diff --git a/csharp.test/TestRowOrientedParquetFile.cs b/csharp.test/TestRowOrientedParquetFile.cs
index f697c8ba..fbbccc90 100644
--- a/csharp.test/TestRowOrientedParquetFile.cs
+++ b/csharp.test/TestRowOrientedParquetFile.cs
@@ -157,6 +157,110 @@ public static void TestWriterPropertiesArgument()
Assert.AreEqual("This unit test", writer.WriterProperties.CreatedBy);
+ ///
+ /// Test specifying columns using Column instances rather than just column names.
+ ///
+ [Test]
+ public static void TestColumnsSpecifiedForTuple()
+ {
+ var columns = new Column[]
+ {
+ new Column("a"),
+ new Column("b", LogicalType.Timestamp(isAdjustedToUtc: false, TimeUnit.Micros)),
+ // Include a decimal column to check we handle not having a ParquetDecimalScale attribute
+ new Column("c", LogicalType.Decimal(precision: 29, scale: 4)),
+ };
+ var rows = new[]
+ {
+ (42, new DateTime(2022, 6, 14, 9, 58, 0), decimal.One),
+ (24, new DateTime(2022, 6, 14, 9, 58, 1), decimal.One / 2),
+ };
+ using var buffer = new ResizableBuffer();
+ using (var outputStream = new BufferOutputStream(buffer))
+ {
+ using var writer = ParquetFile.CreateRowWriter<(int, DateTime, decimal)>(outputStream, columns);
+ writer.WriteRows(rows);
+ writer.Close();
+ }
+ using var inputStream = new BufferReader(buffer);
+ using var reader = ParquetFile.CreateRowReader<(int, DateTime, decimal)>(inputStream);
+ var rowsRead = reader.ReadRows(0);
+ Assert.That(rowsRead, Is.EqualTo(rows));
+ Assert.That(reader.FileMetaData.Schema.Column(1).LogicalType, Is.EqualTo(
+ LogicalType.Timestamp(isAdjustedToUtc: false, TimeUnit.Micros)));
+ Assert.That(reader.FileMetaData.Schema.Column(2).LogicalType, Is.EqualTo(
+ LogicalType.Decimal(precision: 29, scale: 4)));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public static void TestColumnsSpecifiedForStruct()
+ {
+ var columns = new Column[]
+ {
+ new Column("a"),
+ new Column("b"),
+ new Column("c", LogicalType.Timestamp(isAdjustedToUtc: false, TimeUnit.Micros)),
+ // Note: Scale here takes precedence over the scale from the ParquetDecimalScale attribute
+ new Column("d", LogicalType.Decimal(precision: 29, scale: 4)),
+ };
+ var rows = new[]
+ {
+ new Row1 {A = 1, B = 1.5f, C = new DateTime(2022, 6, 14, 10, 7, 1), D = decimal.One / 2},
+ new Row1 {A = 2, B = 2.5f, C = new DateTime(2022, 6, 14, 10, 7, 2), D = decimal.One / 4},
+ };
+ using var buffer = new ResizableBuffer();
+ using (var outputStream = new BufferOutputStream(buffer))
+ {
+ using var writer = ParquetFile.CreateRowWriter(outputStream, columns);
+ writer.WriteRows(rows);
+ writer.Close();
+ }
+ using var inputStream = new BufferReader(buffer);
+ using var reader = ParquetFile.CreateRowReader(inputStream);
+ var rowsRead = reader.ReadRows(0);
+ Assert.That(rowsRead, Is.EqualTo(rows));
+ Assert.That(reader.FileMetaData.Schema.Column(2).LogicalType, Is.EqualTo(
+ LogicalType.Timestamp(isAdjustedToUtc: false, TimeUnit.Micros)));
+ Assert.That(reader.FileMetaData.Schema.Column(3).LogicalType, Is.EqualTo(
+ LogicalType.Decimal(precision: 29, scale: 4)));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public static void TestColumnLengthMismatch()
+ {
+ var columns = new Column[]
+ {
+ new Column("a"),
+ new Column("b", LogicalType.Timestamp(isAdjustedToUtc: false, TimeUnit.Micros)),
+ };
+ using var buffer = new ResizableBuffer();
+ using var outputStream = new BufferOutputStream(buffer);
+ var exception = Assert.Throws(() =>
+ ParquetFile.CreateRowWriter<(int, DateTime, decimal)>(outputStream, columns));
