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Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training (2018), Alec Radford et al.

contributors: @GitYCC

[paper] [pytorch]

(from: BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding (2019), Jacob Devlin et al. [➤ summary])

  • Architecture: Language Model + Transformer Layer

  • Two Stage:

    • Unsupervised pre-training

      • Given an unsupervised corpus of tokens $\mathcal{U} = {u_1, . . . , u_n}$, we use a standard language modeling objective to maximize the following likelihood: $$ L_1(\mathcal{U})=\sum_i logP(u_i|u_{i-k},...,u_{i-1};Θ) $$ where $k$ is the size of the context window, and the conditional probability $P$ is modeled using a neural network with parameters $Θ$. These parameters are trained using stochastic gradient descent.

      • We use a multi-layer Transformer. This model applies a multi-headed self-attention operation over the input context tokens followed by position-wise feedforward layers to produce an output distribution over target tokens: $$ h_0=UW_e+W_p \ h_l=\text{transformer-block}(h_{l-1}) \ P(u)=\text{softmax}(h_nW_e^T) $$ where $U = (u_{−k},..., u_{−1})$ is the context vector of tokens, $n$ is the number of layers, $W_e$ is the token embedding matrix, and $W_p$ is the position embedding matrix.

    • Supervised fine-tuning

      • The inputs are passed through our pre-trained model to obtain the final transformer block’s activation $h^m_l$ , which is then fed into an added linear output layer with parameters $W_y$ to predict $y$: $$ P(y|x^1,...,x^m)=\text{softmax}(h_l^mW_y) $$ This gives us the following objective to maximize: $$ L_2(\mathcal{C})=\sum_{(x,y)}logP(y|x^1,...,x^m) $$

      • We additionally found that including language modeling as an auxiliary objective to the fine-tuning helped learning by (a) improving generalization of the supervised model, and (b) accelerating convergence. $$ L_3(\mathcal{C})=L_2(\mathcal{C})+\lambda L_1(\mathcal{C}) $$

  • Task-specific input transformations:

    • special tokens: a start token <s>, an end token <e> and a delimiter token <$>
    • (note): For similarity tasks, there is no inherent ordering of the two sentences being compared. To reflect this, we modify the input sequence to contain both possible sentence orderings.
  • Experiments