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Releases: GeodesicDragon/mylittlerimpony

Version 3.82.89

06 Feb 17:04
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I haven't made that many changes to files in this version, but I would still advise you to perform a fresh install of the mod in order to prevent any potential errors from popping up. Delete the 'MyLittleRimPony' folder from your Mods directory before installing this update.


  • Core: Added Miss Pommel's Fabric Exchange. (I'd use her proper name, but I don't want to risk getting sued lol.)
    • Converts 100 of cloth/synthread/hyperweave/devilstrand/thrumbofur into the market value equivalent of another.
      • Example 1: 100 cloth = 38 synthread, 17 hyperweave, 27 devilstrand or 11 thrumbofur.
      • Example 2: 100 thrumbofur = 933 cloth, 350 synthread, 156 hyperweave or 255 devilstrand.
      • Can also convert 100 human leather into the market value equivalent of lightleather or plainleather, but cannot convert the other way.
      • Comes with 22 new recipes in total.
      • Recipes do not require any other ingredients.
      • Requires complex clothing to be researched.
      • Requires 200 stuff and 150W of power to construct.
      • Will not short circuit if exposed to wet weather.
      • Devilstrand recipes will be unlocked once the fabric has been researched.
  • Core: The mood of pawns with the brony trait is now affected by the impressiveness of portal rooms they find themselves in.
  • Core: Poison joke now has a chance of causing a pawn to go blind for 24 hours.
  • Core: Poison joke now has a chance of increasing a pawn's consciousness, or rendering them unconscious, for 24 hours.
  • Core: Poison joke now has a chance of affecting a pawn's ability to speak for 24 hours.
  • Core: Poison joke now has a chance of affecting a pawn's ability to eat for 24 hours.
  • Core: Poison joke now has a chance of affecting a pawn's ability to hear for 24 hours.
  • Core: Poison joke now has a chance of affecting a pawn's ability to breathe for 12 hours.
  • Core: Poison joke now has a chance of affecting a pawn's blood filtration for 12 hours.
  • Core: Poison joke now has a chance of affecting a pawn's blood pumping for 12 hours.
  • Core: Nightmare Moon is now offering antigrain warheads. Requesting one requires mortar research, 4500 silver and 25 high explosive shells.
  • Core: You can now request Sunset Shimmer plushies from Nightmare Moon once the magic mirror has been researched. Requires 7500 silver and 300 cloth.
  • XML Extensions: Added an option to configure whether Sweetie Bot mechanoids appear in mechanoid clusters. Set to true by default.
  • Core: Speaking of Nightmare Moon, she has come to accept the fact that gathering chocolate, especially in the amounts she asks for, is a time-consuming and laborious process. As such, she has decreed that she will now accept payments of silver instead. (If a recipe still asks for chocolate, please let me know!)
  • Core: Reduced markup of acquiring things from Nightmare Moon to at least 25% (was 50%).
  • Core: Plushies now have a chance of appearing as part of a pawn's possessions when starting a new colony, though I should point out that I can't stop them from appearing in the inventories of pawns with the anti brony trait. (Maybe they stole it or something, I don't know.)
  • Core: Plushie traders should now stock all available plushies by default, meaning I will stop forgetting to add new ones to the stock list.
  • Core: Individual poison joke joints have been given a somewhat better new texture.
  • Core: Poison joke no longer has a chance of improving a colonists mood.
  • Core: Poison joke no longer has a chance of reducing a colonists mood.
  • Core: Poison joke no longer has a chance of causing heart attacks. (I lost a few good colonists because of that, so consider this a rage change.)
  • Core: Aggro turrets can now be constructed using metals.
  • Core: Screwball generators can now be constructed using metal and wood.
  • Core: Researching Cocoa is no longer a prerequisite for researching Statues of the Evil Sisters.
  • Core: Reduced market value of the Cutie Mark Crusaders to 600 (was 750).
  • Core: Aggro turrets now take a little less work to build.
  • Core: Increased yield of poison joke plants to 9 (was 6).
  • Core: Removed some offensive words from the list of 200 randoms used to generate NPC faction names and replaced them with something else. Apologies for not noticing this sooner; I just assumed the generator I used wouldn't pick words like those.
  • Biotech: Increased hemogen cost of acquiring a high subcore to 30 (was 25).
  • Biotech: The silver requirement of mechanitor-only recipes at the Nightmare Moon statue are now double the value of the required chip.
    • Signal Chip: 1000 silver (was 750).
    • Powerfocus Chip: 2000 silver (was 1500).
    • Nanostructuring Chip: 3000 silver (was 2250).
  • MedPod: Nightmare Moon is now demanding 9000 silver for isolinear processors instead of 3000 chocolate.
  • MedPod: Pods will no longer remove the 'super speedy' hediff.
  • MedPod: Pods will no longer remove the 'sight beyond sight' hediff.
  • MedPod: Pods will no longer remove the 'good manipulation' hediff.
  • MedPod: Pods will no longer remove the 'shrewd negotiator' hediff (ability added by the alicorn gene).
  • Replimat: Nightmare Moon is now demanding 27000 silver for isolinear modules instead of 9000 chocolate.
  • Harvest Organs Post Mortem: Removed the recipes for returning organs to the Nightmare Moon Statue. This will cause some one-time red errors.

