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Releases: GeodesicDragon/mylittlerimpony

Version 1.85.157

30 Jan 11:59
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  • Added three new achievements.
    • Craft a legendary quality wife thrower.
    • Craft a legendary quality tennis ball launcher.
    • Build ten Sweetie Bot turrets.
  • Fixed RimPonk pony pawns being unable to equip the Sweetie Belle plush.
  • Fixed RimPonk pony pawns being unable to equip the Shining Armour plush.
  • Fixed being able to make Rainbow Lasers before the research for it was completed.
  • Fixed job showing as 'Making Elements of Harmony' while a pawn was making the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
  • Fixed '[[MLP] My Little RimPony] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationFindMod(RimPonk, [MLP] My Little RimPony - Ideology) failed' error.
  • Reduced combat power of brony mercenaries to 60 (was 160).
  • Reduced combat power of melee brony mercenaries to 60 (was 160).
  • Reduced combat power of elite brony mercenaries to 75 (was 200).
  • Made some adjustments to the maxPawnCostPerTotalPointsCurve for the NPC faction, which should increase the number of pawns they can utilise in combat.

Version 1.82.147

29 Jan 01:28
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  • Added Shining Armour as a plushie (+15% to blunt, heat and sharp armour ratings).
  • Added patches which are applied if Vanilla Achievements Expanded is enabled.
    • 28 achievements to aquire each item added by the mod, as well as making a legendary Rainbow Laser.
    • Adds 2 more achievements to make the Ideology plushies, if that mod is enabled as well.
  • Fixed the alternate recipe for the Elements of Harmony showing the finished result as a separate item.
  • Fixed the alternate recipe for the Cutie Mark Crusaders showing the finished result as a separate item.

Version 1.51.145

27 Jan 23:34
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  • Added patches which are applied if RimPonk is enabled.
    • Pony pawns can equip plushies.
    • Pony factions send plushie traders.
    • Pony pawns can appear as part of the NPC faction.
    • If you are playing the 'Banished Empress' scenario, the NPC faction will start as hostile.
    • If you are playing the 'Rogue Changelings' scenario, the NPC faction will start as hostile.
    • If you start a scenario with any of the Mane Six unique pawns, the NPC faction should start as allied.
  • Added patches which are applied if Irn-Bru And Other Scottish Delights is enabled.
    • NPC faction settlements stock vegetarian haggis.
    • NPC faction settlements stock Irn-Bru.
    • NPC faction settlements stock Irn-Bru kegs.
    • NPC faction settlements stock deep-fried chocolate.
    • NPC faction settlements stock kilts.
  • Added a patch which is applied if Bulk Carrier is enabled.
    • Big Macintosh: Increases carrying capacity by 50 (up from 25).
  • Fixed NPC faction settlements not selling plant-based foods such as rice and corn.
    • You will need to wait for the settlement to restock before you see any of these items for sale.
    • Minimum stock is 1500, maximum stock is 2500; perfect for when you're on the brink of starvation.
  • Increased amount of industrial medicine stocked by NPC faction settlements.
  • Increased amount of industrial medicine stocked by NPC faction weapon traders.
  • Increased the number of pawns in NPC faction groups, particularly for combat.
    • I have the Factional War mod, and too many times I saw the NPC faction getting curbstomped in faction assaults, mostly due to being outnumbered.
    • This also means more of them will raid you... I think.
    • There are three kinds of combat group: mostly ranged with melee support, mostly melee with ranged support and entirely elite, for when names need to be taken.
    • Settlements are now guarded by mostly elite units armed with rainbow lasers. Watch yourselves.
  • Sweetie Bot has received a bunch of software updates.
    • Medium and long range accuracy have been increased to 80% (was 75%).
    • Rearming cost is now affected by difficulty.
    • Burst time reduced to 1.5 seconds (was 2).
    • Now has a 70% chance of not exploding when damaged (was 60%).
    • Now fires a burst of 5 shots (was 3).
    • Now takes 30 ticks between burst shots (was 3).
    • Maximum combat effectiveness has been increased to 100 (was 80).
  • Starlight Glimmer now reduces psychic sensitivity by 100% (Was 50%).

