- Cruz, Mia Bernice
- Genuino, Jose Mari Victorio
This is a course requirement for Laboratory Computer Architecture
Write the kernel in (1) C program and (2) an x86-64 assembly language. The kernel is to perform a dot product between vector A and vector B and place the result in sdot.
Required to use functional scalar SIMD registers
Required to use functional scalar SIMD floating-point instructions
Scalar variable n (integer) contains the length of the vector; Vectors A and B are both single-precision float. Scalar sdot is a single-precision float.
1. C Dot Product Function:
- For N = 2^20:
- Average Execution Time: 0.0171467 seconds
- For N = 2^24:
- Average Execution Time: 0.271800 seconds
2. x86_64 Dot Product Function:
- For N = 2^20:
- Average Execution Time: 0.002900 seconds
- For N = 2^24:
- Average Execution Time: 0.053733 seconds
Analysis The x86_64 implementation outperforms the C implementation for both tests.
- For N = 2^20, x86_64 is approximately 6.02 times faster than C
- For N = 2^24, x86_64 is approximately 5.06 times faster than C
This shows that the x86_64 implementation is a better choice since it is optimized and more efficient than the C implementation.