This page attempts to provide some solution to commonly issues.
If you get this error message ./dexcalibur: bad interpreter: /usr/bin/node: no such file or directory, ensure nodeJS is installed and the path is good.
It is often caused by the interpreter path in the head of the ./dexcalibur script:
#!/usr/bin/node --max-old-space-size=4096
Ensure the path to your node program is the /usr/bin/node. If it differs, modify the first line of the ./dexcalibur file.
Tip: if you don't know the absolute path of the NodeJS interpreter, you can run dexcalibur by this way :
node --max-old-space-size=8192 ./dexcalibur <your params>
The parameter --max-old-space-size is optional but often required with large APKs.
If the error message is something like this :
Then, it can be caused by two issues :