+ Assert.That(exception!.Message, Does.Contain(
+ "The number of columns specified (2) does not mach the number of public fields and properties (3)"));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public static void TestColumnTypeMismatch()
+ {
+ var columns = new Column[]
+ {
+ new Column("a"),
+ new Column("b", LogicalType.Timestamp(isAdjustedToUtc: false, TimeUnit.Micros)),
+ };
+ using var buffer = new ResizableBuffer();
+ using var outputStream = new BufferOutputStream(buffer);
+ var exception = Assert.Throws(() =>
+ ParquetFile.CreateRowWriter<(int?, DateTime)>(outputStream, columns));
+ Assert.That(exception!.Message, Does.Contain(
+ "Expected a system type of 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]' for column 0 (a) but received 'System.Int32'"));
+ }
private static void TestRoundtrip(TTuple[] rows)
RoundTripAndCompare(rows, rows, columnNames: null);
diff --git a/csharp/RowOriented/MappedField.cs b/csharp/RowOriented/MappedField.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d095c244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csharp/RowOriented/MappedField.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+using System;
+using System.Reflection;
+namespace ParquetSharp.RowOriented
+ ///
+ /// Represents a field or property of a type that is to be mapped to a Parquet column
+ ///
+ internal struct MappedField
+ {
+ public readonly string Name;
+ public readonly string? MappedColumn;
+ public readonly Type Type;
+ public readonly MemberInfo Info;
+ public MappedField(string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)
+ {
+ Name = name;
+ MappedColumn = mappedColumn;
+ Type = type;
+ Info = info;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/csharp/RowOriented/ParquetFile.cs b/csharp/RowOriented/ParquetFile.cs
index b68431ed..9e06dd96 100644
--- a/csharp/RowOriented/ParquetFile.cs
+++ b/csharp/RowOriented/ParquetFile.cs
@@ -97,19 +97,78 @@ public static ParquetRowWriter CreateRowWriter(
return new ParquetRowWriter(outputStream, columns, writerProperties, keyValueMetadata, writeDelegate);
- private static ParquetRowReader.ReadAction GetOrCreateReadDelegate((string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[] fields)
+ ///
+ /// Create a row-oriented writer to a file path using the specified column definitions.
+ /// Note that any MapToColumn or ParquetDecimalScale attributes will be overridden by the column definitions.
+ ///
+ public static ParquetRowWriter CreateRowWriter(
+ string path,
+ Column[] columns,
+ Compression compression = Compression.Snappy,
+ IReadOnlyDictionary? keyValueMetadata = null)
+ {
+ var (columnsToUse, writeDelegate) = GetOrCreateWriteDelegate(columns);
+ return new ParquetRowWriter(path, columnsToUse, compression, keyValueMetadata, writeDelegate);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Create a row-oriented writer to a file path using the specified writerProperties and column definitions.
+ /// Note that any MapToColumn or ParquetDecimalScale attributes will be overridden by the column definitions.
+ ///
+ public static ParquetRowWriter CreateRowWriter(
+ string path,
+ WriterProperties writerProperties,
+ Column[] columns,
+ IReadOnlyDictionary? keyValueMetadata = null)
+ {
+ var (columnsToUse, writeDelegate) = GetOrCreateWriteDelegate(columns);
+ return new ParquetRowWriter(path, columnsToUse, writerProperties, keyValueMetadata, writeDelegate);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Create a row-oriented writer to an output stream using the specified column definitions.