Version 1.39.133

20 Jan 21:45
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  • Added: Load order check for the MLRP Combat Extended patch. The load order should be MLRP > Combat Extended > MLRP CE Patch.
  • Fixed: 'Config error in MLRP_BronyPlayer: initial will is undefined for humanlike pawn kind' error.
  • Fixed: 'Config error in MLRP_BronyPlayer: initial resistance range is undefined for humanlike pawn kind' error.
  • Fixed: The Discord lamp no longer needs to be connected to a power grid in order to work, despite not actually using any power.
  • Changed: Work value of making rainbow laser to 18000 (was 900).
  • Changed: The Discord lamp now produces the amount of light it used to; the glow radius has been increased to 12 (was 8).

Version 1.38.128

16 Jan 23:38
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  • Added: Alternate recipes for making the Elements of Harmony and Cutie Mark Crusaders.
    • Elements of Harmony: 1800 cloth and 100 gold.
    • Cutie Mark Crusaders: 900 cloth.
  • Added: The Nurse Haywick plush now increases surgery success chance by 25% (on top of existing bonuses).
  • Changed: Naming rules for male and female pawns from the NPC faction.
    • Female pawns will now use random female first and last names, though some may have the names of actual MLP characters.
    • Male pawns will use random male first and last names but, given the lack of names available, will continue to use random female names as well.
  • Changed: Description of the Apple Bloom plush.
  • Changed: The Nurse Haywick plush now increases tend speed and quality by 25% (was 15%).
  • Changed: Pawns with the 'brony' trait now have a market value offset of -50%, making them either less profitable to sell or less expensive to buy.
  • Changed: Description of 'anti brony' trait.
  • Changed: Description of -80 opinion that anti bronies have of bronies (seen when mousing over a pawns name in the 'Social' tab).
  • Changed: The Applejack plush now gives a +25 bonus to plant work speed and yield (was 15%).
  • Changed: The Fluttershy plush now gives a +25 bonus to animal tame and train chance (was 15%).
  • Changed: The Pinkie Pie plush now improves social impact by 25% (was 20%).
  • Changed: The Rainbow Dash plush now increases move speed by 1 (was 0.5).
  • Changed: The Rarity plush now improves trade prices by 25% (was 20%).
  • Changed: The Twilight Sparkle plush now increases research speed by 25% (was 20%).
  • Changed: The Izzy Moonbow plush now increases opinions of others by 25% (was 10%).
  • Changed: The Apple Bloom plush now increases immunity gain speed by 50% (was 25%).
  • Changed: The Scootaloo plush now increases injury healing speed by 50% (was 25%).
  • Changed: The Celestia plush now reduces mental break threshold by 25% (was 20%).
  • Changed: The Cadence plush now reduces pain shock threshold by 25% (was 20%).
  • Changed: Pawns with the brony trait now have a +35 opinion of their fellow bronies (was +25).
  • Changed: The Discord lamp now requires 300 cloth to build, instead of a Discord plush.
  • Changed: The Discord lamp no longer requires power, but it now produces a little less light; the glow radius has been reduced to 8 (was 12).

Version 1.35.107

12 Jan 00:08
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  • Added: Starting pawns in the Brony Community scenario now have a chance to have a random plushie (excluding Rainbow Dash) in their inventory.
  • Added: Members of the NPC faction will now use MLP themed names.
    • The names are chosen in one of two ways:
      • A random first name followed by a random last name, which can lead to names such as 'Apple Dash' or 'Twilight Belle.'
      • A random single name, such as 'Celestia' or 'Rarity.'
    • There are 60 single names and 84 first/last names available for the game to choose from. Feel free to suggest more, but make sure you check the lists first to see what I've already got; you can find them in MyLittleRimPony\Languages\English\Strings\NameBanks.
  • Added: Custom bulk goods trader for the NPC faction.
    • Stocks a lot of cloth and kibble.
    • Sells farm animals and pets, and also buys exotic animals.
    • Does not sell drugs, beer, raw meat or pemmican.
  • Added: Custom combat supplier for the NPC faction.
    • Sells armour, wife throwers, tennis ball launchers and rainbow lasers.
    • Has a chance to stock a Orbital Friendship Cannon.
    • Buys drugs (the only brony trader to do so).
  • Added: The Brony Community scenario now starts with three (unbonded) horses.
  • Added: If you have Irn-Bru And Other Scottish Delights enabled, a patch allows the NPC faction to send Scottish goods traders.
  • Added: If you have Reverse Engineered Mechanoid Shields enabled, a patch allows the NPC faction to send mechanoid shield traders.
  • Fixed: Members of the NPC faction can not having the 'Brawler' trait.
  • Fixed: Scootaloo plush using incorrect texture.
  • Fixed: 'Faction [NAME] of def MLRP_NPC_Faction has no usable PawnGroupMakers for parms... etc' error.
  • Changed: Starting pawn clothing in the Brony Community scenario is now made of devilstrand.
  • Changed: Starting pawns in the Brony Community scenario should now be wearing flak armour by default.
  • Changed: Pawns with the 'anti brony' trait now have a -80 opinion of bronies (was -50).
  • Changed: Removed bedrolls from the Brony Community scenario.
  • Changed: Screwball now generates 250W of power (was 200).
  • Changed: Increased the starting silver for the Brony community scenario to 800 (was 500).
  • Changed: Reduced the starting steel for the Brony community scenario to 300 (was 500).
  • Changed: NPC faction villagers now spawn with normal quality gear.
  • Changed: NPC faction villagers now have 6-12 in non-combat skills (was 6-15).
  • Changed: The NPC faction is now capable of starting sieges.
  • Changed: NPC faction settlements should now be guarded by more elite mercenaries. Plan your attacks accordingly.
  • Removed patches for adding making modded factions friendly to the NPC faction; the latter has been set up so that it is not a natural enemy, so it should now be friendly towards everyone except for rough outlander, rough tribal, pirate and fierce tribal factions.