Version 3.47.63

08 Jan 13:16
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Several changes have been made to file and folder structure, so - once again - I strongly advise you to perform a fresh install of the mod in order to prevent any errors. Delete the 'MyLittleRimPony' folder from your Mods directory before installing this update.


  • Core: Removed support for RimWorld 1.3. From now on, MLRP will only support the latest version of the game.
  • Core: Poison joke has been revamped; it will now play jokes on pawns ingesting it by way of giving them one of the following random effects:
    • Sight beyond sight
    • Super speedy
    • Good mood
    • Slow and sluggish
    • Poor manipulation
    • Improved manipulation
    • Bad mood
    • Fibrous mechanites
    • Sensory mechanites
    • Heart attack
  • Core: Added a research project which, when completed, will increase the power output of magic mirrors by 25%.
  • Ideology: Added Statue of the Three Villains, a new terror building which costs 300 stone to build.
  • MedPod: Added a patch which will prevent pods from attempting to remove the harmony chip. It's probably not needed, but I still wanted to have it.
  • Core: Increased market value of poison joke addiction cure kits to 750 (was 500).
  • Core: Smoking poison joke no longer has a risk of causing asthma.
  • Core: Smoking poison joke no longer has a risk of causing cancer.
  • Core: Removed the red Discord lamp. This may cause a bunch of one-time red errors when loading a saved game.
  • Core: Removed the green Discord lamp. This may cause a bunch of one-time red errors when loading a saved game.
  • Core: Removed the blue Discord lamp. This may cause a bunch of one-time red errors when loading a saved game.
  • Ideology: Removed the darklight Discord lamp. This may cause a bunch of one-time red errors when loading a saved game.
  • Biotech: Increased the duration of Shrewd Negotiator to 60 seconds (was 15).
  • Biotech: Fixed Sweetie Bot mechanoids having 200% sharp and blunt armour.
  • Biotech: Fixed Sweetie Bot mechanoids calling out so often.
  • RimPonk: Fixed pawns being unable to equip the Fleur De Lis plushie.
  • RimPonk: Fixed pawns being unable to equip the Flim and Flam plushie.
  • RimPonk: Fixed pawns being unable to equip the Button Mash plushie.

