Releases: Goddard-Fortran-Ecosystem/gFTL
Releases · Goddard-Fortran-Ecosystem/gFTL
Minor bug fix
Eliminated a stray in source code.
Workaround for PGI compiler
v1.2.3 Merge pull request #91 from Goddard-Fortran-Ecosystem/feature/pgi-wor…
Workaround for Intel 18 memory leak
v1.2.1 Update for realease v1.2.1.
Update to use pFUnit 4.0
- Exploited pFUnit 4.0 to allow tests that are known to break certain compilers to be "disable'd" without completely eliminating them
- Updated Travis to include testing with gfortran-9
- Various little cleanups to reduce extraneous warning messages during build
Support for external projects using Unix make
Merge pull request #73 from Goddard-Fortran-Ecosystem/develop Develop
Recovered some important compiler workaround switches.
GFortran and Intel compilers both still require some variant implementations for upstream use cases.
Cleanup of some compiler checks
Some compiler ifdefs were determined to be obsolete.
Better support for inclusion in other projects
Probably not quite worthy of a minor version bump, but this release is now able to work being included in other projects without the cmake install step. Just add it as a subdirectory and set the appropriate include directories to include /.../gFTL/include.
update cmake to 3.0.0
Merge pull request #38 from Goddard-Fortran-Ecosystem/develop Develop