Version 1.28.92

06 Jan 20:27
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  • Added Anti-brony trait.
    • -50 opinion of bronies. (Thanks again to Aelanna for both helping with the C# needed to make this work, and for being so damn patient.)
    • -20 to mood if forced to carry a plushie.
    • This trait is more common to find than the brony trait.
  • Added: Bronies now have a +25 opinion of other bronies. Let the magic of friendship grow!
  • Added: Pawns with the brony trait now receive +10 to mood as long as they have a plushie equipped.
    • Stacks with the bonus granted by the Izzy Moonblow plush for +20 total.
  • Pawns with the brony trait should no longer suffer the following mental breaks:
    • Berserk
    • Drug binge (extreme)
    • Drug binge (major)
    • Insulting spree
    • Murderous rage
    • Sadistic rage
    • Slaughterer
    • Targeted insulting spree
  • NPC Faction: Villagers no longer have a chance to spawn with implants or bionics.
  • NPC Faction: Now sends exotic goods trader caravans.
  • NPC Faction: Increased the number of people in trade caravans.
  • NPC Faction: Reduced the number of villagers and increased the number of mercenaries defending settlements.
  • NPC Faction: Mercenaries now have 'brony' in their names, to better distinguish them from any other mercenaries that might exist in your game.
  • NPC Faction: Reduced combat power of elite mercenaries to 200 (was 320).
  • NPC Faction: Villagers now spawn with awful quality gear.
  • NPC Faction: Elite mercenaries now spawn with excellent quality gear.
  • NPC Faction: Elite mercenaries are now armed solely with the rainbow laser. May Randy have mercy on your souls.
  • NPC Faction: Reduced shooting, melee and medicine skills of all mercenary types.
    • Regular
      • 6-12 Shooting (was 6-15)
      • 3-5 Melee (was 6-15)
      • 4-8 Medicine (was 4-12)
    • Melee
      • 7-12 Melee (was 8-15)
      • 4-8 Medicine (was 4-12)
    • Elite
      • 10-15 Shooting (was 13-20)
      • 10-15 Melee (was 13-20)
      • 8-12 Medicine (was 8-16)
  • Removed the start up sound for the Brony Community scenario.