Version 3.43.49

25 Dec 22:56
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  • Core: Added a Manifest.xml file for all you RimPy users out there.
  • Core: Added a recipe to the Nightmare Moon statue which will give you 500 kibble in exchange for 850 silver (1.5x the market value).
  • Core: The Cutie Pox has made its way to the rim.
    • Increases many stats by 5%, but also increases pain by 20%.
    • Requires tending every 24 hours.
    • Clears when the total tending reaches 1000%.
    • Bronies will get +3 to mood while they have the disease, while anti bronies will get -3 to mood.
  • XML Extensions: Added an option to configure whether the harmony precept grants the old bonuses or the new ones (see below).
  • XML Extensions: Added an option to configure whether MedPods will be prevented from curing the Cutie Pox. Set to true by default.
  • Core: Fixed plushies not granting any Crafting experience while making them. (About damn time, am I right?)
  • Core: Reduced mood bonus given by the Izzy Moonbow plushie to +5 (was +10).
  • Core: Magic mirrors will now block wind turbines.
  • Core: Fixed exotic goods traders not stocking Sunset Shimmer plushies.
  • Core: Reduced light radius of Discord lamps to 8 (was 12).
  • Core: Fixed Discord lamps not showing their light radius when selected.
  • Core: Fluttershy now increases animal gathering speed by 25%.
  • Core: Fluttershy now increases animal gathering yield by 25%.
  • Ideology: The harmony precept has been nerfed, as I felt that the stats it provided were a bit too overpowered.
    • Reduced melee hit chance to +1 (was +5).
    • Reduced shooting accuracy bonus to +1 (was +5).
    • Reduced movement speed bonus to 0.5 (was 1).
    • Reduced all other bonuses to +10% (was +25%).
  • Biotech: Reduced movement speed of Sweetie Bot mechanoids to 8 (was 10).
  • Biotech: Sweetie Bot mechanoids now have a blunt armour rating of 10 (was 0).
  • Biotech: Sweetie Bot mechanoids now have a sharp armour rating of 30 (was 0).

Version 3.38.34

07 Dec 17:30
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Some files have been removed from this version, so I strongly advise you to perform a fresh install of the mod in order to prevent any errors. Delete the 'MyLittleRimPony' folder from your Mods directory before installing this update.


  • Royalty: Added an alert to show you when you have anti-bronies with harmony chips installed.
  • Ideology: Added Flim and Flam (+25% conversion power).
    • Like the Aloe and Lotus plush, they require 1.5 times the materials of a regular plushie to make.
  • Biotech: Added a new floordrawing, created by me. Finally, my laughable art skills can be put to good use!
  • Biotech: Added the 'Shrewd Negotiator' ability, available to pawns with the Alicorn gene.
    • When used, it will vastly improve a pawn's negotiation ability, trade price improvement and social impact for 15 seconds.
    • If Ideology is enabled, it will also increase their conversion power.
    • For a pawn with level 20 Social and no other abilities or implants, using Shrewd Negotiator will grant 1900% negotiation ability, 300% trade price improvement, 1370% social impact and 2050% conversion power.
    • This ability can only be used once every 15 days.
  • Combat Extended: Added patch for Flim and Flam.
  • Combat Extended: Added compatibility patches for the Sweetie Bot mechanoid.
  • Vanilla Achievements Expanded: Added an achievement to make 100,000 rounds of ammo for the aggro turrets. (Requires Combat Extended.)
  • Vanilla Achievements Expanded: Added achievement to make a Flim and Flam plushie.
  • Core: Reduced mood bonus bronies get from having a plushie equipped to 5 (was 10).
  • Core: Reduced mood loss anti bronies get from having a plushie equipped to -10 (was -20).
  • Core: Weapon sounds now work again. Many thanks to OttersHoldHands from the RimWorld Discord for fixing this issue.
  • Core: Replaced the Fluttershy plushie in the Brony Community scenario with Maud Pie. After all, surely mining for steel and components at the start of a new game is slightly more important than trying to tame animals?
  • Core: Mousing over the 'Anti brony has plushie' alert now properly shows the explanation.
  • Core: NPC faction slave traders should now have slaves to sell.
  • Combat Extended: Fixed 'Verse.PatchOperationAdd(xpath="/Defs/ThingDef[defName="*"]/statBases"): Failed to find a node with the given xpath` errors. As a result, all plushies now have a bulk of one and a worn bulk of... well, one.
  • Combat Extended: Increased aiming accuracy of Sweetie Bot turrets to 60% (was 45%).
  • Combat Extended: Reduced market value of wooden bullets to 0.01 silver (was 0.1).
  • Royalty: Reduced mood bonus bronies get from having a harmony chip installed to 10 (was 20).
  • Royalty: Reduced mood bonus non bronies get from having a harmony chip installed to 5 (was 10).
  • Royalty: Reduced mood loss anti bronies get from having a harmony chip installed to -10 (was -20).
  • Royalty: Reduced gold needed to make a harmony chip to 150 (was 175). This also fixes the yellow 'Parsed 17.5 as int.' warning.
  • Royalty: Mousing over the 'Anti brony has harmony chip' alert now properly shows the explanation.
  • XML Extensions: Simplified the operation to change the cost of plushies which feature two ponies (Aloe and Lotus/Flim and Flam). You might be left with some unused variables, but you can safely delete them from the XML Extensions settings menu.

