: "BigQuery Policy Tags Admin"
    description: "Allow users to read and update Column Policy Tags"
    stage: "BETA"
    - bigquery.tables.setCategory
    # [END policy_permissions_info]

    The output is similar to the following:

        Created role [bigquery_policy_tags_admin].
        description: Permit using BigQuery policy tags for lineage-based propagation.
        etag: BwWm_eD6GI0=
        - bigquery.tables.setCategory
        name: projects/bigquery-lineage-demo/roles/bigquery_policy_tags_admin
        stage: GA
        title: Policy Tags Admin
  2. Apply the custom Cloud IAM role to the Compute Engine service account:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
        --member="serviceAccount:$CE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \

    The custom role enables the service account to edit the BigQuery policy tags.

Start the tag cascading pipeline

You can now run the policy propagation.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a Cloud Storage bucket for the pipeline staging location by replacing TEMP_GCS_BUCKET_NAME with a new name of your choice for the Cloud Storage bucket:

    gsutil mb -p $PROJECT_ID -l $REGION_ID gs://$TEMP_GCS_BUCKET
  2. Identify the exported lineage PubSub topic and replace LINEAGE_EXPORT_TOPIC with the data lineage export topic ID:

  3. Build the pipeline using Cloud Build

    gcloud builds submit \
    --substitutions _JAR_GCS_LOCATION="${TEMP_GCS_BUCKET}/jars" \
    --project "${PROJECT_ID}"
  4. Download the JAR file:

    gsutil cp "gs://${TEMP_GCS_BUCKET}/jars/bigquery-data-lineage-bundled-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" .
  5. Launch the Dataflow pipeline:

    java -cp bigquery-data-lineage-bundled-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    --streaming=true \
    --project"=${PROJECT_ID}" \
    --runner=DataflowRunner \
    --gcpTempLocation="gs://${TEMP_GCS_BUCKET}/temp/" \
    --stagingLocation="gs://${TEMP_GCS_BUCKET}/staging/" \
    --workerMachineType=n1-standard-1 \
    --region="${REGION_ID}" \
    --lineagePubSubTopic="projects/${LINEAGE_PROJECT_ID}/topics/${LINEAGE_OUTPUT_PUBSUB_TOPIC}" \

    The command initializes a Dataflow streaming pipeline that reads the lineage data exported to the provided PubSub topic. The streaming pipeline searches the source columns for monitoredPolicyTags tags and applies the tags to derived columns in the target table.

    Repeat the--monitoredPolicyTags parameter once for each of the monitored policy tags.

    The following diagram shows the processing steps you see in Cloud Console Dataflow.

    Tag cascading pipeline process flow.

Testing the tag cascading pipeline

To verify that the tag cascading pipeline is propagating the monitored tags correctly, create a new table by querying the MockPii table.

  1. In the Cloud Console, go to the BigQuery page.

    <a href=""+ target="console" class="button button-primary" track-type="quickstart" track-name="consoleLink"> Go to BigQuery

  2. To set the destination table for query results, click More, then Query Settings.

  3. Choose Set a destination table, and enter the table name asMyOutputTable.

  4. Enter the following code into the query editor and click Run query:

      CONCAT(first_name,' ', last_name) AS full_name,
      phone_number AS imsi
  5. After the query execution successfully completes, the imsi column of the MyOutputTable table has the pii_telephone policy tag.

    It can take a few minutes for the policy tags to appear in BigQuery because of inherent latencies in the query execution audit log and the Dataflow processing pipeline.