+ /// Note that any MapToColumn or ParquetDecimalScale attributes will be overridden by the column definitions.
+ ///
+ public static ParquetRowWriter CreateRowWriter(
+ OutputStream outputStream,
+ Column[] columns,
+ Compression compression = Compression.Snappy,
+ IReadOnlyDictionary? keyValueMetadata = null)
+ {
+ var (columnsToUse, writeDelegate) = GetOrCreateWriteDelegate(columns);
+ return new ParquetRowWriter(outputStream, columnsToUse, compression, keyValueMetadata, writeDelegate);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Create a row-oriented writer to an output stream using the specified writerProperties and column definitions.
+ /// Note that any MapToColumn or ParquetDecimalScale attributes will be overridden by the column definitions.
+ ///
+ public static ParquetRowWriter CreateRowWriter(
+ OutputStream outputStream,
+ WriterProperties writerProperties,
+ Column[] columns,
+ IReadOnlyDictionary? keyValueMetadata = null)
+ {
+ var (columnsToUse, writeDelegate) = GetOrCreateWriteDelegate(columns);
+ return new ParquetRowWriter(outputStream, columnsToUse, writerProperties, keyValueMetadata, writeDelegate);
+ }
+ private static ParquetRowReader.ReadAction GetOrCreateReadDelegate(MappedField[] fields)
return (ParquetRowReader.ReadAction) ReadDelegatesCache.GetOrAdd(typeof(TTuple), k => CreateReadDelegate(fields));
private static (Column[] columns, ParquetRowWriter.WriteAction writeDelegate) GetOrCreateWriteDelegate(string[]? columnNames)
- var (columns, writeDelegate) = WriteDelegates.GetOrAdd(typeof(TTuple), k => CreateWriteDelegate());
+ var (fields, writeDelegate) = WriteDelegates.GetOrAdd(typeof(TTuple), k => CreateWriteDelegate());
+ var columns = fields.Select(GetColumn).ToArray();
if (columnNames != null)
if (columnNames.Length != columns.Length)
- throw new ArgumentException("the length of column names does not mach the number of public fields and properties", nameof(columnNames));
+ throw new ArgumentException(
+ $"The length of column names ({columnNames.Length}) does not mach the number of " +
+ $"public fields and properties ({columns.Length})", nameof(columnNames));
columns = columns.Select((c, i) => new Column(c.LogicalSystemType, columnNames[i], c.LogicalTypeOverride, c.Length)).ToArray();
@@ -118,10 +177,31 @@ private static (Column[] columns, ParquetRowWriter.WriteAction writeDele
return (columns, (ParquetRowWriter.WriteAction) writeDelegate);
+ private static (Column[] columns, ParquetRowWriter.WriteAction writeDelegate) GetOrCreateWriteDelegate(Column[] columns)
+ {
+ var (fields, writeDelegate) = WriteDelegates.GetOrAdd(typeof(TTuple), k => CreateWriteDelegate());
+ if (columns.Length != fields.Length)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentException(
+ $"The number of columns specified ({columns.Length}) does not mach the number of public " +
+ $"fields and properties ({fields.Length})", nameof(columns));
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < columns.Length; ++i)
+ {
+ if (columns[i].LogicalSystemType != fields[i].Type)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentException(
+ $"Expected a system type of '{fields[i].Type}' for column {i} ({columns[i].Name}) " +
+ $"but received '{columns[i].LogicalSystemType}'", nameof(columns));
+ }
+ }
+ return (columns, (ParquetRowWriter.WriteAction) writeDelegate);
+ }
/// Returns a delegate to read rows from individual Parquet columns.
- private static ParquetRowReader.ReadAction CreateReadDelegate((string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[] fields)
+ private static ParquetRowReader.ReadAction CreateReadDelegate(MappedField[] fields)
// Parameters
var reader = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ParquetRowReader), "reader");
@@ -129,14 +209,14 @@ private static ParquetRowReader.ReadAction CreateReadDelegate((s
var length = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "length");
// Use constructor or the property setters.