Version 3.30.19

28 Nov 22:45
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  • Core: Added the magic mirror (from Equestria Girls) as a building capable of generating power.
    • Generates 15000W of power.
    • Research level is Ultra with a base cost of 30000.
    • Research requires a hi-tech research bench and multi-analyser.
    • Building one requires 16 Construction, 75 components, 25 advanced components, 1000 each of plasteel, steel and uranium, and a Sunset Shimmer plushie. Note that the plushie cannot be manufactured; it can only be acquired from quests or exotic goods vendors.
    • If you stick a bunch of them in the same place you create a portal room, though nothing comes of it. (Thanks to Aelanna from the RimWorld Discord server for helping me with the C# I needed to make this work.)
  • Core: Added Sunset Shimmer plushie. Since she can't be equipped, she can be found under the 'Manufactured' category.
  • Core: Added 'PonyPlushie' apparel tag, meaning you can now create your own pawns that spawn with plushies should you so wish.
    • Thanks to bblkepling for the suggestion.
  • Biotech: Added ability to create Sweetie Bot mechanoids.
    • Require high mechtech to unlock.
    • Created at a large gestator after two cycles.
    • Move very fast and are equipped with a rainbow laser, but are vulnerable to melee attacks.
    • Require 200 steel, 75 plasteel, a high subcore, 5 components and 5 bandwidth.
  • Biotech: Added missing textures for poison joke addiction genes.
    • Thanks again to bblkepling for bringing my attention to the fact that they were missing.
  • MedPod: Added a patch which will prevent pods from attempting to heal the 'pony plushie' hediff.
  • Vanilla Achievements Expanded: Added achievement to acquire a Sunset Shimmer plush.
  • Vanilla Achievements Expanded: Added achievement to build the magic mirror.
  • Core: Fixed 'Config error in Brony_Mercenary_Grenadier: required apparel can't be worn together (Apparel_FlakPants, Apparel_Pants)' error.
  • Core: Fixed some patches related to loading screen tips not being applied correctly.
  • Core: Fixed NPC faction settlements refusing to buy plushies.
  • Addictol: Patches related to this mod should now work whether you are using the 1.3 or 1.4 version.
  • Addictol: Reduced the amount of addictol sold by NPC faction settlements to 3 (was 6).
  • Addictol: Reduced the amount of addictol sold by NPC faction combat suppliers to 1 (was 1-3).

