Items to implement
- Push image template - need way to push template that is local to Digital Ocean. This means we need access to a spaces(S3-type bucket), and this is not in the python module. this might be added to disk-image-scripts, being that if called from a disk-image-scripts template, we could use metadata to create template images on digital ocean. This information is lost once processed into an image.
- Mechanism/API for returning data to the command line(STDOUT/STDERR) from droplet when done
- More intellegent spawn/destroy logic, more complex rules.
- Such as timer, instance lives for N Seconds/Minuetes
- Instance stops certain date-time
- Instance runs until X job is complete, does Y task to send data back to user and then terminates the instance
- use grouping of machines by name in list machines. perhaps an option for only listing the base names, or first machine in a series, and then count of total machines.
- use multiple reigons for spawning new machines
- cloud-init phone-home examples for passing notifications on donnage?
- Ability to modify application/name space running without stop, i.e. delete/ respawn specific hosts/rage, grow or shrink the same series. - This requires harbor-wave to be stateful, and it is currently stateless tho.
- Setup python packaging?