Releases: GemeenteNijmegen/yivi-issue-app
Releases · GemeenteNijmegen/yivi-issue-app
1.5.0 (2023-04-07)
- count issue attempts and log errors (260f05e)
- loa to string and increment issue attempt count (9c0b428)
- remove callback lambda and callback (cf35856)
- tests, ticken, dashboard, separate log groups (910f912)
- update statistics dashboard (205ccf4)
- use issue lambda and separate log group for statistics (bccfc86)
Bug Fixes
- auth lambda did not initialize logsClient (ea4accf)
- cannot create ssm parameters (8fc6546)
- Digid -> DigiD (7d4bec3)
- first update sessino then log event (a3c888f)
- imported wrong log group (366ba03)
- login: move login button to center of page (2698eaa)
- remove custom metrics (c314bd8)
- store issueAttempt count as string (7fe7a61)
1.3.0 (2023-04-03)
- add new CNAME record for validation (fdf7d98)
- move CNAME records to DNS stack instead of cert stack (062c3ce)
Bug Fixes
- added test for mapping BRP to Yivi method (2685b48)
- cleanup WAF rule in comments (198ec72)
- digidLevel should be a string (1ca1ba0)
- disable debugging yivi frontend packages by default (9ddef41)
- do not use demo scheme in production (e2c85d2)
- error in documentation (5a665be)
- explicity logout user after successful callback (e569b2c)
- extract and document addCnameRecords function (0d57876)
- loa error flag -> loa_error flag (096f25b)
- log response body on YiviApi error (0f8bde7)
- missing test initializer documentation (a0f423d)
- OIDC scoping digid instead of url (ab67469)
- removed redundant check on issues session (5730f18)
- removed unused render parameters (1ef864f)
- schemename prefix irma->pbdf (e4beaf2)
- test snapshot parameters (53d21d7)
- unused parameter recipients (45acd5c)
- unused parameter slack webhook (df23f22)
- update function docs (70e63e2)
1.2.0 (2023-03-30)
- add yivi server response to frontend (f7cef0f)
- added additional tests (4cb79a5)
- Added primary, digid, and regular styles (3750b1e)
- added production configuration (0be10ff)
- added refresh button (6cfd350)
- certificate validation with alternative names (f15a8ed)
- Change title (ab5a766)
- dynamically load ssm parameters (and eslint) (7a3fac0)
- enable paring support (40d3750)
- enforce digid level of assurance in oidc scope (f6ef532)
- handle deceased response from BRP api (a039853)
- html into new frontend (931a3f7)
- include DigiD LOA in Yivi attribute (82a3068)
- increase max statistics collection to 1.5 years (713f19d)
- min loa implemented (10aeaa2)
- more testing (69d2caa)
- New frontend (30f6dca)
- nice buttons (88dba22)
- nice buttons (b5ca010)
- nicer error messages in frontend (1938d1c)
- OIDC utility uses getParameter and fixed tests (5634216)
- redeploy cloudfront stack (4fef2d2)
- Remove unneccessary pseudo-element and span (410f7e8)
- removed lambda powetools logger from auth lambda (1ffdc14)
- security.txt (f4777fd)
- set bot control to count to allow meta data indexing and search engines (1a090c4)
- setup (b9b9633)
- Styling improvements (df95670)
- Transition background (33d6f71)
- undeploy cloudfront stack (8a67c48)
- use getParameter in YiviApi (b2e1273)
- use getParameter to obtain ssm parameters in issue lambda (3cb3335)
- use powertools for additional logging (08d9c48)
- use yivi session response in frontend (afe296b)
- webpage meta data (ec796c2)
- YIVI -> Yivi (32ede5e)
Bug Fixes
- added additinoal LOA tests (98e14fd)
- added additinoal LOA tests (ee77009)
- added background size back to css (33c976c)
- additional meta data text (f50dbf7)
- button spacing (c8caaf7)
- clean up old session pointer variables (756c576)
- debug log session data (144d269)
- depricated function, statment order (817a86f)
- digidlevel should be string not number (275a2c8)
- do not try to show qr if no session is provided (536d65f)
- failing test (faf54ef)
- failure in qr code (961164d)
- flip condition to make demo default (236b267)