- var ctor = typeof(TTuple).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, fields.Select(f => f.type).ToArray(), null);
+ var ctor = typeof(TTuple).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, fields.Select(f => f.Type).ToArray(), null);
// Buffers.
- var buffers = fields.Select(f => Expression.Variable(f.type.MakeArrayType(), $"buffer_{f.name}")).ToArray();
- var bufferAssigns = fields.Select((f, i) => (Expression) Expression.Assign(buffers[i], Expression.NewArrayBounds(f.type, length))).ToArray();
+ var buffers = fields.Select(f => Expression.Variable(f.Type.MakeArrayType(), $"buffer_{f.Name}")).ToArray();
+ var bufferAssigns = fields.Select((f, i) => (Expression) Expression.Assign(buffers[i], Expression.NewArrayBounds(f.Type, length))).ToArray();
// Read the columns from Parquet and populate the buffers.
- var reads = buffers.Select((buffer, i) => Expression.Call(reader, GetReadMethod(fields[i].type), Expression.Constant(i), buffer, length)).ToArray();
+ var reads = buffers.Select((buffer, i) => Expression.Call(reader, GetReadMethod(fields[i].Type), Expression.Constant(i), buffer, length)).ToArray();
// Loop over the tuples, constructing them from the column buffers.
var index = Expression.Variable(typeof(int), "index");
@@ -144,7 +224,7 @@ private static ParquetRowReader.ReadAction CreateReadDelegate((s
Expression.ArrayAccess(tuples, index),
ctor == null
- ? Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(typeof(TTuple)), fields.Select((f, i) => Expression.Bind(f.info, Expression.ArrayAccess(buffers[i], index))))
+ ? Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(typeof(TTuple)), fields.Select((f, i) => Expression.Bind(f.Info, Expression.ArrayAccess(buffers[i], index))))
: (Expression) Expression.New(ctor, fields.Select((f, i) => (Expression) Expression.ArrayAccess(buffers[i], index)))
@@ -156,12 +236,11 @@ private static ParquetRowReader.ReadAction CreateReadDelegate((s
- /// Return a delegate to write rows to individual Parquet columns, as well the column types and names.
+ /// Return a delegate to write rows to individual Parquet columns, as well the fields to be mapped to columns.
- private static (Column[] columns, ParquetRowWriter.WriteAction writeDelegate) CreateWriteDelegate()
+ private static (MappedField[] fields, ParquetRowWriter.WriteAction writeDelegate) CreateWriteDelegate()
var fields = GetFieldsAndProperties(typeof(TTuple));
- var columns = fields.Select(GetColumn).ToArray();
// Parameters
var writer = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ParquetRowWriter), "writer");
@@ -171,9 +250,9 @@ private static (Column[] columns, ParquetRowWriter.WriteAction writeDele
var columnBodies = fields.Select(f =>
// Column buffer
- var bufferType = f.type.MakeArrayType();
- var buffer = Expression.Variable(bufferType, $"buffer_{f.name}");
- var bufferAssign = Expression.Assign(buffer, Expression.NewArrayBounds(f.type, length));
+ var bufferType = f.Type.MakeArrayType();
+ var buffer = Expression.Variable(bufferType, $"buffer_{f.Name}");
+ var bufferAssign = Expression.Assign(buffer, Expression.NewArrayBounds(f.Type, length));
var bufferReset = Expression.Assign(buffer, Expression.Constant(null, bufferType));
// Loop over the tuples and fill the current column buffer.