Version 1.25.66

04 Jan 17:49
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  • Added NPC brony faction.
    • Can be added to the map before starting a new colony.
    • Employs mercenaries for defense (or attack if you end up as hostile with them).
      • Villager: They have very poor fighting skill, but are good at other things; they will not resist being arrested and have little resistance and will. They are usually armed with a wife thrower and equipped with a flak vest.
      • Standard mercenary: Equipped with recon armour and uses assault rifles or advanced industrial level guns.
      • Melee mercenary: Equipped with plate armour and uses decent/advanced medieval melee weapons, axes or longswords.
      • Elite mercenary: Equipped with marine armour - though this is patched to cataphract if Royalty is installed - and uses heavy weapons, single use weapons, sniper rifles, spacer level guns or even the Rainbow Laser. Has exceptional fighting skill and a 30% chance to have implants of some kind.
      • Villagers will have a Big Macintosh plush, while mercenaries will use Rainbow Dash. Mercenaries can also have good medical skills on top of their combat abilities, making them good soldiers to recruit for your own colony.
    • Hostile to rough outlander, pirate and fierce/savage tribal factions.
      • Made friendly towards the following modded factions via patches:
        • Militaires Sans Frontiers (MSF)
        • Elite Crew
        • RimCraft factions
        • These patches are only applied if the appropriate mod exists; let me know if you'd like other modded factions added to the 'friendly' list.
    • Uses MLP themed names for factions and settlements; feel free to submit more via Discord.
    • Settlements have a range of stock.
      • Cloth and gold are abundant.
      • Random plushies can be found at varying prices.
      • Does not sell drugs or beer.
      • Will never buy or sell slaves.
      • Always has at least 1-3 wife throwers and tennis ball launchers and one Rainbow Laser in stock.
      • Small chance to stock an Orbital Friendship Cannon.
      • Also sells Screwballs, with at least 1 available on every restock.
      • Does not sell meat; only stocks vegetarian meals.
    • Probably needs to be tweaked to hell and back to balance things out; let me know via Discord.
    • Thanks to Aelanna, Princess of Evil and UdderlyEvelyn from the official RimWorld Discord server for helping with XML.
  • Added Screwball (generates 200W of power).
    • Will never break down.
    • Ideal for powering deep mining drills.
    • Requires 300 cloth and 2 components to build.
    • Requires that you research Electricity first.
  • Added Sweetie Bot, a turret that shoots rainbow lasers.
    • Accurate at medium to long range; fires a burst every three seconds.
    • Requires that you research the Rainbow Laser first.
    • 60% chance to not explode when damaged, though the explosion is quite large if she does (6 tiles).
    • Requires 200W of power, 300 cloth, 2 components, 2 advanced components, 50 plasteel and 15+ Construction skill to build.
    • Requires steel to refresh after firing.
    • Sweetie Bot is an OC and has been used in this mod without permission; she can be removed if the genuine owner requests it via my Discord server.
    • Thanks to Chaosi and Zephyr Moon from the UKBP Discord for giving me the idea to add her.
  • Added Apple Bloom (+25% to immunity gain speed).
  • Added Scootaloo (+25% to injury healing speed).
  • Added the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
    • Made by combining Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.
    • Grants the bonuses of all three Crusaders.
    • Market value of 900 silver.
  • Sweetie Belle no longer causes a mood debuff.
  • Brony Community scenario: You now start with two Screwballs to help power your turrets while you get your colony organised.
  • Brony Community scenario: Now uses the faction and settlement naming rules introduced with the NPC faction.
  • The plushie trader now has a chance of stocking a tennis ball launcher.
  • Weapons added by this mod should no longer be biocodable.
  • Increased market value of the Elements of Harmony to 2000 silver (was 1500).

Version 1.19.60

31 Dec 20:10
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Version 1.19.60 (December 31st 2021)

  • Added Sweetie Belle (+20 to cooking speed, -5% chance of poisoning meals and -3 mood).
  • Fixed not being able to build the Discord lamp until Electricity was researched.
  • Made About.xml a bit smaller; two new files can be found in the About folder with information about what the mod does and where the art came from.

Version 1.18.58 (December 27th 2021)

  • Added the Discord Lamp.
    • It gives the same amount of light as a standalone lamp.
    • Requires a Discord plush to build.
    • Can be built without researching Electricity first.
  • The tennis ball launcher should no longer appear as a potential relic.

Version 1.17.57

17 Dec 22:52
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Version 1.17.57 (December 17th 2021)

  • Added the Tennis Ball Launcher.
    • It's basically a smoke launcher, except it looks like Izzy and the smoke bombs are tennis balls.
    • Requires 75 steel, 4 components, an Izzy plush and 3 crafting to make at the plushie bench.
    • Thanks to Chaosi and Swirly Fungus from the UKBP Discord for giving me the idea (possibly by accident).
  • The wife thrower is now made at the plushie bench.
  • Brony Community scenario: You should now start with the same level of technology as a crashlanded playthrough (in other words, you shouldn't need to research how to cut stones or build proper beds).
  • Brony Community scenario: Your starting bronies should now be wearing all cloth apparel.
  • Brony Community scenario: The Empire is no longer permanently hostile.
  • Fixed 'Config error in MLRP_EOH_Fire: Sounds with non-on-camera subsounds should use MapOnly context.' error.
  • Fixed 'Config error in MLRP_BronyFaction: raidLootValueFromPointsCurve must be defined' error.

You can now download an expansion for this mod that adds items related to the Ideology DLC.
Get it here: