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# Geolatte-geom
-A geometry model for Java that conforms to the Simple Features For SQL specification 1.2.1.
-It is intended as a drop-in replacement for the Java Topology Suite (JTS) geometry model. GeoLatte-geom is fully
-interoperable with JTS but offers the following additional features:
-* immutable data structures (Geometries are value objects).
+A geometry model for Java with:
+* immutable data structures
* support for 2D, 3D, 2DM and 3DM geometries
-* support for several dialects of WKT/WKB (Postgis, Sql Server, SFS 1.21)
-* pluggable, extendable Geometry operations
-* CRS-awareness (knowledge of coordinate reference system (projected/geodetic, angular units of metres)
-* geodetic operations (length, distance and area calculations)
+* A DSL for creating Geometries
+* support for several dialects of WKT/WKB (Postgis, Sql Server, SFA 1.1.0 and 1.2.1)
+* Codecs for translating from/to native database formats for Postgis, Mysql, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.
+* Pluggable, extendable Geometry operations
+* Coordinate reference system aware
+* space filling curves
+The library's geometry model is largely based on the
+[Simple Feature Access (1.2.1) specification](https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=25355).
+GeoLatte-geom is fully interoperable with [the Java Topology Suite (JTS)](https://github.com/locationtech/jts).
+# Using Geolatte-geom
+Currently we require Java 1.8 or later.
+The library is published on Maven Central. For Maven, you can include the following dependency.
+ org.geolatte
+ geolatte-geom
+ 1.17
+# Quick start
+## Creating Geometries
+To create a Geometry we first need to specify the Coordinate Reference System we will be working in. Let's say we use
+WGS84 (for other options, see [below](#coordinate-reference-systems)).
+import org.geolatte.geom.*;
+import static org.geolatte.geom.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystems.WGS84;
+The easiest way to create `Geometry` instances is by using the built-in builder DSL. This allows you to specify 2D `Position`s
+(coordinates) using `c(x,y)`for Cartesian or projected coordinates, and
+`g(long,lat)` for geodetic or spherical coordinates. (There are also variants for the higher dimensions).
+import static org.geolatte.geom.builder.DSL.*;
+Now we can create geometries like so.
+Point pnt = point(WGS84, g(4.33,53.21));
+LineString lstr = linestring(WGS84, g(4.43, 53.21), g(4.44, 53.20), g(4.45, 53.19));
+Polygon pgn = polygon(WGS84, ring(g(4.43, 53.21), g(4.44, 53.22), g(4.43, 53.21)));
+We can also create Geometries in a higher-dimensional space. Let's do it in 3D.
+First we again need to specify the coordinate reference system we will be working in. In this case, we derive
+the system from WGS84 by adding a Vertical system for the elevation.
-# Redesign 0.x to 1.0
+CoordinateReferenceSystem wgs84E = WGS84.addVerticalSystem(LinearUnit.METER, G3D.class);
+Point pntWithElevation = point(wgs84E, g(4.33, 53.21, 350));
-This version is a complete redesign. The redesign is aimed at:
-* increasing the level of type-safety in the API;
-* the ability to incorporate geographic (or geodetic) data without duplication of the Geometry class hierarchy;
-* making full use of the information on coordinate reference systems that is now available in the CRSRegistry.
-## The Coordinate Reference System model (crs package)
+## Encoding and Decoding Geometries to WKT/WKB
- The availability of the CRSRegistry, and the explicit modelling of coordinate reference systems,
- made it obvious that a better way was available for handling the different dimensions of a Geometry's coordinate space.
- In previous versions this dimensionality was specified with a DimensionalFlag. Having a complete model of the
- Coordinate Reference System, including it's coordinate space, means we no longer need this. Rather than
- associating a DimensionalFlag with the Geometry, we only need it's Coordinate Reference System.
+Now let's write these out as WKT string.
+import org.geolatte.geom.codec.Wkt;
- Since in the Coordinate Reference System model Projected and Geographic systems are distinguished, we can use a
- single Geometry class-hierarchy, and let the implementations inspect the associated Coordinate Reference System
- to determine which operations are valid, or which algorithms are selected (e.g. geodetic length rather than length in 2D plane).