Version 3.22.13

13 Nov 13:03
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Version 3.22.13 (November 13th 2022)

  • Core: Added a file containing 200 random words to use for NPC faction pawn names, though you may see some weird combinations as a result.
  • Core: The NPC faction now employs mercenary grenadiers.
  • Ideology: Added NPC faction mining, hunting, logging and farming camps.
  • Biotech: Added child-equippable Rainbow Dash plushie (+2 to movement speed).
  • Biotech: Added child-equippable Starlight Glimmer plushie.
  • Biotech: Added the ability to request 5 hemogen packs from Nightmare Moon.
    • She demands 1000 silver for this service, meaning you are effectively paying 40 times the market value (since 5 hemogen packs have a total market value of 25). As such, making this request should always be considered a last resort.
    • This recipe is available as soon as you construct the statue.
  • Biotech: Added six new recipes to the Nightmare Moon statue which let your mechanitors request things. Please note that, instead of signal, powerfocus or nanostructuring chips, she will demand 1.5 times the chips value in silver AND chocolate; you will also have to provide the regular/advanced components that you would normally use to create the item. This makes the items quite expensive to acquire, but is useful if you want some upgrades but lack the firepower and/or numbers to take down one of the mechanoid bosses.
    • Control sublink (standard)
    • Control sublink (high)
    • Remote repairer
    • Mech gestation processor
    • Remote shielder
    • Repair probe
    • These recipes can only be performed by a mechanitor, and are unlocked once you have researched the relevant technologies.
  • Biotech: Added a recipe to the Nightmare Moon statue which lets you request a high subcore. Doing so requires 2250 silver, 750 chocolate and 25 hemogen packs, but you won't be forced to sacrifice a pawn or prisoner, thus avoiding the associated mood debuffs.
  • Biotech: The NPC faction has welcomed various xenotypes into the fold. They are now 70% baseliner and 5% each of dirtmoles, pigskins, imps, yttakin, genies and neanderthals. Hussars, meanwhile, still only have a chance of appearing as elite mercenaries, while highmates, sanguophages and wasters will not appear at all (the latter two refused to partake in all of the fun and magic, the miserable gits).
  • Combat Extended: Added bulk and worn bulk for child-equippable plushies.
  • Replimat: Added a recipe to the Nightmare Moon statue which lets you request an isolinear module in exchange for 9000 chocolate (thus making it cost about 27000 silver compared to 18000 normally). The recipe will become available once you have researched molecular nutrient resequencing.
  • Simple Sidearms: Added weapon tag maps for the wife thrower and rainbow laser.
  • Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded: Added one new (very basic) background.
  • XML Extensions: Added option to allow the child-equippable Rainbow Dash plushie to give the same bonuses as the adult version.
  • Core: NPC faction leaders are now equipped with marine armour (cataphract if Royalty is enabled) and rainbow lasers.
  • Core: NPC faction pawns who used ranged weapons should no longer spawn with the 'Brawler' trait.
  • Core: Melee brony mercenaries will now spawn with the 'Brawler' trait.
  • Core: Changed the description of the NPC faction.
  • Core: Nightmare Moon now demands both 125 chocolate and 10 industrial medicine before she will give you any glitterworld medicine.
  • Core: Removed disallowed traits from the starting pawns in the brony community scenario. They can now be wimps, pyromaniacs or have chemical needs.
  • Royalty: Updated 'request detoxifier stomach' recipe to reflect the fact it is now called a 'sterilising stomach.'
  • Royalty: Fixed the Harmony chip not increasing bandwidth.
  • Royalty: Fixed recipe to request a reprocessor stomach using the wrong item name in the bill list.
  • Ideology: The patch which applies plushie bonuses to the harmony chip now checks to see if Royalty is enabled first.
  • Biotech: Fixed plushie trader not stocking child-equippable plushies.
  • Biotech: Fixed missing space in label for Button Mash plushie.
  • RimPonk: Removed patches which add pawns from this mod to the NPC faction.

