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File metadata and controls

233 lines (183 loc) · 8.49 KB

Gallipy: yet another Python wrapper for the Gallica APIs

Gallipy provides a pythonic way to access, query and retrieve (meta)data from, the digital library of the French National Library. Gallipy wraps gallica's APIs Document and IIIF in one single class named Resource, which basically which basically represents the 'R' in Archival Resource Key.

The Search API is not yet implemented.

Gallipy implements pythonic Monades, as described in this awesome article by Alexey Karasev. Monades Either/Maybe and Future are extensively used by gallipy.

Folder /scripts provides simple and convenient scripts to download PDFs from ARK strings or Bibtex entries.

Example of use #1

Download the first 10 views of the document with ark id ark:/12148/btv1b90017179 in PDF format and save it on the disk.

from gallipy import Resource, Ark

def save(either, filename):
  # Handle exceptions here
  if either.is_left:
    raise either.value
  # Otherwise we can safely unwrap its content.
  with open(filename,'wb') as file:
  return either  # Enables method chaining.

my_ark = 'ark:/12148/bpt6k5619759j'
filename = 'bpt6k5619759j.pdf'
# Async call: save(either, filename) is a callback method.
Resource(my_ark).content(startview=1, nviews=10, mode='pdf').map(lambda x: save(x, filename))

Example of use #2 Retrieve the first issue of the periodical journal Le Journal de Toto for the year 1937, then save this document as a PDF file.

def retrieve_first_issue(issues):
  if issues.is_left:
    return issues
  arkname = issues.value['issues']['issue'][0]['@ark']
  issue_ark = Ark(naan='12148', name=arkname)
  issue = Resource(issue_ark)
  return issue.content_sync(mode='pdf')  # Sync call, get an Either

# Fetch the resource metadata with the service Issues and get the ARK id of the first issue in 1937
my_ark = ''
filename = 'cb32798952c.pdf'
issues = Resource(my_ark).issues(year=1937)  # Async call x: save(x, filename))

Getting started


python install --user

Gallipy requires Python 3.5 or higher. If you want to use it with Python 2.7.x, do not hesitate to contribute to this project.


Document and IIIF are available from instance methods. The constructor of Resource accepts Ark objects (see section "Parsing ARKs") or any valid ARK string of the form [scheme://naming_authority/]ark:/name_assigning_authority_number/name[/qualifier].

Which means you can do things like:

from gallipy import Resource, Ark

# Full ARK string
my_resource = Resource('')

my_other_resource = Resource('ark:/12148/btv1b6930733g/f1n200')

# Parse an ARK, build a Resource if the ARK is valid, otherwise return an Exception
ark = Ark.parse('')
my_third_resource =
if my_third_resource.is_left:
  # Something went wrong
  # Ready to query!

Synchronous, asynchronous calls and monades

Sync/async calls

Gallipy allows for synchronous or asynchronous queries:

# Asynchronous call
my_resource.issues(year=1937)  # Returns Future[Either[Exception Dict]]

# Synchronous call
my_resource.issues_sync(year=1937)  # Returns Either[Exception Dict]

Monadic objects

All methods available from Resource return Either monadic objects for synchronous methods and Future objects for asynchronous ones. I won't go into details about monades here because, honestly, I don't know much. Again, read this for more details & explanations.

Either monade

The Either monade is a very elegant way to deal with Exceptions. Either objects can be of two types: Right[x] if x is 'valid'(whatever it means) and Left[x] otherwise. In Gallipy Left is only used to handle exceptions.

Here is an example with the Gallica service Pagination:

r = Resource('ark:/12148/bpt6k5738219s')

# Resource -> Either[Exception Dict]
either = r.pagination_sync()

# ( Dict -> None ) -> (Either[Exception Dict] -> Either[Exception None] )
  raise either.value

Notice how this allows to deal with exceptions where you want, when you want : your program is safe as long as you don't unwrap the Either object.


Futures are kinda similar to Javascript Promises. They let you execute a function asynchronously in a light, elegant way. In Gallipy, all synchronous functions return some x: Future[Either[...]]:

r = Resource('ark:/12148/bpt6kzzzzz5738219s')

def callback(either):
  # Unwrap either and print x: X its content if either: Right[X]
  # Otherwise either holds an exception, so we raise it.
    raise e.value

Document API

See the official documentation for more details. To get more information on a method, use help(gallipy.some_method) or you can read the sources as their contains docstrings for most API methods. All methods are instance methods of the class Resource.


Retrieves metadata about a periodical journal. The optional parameter year will return metadata about all the issues that are available for a specific year.

def issues(self, year=''):  # Async
def issues_sync(self, year=''):  # Sync


Retrieve the OAI record of a given document.

def oairecord(self):  # Async
def oairecord_sync(self):  # Sync


Gets paging information about a document.

def pagination(self):  # Async
def pagination_sync(self):  # Sync

Image Preview

Retrieves the preview image of a view in a resource.

def image_preview(self, resolution='thumbnail', view=1):
def image_preview_sync(self, resolution='thumbnail', view=1):

Table of content

Get the ToC of a document, in HTML.

def toc(self):
def toc_sync(self):

Full-text search

Executes search queries on the text of a document.

def fulltext_search(self, query='', view=1, results_per_set=10): 
def fulltext_search_sync(self, query, view=1, results_per_set=10):

Content retrieval

Retrieves the content of a document. This is how you get the full PDFs of any document.

Optional parameter mode can be 'pdf' or 'texteBrut' ('texteImage' is not supported). Default is 'pdf.'

def content(self, startview=None, nviews=None, mode='pdf'):
def content_sync(self, startview=None, nviews=None, mode='pdf'):

OCR data

Retrieves the OCR data from a OCRized document.

def ocr_data(self, view):
def ocr_data_sync(self, view):


Document and image metadata

Retrieves metadata from an image or a whole document in JSON.

def iiif_info(self, view=''):
def iiif_info_sync(self, view=1):

Image retrieval

Retrieve an image using the IIIF API.

Parameters are detailed in region is a 4-elements object of any iterable type.

def iiif_data(self, view='', region=None, size='full', rotation=0, quality='native', imformat='png'):
    def iiif_data_sync(self, view=1, region=None, size='full', rotation=0, quality='native', imformat='png'):

Parsing ARKs

Gallipy provides a parser for ARK urls and ARK ids. The parser uses rfc for the optional non-id part of an ARK and Lark for the actual ARK id.

Buitl-in methods __repr__ and __str__ come in handy to handle ARK in a smooth way :

ark = Ark.parse('') # Parse the ark
# > x : print(repr(x)))
# > {'scheme': 'https', 'authority': '', 'naan': '12148', 'name': 'cb32798952c', 'qualifier': 'date'} x : print(x.arkid))
# > ark:/12148/cb32798952c/date x : print(repr(x.arkid)))
# > {'scheme': 'ark', 'authority': None, 'naan': '12148', 'name': 'cb32798952c', 'qualifier': 'date'}


  • Implement the Search API.
  • Provide an better representation of API response than a simple OrderedDict.