@@ -181,7 +260,7 @@ private static (Column[] columns, ParquetRowWriter.WriteAction writeDele
var loop = For(index, Expression.Constant(0), Expression.NotEqual(index, length), Expression.PreIncrementAssign(index),
Expression.ArrayAccess(buffer, index),
- Expression.PropertyOrField(Expression.ArrayAccess(tuples, index), f.name)
+ Expression.PropertyOrField(Expression.ArrayAccess(tuples, index), f.Name)
@@ -199,7 +278,7 @@ private static (Column[] columns, ParquetRowWriter.WriteAction writeDele
var body = Expression.Block(columnBodies);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda.WriteAction>(body, writer, tuples, length);
- return (columns, lambda.Compile());
+ return (fields, lambda.Compile());
private static MethodInfo GetReadMethod(Type type)
@@ -245,9 +324,9 @@ private static Expression For(
- private static (string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[] GetFieldsAndProperties(Type type)
+ private static MappedField[] GetFieldsAndProperties(Type type)
- var list = new List<(string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)>();
+ var list = new List();
var flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ValueTuple<,,,,,,,>))
@@ -258,13 +337,13 @@ private static (string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[]
foreach (var field in type.GetFields(flags))
var mappedColumn = field.GetCustomAttribute()?.ColumnName;
- list.Add((field.Name, mappedColumn, field.FieldType, field));
+ list.Add(new MappedField(field.Name, mappedColumn, field.FieldType, field));
foreach (var property in type.GetProperties(flags))
var mappedColumn = property.GetCustomAttribute()?.ColumnName;
- list.Add((property.Name, mappedColumn, property.PropertyType, property));
+ list.Add(new MappedField(property.Name, mappedColumn, property.PropertyType, property));
// The order in which fields are processed is important given that when a tuple type is used in
@@ -283,33 +362,33 @@ private static (string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[]
// Note that most of the time GetFields() and GetProperties() _do_ return in declaration order and the times when they don't
// are determined at runtime and not by the type. As a resut it is pretty much impossible to cover this with a unit test. Hence this
// rather long comment aimed at avoiding accidental removal!
- return list.OrderBy(x => x.info.MetadataToken).ToArray();
+ return list.OrderBy(x => x.Info.MetadataToken).ToArray();
- private static Column GetColumn((string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info) field)
+ private static Column GetColumn(MappedField field)
- var isDecimal = field.type == typeof(decimal) || field.type == typeof(decimal?);
- var decimalScale = field.info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParquetDecimalScaleAttribute))
+ var isDecimal = field.Type == typeof(decimal) || field.Type == typeof(decimal?);
+ var decimalScale = field.Info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParquetDecimalScaleAttribute))
if (!isDecimal && decimalScale != null)
- throw new ArgumentException($"field '{field.name}' has a {nameof(ParquetDecimalScaleAttribute)} despite not being a decimal type");
+ throw new ArgumentException($"field '{field.Name}' has a {nameof(ParquetDecimalScaleAttribute)} despite not being a decimal type");
if (isDecimal && decimalScale == null)
- throw new ArgumentException($"field '{field.name}' has no {nameof(ParquetDecimalScaleAttribute)} despite being a decimal type");
+ throw new ArgumentException($"field '{field.Name}' has no {nameof(ParquetDecimalScaleAttribute)} despite being a decimal type");
- return new Column(field.type, field.mappedColumn ?? field.name, isDecimal ? LogicalType.Decimal(29, decimalScale!.Scale) : null);
+ return new Column(field.Type, field.MappedColumn ?? field.Name, isDecimal ? LogicalType.Decimal(29, decimalScale!.Scale) : null);
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary ReadDelegatesCache =
new ConcurrentDictionary();
- private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary WriteDelegates =
- new ConcurrentDictionary();
+ private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary WriteDelegates =
+ new ConcurrentDictionary();
diff --git a/csharp/RowOriented/ParquetRowReader.cs b/csharp/RowOriented/ParquetRowReader.cs
index cab4616a..f0b5cdfd 100644
--- a/csharp/RowOriented/ParquetRowReader.cs
+++ b/csharp/RowOriented/ParquetRowReader.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;