Version 3.0.0

27 Oct 20:40
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  • This mod no longer supports RimWorld 1.1 or 1.2; apologies for any inconvenience this may (read: will) cause.
  • Biotech: Added four new genes.
    • Earth Pony: +25kg to carrying capacity.
    • Unicorn: +25% to manipulation.
    • Pegasus: +10% each to melee and trap dodge chance.
    • Alicorn: All of the above.
  • Biotech: NPC faction elite brony mercenaries now have a 25% chance of being hussars.
  • Biotech: Some plushies now have child-equippable variants that cost half as many materials to make and have increased bonuses.
    • Apple Bloom (+100% to immunity gain speed)
    • Big Macintosh (+50kg to carrying capacity)
    • Cheerilee (+100% to global learning factor)
    • Discord (+100% to global work speed)
    • Scootaloo (+100% to injury healing speed)
    • Shining Armour (+30% each to blunt armour rating, sharp armour rating and heat armour rating)
  • Biotech: The brony trait now conflicts with the 'Recluse' trait.
  • Biotech: Added Button Mash (+2 bandwidth).
  • Biotech: Added a patch which gives you a Button Mash plushie when starting the mechanitor scenario.
  • Core: Added a recipe to the Daybreaker statue which lets you make 250 bottles of beer using 250 wort. You will need to use 75 chemfuel, and unlock the recipe with some additional research, but it's still a lot quicker than using the fermenting barrel!
  • Core: Added patches for RimWorld 1.4 which allow you to change the colour of the regular Discord lamp. If you have the Ideology DLC, you will also be able to turn it into a darklight. The R/G/B and separate darklight versions still exist, as removing them causes errors, but the colour can't be changed.
  • Core: An alert is now shown on the right of the screen when pawns with the anti brony trait have a plushie equipped.
  • MedPod: Added a recipe to request isolinear processors from the Nightmare Moon statue. Each processor costs 3000 chocolate (thus making them cost 9000 silver) and can only be requested once you have researched accelerated cellular regeneration.
  • MedPod: Added a patch which adds one isolinear processor to the stock carried by NPC faction exotic goods traders.
  • Vanilla Achievements Expanded: Added an achievement for crafting the Button Mash plushie.
  • Core: The poison joke addiction cure kit should now be working again.
  • Core: Sweetie Bot turrets have undergone a few more upgrades, chief among them being the fact they no longer require rearming.
    • To compensate for this, the power consumption has been increased to 350W (was 175).
    • Furthermore, the construction cost has increased to to 600 stuff, 5 advanced components and 250 plasteel.
    • You can now build Sweetie Bots out of metals such as steel and uranium.
    • Lowered required construction skill to 12 (was 15).
    • Increased mass to 35 (was 8).
    • Combat Extended users are unaffected by these changes, and will still need to provide ammo as normal.
  • Vanilla Achievements Expanded: Changed the criteria for earning the 'Friendship is Magic' achievement, as it wasn't tracking your psycasts properly. Instead, you now have to buy or sell 100 Elements of Harmony (not all at once, thankfully).
  • Weeb Faction: The Weeaboo Army and the NPC brony faction have had a bit of a falling out, and are once again hostile towards each other. Despite this, player-led brony communities seem to be unaffected, and can still freely interact with their anime loving friends.
    • Only applies to new colonies; existing ones may still see the two as being friendly with each other.
  • XML Extensions: Removed setting related to rearming Sweetie Bot turrets. This will leave you with an unused setting, which can be safely deleted.
  • XML Extensions: The crafting skill you set for crafting regular plushies will be applied to the child versions as well.
  • XML Extensions: The market value you set for regular plushies will be divided by two and applied to the child versions.

Version 2.94.153

13 Oct 19:30
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More file changes have been made, so a fresh install of the mod is required in order to prevent any errors. Delete the 'MyLittleRimPony' folder from your Mods directory before installing this update.


  • Mod is now compatible with the RimWorld 1.4 patch.
  • Core: Added Fleur de Lis (+2 to pawn beauty).
    • This bonus is not applied to the harmony chip.
  • Core: Added five new recipes to the Daybreaker statue that let you convert materials into 1000 silver. Handy if you've got an excess of one thing and would like to convert it into another.
    • Materials required are exactly the same as you get when converting from silver, such as 526 steel or 111 plasteel.
  • Combat Extended: Added patch for Fleur de Lis.
  • Hooligan Faction: Added patch which makes the NPC faction non-hostile to player controlled hooligans.
  • Trait Icons: Added icons for brony and anti brony traits.
  • Vanilla Achievements Expanded: Added achievement to craft Fleur de Lis.
  • Vanilla Achievements Expanded: Added achievement to craft a Scootaloo plushie using bird leather.
  • Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded: Added 2 new backgrounds.
  • Core: Fixed plushie traders not stocking Daring Do.
  • Core: Reduced construction skill required to build Daybreaker statues to 6 (was 12).
  • Core: Reduced construction skill required to build Nightmare Moon statues to 6 (was 12).
  • Core: Making the Elements of Harmony no longer requires gold.
  • Core: NPC faction spawns now have silver in their loot tables.
  • Core: Instead of long descriptions, the functions of the Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker statues are now explained in a letter, received when you finish researching the technology to unlock them.
  • Core: NPC faction pawns can no longer have the anti brony trait.
  • Royalty: Reduced market value of the harmony chip to 10000 silver (was 17500).
  • Royalty: The NPC faction has seen fit to upgrade the equipment used by the mercenaries they employ.
    • Melee brony mercenaries are now equipped with recon armour.
    • Melee brony mercenaries will now use monoswords, zeushammers and plasmaswords.
    • Ranged brony mercenaries (non elite) are now equipped with marine armour.
  • RimPonk: Fixed pawns not being able to equip the Aloe and Lotus plushie.
  • RimPonk: Fixed pawns not being able to equip the Daring Do plushie.
  • RimPonk: Fixed pawns not being able to equip the Spoiled Rich plushie.