+String wkt = Wkt.toWkt(pnt);
+// "SRID=4326;POINT(4.33 53.21)"
-## Base and compound Coordinate Reference Systems
+// or maybe using a specific dialect such as SFA 1.2.1
+String wktZ = Wkt.toWkt(pntWithElevation, Wkt.Dialect.SFA_1_2_1);
+// "POINT Z (4.33 53.21 350)"
-The CRSRegistry only provides access to base systems, which are always 2D. Users can add axes (Vertical or Measure) to
-a base system, and so create a Compound system. Vertical axes are axes with a Direction of UP (DOWN), measure axes have
-direction OTHER or UNKNOWN. Although it is possible to add several Measure axes, many measure operations will only take the first
-such axis into account.
+There is a very similar API for WKB encoding/decoding (see the `Wkb` codec class).
+For historical and practical reasons. The default dialects for WKB/WKT are those
+used in [Postgis](http://postgis.org).
+## Geometry operations
+# The Geometry model
## Positions
-A Position is essentially a tuple of coordinates which together with a Coordinate Reference System specify
-a position in that Coordinate Reference System.
+A `Position` is a tuple of coordinates that specify a position relative to a coordinate reference system.
+It corresponds with to the concept of **direct position** in the Simple Feature
+and ISO-19107 specifications.
+The coordinate space can be 2-, 3- or 4-dimensional. The first two dimensions are used to specify a
+point on the earth's surface. The third dimension usually represent altitude or elevation,
+and the fourth a measurement.
+There are two major types of 2D coordinate reference systems. `GeographicCoordinateReferenceSystem`s specify
+points on the earth's surface using spherical coordinates (i.e. latitude` and longitude).
+`ProjectedCoordinateReferenceSystem`s use cartesian coordinates (x and y) on a projected plane.
+From these 2D-spaces the higher-dimensional spaces can be constructed by adding a
+`VerticalCoordinateReferenceSystem` and/or a `LinearCoordinateReferenceSystem`.
+Consequently, the instantiable (2D) types of `Position` are `G2D` (spherical coordinates) and `C2D` (cartesian coordinates) in a
+geographic, resp. projected coordinate reference system. From these the higher-dimensional subtypes
+can be derived. E.g. from `C2D`, we can build `C3D`, `C2DM` and `C3DM` positions.
+## Geometry
+A `Geometry` is a topologically closed set (in the mathematical sense) of `Position`s. The instantiable `Geometry`
+subclasses all specify this set using one or more boundaries. The boundaries in turn are specified by
+interpolation between consecutive elements in a list of `Position`s. These `Position`s are called the _vertices_ of the
+A distinctive feature of this library is that `Geometry` class is parameterized by `Position` type. This means that e.g.
+a `Point` is a different type than `Point`. This ensures that it is always explicit what the coordinates mean
+(projected or spherical), and what types of operation make sense. E.g. the euclydian distance on the plane works for
+projected coordinates, but makes no sense for spherical coordinates.
+The instantiable subclasses of `Geometry` are:
+- `Point` a single position
+- `LineString` a 1-dimensional curve specified by linear interpolation between its vertices
+- `Polygon` a 2-dimensional space enclosed by an outer `LinearRing` (a closed `LineString`), minus the space enclosed
+by any inner `LinearRing`s.
+- `MultiPoint` a collection of `Point`s
+- `MultiLineString` a collection of `LineString`s
+- `MultiPolygon` a collection of `Polygon`s
+- `GeometryCollection` a collection of `Geometry`s
+## Coordinate Reference Systems
+# JTS interop
-In previous versions, Points played the role of Positions. The concept of a Position, distinguished from
-a Point, was introduced to have different types of Positions, each corresponding to a type of
-Coordinate Reference System.
-In this new model, a Geometry is conceptually a set of Positions (all associated with the same Coordinate Reference System).
-The set is determined by one or more sequences of Positions and a type enum value (GeometryType) that determine how the
-sequence(s) determine the Geometry (e.g. for LineString it is by linear interpolation between the consecutive positions).
-## De-emphasizing the Simple Features Specification (SFS)
-This library started as an attempt to have a JTS-interoperable library that is SFS-compliant, but has a more
-modern design and better support for geometries not in the 2-dimensional projected plane. As design progressed, it became
-no longer obvious what the advantage of SFS compliance are.
-With open source and more expressive languages, the advantage of standardisation on the API level
-are becoming less-and-less obvious. The only advantages to the SFS model (or it's more complicated cousin SQL/MM-Part 3)
-that I can see are a familiar Geometry model and a precise specification of topological relations. These advantages are
-offset by the disadvantages of a bias to 2D planar coordinate systems, and a (by current tastes) problematic API design.
-(Should complex operations really be part of the Geometry interface? What with alternative algorithm implementations?)
-Because of these misgivings, we will de-emphasize SFS compliance.