using ParquetSharp.IO;
@@ -14,31 +13,31 @@ public sealed class ParquetRowReader : IDisposable
internal delegate void ReadAction(ParquetRowReader parquetRowReader, TTuple[] rows, int length);
- internal ParquetRowReader(string path, ReadAction readAction, (string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[] fields)
+ internal ParquetRowReader(string path, ReadAction readAction, MappedField[] fields)
: this(new ParquetFileReader(path), readAction, fields)
- internal ParquetRowReader(string path, ReaderProperties readerProperties, ReadAction readAction, (string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[] fields)
+ internal ParquetRowReader(string path, ReaderProperties readerProperties, ReadAction readAction, MappedField[] fields)
: this(new ParquetFileReader(path, readerProperties), readAction, fields)
- internal ParquetRowReader(RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile, ReadAction readAction, (string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[] fields)
+ internal ParquetRowReader(RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile, ReadAction readAction, MappedField[] fields)
: this(new ParquetFileReader(randomAccessFile), readAction, fields)
- internal ParquetRowReader(RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile, ReaderProperties readerProperties, ReadAction readAction, (string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[] fields)
+ internal ParquetRowReader(RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile, ReaderProperties readerProperties, ReadAction readAction, MappedField[] fields)
: this(new ParquetFileReader(randomAccessFile, readerProperties), readAction, fields)
- internal ParquetRowReader(ParquetFileReader parquetFileReader, ReadAction readAction, (string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[] fields)
+ internal ParquetRowReader(ParquetFileReader parquetFileReader, ReadAction readAction, MappedField[] fields)
_parquetFileReader = parquetFileReader;
_readAction = readAction;
- _columnMapping = HasExplicitColumndMapping(fields) ? new ExplicitColumnMapping(this, fields) : null;
+ _columnMapping = HasExplicitColumnMapping(fields) ? new ExplicitColumnMapping(this, fields) : null;
public void Dispose()
@@ -72,10 +71,10 @@ internal void ReadColumn(int column, TValue[] values, int length)
- private static bool HasExplicitColumndMapping((string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[] fields)
+ private static bool HasExplicitColumnMapping(MappedField[] fields)
- var noneMapped = Array.TrueForAll(fields, f => f.mappedColumn == null);
- var allMapped = Array.TrueForAll(fields, f => f.mappedColumn != null);
+ var noneMapped = Array.TrueForAll(fields, f => f.MappedColumn == null);
+ var allMapped = Array.TrueForAll(fields, f => f.MappedColumn != null);
if (!allMapped && !noneMapped)
@@ -90,9 +89,9 @@ private static bool HasExplicitColumndMapping((string name, string? mappedColumn
private sealed class ExplicitColumnMapping
- public ExplicitColumnMapping(ParquetRowReader parquetRowReader, (string name, string? mappedColumn, Type type, MemberInfo info)[] fields)
+ public ExplicitColumnMapping(ParquetRowReader parquetRowReader, MappedField[] fields)
- var allUnique = fields.GroupBy(x => x.mappedColumn).All(g => g.Count() == 1);
+ var allUnique = fields.GroupBy(x => x.MappedColumn).All(g => g.Count() == 1);
if (!allUnique)
throw new ArgumentException("when using MapToColumnAttribute, each field must map to a unique column");
@@ -108,13 +107,13 @@ public ExplicitColumnMapping(ParquetRowReader parquetRowReader, (string
for (var fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fields.Length; ++fieldIndex)
- var mappedColumn = fields[fieldIndex].mappedColumn ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("mapped column name is null");
+ var mappedColumn = fields[fieldIndex].MappedColumn ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("mapped column name is null");
if (!fileColumns.TryGetValue(mappedColumn, out _))
throw new ArgumentException(
- $"{typeof(TTuple)} maps field '{fields[fieldIndex].name}' to parquet column " +
- $"'{fields[fieldIndex].mappedColumn}' but the target column does not exist in the input parquet file."
+ $"{typeof(TTuple)} maps field '{fields[fieldIndex].Name}' to parquet column " +
+ $"'{fields[fieldIndex].MappedColumn}' but the target column does not exist in the input parquet file."