- JonnyWong16 for writing the a IMDb Top 250 collection script which served as inspiration for IMDBList2PlexCollection (and for Tautulli!)
- deva5610 for writing IMDBList2PlexCollection which prompted vladimir-tutin to write the original Plex Auto Collections
- vladimir-tutin for writing the original Plex Auto Collections which prompted the creation of Plex Meta Manager
- mza921 and burkasaurusrex for updating and maintaining a Plex Auto Collections fork of the original
- bearlikelion for writing popularplex which served as inspiration for Tautulli support
- pkkid and all other contributors for python-plexapi
- AnthonyBloomer and all other contributors for tmdbv3api
- fuzeman and all other contributors for trakt.py
- dbader and all other contributors for schedule
- rholder and all other contributors for retrying
- ZeroQI and all other contributors for Absolute Series Scanner and HTTP Anidb Metadata Agent (HAMA)
- ScudLee and all other contributors for AniDb Anime Lists
- Fribb and all other contributors for MyAnimeList Metadata Agent and MyAnimeList Anime Lists