Version 2.81.138

05 Oct 16:38
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Before installing this update, go to RimWorld\Mods\MyLittleRimPony\Core\Defs\Drugs and rename the 'CursePoisonJokeAddiction' file to 'CurePoisonJokeAddiction.' Otherwise you will end up with two files that have the same Defs in them, which will cause errors in the game.


  • Core: The poison joke addiction cure wasn't showing up in a pawn's health bills, so I've changed how it works.
    • Added a new item, made at a drug lab using 10 neutroamine and 15 herbal medicine, which will cure the poison joke addiction when it is ingested.
    • Requires 6 Medical skill to make.
    • Researching the cure is still required.
    • Works instantly with no adverse side effects.
    • Also removes any built-up tolerance.
    • NPC faction settlements will usually have 1-3 in stock.
    • Laughable texture by me, as per usual.
    • RimPonk: This item will also cure magical cake addiction and remove any built-up tolerance. It will also be renamed to 'Equestrian Addiction Removal Kit.'
    • Many thanks to Cyber and Wild, creators of the Addictol mod, as I examined their code to see how I could do it myself. You can get the Addictol mod here:
  • Core: Added the ability to request skilltrainers from Nightmare Moon.
    • Each skilltrainer costs 1125 chocolate.
    • Unlocking these recipes requires research at a hi-tech research bench with a multi-analyser.
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request neurocalculators from Nightmare Moon (requires neural computation).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request learning assistants from Nightmare Moon (requires neural computation).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request immunoenhancers from Nightmare Moon (requires molecular analysis).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request coagulators from Nightmare Moon (requires healing factors).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request healing enhancers from Nightmare Moon (requires healing factors).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request toughskin glands from Nightmare Moon (requires skin hardening).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request armorskin glands from Nightmare Moon (requires skin hardening).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request stoneskin glands from Nightmare Moon (requires skin hardening).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request aesthetic shapers from Nightmare Moon (requires flesh shaping).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request aesthetic noses from Nightmare Moon (requires flesh shaping).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request love enhancers from Nightmare Moon (requires flesh shaping).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request detoxifier stomachs from Nightmare Moon (requires artificial metabolism).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request reprocessor stomachs from Nightmare Moon (requires artificial metabolism).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request nuclear stomachs from Nightmare Moon (requires artificial metabolism).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request circadian assistants from Nightmare Moon (requires circadian influence).
  • Royalty: Added the ability to request circadian half-cyclers from Nightmare Moon (requires circadian influence).
  • XML Extensions: Added options which allow you to set the touch/short/medium/long range accuracy of aggro turrets.
  • XML Extensions: Added an option which allows you to set the number of shots fired by aggro turrets each burst.
  • Core: Increased power generation of Screwballs to 300W (was 250).
  • Core: Updated the description of the Daybreaker statue to reflect that research is needed before components can be made.
  • Core: Fixed aggro turrets not 'firing' at enemies.
  • Core: Fixed Izzy Moonbow reducing a pawn's opinions of others instead of increasing them.
  • Core: Fixed bulk goods caravans not buying leather.
  • Royalty: Fixed the harmony chip reducing a pawn's opinions of others instead of increasing them.
  • Royalty: Fixed duplicate text in Nightmare Moon statue description.
  • Combat Extended: Increased bulk and worn bulk of the Cutie Mark Crusaders plush to 1.5 (was 0.5).
  • Combat Extended: Increased bulk and worn bulk of the Elements of Harmony to 3 (was 0.5).
  • Combat Extended: Reduced bulk and worn bulk of Royalty plushies to 0.5 (was 1).
  • Combat Extended: Reduced bulk and worn bulk of Ideology plushies to 0.5 (was 1).
  • Combat Extended: Added missing patch for Daring Do plushie.
  • Combat Extended: Added missing patch for Spoiled Rich plushie.
  • Combat Extended: Added missing patch for Aloe and Lotus plushie.
  • RimPonk: Removed recipe to cure magical cake addiction, as it wasn't showing in the bills on the Health tab.
  • XML Extensions: Fixed brony trait conflicting with traits it shouldn't after changing some settings.
  • XML Extensions: You can now set the commonality of the brony and anti-brony traits to zero.
  • XML Extensions: Setting Nurse Redheart to spawn glitterworld medicine will now make her use twice as much power.

