Some Yimmenu scripts I made (for research & fun purposes).
- DiableExplosionShake: block camera shake for all explosions (Settings->Protection tab).
- WeaponEditor: Moved to
- ObjectSpoofer: Replaces objects with new looks. e.g. Replace golfclub with a sledgehammer.
- Whether it's visible to other players is unknown.
- AutoCounter: Shoot flares from any vehicle when missiles approach.
- Thermal: Turn on/off thermal with E when aiming any gun (just like mk2 sniper).
- JetCannon: Bypass the lazer/hydra cannon nerf from 1.67.
- GangstaAim: Aim pistol, pistol mk2 like a gangsta.
- Wolverine: Self healing and repairing armour a.k.a undetected semi-godmode (Self tab).
- UnlockWebsiteCars: Buy removed/unreleased cars (Vehicle tab).
- Reports: Show/clear player reports (Network->Reports tab).
- Freight: Drive a freight on the street (Vehicle tab).