- front-end styling (6ef6d88)
- granded read rights to wrong lambda (b6ab72e)
- improve language (ea80a83)
- improved and checked logging statements (2d7b3cc)
- keep using irma-auhtorization header (2a9ea34)
- log error instead of log (900eae4)
- logging and docs (1aa4d50)
- make YiviApi class region independent (b5d416b)
- missing hidden css class (6facd4e)
- nederland -> Nederland (5af9663)
- open graph metadata (f9aa5d3)
- primary button not working (52819fe)
- primary button not working (a29b3b0)
- remove logging of session data (5563ae1)
- remove snapshot from git index (d39cc45)
- rename env variables to *_SSM (0197aa9)
- update session on callback only when success (2b3f24d)
- use existing irma schema (488b32f)
- use lare logo by default (70dee35)
- wrong base64 decode and options endpoint ([2b4c3be](
1.1.0 (2023-01-19)
- add success lambda to gateway (c02624a)
- add technisch ontwerp (e48cd5f)
- also log issue event for now (f338ef2)
- better error handling and skip response request (fe1992b)
- better error handling irma api client (4ebbdba)
- clean front-end disable DNSSEC on accp (95bea6b)
- clear old app (f0307ad)
- cloudfront logs to bucket (9a88d2b)
- cloudwatch dashboard (396b48e)
- convert lambdas to typescript (48b09fd)
- convert to irma-issue-app (17ffb66)
- dashboard with two widgets (2e8f149)
- deversify subject with gemeente and secret (342d691)
- disable issuing after callback (87d528e)
- do not add alternative domain names without using a certificate (9da9568)
- do not always update RemoteParameters (f7d76b5)
- do not set DS record for development (19ff7af)
- duplicate issued widget (b8d7ca5)
- duplicate mijn-nijmegen (c43ed92)
- enable waf with cf update issue.js (ddbd60f)
- extract styling to css file (5af4da3)
- extract styling to css file (050d6ef)
- first attempt at complete irma sessions (2cdaad4)
- first html old new frontend (7b84fad)
- fixed templates in test and bundle (2e4c00b)
- full cloudfront stack (01c4702)
- import hosted zone for certificate validation (d099dd1)
- include new yivi.js and yivi.css (build from yivi-frontend packages) (11425cc)
- test and playwright test (31b19f3)
- introduced statistics table (ff58141)
- irma -> yivi (69c2643)
- irma client (6161e87)
- little less nijmegen more irma style (0a622f3)
- log issue events to statics table (d79b12d)
- log issue information (22c6c09)
- maked issue page work with csp (ce14275)
- minor front-end changes (5e5d469)
- move dnssec record cr to NPM package (aea2ff9)
- only log issue event once (1a3c32e)
- query dynamodb for statistics in report (bdf6533)
- remove statistics lambda and dynamodb table (6dff279)
- removed monitoring lambda, made domain configurable, fixed baseurl (62a5a82)
- removed result endpoint (2d5f542)
- removed session token from issue page (6e0139d)
- rename success to callback (8e0d69a)
- restructure project (9dde780)
- set cert cname record manually, updated DS record value, fix playwright (30ff057)
- set DS record using custom resource (f4071b7)
- setup irma issue flow (e9b9464)
- start irma connectivity (213bc8e)
- start report lambda (8eb5db0)
- success lambda (605cfe8)
- switch to nijmegen projen project type (fd2726f)
- testing irma api client (4a63d81)
- tests and logout page (1561f0d)
- update apigateway to v2 (96a5faf)
- update projen version and include EUPL 1.2 license (0cad20c)
- upgrade dependencie and use new projen feature (df75bda)
- upgrade dependencies and packages (4d6204c)
- upgrade workflow on acceptance (f8a4e8f)
- use apigateway-http package (e071df6)
- use callback function and include error message (989324a)
- use configuration interface for account and branch independence (76db315)
- use span data element instead of input to not mess with possible forms on page (8c7f12d)
Bug Fixes
- add favicon (ed04bb3)
- add playwright test to codepipeline (e7e1219)
- added additional logging for debugging ([9c23330](