Version 2.61.119

19 Sep 16:12
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  • Core: Added three new Discord lamps.
    • Now available in red, green and blue.
    • Requires coloured lights research.
  • Core: Added NPC faction slave trader.
    • Only has slaves for sale; will not buy or sell anything else.
    • Can be requested via the comms console.
  • Core: Added NPC faction stonemason.
    • Doesn't carry a lot of silver.
    • Buys and sells blocks of stone.
    • Can be requested via the comms console.
  • Core: Added NPC faction exotic goods trader.
    • Sells the usual goods you'd expect from a exotic goods caravan.
    • Has a (very) small chance of stocking a single Nurse Redheart.
    • Has a (very) small chance of stocking a single Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.
    • If you have Royalty enabled, this trader will stock implants and techprints.
    • Can be requested via the comms console.
  • Ideology: Added darklight Discord lamp.
    • Has a 25% larger glow radius than the normal standing darklight.
    • Like all other Discord lamps, it will continue to operate during solar flares.
  • Vanilla Backstories Expanded: Added the 'MLP Obsessive' backstory.
    • Only seen if RimWorld 1.3 is being used, since VBE only supports it.
    • Pawns with this backstory will have the brony trait by default.
    • Gives +10 to Crafting, Artistic and Social, all of which the pawn is very passionate about, but disables all other work. If you've allowed bronies to be violent via XML Extensions settings, pawns with this backstory can still fight.
    • While this mod is enabled, the brony trait is patched so that it only gives +2 to Social instead of +6.
  • Core: The brony trait no longer conflicts with the abrasive trait.
  • Core: The brony trait no longer conflicts with the bloodlust trait.
  • Core: The brony trait no longer conflicts with the brawler trait.
  • Core: The brony trait no longer conflicts with the cannibal trait.
  • Core: The brony trait no longer conflicts with the shooting traits.
  • Core: Anti-bronies now have a -10 opinion of bronies (was -25).
  • Core: Bronies now have a +10 opinion of other bronies (was +25).
  • Core: NPC faction settlements should now buy and sell slaves.
  • Core: Fixed being unable to request bulk goods traders from the NPC faction.
  • Core: Fixed being unable to request weapon traders from the NPC faction.
  • Core: Pawns with the brony trait are no longer prevented from having extreme mental breaks such as murderous rage.
  • Core: Reduced the amount of raw food carried by NPC faction bulk goods traders to 1000-1500 (was 1500-2500).
  • Core: NPC faction bulk goods traders now have medicine in stock.
  • Core: Fixed plushie traders not stocking Spoiled Rich.
  • Core: Fixed the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 showing a 1x1 square when selected.
  • Royalty: Fixed plushie traders not stocking Aloe and Lotus.
  • Humanoid Alien Races: The brony trait now conflicts with the xenophobia trait.
    • I'm not sure if it is possible to allow bronies to be xenophiles and not xenophobes; for now, they can't be either.