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Releases: FuelRats/SwiftSqueak

February 14 Release

14 Feb 13:55
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  • Fixed an issue that would cause the !setfact command to fail to update facts.
  • Added small system name special case exception so the star system "Ki" will work in Mecha commands.
  • Reduced the cooldown of the !landmark command (Don't make me regret this, I will change it again).

February 12 Update

12 Feb 03:40
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  • Fixed a bug that would cause mecha to not understand what the platform and system is when parsing a ratsignal or !inject command.

February 9 Release

09 Feb 16:22
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  • Added !create command which allows people to create new cases using a firm argument based syntax rather than !inject in which Mecha attempts to understand a message of any format. (!inject remains unchanged and will continue to exist for people who prefer it).
  • !announce now supports a --lang <language code> argument to specify what language should be announced with the case
  • !grab and !inject will now avoid adding a quote to a rescue if the exact same message has already been added
  • !close -p will now assign the rat given to the command if they are not assigned, to make sure they are able to edit the paperwork.
  • !tz now supports saying "<time> to <timezone>" rather than just "<time> in <timezone>"
  • Help documentation will now include arguments in examples.

February 8 Release

08 Feb 03:01
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  • Mecha will now refresh information about a user whenever they receive a mode change in the channel, so newly drilled rats should no longer need to reconnect or be !flush'ed.
  • Changed the example for the !inject command to show how one uses inject to create a case
  • Fixed alerting about a system search taking long even after that search has already errored out
  • Attempted to thwart Mecha's plans for world domination

January 23 Release

23 Jan 14:36
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  • Fixed an issue where autocorrect would break perfectly valid system names when using !landmark

January 21 Release

21 Jan 20:10
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  • Fixed a bug where !last would claim there is already an odyssey case on the board if a horizons case is on the board.

January 4 Update

04 Jan 23:01
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  • Fixed DrillSqueak not showing /me actions in saved drill logs.

December 25 Update

25 Dec 13:26
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Merry Christmas, this year Santa brought you an obscure bug fix

  • Fixed an issue that would cause Mecha to 'correct' "Rhea" to "Sol"

December 22 Update

22 Dec 22:06
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  • Disabled assign checking for prior jump calls as the feature was behaving in unintended ways.

December 20 Update

20 Dec 19:02
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  • Extended the timeout before Mecha gives up on a system search to 3 minutes
  • Mecha will now give feedback to the user that search is still ongoing when system search is taking a long time.